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Knihy - Podnikanie, obchod, predaj strana 14 z 42

Lacná kniha Veřejný a podnikatelský sektor (-70%)

Každá dnešní ekonomika je ekonomikou smíšenou, prolínají se v ní prvky klasicky pojaté tržní ekonomiky a ekonomiky centrálně plánované. Jde o systém, v rámci něhož jsou tržní mechanismy doplňovány zásahy státu (vlády). Kniha docentky Tetřevové a k olektivu Veřejný a podnikatelský sektor, vydaná nakladatelstvím Professional Publishing, poskytuje širokému spektru čtenářů komplexní pohled na vzájemné interakce mezi veřejným a podnikatelským sektorem. Přehledně a zajímavou formou seznamuje čtenáře nejen s teorií, ale především s prakticky aplikovatelnými poznatky, návrhy a opatřeními v této oblasti. Postupně se čtenáři seznámí s problematikou demokracie, jejích forem a volebními procesy, se systémovými změnami v procesu transformace (privatiz ace majetku a liberalizace cen), formami podpory či regulace podnikatelského sektoru, státními zásahy při podpoře podnikání, veřejnými podporami a jejich formami. Širokému spektru podnikatelů jsou určeny kapitoly o podpoře malých a středních podniků, jsou zde charakterizovány hlavní programy podpory a uvedeny instituce, které se touto podporou u nás zabývají. Kniha přináší i doporučení jak aplikovat metody managementu podnikatelského sektoru do sektoru veřejného a jak realizovat vzájemná partner ství.
Na sklade 1Ks
3,25 € 10,83 €

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Lacná kniha Rodinné podnikání (-90%)

Na českém trhu tuto ojedinělou publikaci přivítají všichni, kdo se snaží stmelit dva rozdílné systémy – podnikání a rodinu. Zajímat jistě bude i studenty malého a středního podnikání. Autoři čtenáře provedou úskalími, jimž musí čelit rodinné podniky, upozorní na nejčastější chyby, které provázejí tuto formu podnikání. Dozvíte se potřebné informace například o: řízení a zdrojích financování rodinného podniku rodinné radě a rodinném protokolu plánování a řízení následnictví V knize naleznete: teorii nezbytnou pro založení a rozvíjení rodinného podniku příklady z praxe a případové studie nastiňující řešení konkrétních problémů při rodinném podnikání slovníček nejdůležitějších pojmů a anglických výrazů Řekli „…Úspěšné rodinné podniky přitahují, a proto kniha Rodinné podnikání docenta Korába a jeho spolupracovníků je první knihou v naší zemi, která se tematikou rodinného podnikání komplexně zabývá. Já osobně tuto knihu velmi vítám a považuji ji za nutný krok k získání respektu a úcty pro rodinné podnikání v ČR. Trvale udržitelný rodinný podnik je jako živý organismus a jen jako živý organismus se může rozvíjet, množit a prosperovat přes celé generace.“ Ing. Olga Girstlová, majitelka společnosti GITY, a. s. „Rodinný podnik vznikal a ještě teď vzniká z nadšení, z umu jednotlivce nebo více členů rodiny pracovat bez ohledu na čas – ať hlavou nebo rukama – s vědomím, že uznání a ocenění jinými je před finančním prospěchem (odměnou), který se možná po realizaci dostaví později. …Dovolte mi, abych vyzdvihl právě tu nesmírnou obětavost, vytrvalost a překonávání různých překážek v podnikání, aby firma zůstala pro podnikání další generaci. V rodině se netuneluje. Knihu Rodinné podnikání vidím jako velmi potřebnou. Přeji všem mnoho podnikatelských úspěchů a radost z jejího čtení.“ Ing. Jan Petrof, poradce
Na sklade 1Ks
1,36 € 13,58 €

dostupné aj ako:

Million Dollar Weekend

It's time to leapfrog the only hurdle between you and a million-dollar company. More people than ever want to be their own boss, but venturing forward with your own business can be hugely intimidating. Are you investing effort in ideas that have no basis in customer demand? Are you shying away from even considering starting your own business? Noah Kagan knew this feeling all too well, but has since discovered how to banish the one simple thing holding aspiring entrepreneurs back, to become a 7-figure founder. MILLION DOLLAR WEEKEND offers an into-the-deep-end process for overcoming fear and perfectionism and making the business of your dreams a reality. Step-by-step, Noah shows what it takes to oust fear and build the "ask muscle", and shares practical advice that every entrepreneur needs to master. By demystifying what it takes to start a business, turning risk into realistic action and fear into fun, this is the beginning of your journey to successful entrepreneurship. And the best part? You can kickstart this process in a weekend.
20,85 € 21,95 €

Warriors, Rebels and Saints

Do leaders make history, or does history make leaders? What should we do when the wrong people are in power? And how can we find and become better leaders today? A deep-dive into the art, science and practice of leadership around the world and across the ages by a Harvard professor and historian - essential reading for our turbulent times. Across the world, and throughout time, there have been people who have risen to the challenge of leading others. Sometimes their power is undeserved, sometimes it's ill-used, but always their actions have impact. But do leaders really make history, or does history make leaders? And how might we harness the answers to find and become better leaders today? For the past decade, Moshik Temkin has been exploring these questions at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government and at universities around the world. In this book, he offers a deep dive into the nature of leadership, from the highest ranks to the most hopeless situations. Drawing on stories from across history and culture, Temkin considers how leaders have made decisions, inspired others and forged a path in challenging circumstances - from the Great Depression to the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo, from the Suffragettes to the anticolonial wars of the 20th century to the civil rights struggle - and how, in a world desperate for good leadership, we can evaluate those decisions and draw lessons for ourselves today.
22,75 € 23,95 €

Virtual Society

The metaverse is a vision of how the next generation of the internet will operate. Many people believe it is the future. But what will that future look like? An immersive digital playground? The next generation of online gaming? Or just the latest manifestation of our human tendency to create other realities? Herman Narula argues that it is all of these things and more. His vision of the metaverse, deeply rooted in history and psychology, looks to the Egyptians, whose concept of death inspired them to build the pyramids, to modern-day sports fans whose fantasy leagues are as competitive as the real thing, and finds that humanity has always sought ways to supplement our day-to-day lives with a rich diversity of alterative immersive experiences. Virtual Society reveals why the metaverse offers a new universe of ideas that gives everyone the chance to create, explore and find meaning. It's an essential guide for anyone who wants to understand the true shape of our virtual future.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Nine-Figure Mindset : How to Go from Zero to Over $100 Million in Net Worth

In Nine-Figure Mindset, Brandon Dawson unveils how to tap into the remarkable potential hidden inside each and every one of us. Drawing from his own awe-inspiring journey, Brandon shows that success and leadership are attainable to anyone willing to cultivate the right shift in thinking. Combining personal experiences with actionable strategies, Nine-Figure Mindset serves as a guidebook to next level achievements you’ve never imagined were possible. Brandon Dawson, a very accomplished business icon, shares his wealth of wisdom, earned from his humble beginnings to achieving a record breaking exit having sold his last business for $151 million. Are you an entrepreneur with a gleam in your eye but the feeling that you’re running in mud? Do you sense that with the right team in place, you could achieve so much more? Perhaps you’re already successful with an undeniable hunger for more? The question is not whether you are striving hard enough but whether you’re striving for enough and in the right direction. Dawson’s secrets to starting, scaling, and above all leading a positive, independent business will help you cultivate exactly what’s needed to attract exceptional individuals and seize extraordinary opportunities. Discover how tiny shifts in perspective can change everything. Chances are, you already have everything you need to succeed—you just need someone who’s been there to show you the way. Nine-Figure Mindset is your opportunity to grab a front row seat for your business and gain the capabilities to where you want to go. Your dreams are not only possible, they should be your priority—and, by the way, they might not be big enough.
28,45 € 29,95 €

Poor Charlie's Almanack

"Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up," Charles T. Munger advises in Poor Charlie's Almanack. Originally published in 2005, this compendium of eleven talks delivered by the legendary Berkshire Hathaway vice-chairman between 1986 and 2007 has become a touchstone for a generation of investors and entrepreneurs seeking to absorb the enduring wit and wisdom of one of the great minds of the 20th and 21st centuries. Edited by Peter D. Kaufman, chairman and CEO of Glenair and longtime friend of Charlie Munger-whom he calls "this generation's answer to Benjamin Franklin"-this abridged Stripe Press edition of Poor Charlie's Almanack features a brand-new foreword by Stripe cofounder John Collison. Poor Charlie's Almanack draws on Munger's encyclopedic knowledge of business, finance, history, philosophy, physics, and ethics-and more besides-to introduce the latticework of mental models that underpin his rational and rigorous approach to life, learning, and decision-making. Delivered with Munger's characteristic sharp wit and rhetorical flair, it is an essential volume for any reader seeking to go to bed a little wiser than when they woke up.
34,15 € 35,95 €

Az eladás pszichológiája

Bármi, ami az emberi elmében megfogan, bármi, amiben az ember hisz, az elérhető. (Napoleon Hill) Ez a könyv minden idők legnagyobb példányszámban eladott, nemzetközi sikert aratott értékesítési oktatóanyaga. Első megjelenése óta tizenhat nyelvre fordították le és huszonnégy országban használják. A szerző több mint ötszázezer embert tanított ezzel az anyaggal világszerte, több ezer vállalatnál, gyakorlatilag minden területen. Olyan ötleteket, stratégiákat és technikákat mutat be, melyek révén azonnal növelhető a forgalom, gyorsabbá és könnyebbé tehető az értékesítés. Oldalain többet tanulhatnak majd magukról és az értékesítésről, mint azt valaha gondolták. Megtanulják, hogyan duplázhatják, triplázhatják, sőt négyszerezhetik meg a forgalmukat és a bevételeiket néhány hónapon vagy akár néhány héten belül. Az ok-okozat törvénye kimondja, hogy minden hatásnak oka van, azaz minden okkal történik. A siker nem véletlen. De a bukás és a kudarc sem. Valójában a siker előre megmondható. A siker kulcsa: "Ha azt teszik újra és újra, amit más sikeres emberek tesznek, a világon semmi sem állíthatja meg önöket abban, hogy elérjék ugyanazt, amit ők. Ha viszont nem követik őket, az égvilágon semmi sem segíthet magukon." Mindazok, akik ma az élvonalba tartoznak tanultak más szakértőktől. Felfedezték, mit csinálnak mások annak érdekében, hogy sikeresek legyenek, és maguk is ugyanezt tették, újra és újra, egészen addig, amíg elérték ugyanazokat az eredményeket. A könyvben szereplő kipróbált és bizonyított módszereket a legjobban fizetett értékesítők használják világszerte minden ágazatban. Segítségükkel Önök is gyorsan, egyre jobb eredményeket fognak elérni. Akár a felső tíz százalékba is bekerülhetnek a saját területükön, és a legjobban fizetett emberek közé tartozhatnak a világon. Önök előtt is ott a lehetőség! Éljenek vele!
14,69 € 15,46 €


A groundbreaking study of some of the world's most enduring organisations and the lessons you can draw from them to revolutionise your own Start-ups rarely survive their second birthday. Even established firms in the UK and the US average a life of only fifteen years. So how can your company build and sustain success for decades to come? Professor Alex Hill has conducted thirteen years of groundbreaking research into a clutch of organisations that have outperformed their peers for over 100 years - from NASA to the New Zealand All Blacks, from Eton College and the Royal College of Art to the Royal Marines and the Royal Shakespeare Company. And what he has found is that these very different organisations all share remarkably similar strategies when it comes to building and maintaining excellence and success - strategies that frequently fly in the face of conventional business wisdom. Here Professor Hill shares the twelve traits that have set these organisations apart for over a century, from the way they analyse success and failure to their approach to finding the best people and the brightest new ideas. In so doing, he identifies the strategies and habits that you can employ in your company to create a strong and stable core and to ensure the same long-term prosperity. In short, he shows you how to build a promising enterprise into an enduring, great organisation.
20,85 € 21,95 €

Masters of Scale

What can you learn from a Silicon Valley legend and a pantheon of iconic leaders? The key to scaling a successful business isn't talent, network or strategy. It's an entrepreneurial mindset - and that mindset can be cultivated. Behind the scenes in Silicon Valley, Reid Hoffman (founder of LinkedIn, investor at Greylock) is a sought-after advisor to heads of companies and heads of state. On his podcast Masters of Scale, he sits down with an all-star list of visionary founders and leaders, digging into the surprising strategies that power their growth. In this book, he draws on their most riveting, revealing stories - as well his own experience as a founder and investor - to distil the counterintuitive secrets behind the most extraordinary success stories of our times. Here, Hoffman teams up with Masters of Scale's executive producers to offer a rare window into the entrepreneurial mind. They share surprising, never-before-told stories from leaders of the world's most iconic companies, including Apple, Nike, Netflix, Spotify, Starbucks, Google, Instagram and Microsoft, as well as the bold, disruptive startups - from 23andMe to TaskRabbit, from the Black List to the Bevel razor - solving the problems of the twenty-first century. Through vivid storytelling and straightforward analysis, Masters of Scale distils their collective insights into a set of counterintuitive principles that anyone can use. How do you find a winning idea and turn it into a scalable venture? What can you learn from a 'squirmy no'? When should you stop listening to your customers? Which fires should you put out right away, and which should you let burn? And can you really make money while making the world a better place? (Answer: Yes. But you have to do the work to keep your profits and values aligned.) Based on more than 100 interviews, and incorporating new material never aired on the podcast, Masters of Scale offers a unique insider's guide, filled with insights, wisdom, and strategies that will inspire you to reimagine how you do business today.
15,15 € 15,95 €

The Creative Business Handbook

Offering veteran insight and friendly, actionable advice from two self-made women who manage three six-figure businesses, this practical handbook acts as a roadmap to guide anyone wanting to build a profitable venture out of their creative passion. Figuring out how to make a living from your creative work poses unique challenges and obstacles. From choosing the right business model to building a brand, from managing your time to scaling up your production—starting your own creative business often means doing it all yourself. Enter The Creative Business Handbook by Alicia Puig and Ekaterina Popova, the dynamic duo behind Create! Magazine. With its conversational tone and accessible advice, this handbook lays an essential foundation for anyone wanting to earn a living with their art—no fancy business degree required! In addition to nuts-and-bolts advice based on the authors' real-life experiences, each chapter of the book includes an interview with a creative entrepreneur from a different background and craft, and ends with action steps that will help keep you on track. Written by creative business owners for creative business owners, this is the perfect book for anyone with a vision who is ready to hit the ground running.
22,75 € 23,95 €

The Cold Start Problem

Why do some products take off? And what can we learn from them? The hardest part of launching a product is getting started. When you have just an idea and a handful of customers, growth can feel impossible. This is the cold start problem. Now, one of Silicon Valley's most esteemed investors uncovers how any product can surmount the cold start problem - by harnessing the hidden power of network effects. Drawing on interviews with the founders of Uber, LinkedIn, Airbnb and Zoom, Andrew Chen reveals how any start-up can launch, scale and thrive.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Launch in 5

How do you do justice to your business idea? It's a question that entrepreneurs are always asking, aware that 70% of new businesses fail. Starting a business is scary, especially for first-timers, but there is a safe, LAUNCH IN 5 way to do it. If you are launching a new business, this book will improve your chance for success in the most economic, efficient, and painless way possible, before you put large amounts of time and money on the line. It provides a comprehensive guide on how to rapidly turn an idea into a money-making machine - whether it is a side gig or a headfirst dive into the world of entrepreneurship. Because most new businesses are conducted online, it will place an emphasis on how to launch and build a business on the internet, and because most new entrepreneurs are operating within a small budget and timeframe, these concepts are inexpensive, fast, low-risk, and proven. Based on the author's insider strategies, LAUNCH IN 5 will guide the reader through each step of getting their idea out into the world, from inception to launch to ensuring long-term growth. It will also offer tools to help the reader determine whether their idea is worth pursuing (most aren't) and, if not, return them safely to the concept-development stage before they waste massive amounts of money and time launching an idea that will never fly. You'll learn that · Most risk is unnecessary. · You can launch your new business in days (or sometimes even hours). · You can apply the same launch strategies you'll learn here for an online business, an offline start-up a global corporation, with a budget of $50 or $500,000. These method work in any industry, for any idea. · You can lower the start-up failure rate from 70% to 9% if you follow the guidance in this book. · Most business ideas can have their potential success (or failure) proved in just a week or so, for less than the cost of the latest iphone.
18,95 € 19,95 €

How Big Things Get Done

World expert Bent Flyvbjerg and bestselling author Dan Gardner reveal the secrets to successfully planning and delivering ambitious projects on any scale. Nothing is more inspiring than a big vision that becomes a triumphant, new reality. Think of how Apple’s iPod went from a project with a single employee to an enormously successful product launch in eleven months. But they are the exception. Consider how London’s Crossrail project delivered five years late and billions overbudget. More modest endeavours, whether launching a small business, organizing a conference, or just finishing a work project on time, also commonly fail. Why? Understanding what distinguishes the triumphs from the failures has been the life’s work of Oxford professor Bent Flyvbjerg. In How Big Things Get Done, he identifies the errors that lead projects to fail, and the research-based principles that will make yours succeed: - Understand your odds. If you don't know them, you won't win. - Plan slow, act fast. Getting to the action quick feels right. But it's wrong. - Think right to left. Start with your goal, then identify the steps to get there. - Find your Lego. Big is best built from small. - Master the unknown unknowns. Most think they can't, so they fail. Flyvbjerg shows how you can. Full of vivid examples ranging from the building of the Sydney Opera House to the making of the latest Pixar blockbusters, How Big Things Get Done reveals how to get any ambitious project done — on time and on budget.
20,85 € 21,95 €


Sikert elérni nem könnyű feladat, nagyon kemény munka, egy jó ötlet és hatalmas elszántság áll mögötte. A sikeres vállalkozók vajon hogyan és milyen utat jártak be, erről szólnak a könyvben bemutatott történetek. A szereplők között van 1913-ban alapított és azóta jól működő cég és van csak 5 éve alapított vállalkozás, amely ilyen rövid idő alatt 100 M Ft-os árbevétel ért el. A legtöbben viszont a rendszerváltáskor alapították cégüket, egy garázsból indultak és váltak sikeres vállalkozókká. A bemutatott 52 magyar tulajdonú vállalkozás több, mint 2500 embernek ad munkát és közel 60 Mrd Ft termelési értéket képvisel. Ez egy kis szelete a magyar faiparnak, melynek termelési értéke 2021-ben 45 százalékos növekedéssel elérte a 460 milliárd forintot, és már 2022-es év első két hónapjában 43 százalékos volt a bővülés mértéke. Ezek az adatok is jól reprezentálják a faiparban működő cégek sikereit és fejlődési lehetőségeit. A bemutatott sikeres vállalkozások bizonyítják, hogy a faiparban van fantázia, a faiparba érdemes befektetni.
18,73 € 19,72 €

The Activist Leader

If you want to be a successful leader in today's business world, you need to think like an activist. This urgent and essential book shows how to do just that. The Activist Leader argues that the world needs a new kind of business leader, one that thinks differently about their role in today's challenges. From climate change to inequality, the major crises facing society have become critical issues for business, and the world expects companies to step up. This is a pragmatic book. Jon Miller and Lucy Parker show what it takes to do business in these challenging times, taking a close look at companies such as Apple, Mastercard, Nestle, Maersk, JP Morgan Chase and Walmart. Most people feel powerless when they look at the problems facing the world - but if you're a leader in a big business, you're not powerless. Whether you're a top executive or earlier in your working life, this book shows that thinking like an activist can have a transformative impact - for yourself, for your businesses, and for broader society.
18,95 € 19,95 €

The Founders

Perfect for readers of Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance and Zero to One by Peter Theil Out of PayPal's ranks have come household names like Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Max Levchin and Reid Hoffman. Since leaving Paypal, they have formed, funded, and advised the leading companies of our era, including Tesla, Facebook, YouTube, SpaceX, Yelp, Palantir, and LinkedIn, among many others. Yet for all their influence, the incredible story of where they started has gone largely untold. In The Founders, award-winning author Jimmy Soni narrates how a once-in-a-generation collaboration turned a scrappy start-up into one of the most successful businesses of all time. Facing bruising competition, internal strife, the emergence of widespread online fraud, and the devastating dot-com bust of the 2000s, their success was anything but certain. But they would go on to change our world forever. Informed by hundreds of interviews and unprecedented access to thousands of pages of internal material, The Founders explores how the seeds of so much of what drives the internet today were planted two decades ago.
14,20 € 14,95 €

How To Make Money

How do I start a business on a budget? How do I find my first 100 customers and make my first 100k? How do I build a network and get my business noticed? Whether you want to transform a fledgling side-hustle into a full-time endeavour or simply have an idea that's keeping you up at night, this is the ultimate blueprint for building your own business. With no network, no capital and no previous experience, Nafisa built her business from scratch and has helped hundreds of founders to do the same. Now, she wants to share her honest, game-changing advice. From how to nail sales and branding to understanding how to build a network, Nafisa lifts the lid on business culture - and questions everything you think you know about the business world.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Emotion by Design

How did Nike go from being a small sneaker brand to the world's most revered company? Why do its campaigns - from 'Just do it' to the famous Nike swoosh - capture the imaginations of millions worldwide? And what can any founder or marketer learn from them? Greg Hoffman joined Nike as 22-year-old design intern. Over the next thirty years, he would help craft some of the most iconic campaigns in history - for Ronaldo and Serena, Olympic Games and World Cup finals. Now, he unveils a transformative method that will make any brand more creative: emotion by design.
13,78 € 14,50 €

Literatúra zameraná na podnikanie, obchod a predaj je zdrojom neoceniteľných poznatkov pre tých, ktorí sa zaujímajú o budovanie a riadenie úspešných podnikov, efektívne obchodné stratégie a umenie predaja.

V tejto kategórii literatúry nájdete široký výber kníh, príručiek, časopisov a článkov, ktoré sa zaoberajú rôznymi aspektmi podnikania, obchodu a predaja. Tieto publikácie pokrývajú témy ako podnikateľské plánovanie, manažment, financie, marketing, stratégie rastu, obchodné vzťahy a obchodné rokovania, budovanie zákazníckych vzťahov, predajné techniky a e-commerce.

Literatúra o podnikaní, obchode a predaji poskytuje čitateľom teoretické rámce, príklady osvedčených postupov a príbehov úspešných podnikateľov, ktoré môžu slúžiť ako inšpirácia a východisko pre vlastné podnikateľské aktivity. Zároveň sa zameriava na rozvoj obchodných zručností, komunikačných schopností a predajných techník, ktoré sú kľúčové pre úspech v konkurenčnom prostredí.

Publikácie v tejto kategórii sú prístupné pre rôzne úrovne čitateľov - od začiatočníkov, ktorí sa zoznamujú s princípmi podnikania a predaja, po skúsených podnikateľov a obchodných lídrov, ktorí hľadajú nové stratégie a prístupy na trhu.

Cieľom literatúry o podnikaní, obchode a predaji je poskytnúť čitateľom ucelený prehľad o princípoch a praktických postupoch v týchto oblastiach, a zároveň ich motivovať a podporiť v ich podnikateľskom úsilí.