

Médeia, 2. vydání

Tragický příběh královské dcery Médeiy, pomsty a boje o zachování cti, který vede až k vraždě vlastních dětí, v jednom z nejslavnějších antických dramat. Vychází v překladu F. Stiebitze jako 67. svazek edice D.
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9,87 €

Rady a zlomyslnosti. Ze světa aforismu a epigramu

Audiokniha Rady a zlomyslnosti. Ze světa aforismu a epigramu. AFORISMUS je - jak praví slovník - "jadrná a stručná věta, jíž se vyslovuje nějaká myšlénka neb důležitá zásada." Z toho vyplývá, že aforistický sloh "libuje si ve stručných větách". Takže ten, kdo se snaží s aforismem jakýmkoliv způsobem zacházet, je chtěj nechtěj nucen shromažďovat jadrné a stručné věty a libovat si v nich. EPIGRAM, česky prostě nápis, "slove kratičká básnička, vyjadřující s duchaplnou pointou vážnou neb satirickou myšlénku výrazně úsečnou formou, se vztahem k určité věci neb osobě."
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3,96 €

Orestes and Other Plays

Ion Orestes The Phoenician Women The Suppliant Women In these four plays Euripides explores ethical and political themes,contrasting the claims of patriotism with family loyalty, pragmatism and expediency with justice, and the idea that 'might is right' with the ideal of clemency. Ion is a vivid portrait of the role of chance in human life and an exploration of family relationships, which combines a sympathetic portrait of a rape victim with remarks on Athenian xenophobia. In Orestes, the most popular of the tragedian's plays in the ancient world, Euripides explores the emotional consequences of Orestes' murder of his mother on the individuals concerned, and makes the tale resonate with advice to Athens about the threat to democracy posed by political pressure groups. The Suppliant Women is a commentary on the politics of empire, as the Athenian king Theseus decides to use force of arms rather than persuasion against Thebes. The Phoenician Women transforms the terrible conflict between Oedipus' sons into one of the most savage indictments of civil war in Western literature by highlighting the personal tragedy it brings.
6,60 €

OWC Medea and Other Plays

`the most tragic of the poets' Aristotle Euripides was one of the most popular and controversial of all Greek tragedians, and his plays are marked by an independence of thought, ingenious dramatic devices, and a subtle variety of register and mood. He is also remarkable for the prominence he gave to female characters, whether heroines of virtue or vice. In the ethically shocking Medea, the first known child-killing mother in Greek myth to perform the deed in cold blood manipulates her world in order to wreak vengeance on her treacherous husband. Hippolytus sees Phaedra's confession of her passion for her stepson herald disaster, while Electra's heroine helps her brother murder their mother in an act that mingles justice and sin. Lastly, lighter in tone, the satyr drama, Helen, is an exploration of the impossibility of certitude as brilliantly paradoxical as the three famous tragedies. This new translation does full justice to Euripides's range of tone and gift for narrative. A lucid introduction provides substantial analysis of each play, complete with vital explanations of the traditions and background to Euripides's world.
2,99 €

OWC Orestes and Other Plays

Ion Orestes The Phoenician Women The Suppliant Women In these four plays Euripides explores ethical and political themes,contrasting the claims of patriotism with family loyalty, pragmatism and expediency with justice, and the idea that 'might is right' with the ideal of clemency. Ion is a vivid portrait of the role of chance in human life and an exploration of family relationships, which combines a sympathetic portrait of a rape victim with remarks on Athenian xenophobia. In Orestes, the most popular of the tragedian's plays in the ancient world, Euripides explores the emotional consequences of Orestes' murder of his mother on the individuals concerned, and makes the tale resonate with advice to Athens about the threat to democracy posed by political pressure groups. The Suppliant Women is a commentary on the politics of empire, as the Athenian king Theseus decides to use force of arms rather than persuasion against Thebes. The Phoenician Women transforms the terrible conflict between Oedipus' sons into one of the most savage indictments of civil war in Western literature by highlighting the personal tragedy it brings.
2,99 €

Heracles and Other Plays

Alcestis * Heracles * Children of Heracles * Cyclops Euripides wrote about timeless themes, of friendship and enmity, hope and despair, duty and betrayal. The first three plays in this volume are filled with violence or its threat, while the fourth, Cyclops, is our only surviving example of a genuine satyr play, with all the crude and slapstick humour that characterized the genre. There is death in Alcestis, which explores the marital relationship of Alcestis and Admetus with pathos and grim humour, but whose status as tragedy is subverted by a happy ending. The blood-soaked Heracles portrays deep emotional pain and undeserved suffering; its demand for a more humanistic ethics in the face of divine indifference and callousness makes it one of Euripides' more popular and profound plays. Children of Heracles is a rich and complex work, famous for its dialogues and monologues, in which the effects of war on refugees and the consequences of sheltering them are movingly explored. In Cyclops Euripides takes the familiar story of Odysseus' escape from the Cyclops Polyphemus and turns it to hilarious comic effect. Euripides' other plays are all available in Oxford World's Classics.
6,60 €

Lacná kniha Heracles and Other Plays (-90%)

Alcestis * Heracles * Children of Heracles * Cyclops Euripides wrote about timeless themes, of friendship and enmity, hope and despair, duty and betrayal. The first three plays in this volume are filled with violence or its threat, while the fourth, Cyclops, is our only surviving example of a genuine satyr play, with all the crude and slapstick humour that characterized the genre. There is death in Alcestis, which explores the marital relationship of Alcestis and Admetus with pathos and grim humour, but whose status as tragedy is subverted by a happy ending. The blood-soaked Heracles portrays deep emotional pain and undeserved suffering; its demand for a more humanistic ethics in the face of divine indifference and callousness makes it one of Euripides' more popular and profound plays. Children of Heracles is a rich and complex work, famous for its dialogues and monologues, in which the effects of war on refugees and the consequences of sheltering them are movingly explored. In Cyclops Euripides takes the familiar story of Odysseus' escape from the Cyclops Polyphemus and turns it to hilarious comic effect. Euripides' other plays are all available in Oxford World's Classics.
0,66 € 6,60 €

dostupné aj ako:

OWC Bacchae and Other Plays

Iphigenia among the Taurians Bacchae Iphigenia at Aulis Rhesus The four plays newly translated in this volume are among Euripides' most exciting works. Iphigenia among the Taurians is a story of escape and contrasting Greek and barbarian civilization, set on the Black Sea at the edge of the known world. Bacchae, a profound exploration of the human psyche, deals with the appalling consequences of resistance to Dionysus, god of wine and unfettered emotion. This tragedy, which above all others speaks to our post-Freudian era, is one of Euripides' two last surviving plays. The second, Iphigenia at Aulis, centres on the ultimate dysfunctional family as natural emotion is tested in the tragic crucible of the Greek expedition against Troy. Lastly, Rhesus, probably the work of another playwright, is a thrilling, action-packed Iliad in miniature, dealing with a grisly event in the Trojan War.
2,99 €


Tragický příběh královské dcery Médeiy, pomsty a boje o zachování cti, který vede až k vraždě vlastních dětí, v jednom z nejslavnějších antických dramat.
9,31 €

Prikovaný Prometheus, Trójanky, Odľud

S rozvojom aténskej demokracie sa v metropole Grécka začína od 5. storočia pred Kr. rozvíjať nová forma dramatického umenia. V Aténach vznikajú súťaže, ktorých obsahom sú predstavenia dramatickej tvorby. Hry a súťaže sa stávajú súčasťou sviatkov, osláv a občanom-divákom sa predvádzajú na nich dramatické, divadelné predstavenia. Drámy v tomto období, a to najmä tragédie, sa stávajú významnou záležitosťou, ktorej venujú veľkú pozornosť aj najvýznamnejší činitelia Atén. Na prípravu súťaží a divadelných scén sa vynakladajú vysoké finančné prostriedky, aby sa tak dosiahla mimoriadne vysoká kvalita predvádzaných hier. Divadelná dráma, tragédie i komédie, sa stáva kultovou záležitosťou a všeobecným meradlom kultúry starovekých Atén. Každé predstavenie sa hralo vždy iba jedenkrát, a tak predstavovalo pre divákov mimoriadny, výnimočný zážitok, s neopakovateľnou atmosférou a scénou. Verše uvádzaných drám sa po predstaveniach zapisovali a recitovali, a tak sa ďalej šírili medzi ľudí. K najúspešnejším predstaviteľom súťaží patrili i nám známi autori Aischylos, Sofokles, Euripides či Aristofanes, povestní svojou rozsiahlou tvorbou. Predstavenia, ktoré uvádzali pred zraky divákov, vždy ašpirovali na víťazstvo – dosiahnutie prvej ceny. V našej publikácii uvádzame výber troch diel z tvorby Aischyla, Euripida a Menandra, ktorý patril k mladšej generácii komických dramatikov. Tragédie Prikovaný Prometheus, Trójanky a komédia Odľud patria k najlepším drámam z tvorby týchto autorov. Publikáciu dopĺňajú štúdie Miloslava Okála Aischylos – tvorca nesmrteľných tragédií; Menandros – predstaviteľ novej gréckej komédie a štúdie Anikó Polgár. Charakteristické znaky gréckej drámy; Trójanky. Čitateľa oboznamujú vo všeobecnosti so starovekou dramatickou tvorbou a rozoberajú uvedené diela, ako aj ďalšiu tvorbu týchto výnimočných autorov antickej drámy.
Iba v predajni
18,14 €