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Knihy - Maliarstvo, grafika strana 68 z 98

Mistři světového malířství

Chcete-li se blíže seznámit s některými významnými uměleckými díly a jejich autory, otevřete tuto knihu, která zahrnuje díla 75 světových umělců. Každý malíř je zde představen prostřednictvím krátkého medailonku a především svých obrazů, přičemž ke každému obrazu je připojen text přibližující malířovu inspiraci, umělecký vývoj a techniku.
22,28 € 23,45 €

Lacná kniha Ivan Rumanský (-70%)

Akademický maliar Ivan Rumanský (1944 – 1990) sa od detstva prezentoval ako vynikajúci kresliar. Pred ruchom mesta sa ukrýval v šume prírodya vášnivo stvárňoval jej krásu. Počas nedlhého života vytvoril vyše 2 000diel s dominanciou kresby, maľby, grafiky a úžitkovej grafiky. Výtvarné diela dokumentujú jeho dokonalé poznanie prírody a krehké a citlivé vnímanie vzťahov medzi ľuďmi. Monografia je prvým komplexnejším profilomtejto osobnosti z hľadiska výtvarno-kritického a zároveň svedectvom o neobyčajnom ľudskom rozmere umelca. Dokumentuje jeho majstrovstvonajmä v olejomaľbách, pasteloch a temperách, v lineorytoch a ilustráciách.
4,77 € 15,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Art of Urban Sketching

The Art of Urban Sketching is both a comprehensive guide and a showcase of location drawings by artists around the world who draw the cities where they live and travel. Authored by the founder of the nonprofit organization Urban Sketchers (www.urbansketchers.org), this beautiful, 320-page volume explains urban sketching within the context of a long historical tradition and how it is being practiced today. With profiles of leading practitioners and discussions of the benefits of working in this art form, this inspiring book shows how one can participate and experience this creative outlet through modern-day social networks and online activity. You'll find more than 600 beautiful, contemporary illustrations, as well as artists' profiles and extended captions where these urban sketchers share their stories, how they work, sketching tips, and the tools behind each drawing. With sketches and observations from more than 50 cities in more than 30 countries, The Art of Urban Sketching offers a visually arresting, storytelling take on urban life from different cultures and artistic styles, as well as insight into various drawing techniques and mediums.
23,74 € 24,99 €

Velká kniha kreslení

Tato kniha je určena všem těm, kteří se touží zdokonalit v kresbě a je vhodná pro začátečníky i pokročílé. Najdete v ní jasně rozfázovaná a snadno pochopitelná cvičení s ukázkami. Od kresby jednoduchých objektů dojdete k zachycení všech podstatných prvků vašeho okolí, lidí a zvířat. Část knihy je navíc detailně zaměřena speciálně na kresbu lidského těla. Kromě trochy nezbytné teorie se naučíte skicování a zdokonalíte se v pozorování detailů, dozvíte se o vhodných kreslířských materiálech a technikách - zkrátka vše, co potřebujete vědět pro tvorbu originálního díla, ilustrací či kreslených vtipů. Kniha je doplněna velkým množstvím názorných ilustrací, které vás seznámí s tím, čemu se říká vizuálně přesvědčivá, přesná práce; díky tomu sami pochopíte, co potřebujete znát, abyste vdechli svým kresbám život. Je rozčleněna tak, abyste při výuce základů kresby postupovali systematicky, a přitom rozvíjeli svůj osobní kresebný styl. Pusťte se do toho! Vše, co potřebujete, je tužka a čistý papír. Odborného průvodce najdete na stránkách této knihy!
34,83 € 36,66 €

Stano Filko - Biela ako ontologický priestor a začiatok všetkého

Katalóg bol vydaný pri príležitosti výstavy Stano Filko – Biela ako ontologický priestor a začiatok všetkého. Stanislav Filko sa narodil — podľa vlastných slov prvýkrát – 15. júna 1937 vo Veľkej Hradnej. Dva razy totiž prežil klinickú smrť: po páde do lomu a po zásahu elektrickým prúdom. Dátum narodenia vystupuje ako dôležitý údaj aj z hľadiska jeho tvorby: v súlade so svojou koncepciou totálnosti umenia a života ho považuje aj za dátum začiatku svojej tvorby. Z publikácie sa dozviete viac o umelcovom živote a jeho tvorbe.
13,30 € 14,00 €

Oldřich Kulhánek & Miloš Ondráček

Kniha přináší komplexně zpracované dílo - známkovou tvorbu Oldřicha Kulhánka, řazené do jednotlivých kapitol, které mají chronologickou posloupnost od vydání 1. poštovní známky v roce 1990 do současnosti. Každá kresba námětu známky má svou samostatnou kapitolu, ve které naleznete kromě překrásné kresby též liniovou rozkresbu Miloše Ondráčka, návrh razítka a kresby na FDC mistra O. Kulhánka a taktéž vyobrazení samotné poštovní známky. Každá kapitola je opatřena textem, jež Vám přiblíží osobnost z poštovní známky. Texty ke kapitolám napsal Prof. MUDr. Josef Koutecký. Kniha je vytištěna na luxusním papíře a uspokojí nejen ty, kteří obdivují grafická díla a kresby autora, ale jistě i všechny sběratele a čtenáře se zájmem o současnou grafiku a poštovní známky. Nedílnou součástí každé knihy je i Pamětní list Oldřich Kulhánek & Miloš Ondráček: Známková tvorba 1990 – 2011 s motivem známky posledních Rožmberků (číslovaný originální černotisk se slepotiskovým razítkem).
66,98 € 70,50 €

Maliar a grafik Andrej Dobroš

Maliar a grafik Andrej Doboš Monografia Evy Kapsovej ponúka celistvý pohľad a nové čítanie na dnes už uzatvorené maliarske a grafické dielo slovenského výtvarného umelca 20. storočia- Andreja Doboša. Autorka rozkrýva tvorbu autora v kontexte umeleckých a kultúrno- spoločenských dejinných udalostí a na pozadí osobných príbehov zážitkovo interpretuje kľúčové diela autora. Publikácia poukazuje na spojitosť tvorby umelca s prostredím regiónu (východné Slovensko a Podkarpatská Ukrajina). Prínosom je zhodnotenie doteraz nereflektovaných stránok umelcovho diela v kritických obdobiach slovenských dejín (50.- 70. roky), poukázanie na výnimočné novátorstvo autora v oblasti grafiky (60.roky).Súčasťou publikácie je súpis autorovho diela, jeho výstavnej činnosti a bibliografických odkazov ako aj štruktúrovaný životopis vybavený fotografickým archívnym materiálom. Obrazová časť monografie po prvýkrát uvádza doteraz nesprostredkované maliarske a grafické dielo z verejných a súkromných zbierok.
32,02 € 33,70 €

Early Italian painting

Swinging between the majesty of the Greco-Byzantine heritage and the modernity forecasted by Giotto, Early Italians art summarise the first steps that lead to the Renaissance. Trying out new mediums, those first artists little by little left frescoes for removable panels. If hieratic faces can offend our neophyte eyes, this detachment was requested at that time. It highlighted the divinity of the character, comforting the sacrality by a background covered with gold leaves. The elegance of the line and the colour choice...
11,35 € 11,95 €

Graphic Design Referenced

Graphic Design, Referenced is a visual and informational guide to the most commonly referenced terms, historical moments, landmark projects, and influential practitioners in the field of graphic design. With more than 2,000 design projects illustrating more than 400 entries, it provides an intense overview of the varied elements that make up the graphic design profession through a unique set of chapters: "principles" defines the basic foundation of what constitutes graphic design; "knowledge" explores the most influential sources through which we learn about graphic design; "representatives" gathers the most prominent designers who have steered the course of graphic design in one way or another; and "practice" highlights some of the most iconic work produced that serve as examples of best practices and illustrate its potential lasting legacy.
27,54 € 28,99 €

Monet Claude

For Monet, the act of creation was always a painful struggle. His obsession to express emotions and to transmit light effects over nature was much more intense than his contemporaries.
11,39 € 11,99 €

The Lord of the Rings Sketchbook

A sumptuous large-format hardback containing sketches and paintings from the illustrated Lord of the Rings, together with brand new and previously unseen material. In this large-format hardback Alan Lee reveals in pictures and in words how he created the images in the authorised illustrated edition of The Lord of the Rings. These images would prove so powerful, matching perfectly with Tolkien's own vision, that they would eventually define the look of Peter Jackson's movie trilogy and earn Alan a coveted Academy Award. The book is filled with over 150 of his sketches and early conceptual pieces to show how the project progressed from idea to finished art. It also contains 20 colour paintings reproduced in full-page glory, together with numerous examples of his conceptual art produced for the films and brand new pieces drawn specially for this book. It also includes an exclusive foreword written by Sir Ian McKellen. The Lord of the Rings Sketchbook provides a fascinating insight into the imagination of the man who painted Tolkien's vision, firstly onto the page and then in three dimensions on the cinema screen. It will also be of interest to many of the 100,000 people who have bought the illustrated Lord of the Rings as well as for budding artists and illustrators interested in unlocking the secrets of book illustration.
24,65 € 25,95 €

Maliarske dielo

Po vydaní knihy Albín Brunovský. Kompletné grafické dielo 1960 - 1997 bolo ďalším logickým krokom vydanie maliarskeho diela.....
47,03 € 49,50 €


Snaha onekonvenčné maľovanie bola vo Francúzsku vyjadrená vdiele niekoľkých maliarov, ktorí boli súčasťou impresionistického hnutia. Títo umelci mali svoj vlastný maliarsky štýl avo svojich námetoch kládli dôraz na niečo iné, než bolo do tej doby zvykom; zameriavali sa predovšetkým na zachytenie okamihu, na vyjadrenie pocitov adojmov. Impresionizmus bol reakciou na ateliérovú tvorbu, cieľom mala byť maľba v plenéri. Členovia tohto umeleckého smeru boli ovplyvňovaní novými tendenciami, každý znich šiel však svojou osobitou cestou. Impresionizmus sa skoro rozšíril do rôznych kútov Európy aUSA.
47,41 € 49,90 €


This is the latest and greatest. This is the prestigious annual for creative professionals. Here comes the 2011 edition of the exclusive and highly-coveted annual from "D&AD" featuring the year's best creative work. The D&AD awards panel judges over 20,000 works from design studios, advertising agencies, branding consultancies, film production and photographic agencies, digital media pioneers, and other creative firms from all over the globe. Winners receive the legendary D&AD Yellow Pencil Awar d - or in the case of exceptional and outstanding work, the rare Black Pencil Award. This review of the winners serves as a one-stop-shop for everything that's hot in the field. Anyone interested in creativity, communication, design, or advertising c annot possibly be without the "D&AD Annual"! Featuring the latest D&AD award-winning work in the fields of: Ambient, Art Direction, Book Design, Branding, Broadcast Innovations, Digital Installations, Direct, Environmental Design, Graphic Design, Ill ustration, Magazine & Newspaper Design, Mobile Marketing, Music Videos, Online Advertising, Packaging Design, Photography, Poster Advertising, Press Advertising, Product Design, Radio, TV & Cinema Advertising, TV & Cinema Crafts, Viral, Websites, Wri ting for Advertising, and Writing for Design. .
41,75 € 43,95 €

Graphic Designes Essential reference

Timothy Samara is a graphic designer based in New York City, where he divides his time between teaching, writing, lecturing, and freelance consulting through STIM Visual Communication. His 18-year career in branding and information design has explore d projects in print, packaging, More...environments, user interface design, and animation. He has been a senior art director at Ruder Finn, New Yorkrss largest public relations firm, and senior art director at Pettistudio, a small multidisciplinary d esign firm. Before relocating to Manhattan, he was principal of Physiologic in Syracuse, located in upstate New York. In 1990, he graduated a Trustee Scholar from the Graphic Design program at the University of the Arts, Philadelphia. Mr. Samara is a faculty member at New Yorkrss School of Visual Arts, New York University, Purchase College/SUNY, and The New School, and has published six books on design and typography, all through Rockport Publishers:Making and Breaking the Grid;Typography Workbo ok;Publication Design Workbook;Type Style Finder;Design Elements; and, most recently,Design Evolution, released in January 2008. Mr. Samara and his partner live in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn
18,99 € 19,99 €

Visual Language for designers

Within every picture is a hidden language that conveys a message, whether it is intended or not. This language is based on the ways people perceive and process visual information. By understanding visual language as the interface between a graphic and a viewer, designers and illustrators can learn to inform with accuracy and power. In a time of unprecedented competition for audience attention and with an increasing demand for complex graphics, Visual Language for Designers explains how to achieve quick and effective communications. It presents ways to design for the strengths of our innate mental capacities and to compensate for our cognitive limitations. Includes:-How to organize graphics for quick perception-How to direct the eyes to essential information-How to use visual shorthand for efficient communication-How to make abstract ideas concrete-How to best express visual complexity-How to charge a graphic with energy and emotion
18,99 € 19,99 €

Things Chinese

A source of fascination to the West, China's renowned art objects and traditional manufactured products have long been sought by collectors. Things Chinese presents sixty distinctive items that are typical of Chinese culture and together present a window onto the people, the history and the society of the world's largest nation.Featuring descriptions and full-color photographs, the history, cultural significance and customs surrounding these objects and their importance becomes clear. Items covered include:Bamboo furnitureIvory carvingSnuff BottleMooncake mouldsMusical InstrumentsMahjong setsFengshui compasses
29,44 € 30,99 €

365 habits of successful graphic designers

In need of advice? Just want to sound off? Opening this volume is like grabbing lunch with a fellow designer to commiserate or celebrate and to learn the ins and outs of design. Good habits are found in every part of the design process, from promotin g yourself well in order to land the client, to working with that client, to achieving the desired results on press. 365 Habits of Successful Graphic Designers reveals solutions from a wide range of freelance designers whose years of experience hav e helped them find not only the most creative solutions for their clients' design needs, but also the most successful solutions. With a rich compilation of material from previous publications by the authors, this book also focuses on the daily habits that inspire these designers to stay creative and business strategies to be successful when working on your own. In its pages, noteworthy designers, both past and present, working in fields ranging from graphic design, fashion, architecture, typog raphy, and industrial design sound off on every topic, ranging from deadlines, inspiration, competition, rules, respect, education, and handling criticism-all with a certain amount of irreverence. Their thoughts are boiled down into succinct, quotabl e quotes and one-liners that exemplify their character and demonstrate their philosophy on the world around them. Enjoy reading thought bites from everyone from Art Chantry, Margo Chase, Ed Fella, John C. Jay, Hideki Nakajima, Stefan Sagmeister, and Rudy VanderLans. The insights of these top designers will help guide other designers in both approach and execution of designs that succeed for their clients.
30,39 € 31,99 €

Design Matters

The design bar is at an all-time high for those brave enough to participate in the industry. Today's designers must be clear on all the steps necessary to create work that stands out in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Unfortunately, most design books only focus on type, color, and layout issues. The Design Matters series takes a more in-depth approach, allowing designers to learn not only how to create work that is aesthetically appealing, but also strategy-driven and smart. This compilation features the best of the Design Matters series, indispensable guides to design, in one handy volume. Design Matters focuses on developing, creating and implementing brochure designs, logo designs, packaging, and portfolios. The compendium includes all the essential information needed to execute strong designs in concert with beautiful and well-crafted examples, so that designers can successfully hit the mark every time.
30,39 € 31,99 €