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Knihy - Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda strana 78 z 92

Lacná kniha Modernosť tradície - Úžitková grafika na Slovensku po roku 1918 1. časť (-70%)

Prvý diel z plánovaného cyklu Ľubomíra Longauera Úžitková grafika na Slovensku po roku 1918 nesie názov Modernosť tradície. Autor sa venuje začiatkom slovenskej úžitkovej grafiky. Po pomalom rozbehu došlo k nebývalému rozmachu slovenského kultúrneho života. Koncom dvadsiatych rokov sa výraznejšie presadili Martin Benka, Andrej Kováčik, Jaroslav Vodrážka, Karol Ondreička, Jozef Cincík, Štefan Bednár a koncom tridsiatych rokov Rudolf Fabry. Každý z nich má v knihe svoj medailón, ktorý predstavuje umelcovu tvorbu počas celého jeho života. Okrem toho sú v knihe kapitoly, ktoré sa zaoberajú celkovou situáciou v slovenskej úžitkovej grafike v rokoch 1918 až 1938. Publikácia je bohato ilustrovaná stovkami dobových prác, z ktorých väčšina patrí medzi zabudnuté a v tomto rozsahu a kontexte ešte nebola publikovaná.
20,70 € 69,00 €

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"Fashion consciousness interpreted as modern, mindful existence--ecodesign considers every project a lifecycle that has to be well thought-out, from production to disposal. This new "green" esthetics reflect a dynamic lifestyle that imaginatively brings together design, innovation, and dealing with resources responsibly. The objects and products featured in this book provide attractive solutions for the demands of contemporary life. A wide, fascinating range of unusual possibilities is presented on 352 richly-illustrated pages: from stylish energy wonders for everyday life and multifunctional systems of furniture to the natural cosmetics of the future. The book also offers an insight in the basic principles of ecodesign. This illustrated volume sets benchmarks concerning topicality and modern, stylish product design."
14,20 € 14,95 €

Jazyk grafického designu

Tato kniha je základnou učebnicou zásad grafického dizajnu, z ktorej sa dá znovu a znovu čerpať kľúčové informácie i praktické rady. Uverejňuje diela rady vysoko úspešných a renomovaných tvorcov z celého sveta a líči, ako pri svojej práci používajú elementy a princípy grafického designu. Pohľadom na grafické práce nadaných študentov i profesionálnych dizajnérov predkladá táto obsiahla učebnica názorné, ľahko zapamätateľné a inšpiratívne návody a nástroje, užitočné pre začínajúcich študentov dizajnu, mladých profesionálov v počiatkoch kariéry i pre dlhoročných skúsených grafikov. Súčasťou každej z dvadsiatich šiestich kapitol, malej pocte anglickej abecede, je rozbor niektorého z kľúčových historických diel grafického dizajnu, ilustrujúci preberaný prvok či princíp a jeho význam. Starostlivo zvolené a vhodne skombinované umožňujú tieto štyri elementy a princípy komunikovať v univerzálne zrozumiteľnom vizuálnom jazyku. Z kapitol ako je Bod, Línia, Plocha, Svetlo, Farba, Rovnováha, Kontrast alebo Proporcia sa skladá celý grafický slovník, s ktorého pomocou sa dá prehovoriť obrazom a vkladať do diel vizuálnu komunikáciu bohatého významu.
23,66 € 24,90 €

Vše o rekonstrukci bytu a domu

Zvyšování kultury bydlení, touha po krásnějším a příjemnějším bytě či domě jsou hnacím motorem všech, kteří se rozhodli zvelebit svůj domov rekonstrukcí. Protože průměrný člověk stráví alespoň polovinu svého života doma, je pochopitelné, že požaduje určitý komfort a pohodu. Publikace Vše o rekonstrukci bytu a domu čtenářům poradí, jak dosáhnout požadovaný efekt pomocí rekonstrukčních úprav, kde začít a jak při úpravách postupovat. Rovněž je seznámí například s technickými řešeními nejrůznějších způsobů vytápění a přípravy ohřáté vody a inspiruje je při řešení dispozice, úpravě exteriéru či zařizování interiéru. Čtenáři zde naleznou také odpovědi týkající se stavebních materiálů a nejnovějších technologií, jakož i právních a finančních záležitostí.
5,76 € 6,06 €

Signage Design

Since signage systems are created to provide orientation, they must be universally legible and understood by people of all ages and culture. Signs must show the way, and also present the proper information at the proper location. By making effective use of graphics, colors and shapes, a signage system helps to create an identity for spaces. Signage Designs showcases a great variety of current examples from across the world, indoor and outdoor, ranging from individual buildings like museums, hospitals and stadiums, to larger contexts like subway systems, town districts or entire cities. This title is an essential reference for designers involved in communications, architects, interior designers and indeed for creative persons in all sectors.
56,04 € 58,99 €

Best of News Design 32

The Best of News Design 32nd Edition, the latest edition in Rockport's highly respected series, presents the winning entries from the Society for News Design's 2011 competition. Featuring work selected by a panel of judges from more than 14,000 international publication entries, this inspirational volume sets the bar for excellence in journalistic design. Bold, full-color layouts feature the best-of-the-best in news, features, portfolios, visuals, and more, and each entry is accompanied by insightful commentary on the elements that made the piece a standout winner. Every industry professional aspires to one day see his or her work in this book.
46,54 € 48,99 €

Modern Vintage Style

In Modern Vintage Style, Emily Chalmers - interiors stylist and owner of hip boutique Caravan - shows how using vintage items in a contemporary context can introduce humour, flair and personality to a home. Decorating should be fun and inspiring, so there are no style diktats; no 'this-must-go-with-that'. Modern vintage is all about trusting your instincts and taste and using a bit of imagination in seeking out the right items to create a perfect balance of old and new. In the first section of the book, Inspirations, Emily offers up imaginative and varied examples of furniture, lighting, textiles, decorating and collections & display. In the second section, Style, she shows you exactly how to pull the look together, applying her decorating philosophy so you can cook & eat, live, sleep and bathe in tune with Modern Vintage Style.
23,74 € 24,99 €

Art and Animals

'Art is continually haunted by the animal', wrote Deleuze and Guattari. Over the past two decades, animals have quite literally invaded the gallery space, from Joseph Beuys' co-habiting with a coyote, Janis Kounelli's instillation of live horses, Damien Hirst's shark in formaldehyde to Mark Dion's natural history displays and Marco Evaristti's 'goldfish in a blender'. In this latest addition to the highly acclaimed 'Art and...' series, Giovanni Aloi surveys the insistent presence of animals in the world of contemporary art, exploring the leading concepts which inform this emerging practice. From exhibitions featuring live animals, to taxidermy, and interspecies communication, Giovanni Aloi explores how animals feature in modern art with a range of thought-provoking and innovative visual representations. Art and Animals challenges ideas of identity, 'otherness' and civilisation by explaining the role animals have occupied in our cultural development and illustrating their presence in the visual arts today.
55,58 € 58,50 €

Japonské domy

Autor, americký zoolog, spisovatel, kurátor a pokrokový vynálezce, tuto knihu poprvé vydal v roce 1886. Do Japonska přijel v době, kdy procházelo ranou etapou období Meidži. Země se tehdy vzdávala svých tradic a nadšeně přijímala vše západní. Morse cítil, že mnoho aspektů tradiční materiální kultury tak bude zapomenuto. Začal tedy zkoumat tradiční japonské domovy, strávil několik let návštěvami japonských domácností a pořizoval si detailní kresby jak exteriérů, tak interiérů. Do deníku si zaznamenával své objevy i rozhovory s místními obyvateli. Byl unesen tradičním japonským bydlením. Nejvíc jej uchvacovala prostá a uhlazená jednoduchost japonského domu a flexilibita, s níž se plocha interiéru mohla kdykoli zvětšit, a zejména jeho kontakt s přírodou. Kniha byla napsána v době těsně před tím, než tradiční japonská architektura začala mizet. Zdokumentování celé škály architektonických detailů a regionálních specifik architektury obydlí v předmoderním Japonsku je tak velmi cenným zdrojem jejího poznání – jedním z mála.
15,18 € 15,98 €

Little Know-It-All

The updated new edition of the handy reference book for designers. What is a meta tag? What kind of measurement is DIN A1? What kind of clearance do you need before using copyrighted material? What does HSDPA mean for smart phones? How do social media influence a marketing mix? This updated new edition of The Little Know-It-All provides the fundamental information designers need to know to thrive in their growing field of practice. It is an indispensable manual of the knowledge currently required of designers as the evolution of media re-defines their role and expands the disciplines in which they must be competent. Divided into the seven chapters Design, Typography, Digital Media, Production, Marketing, Law, and Organization, the book offers concise analysis as well as definitions of unique vocabulary. Written for a global audience, it expounds on various international formats and legalities. With its thematic structure and resourceful index, The Little Know-It-All is a clever and comprehensive collection of essential practical information. Complete with graphics and illustrations supplementing the texts, it is both a stimulating reference book for students and newcomers and a trusty companion for design and media professionals to use in their everyday work.
35,14 € 36,99 €

Visual Storytelling

A new visual language that is both informative and entertaining is emerging at the nexus of information graphics, illustration, and tactile design. More and more data is being collected. We can access ever more information at any time and from any place. The fundamental challenge now is how to extract the most valuable news, the most surprising findings, and the most relevant stories from the flood of information that is available to us. A new generation of designers, illustrators, and data journalists is addressing this challenge head on. They are developing a variety of new visual forms to depict information that can be classified as visual storytelling. The main idea behind visual storytelling is to take familiar image contexts and use them in a new way. By penetrating meaning and creating associations, abstract correlations can be visualized in a manner that is both easy to understand and aesthetically innovative. Today, visual storytelling is being used intensively in newspapers, magazines, websites, advertising, business reports, and museums. With its collection of inspiring, insightful, interactive, and entertaining examples, the book Visual Storytelling reveals how the contextualization of information is pushing the envelope of today's design and aesthetics.
46,54 € 48,99 €


Part teaching guide, part insider's peek into the creative and professional processes of one of the world's leading graphic design firms, "Identify" is more than simply a book about the art and practice of trademark design. "Identify" is about identity design that works, written by the very pioneers and practitioners responsible for many of the world's most durable and iconic visual marks. "Identify" offers readers a behind the scenes look into the processes of three of the most important and prolific names in the world of branding and design. Featuring more than 40 logos and the often dramatic and amusing stories behind their creation, it shows how they were conceived, the rough sketches along the way, and, of course, the final piece. The book also offers 50 case studies that dive deeper into the mark's creation to present the challenges the team faced, how they overcame them, and their thinking behind the decisions they made along the way.
37,53 € 39,50 €

French Country Living

Outside of Paris and the other bustling cities, France's image is of small farms, atmospheric medieval villages, and of an age well past but well preserved with an understated elegance. Even newly built houses are often designed with a view towards looking like the 19th century.
16,14 € 16,99 €

Cheap Chic

Create a stylish home without breaking the bank. "Cheap Chic" shows you how to combine well-chosen high-street basics with individual finds to create a relaxed and welcoming home. Emily Chalmers and Ali Hanan reveal the best ways to invest a modest budget and how to combine colours, textures and materials with confidence. The first section, The Elements, looks at colour, pattern, fabric and window treatments, then moves on to furniture, storage and display, accessories, lighting, materials and flooring. The second part of the book, The Rooms, contains chapters on relaxing, cooking and eating, sleeping, bathing and working at home. "Cheap Chic" concludes with a source directory to help you track down all those sought-after items. Show More Show Less
16,14 € 16,99 €

State of craft

In the first decade of the twenty-first century, as the perils of globalized consumerism became an omnipresent reality and a topic of which all were aware, a small critical mass began to eschew mass-produced domestic design in favor of producing handmade and recycled objects themselves. The craft revolution of the early 2000s gained early visibility with the renewed popularity of knitting, which in turn revived the dying arts of crochet, embroidery, bricolage and macrame, seeping from the fringes of the culture into its
18,04 € 18,99 €

DIY Furniture

Featuring 30 designs by leading designer-makers from around the world DIY Furniture shows you how to use simple techniques to make stunning designer furniture from scratch. All the projects can be easily assembled using the step-by-step guides from common materials which can be found at the local hardware store. Along with designs for seating and storage, the book also features projects for making your own bed, wardrobe, lighting and garden furniture. Each project features hand-drawn diagrams with short, easy-to-follow instructions on how to build the piece. Whether building from scratch or customising existing designs, DIY Furniture allows you to create unique designer pieces at a fraction of the normal cost. Brief biographies of all the featured designers are included at the end of the book.
21,84 € 22,99 €

New Cottage Style

Rich with inspirational photography and design advice, The Sunset Design Guide series brings together a talented panel of today's top design and building professionals. New Cottage Style: A Sunset Design Guide offers an updated take on the well-loved design genre of cottage decorating. New Cottage Style offers not only inspirational photography, but also expert design advice on how readers can create these inspiring looks in their own homes. Helping readers identify new styles and looks to fit their lifestyle, this book guides them to contemporary cottage style whatever their budget may be. New Cottage Style: A Sunset Design Guide includes: Expert tips and advice on helping readers identify new styles and looks to fit both their lifestyle and their budgetGuidance on choosing the right mix of materials, fixtures, and furnishings to create a uniquely livable homeBeautiful photography and design instruction on a variety of cottages-from seaside cottages to desert bungalows and mountain chaletsRoom-by-room design inspiration and advice on choosing every element in the room, including flooring and window treatments
14,73 € 15,50 €

Easy Upgrades Kitchens

Trade paperback, Oxmoor House 2011 English 207 pages ISBN: 0848734726 ISBN-13: 9780848734725 In Easy Upgrades: Kitchens, readers get the kitchen they've always wanted at a price they can afford with help from the experts at This Old House, the most trusted name in home improvement. Easy Upgrades: Kitchens focuses on the way people remodel now-budget-conscious and user-friendly with upgrades that maximize comfort, utility, and home value. Using real-world examples rather than sky's-the-limit fantasy projects, Easy Upgrades helps readers solve their most frequent complaints about the spaces in their homes. From ...
14,73 € 15,50 €

Hand Made illustration

Synopsis is not available
14,20 € 14,95 €

V kategórii Dizajn, úžitkové umenie, móda sa stretávajú tvorivosť, funkčnosť a krása, aby vytvorili prepojenie medzi umením a každodenným životom. V tejto kategórii nájdete rôznorodé formy dizajnu.

Tu objavíte svet úžitkového umenia, kde sa dizajn stretáva s praktickými potrebami. Od nábytku a domácich doplnkov po unikátne dizajnové produkty, táto kategória vám poskytne inšpiráciu pre spríjemnenie vášho domova a každodenného života.

Móda je ďalším dôležitým aspektom tejto kategórie. Nájdete tu informácie o módnych trendoch, dizajne odevov, príbehoch módnych návrhárov a ich vplyve na kultúru. Od historických šatníkov až po súčasné módne kolekcie, táto kategória vám umožní ponoriť sa do sveta módy a výrazu cez odev.

Nezáleží na tom, či máte záujem o dizajn domácnosti, výrobky s funkčným návrhom alebo ste módnym nadšencom, táto kategória vám poskytne pohľad na umenie, ktoré ovplyvňuje a obohacuje váš životný štýl.