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Knihy - Astronómia, vesmír, fyzika strana 18 z 43

Az idő rendje

Az idő rendje a fizikának egy olyan jelenségét tárgyalja, amely mindenkit érdekel: az időt. Az idő olyan rejtély, amelyről mindenkinek van személyes tapasztalata. A fizikusok számára is rejtély: ők az idő radikális átalakulásának lehettek szemtanúi Newtontól Einsteinig, a kvantummechanikáig, végül a hurok-kvantumgravitáció elméletéig, amelynek Carlo Rovelli az egyik legjelentősebb képviselője. Newton egyenleteiben mindig ott volt az idő, de mára eltűnt a fizika alapegyenleteiből. Múlt és jövő már nem egymás ellentettjei. A fizikának azt kell felszámolnia, amit mindenki hisz: hogy az egyetlen biztos pont a jelen. Carlo Rovelli, miközben e rendkívüli gondolattársítások közül három példát megvizsgál, betekintést ad a fizika múltjába, s elvezet odáig, ameddig az időről való jelen tudásunk elér: "a ma még nem ismert dolgok hatalmas, az éj sötétjébe burkolózó csillagóceánjáig."
9,37 € 9,86 €

Ten Days in Physics that Shook the World

Developments in physics and physics-based engineering have led to some of the biggest transformations in the way we live out lives. Here, we journey back to ten separate days in history for a closer look at the breakthroughs that have shaped the modern world. From Isaac Newton's law of motion, to Michael Faraday's electrical field theory, as well as Maxwell's equations that make TV, radio and cellphones possible. Comprising perfectly pitched science writing enlivened with a wealth of fascinating biographical detail, this eye-opening book is a celebration of power of physicists to bring about far-reaching, life-transforming change.
13,78 € 14,50 €

The Universe

The story of our Universe, from its beginning in the first milliseconds of the Big Bang right up to our present moment and beyond, told in a gripping narrative. We have entered a new age of exploration and discovery, enabling us to probe ever more distant reaches of space and greatly advance our knowledge of the Universe. Today, telescopes peer not only into outer space, but also into the deep past. Paul Murdin takes us on an original and breathtaking journey across the lifetime of the Universe, from the first milliseconds of the Big Bang right up to our present moment and even beyond. Murdin draws on the latest discoveries in astronomy to describe the most important characters and events in the life of our Universe: the most powerful explosions, the most curious planets, and the most spectacular celestial bodies. He charts our developing understanding of the cosmos, showing how thinkers have deduced profound truths from even the simplest observations - everyone can see that it is dark at night, but only recently have we understood this as proof that the Universe has not been the same forever. Since then, the Universe has grown up from childhood: astronomers have tracked it as it passed through maturity and as it now moves into middle age. Murdin shows how our own lives were seeded from the Big Bang, galaxies, stars and planets. He considers some of the key questions: how did structures like galaxies and ourselves emerge from the dense maelstrom of the Universe's birth? How did the 'dark matter' that we can't even see speed up the development of galaxies, and how does 'dark energy' work to speed up the expansion of the Universe? Why hasn't the Universe collapsed in on itself - and will it one day? And finally, he offers a glimpse into the future old age of our Universe, and what it means for us all.
37,00 € 38,95 €

Az idő rövid története (új, bővített és átdolgozott kiadás)

ÚJ, BŐVÍTETT ÉS ÁTDOLGOZOTT KIADÁS Ez a könyv a XX. század klasszikussá vált, rengeteg meglepetést kínáló tudományos ismeretterjesztő munkája. Az ősrobbanástól az általános relativitáselméletig sok helyen próbára teszi a fantáziánkat, és kiszélesíti a Világegyetemről alkotott elképzeléseinket. Volt-e kezdete az időnek? Folyhat-e visszafelé az idő? Végtelen-e a Világegyetem, vagy vannak határai? Csak néhány kérdés azok közül, amelyeket Stephen Hawking klasszikussá vált mesterművében érint. Bevezetésként áttekinti a mindenségről alkotott legjelentősebb elméleteket Newtontól Einsteinig, majd elmerül a tér és az idő legrejtettebb titkaiban az ősrobbanástól a spirálgalaxisokon és az erős kölcsönhatáson keresztül a fekete lyukakig. Az idő rövid története tömör és világos nyelvezete milliókkal ismertette meg az univerzumot és annak csodáit. Ez az új kiadás Hawking utolsó gondolatait is tartalmazza a határ nélküli elképzelésről, a sötét energiáról, az információs paradoxonról, az örökké tartó felfúvódásról, a kozmikus mikrohullámú háttérsugárzás megfigyeléséről és a gravitációs hullámok felfedezéséről.
13,76 € 14,48 €

The Universe

Every night, above our heads, a drama of epic proportions is playing out. Diamond planets, zombie stars, black holes heavier than a billion Suns. The cast of characters is extraordinary, and each one has its own incredible story to tell. We once thought of our Earth as unique, but we have now discovered thousands of alien planets, and that's barely a fraction of the worlds that are out there. And there are more stars in the Universe than grains of sand on every planet in the Solar System. But amid all this vastness, the Milky Way Galaxy, our Sun and the Earth are home to the only known life in the Universe - at least for now. With a foreword from Professor Brian Cox, and access to all the latest stunning NASA photography, Andrew Cohen takes readers on a voyage of discovery, via the probes and telescopes exploring the outer reaches of our galaxy, revealing how it was formed and how it will inevitably be destroyed by the enigmatic black hole at its heart. And beyond our galaxy, the expanding Universe, which holds clues to the biggest mystery of all - how did it all begin? We now know more about those first moments of existence than we ever thought possible, and hidden in this story of how it all began are the clues to the fate of the Universe itself and everything in it.
30,35 € 31,95 €


One of our great contemporary scientists reveals the ten profound insights that illuminate what everyone should know about the physical world In Fundamentals, Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek offers the reader a simple yet profound exploration of reality based on the deep revelations of modern science. With clarity and an infectious sense of joy, he guides us through the essential concepts that form our understanding of what the world is and how it works. Through these pages, we come to see our reality in a new way--bigger, fuller, and stranger than it looked before. Synthesizing basic questions, facts, and dazzling speculations, Wilczek investigates the ideas that form our understanding of the universe: time, space, matter, energy, complexity, and complementarity. He excavates the history of fundamental science, exploring what we know and how we know it, while journeying to the horizons of the scientific world to give us a glimpse of what we may soon discover. Brilliant, lucid, and accessible, this celebration of human ingenuity and imagination will expand your world and your mind.
14,20 € 14,95 €

The Invisible Universe

From the discovery of entirely new kinds of galaxies to a window into cosmic 'prehistory', Bothwell shows us the Universe as we've never seen it before - literally. Since the dawn of our species, people all over the world have gazed in awe at the night sky. But for all the beauty and wonder of the stars, when we look with just our eyes we are seeing and appreciating only a tiny fraction of the Universe. What does the cosmos have in store for us beyond the phenomena we can see, from black holes to supernovas? How different does the invisible Universe look from the home we thought we knew? Dr Matt Bothwell takes us on a journey through the full spectrum of light and beyond, revealing what we have learned about the mysteries of the Universe. This book is a guide to the ninety-nine per cent of cosmic reality we can't see - the Universe that is hidden, right in front of our eyes. It is also the endpoint of a scientific detective story thousands of years in the telling. It is a tour through our Invisible Universe.
21,38 € 22,50 €

Astronomická ročenka 2022

Astronomická ročenka patrí k tradičným publikáciám Slovenskej ústrednej hvezdárne. Obsahuje základné časové a polohové údaje nebeských objektov od januára do decembra r. 2022. Sú v nej aktuálne informácie o pohyboch Slnka, Mesiaca, planét ako aj o meteorických rojoch, kométach a trpasličích planétach, Galileiho mesiacoch zatmeniach Slnka a Mesiaca, o zákrytoch hviezd a planét Mesiacom a pod. Obsahuje aj ďalšie odborné články Galaktická a mimogalaktická astronómia, Rodiny asteroidov a Niektoré úlohy sférickej trigonometrie.
6,84 € 7,20 €
  • 5 /5

Isten egyenlete

Amikor Newton felismerte a gravitáció törvényét, egyesítette az égi és földi jelenségeket irányító szabályokat. Azóta a fizikusok az újabb kölcsönhatásokat egyre nagyobb szabású elméletekbe illesztették. Mégis, talán a legkomolyabb kihívást a két megmaradt elmélet – a relativitáselmélet és a kvantumelmélet – monumentális szintézisének elérése jelenti. Ez lenne a tudomány eddigi eredményeinek megkoronázása, a természetben működő összes kölcsönhatás mélyreható egyesítése egyetlen szép és varázslatos egyenletben, amelynek segítségével választ adhatunk a tudomány legtitokzatosabb rejtélyeire. Mi történt az ősrobbanás előtt? Mit találnánk egy fekete lyuk mögött? Léteznek-e más univerzumok és más dimenziók? Lehetséges-e az időutazás? Miért vagyunk mi itt? Kaku rávilágít az elméletet övező súlyos ellentmondásokra, amihez több – ebben az alapvető kérdésben egymással ellentétes nézeteket valló – Nobel-díjas tudóst is megszólaltat. A történet magával ragadó és izgalmas, a tét pedig nem kisebb, mint az univerzumról alkotott felfogásunk. MICHIO KAKU az elméleti fizika professzora a New York Városi Egyetemen; a húrmezőelmélet társalapítója; számos, széles körben elismert tudományos ismeretterjesztő sikerkönyv szerzője. Ő írta Az elme jövője, a Hipertér, A jövő fizikája és A lehetetlen fizikája című könyveket is. Michio Kaku a CBS This Morning című műsorának tudományos szerkesztője, valamint a BBC TV és a Discovery Science Channel számos tévésorozatának, valamint két rádióműsor-sorozat, az Explorations és a Science Fantastic házigazdája.
15,30 € 16,10 €

dostupné aj ako:

Éjszakai égbolt - Természetbarátok zsebkönyve

Ezek a könnyen forgatható, gondosan illusztrált és szakértők által írt zsebkönyvek a természetjárók hasznos társai. A könyvben található leírások segítségével több mint 140 égitestet azonosíthatsz be! Megfigyeléseidet bejelölheted a pontozótáblázatban!
3,06 € 3,22 €

Space 2069

Nearing half a century since the last Apollo mission, mankind has yet to return to the Moon, but that is about to change. With NASA's Artemis program scheduled for this decade, astronomer David Whitehouse takes a timely look at what the next 50 years of space exploration have in store. The thirteenth man and the first woman to walk on the Moon will be the first to explore the lunar south pole - the prime site for a future Moon base thanks to its near-perpetual sunlight and the presence of nearby ice. The first crewed mission to Mars will briefly orbit the red planet in 2039, preparing the way for a future landing mission. Surviving the round trip will be the greatest challenge any astronaut has yet faced. In the 2050s, a lander will descend to the frozen surface of Jupiter's moon Europa and attempt to drill down to its subsurface ocean in search of life. Based on real-world information, up-to-date scientific findings and a healthy dose of realism, Space 2069 is a mind-expanding tour of humanity's future in space over the next 50 years.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Hvězdy dalekohledem

Kniha obsahuje rady pro pozorovatele hvězdné oblohy a vysvětluje všechny hlavní pojmy, jako dvojhvězdy, hvězdokupy, mlhoviny atd. Dvacet pozorovacích map je rozděleno podle čtyř ročních období s obsáhlou charakteristikou nejznámějších objektů, které jsou v té které době vhodné k pozorování. Barevný tisk na 350 g lesklém natíraném laminovaném kartonu, vazba kroužková.
15,68 € 16,50 €

The Night Sky Month by Month

Learn how to observe and navigate the night sky with this guide to stargazing for beginners! The dazzling reference book shines bright with crystal-clear charts of the planets, stars, and constellations in both the northern and southern hemispheres for each month of the year! It's perfect for anyone interested in stargazing and astronomy. This unique astronomy book explains and demystifies the changing night sky. It includes: - Illustrated overviews that introduce each month with a guide to the main attractions, such as bright stars, prominent constellations, and meteor showers - An introduction explains what the universe is, our place within it, how it appears to us in the night sky, and how our view of it changes with time and place - Each illustrated overview features a planet locator, showing the position of the planets during the month introduced - Charts that show the positions of all stars visible to the naked eye in even the darkest skies Discover a complete year-round atlas of the night sky! Filled with easy-to-use star charts showing the constellations, alongside specially commissioned artworks and photography, this space book has everything the budding astronomer needs to understand the night sky. You'll learn how to recognise different kinds of objects and see how they move through the sky over the course of the night and the year. Whether you're new to astronomy or a seasoned stargazer, The Night Sky Month by Month enables everyone to be awed by stargazing. It covers sky-watching without any equipment at all, as well as with the use of binoculars and telescopes. Plus, the newly updated edition features an astronomy calendar detailing the annual and one-off celestial events for the decade ahead, ensuring you'll never miss a visible planet or solar eclipse again. It's the perfect astronomy gift for adults fascinated with space.
16,10 € 16,95 €

The Red Planet: A Natural History of Mars

Mars is never far from our news Mars is never far from our news headlines or imaginations: there has never been a better time to acquaint never been a better time to acquaint ourselves with its dramatic history and astonishing present. The history of Mars is drawn not just on its surface, but also down into its broken bedrock and up into its frigid air. Most of all, it stretches back into deep time, where the trackways of the past have been obliterated and there is no discernible trace of where they started from or how they travelled, only where they ended up. From the planet’s formation 4.5 billion years ago, through eras that featured cataclysmic meteor strikes, explosive volcanoes and a vast ocean that spanned the entire upper hemisphere, to the long, frozen ages that saw its atmosphere steadily thinning and leaking away into space, Dr Simon Morden presents a tantalising vision of our nearest neighbour. Piecing together the latest research, data, theories and informed speculation, The Red Planet is as close as we can get to an eye-witness account of this incredible place.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Whats Eating the Universe

Celebrated physicist and global bestselling author Paul Davies tells the story of the universe in thirty cosmological conundrums In the constellation of Eridanus there lurks a cosmic mystery. It's as if something has taken a huge bite out of the universe, leaving a super-void. What could be the culprit? A super massive black hole? Another, bigger universe? Or an expanding vacuum bubble, destined to envelop and annihilate everything in existence? Scientists now understand the history of our universe better than the history of our own planet, but they continue to uncover startling new riddles-the hole in the universe being just one. In this electrifying book, award-winning physicist Paul Davies walks us through the puzzles and paradoxes that have preoccupied cosmologists from ancient Greece to the present day. Laying bare the audacious research that has led us to mind-bending solutions, Davies reveals how we might begin to approach the greatest outstanding enigmas of all.
19,48 € 20,50 €

The Sirens of Mars

As a new wave of interplanetary exploration unfolds, a talented young planetary scientist charts our centuries-old obsession with Mars. 'Beautifully written, emotive - a love letter to a planet' DERMOT O'LEARY, BBC Radio 2 Mars - bewilderingly empty, coated in red dust - is an unlikely place to pin our hopes of finding life elsewhere. And yet, right now multiple spacecraft are circling, sweeping over Terra Sabaea, Syrtis Major, the dunes of Elysium and Mare Sirenum - on the brink, perhaps, of a discovery that would inspire humankind as much as any in our history. With poetic precision and grace, Sarah Stewart Johnson traces the evocative history of our explorations of Mars. She interlaces her personal journey as a scientist with tales of other seekers - from Galileo to William Herschel to Carl Sagan - who have scoured this enigmatic planet for signs of life and transformed it in our understanding from a distant point of light into a complex world. Ultimately, she shows how its story is also a story about Earth: it is a foil, a mirror, a tell-tale reflection of our own anxieties and yearnings to find - if we're lucky - that we're not alone. 'Elegantly written and boundlessly entertaining' Sunday Telegraph 'Beguiling' The Times 'Johnson's prose swirls with lyrical wonder, as varied and multi-hued as the apricot deserts, butterscotch skies and blue sunsets of Mars' Anthony Doerr, New York Times Book Review 'Elegantly crafted' Lord Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal
12,30 € 12,95 €

How to Make an Apple Pie from Scratch

We probably all have a vague idea of how to make an apple pie: mix flour and butter, throw in some apples and you're probably most of the way there, right? Think again. Making an apple pie from scratch requires ingredients that definitely aren't available in the supermarket, ovens that can reach temperatures of trillions of degrees, and a preparation time of 13.8 billion years. Inspired by Sagan's famous line, Harry Cliff ventures out in search of the ultimate apple pie recipe, tracing the ingredients of our universe through the hearts of dying stars and back in time to a tiny fraction of a second after our universe began. Along the way, he confronts some really big questions: What is matter really made of? How does the stuff around us escape annihilation in the fearsome heat of the Big Bang? And will we ever be able to understand the very first moments of our universe? In pursuit of answers, Cliff ventures to the largest underground research facility in the world, deep beneath Italy's Gran Sasso mountains, where scientists gaze into the heart of the Sun using the most elusive of particles, the ghostly neutrino. He visits CERN in Switzerland to explore the 'Antimatter Factory' where this stuff of science fiction is manufactured daily (and we're close to knowing whether it falls upwards). And he reveals what the latest data from the Large Hadron Collider may be telling us about the fundamental ingredients of matter. Along the way, Cliff illuminates the history of physics, chemistry, and astronomy that brought us to our present understanding of the world, while offering readers a front-row seat to one of the most dramatic intellectual journeys human beings have ever embarked on. A transfixing deep dive into origins of our world, How to Make an Apple Pie from Scratch doesn't just put the makeup of our universe under the microscope, but the awe-inspiring, improbable fact that it exists at all. 'A fascinating exploration of how we learned what matter really is, and the journey matter takes from the Big Bang, through exploding stars, ultimately to you and me.' - Sean Carroll, author of Something Deeply Hidden 'If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.' - Carl Sagan
17,58 € 18,50 €

dostupné aj ako:

Brain Workouts in Quantum Mechanics

Kniha představuje výpočetní praxi pro širokou škálu problémů z kvantové fyziky jedno- a mnohočásticových systémů. Text má charakter řešených příkladů, který se dotýkají řady témat jako jsou např. přibližné metody v kvantové mechanice, moment hybnosti nebo atomová struktura a několik pokročilejších příkladů motivovaných komplexnějšími fyzikálními systémy. Obsahuje i samostatnou část shrnující základní vlastnosti řešitelných kvantových systémů. U řady příkladů je uvedeno několik variant řešení, návrhy na rozšíření příkladu nebo samostatná hlubší reflexe výsledků. Čtenářům jsou také představeny fyzikální důsledky provedených výpočtů, které jsou často doprovázeny obrázkem nebo grafem. Je to typická kniha na večer. Buď s ní usnete, nebo ráno zjistíte, že jste si v noci zapomněli jít lehnout. Kniha poskytuje širokou škálu odpovědí na otázky života částic, vesmíru a učitelů fyziky. The book presents computational practice for a wide range of problems from the quantum physics of single- and multi-particle systems. The text has the character of worked examples, which touch on a number of topics such as approximate methods in quantum mechanics, momentum or atomic structure and several more advanced examples motivated by more complex physical systems. It also contains a separate part summarizing the basic properties of solvable quantum systems. For a number of examples, several variants of the solution are given, suggestions for extending the example or a separate deeper reflection of the results. Readers are also introduced to the physical consequences of the calculations performed, often accompanied by a picture or graph. It is a typical book for the evening. You will either fall asleep with it or find out in the morning that you forgot to go to bed at night. The book provides a wide range of answers to the life questions of particles, the universe, and physics teachers.
16,07 € 16,92 €

The End of Everything

We know the universe had a beginning. But what happens at the end of the story? With lively wit and wry humour, astrophysicist Katie Mack takes us on a mind-bending tour through each of the cosmos' possible finales: the Big Crunch, Heat Death, Vacuum Decay, the Big Rip and the Bounce. Guiding us through major concepts in quantum mechanics, cosmology, string theory and much more, she describes how small tweaks to our incomplete understanding of reality can result in starkly different futures. Our universe could collapse in upon itself, or rip itself apart, or even - in the next five minutes - succumb to an inescapable expanding bubble of doom. This captivating story of cosmic escapism examines a mesmerizing yet unfamiliar physics landscape while sharing the excitement a leading astrophysicist feels when thinking about the universe and our place in it. Amid stellar explosions and bouncing universes, Mack shows that even though we puny humans have no chance of changing how it all ends, we can at least begin to understand it. The End of Everything is a wildly fun, surprisingly upbeat ride to the farthest reaches of all that we know.
13,25 € 13,95 €

V kategórii literatúry Astronómia, vesmír, fyzika nájdete fascinujúce diela, ktoré ponúkajú informácie o vesmíre a jeho zákonitostiach. Tieto knihy vám odhalia nekonečné šírky vesmíru, poskytnú pohľad na nebeské telá, fyzikálne zákony a úžasné javy, ktoré ich riadia. Od slnečnej sústavy a galaxií po planéty, čierne diery a teóriu veľkého tresku, tieto diela vám poskytnú základné a pokročilé vedomosti o astronómii, vesmíre a fyzike. Objavte históriu vedeckých objavov, súčasné výskumy a nové objavy v tejto fascinujúcej oblasti.

K najznámejším autorom patrí Stephen Hawking, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, či Michio Kaku.