Naxos Audiobooks strana 8 z 22


Venus & Adonis, The Rape of Lucrece (EN)

These two great poems date from Shakespeare’s early years and are full of passion and invention. In Venus and Adonis, the goddess of love pleads with the beautiful boy to submit to her advances and become her love – but he only wants to hunt boar. In the more serious Rape of Lucrece, Shakespeare draws on the Roman take of the Emperor Tarquin’s desire for Lucrece and its tragic consequences.
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10,50 €

Waiting for Godot (EN)

Audiobook Waiting for Godot. Samuel Beckett, one of the great avant-garde Irish dramatists and writers of the second half of the twentieth century, was born on 13 April 1906. He died in 1989. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1969. His centenary will be celebrated throughout 2006 with performances of his major plays, but the most popular of them all will be, without doubt, the play with which he first made his name, Waiting for Godot.
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8,00 €

The Wind in the Willows (EN)

Audiobook The Wind in the Willows, written by First published in 1908, The Wind in the Willows belongs to a golden age of children’s book. These charming tales of the riverbank, describing the adventures of Ratty, Mole, Badger and their irrepressible but conceited friend, Toad of Toad Hall, have become classics loved as much, perhaps, by adults as by children.
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10,50 €

Winter Words (EN)

Audiobook Winter Words, written by Thomas Hardy. This selection of Hardy’s poetry does full justice to its humanity, integrity, humour and evocative power, ranging from charming anthology pieces such as ‘Weathers’ to the great love poems he wrote after the death of his first wife and the meditations on war and philosophy. The poems – nearly eighty in total – are set in the context of his life and thought, including personal writings by him and those closest to him.
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8,00 €

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (EN)

This great children’s classic, written in 1900 and immortalised in the Judy Garland film, retains its charm in this reading by Liza Ross. Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion are all here in technicolour – with some of the music that made the film unforgettable.
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8,00 €

The Great Poets – W.B. Yeats (EN)

Naxos AudioBooks continues its new series of Great Poets – represented by a collection of their most popular poems on one CD – with W. B. Yeats, one of the most loved poets of the twentieth century. He left a large legacy of outstanding poems, and the finest are collected here: Down by the Salley Gardens, The Lake Isle of Inisfree, The Secret Rose and He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven.
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6,50 €

Youth & Heart of Darkness (EN)

In these two magnificent novellas Conrad explores the question of self-discovery through powerful and exciting narratives in Youth, the experienced seaman Marlow tells the story of a young man’s coming of age on his first voyage to the East. While in Heart of Darkness he describes with terrifying depth and vividness the slide into corruption of an idealistic trader – Kurtz, who has become the demi-devil of the Inner Station in the Belgian Congo….
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10,50 €

Sybil (EN)

In Sybil, or The Two Nations, social activist, political reformer and twice Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli tells the love story of a young working-class woman and a newly elected nobleman. While on a visit to the manufacturing towns of the north, aristocrat Charles Egremont encounters beautiful Sybil Gerard, singing in the grounds of Marney Abbey.
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40,50 €

Hunger (EN)

Verging on death, a starving, destitute writer navigates the cold and indifferent city of Kristiania in search of his next meal. Frenzied and fevered, he chews on stale bread, devours scraps of wood and bites his own finger, sleeping under the stars in old, pungent blankets, until one day he is able to sell an article and buy some food – only for the cycle then to repeat itself.
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18,50 €

The Art of Literature (EN)

Arthur Schopenhauer’s The Art of Literature is a lively, illuminating and brutally honest collection of essays on literary style and values, writers and critics, and the nature of genius. The volume is comprised of eight chapters: On Authorship, On Style, On the Study of Latin, On Men of Learning, On Thinking for Oneself, On Criticism, On Reputation and On Genius.
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12,50 €

A Laodicean (EN)

Subtitled ‘A Story of To-day’, A Laodicean occupies a unique place in the Thomas Hardy canon. Departing from pre-industrial Wessex, Hardy brings his themes of social constraint, fate, chance and miscommunication to the very modern world of the 1880s – complete with falsified telegraphs, fake photographs, and perilous train tracks.
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37,00 €

Zeno's Conscience (EN)

Known for inspiring James Joyce’s Leopold Bloom in Ulysses, Zeno Cosini is the bumbling yet charming alter ego of Italo Svevo, who here lays bare a hilarious litany of neuroticisms about his health, friendships, family and women. Having submitted himself to Freudian psychoanalysis, the narrator keeps a diary with the aim of conquering his addiction to smoking.
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37,00 €

The Duke's Children (EN)

Bereft of his beloved wife Glencora and his role as Prime Minister, Plantagenet Palliser enters the realm of family politics as he struggles to guide and connect with his three wayward children. Lord Silverbridge, the Duke’s first born and natural inheritor, expelled from Oxford, a gambler at the racetrack and an elected Conservative, further troubles his father when he becomes engaged to Isabel Boncassen, a vibrant and witty American heiress of low social status.
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63,00 €

Full Tilt (EN)

Full Tilt is the inspiring true story of Dervla Murphy’s 1963 journey from Ireland to India on an Armstrong Cadet bicycle, and the trials, landscapes and cultures she encountered along the way. The route takes her through the valleys and snowy mountain passes of Europe and India to the scorching deserts of Afghanistan and Pakistan, where the metal of her bicycle, Rozinante (named after Don Quixote’s steed), becomes too hot to touch.
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22,00 €

The Tragic Muse (EN)

Pressured into a political career by his traditional, establishmentarian family, Nick Dormer longs to be a painter. Eventually, encouraged by the carefree aesthete Gabriel Nash, reminiscent of Oscar Wilde, he resigns from Parliament and follows his artistic dream. His journey is counterpointed with that of budding young actress Miriam Rooth, the subject of Nick’s most successful paintings and the ‘tragic muse’ of the title, who too sacrifices an affluent life (marriage with Nick’s cousin Peter) for her art.
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40,50 €

Ivanhoe (EN)

Written in 1819 but set in 12th-century England, Ivanhoe is a tale of love struggling to survive against a violent backdrop of politics and war. Wilfred of Ivanhoe has been thrown out of his father’s home after falling in love with his father Cedric’s ward, Lady Rowena. Ivanhoe later returns from fighting in the Crusades and is wounded in a jousting tournament.
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40,50 €