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Najnovšie - Knihy - Fejtóny, rozhovory, reportáže strana 95 z 96

Dopisy Olze

Výbor z korespondence, kterou odesílal Václav Havel své ženě z vězení v Praze-Ruzyni, Heřmanic a Plzně Borů. Obsahuje 144 doopisů od června 1979 do září 1982. Autor se v nich nezaabývá jen svou momentální situací, přemýšlí o hlubších otázkách lidské existence, o politice, kultuře. Jeho dopisy tak mají charakter filozofických esejů, není však setřena atmosféra prostředí, v němž byly napsány. Edičně zpracoval Jan Lopatka.
8,17 € 8,60 €

Megtalálni japánt

Ez a könyv nem útikönyv, nem is visszaemlékezés, ennél jóval több. A szerző, aki számtalanszor járt Japánban, történeteket mesél az országról és az ott élő emberekről. Mindeközben arra a kérdésre keresi a választ, hogy miért nem érthetők meg a japánok európai észjárással. Vegyük például a fugut, vagyis a halálosan mérgező gömbhalt. Ne gondoljuk, hogy csak az íze miatt esznek meg egy olyan halat, melynek az elkészítésekor a szakács kezébe adják az életüket. De akkor mi másért? És vajon miért a reményről nevezték el a legújabb, leggyorsabb szuperexpresszt? Mi segítette át őket Fukusimán? És mi miért szeretjük annyira Murakami Haruki könyveit? Japán az az ország, mely a mai napig a legerősebben kötődik kultúrájának több ezer éves gyökereihez. De mi is szorosan kötődünk Japánhoz, több szálon is, legyen ez a zöld tea, a szamurájos mozi, az animekon vagy a Hello Kitty. Itt az idő, hogy egymásra találjunk, ebben lesz segítségünkre a könyv.
10,86 € 11,43 €

O ženách

Rozhovor Arnošta Lustiga s Markétou Mališovou na téma žena – žena jako matka, milenka, přítelkyně. Žena múza mužů a žena nepokořená tichá bojovnice. Takto a v mnoha dalších rolích Arnošt Lustig vnímá ženu. S nadhledem svého věku a životních zkušeností se
6,70 € 7,05 €

Moje Nizozemsko

Znalecké oko belgického novináře padlo na Nizozemsko, na jeho pýchu i bolístky. Své postřehy vypráví v drobných fejetonech, v nichž se soustředí jednak na věci nizozemsky typické a zdánlivě mnohokrát proprané (kola, Amsterdam, sýr, Oranžští, tulipány, poldery), na zvláštnosti, které znají ti "zasvěcenější" (Bosman, Van Dale, železnice, Frízové, Kersten), či na traumata, o kterých by Nizozemec asi raději pomlčel (xenofobie, kolaborace). Všechno ale s důkladnou znalostí nejen teoretickou, nýbrž a především prožitou, individuální a hlavně přímo "od srdce". Podívejte se na Nizozemsko Van Istendaelovýma očima, určitě nebudete litovat!
11,12 € 11,70 €

Taxisvilág, Hungary

Pszichológusok, csibészek, titkok őrzői. Mindent tudnak a városról és a lakóiról, a szépségekről és a mocsokról. Kordos Szabolcs, a nagy sikerű "Luxushotel, Hungary" szerzője ezúttal a taxisok és sofőrök zárt világába kínál bepillantást. Hallgassa meg az éjszaka hangjait, üljön ... Folytatás ›› be a hátsó ülésre a maffiózók, az életüket elsíró háziasszonyok, a dolgozó lányok, a piacozó kínaiak, a partira igyekvő hírességek mellé. Ragadja meg a milliárdos Ferrarijának kormányát, és vegyen részt egy sötétített ablakú limuzin útján, találkozzon a legnagyobb sztárokkal! Álljon be a drosztra, és tudjon meg mindent a hiénák, a ferihegyi és a pályaudvari csaták hátteréről. A "Taxisvilág, Hungary" lebilincselő, emberi és főleg tanulságos olvasmány egy olyan világról, amelyről csak hisszük, hogy ismerjük. A(z) Taxisvilág, Hungary (Könyv) szerzője Kordos Szabolcs.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Lacná kniha Pošta pre Vás (-90%)

Knižku napísala moderátorka najsledovanejšieho programu STV Pošta pre Teba. Kniha je o zákulisí programu, o tom, ako vzniká, o nakrúcaní, kuriózitách, o Pošte pre Teba vo svete. Okrem toho sa v nej autorka vracia k najsilnejším príbehom, o ktorých píše vlastnými očami, píše o tom, ako sa ľudia správali mimo kamier a čo je s ich životmi dnes. Kniha je bohato doplnená farebnými fotografiami.
1,26 € 12,59 €

dostupné aj ako:

Lacná kniha Facky z Marsu (-90%)

Kromě sžíravé obžaloby všeho, co se nemůže bránit, obsahuje spoustu praktických informací pro život. Od návodů, jak se dokonale pomstít komárovi nebo upírovi, přes recepty, jak si v manželství udržet dobrou náladu až po šokující zpovědi televizního diváka, vánočního kapra, boha nebo ženy na rodičovské dovolené. Sbírka fejetonů má velký záběr nejen tematický, ale i teritoriální. Rozhodně nezůstává při Zemi, zamíří i do vesmíru a vypravuje se až na Mars, aby se na každodenní problémy lidí podívala z dostatečného odstupu. Fejetony doprovázejí barevné ilustrace Jana Duchoně, které nepostrádají vtip ani pana Bzuka.
0,94 € 9,35 €

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Lacná kniha O ženách (-90%)

Rozhovor Arnošta Lustiga s Markétou Mališovou na téma žena – žena jako matka, milenka, přítelkyně. Žena múza mužů a žena nepokořená tichá bojovnice. Takto a v mnoha dalších rolích Arnošt Lustig vnímá ženu. S nadhledem svého věku a životních zkušeností se
0,71 € 7,05 €

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Lacná kniha Facky z Marsu (-90%)

Kromě sžíravé obžaloby všeho, co se nemůže bránit, obsahuje spoustu praktických informací pro život. Od návodů, jak se dokonale pomstít komárovi nebo upírovi, přes recepty, jak si v manželství udržet dobrou náladu až po šokující zpovědi televizního diváka, vánočního kapra, boha nebo ženy na rodičovské dovolené. Sbírka fejetonů má velký záběr nejen tematický, ale i teritoriální. Rozhodně nezůstává při Zemi, zamíří i do vesmíru a vypravuje se až na Mars, aby se na každodenní problémy lidí podívala z dostatečného odstupu. Fejetony doprovázejí barevné ilustrace Jana Duchoně, které nepostrádají vtip ani pana Bzuka.
0,94 € 9,35 €

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Lacná kniha Píseň o Bernardettě

Slavné dílo Franze Werfla je vlastně dokumentární román, který na základě faktů vypravuje o životě Bernadetty Soubirousové, chudobného a neduživého děvčátka z pyrenejského podhůří. Autor jej napsal r. 1941, krátce poté, co se mu podařilo uprchnout před hi
0,82 € 16,36 €

dostupné aj ako:

Talking with Psychopaths and Savages: Guilty but Insane

The plea of insanity in criminal cases can be traced back at least to the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi, which dates from 1755-1759 BC. It is a complicated defence, and its origins in modern law lie with the 'M'Naghten Rules' of 1843, formulated by British judges as a jury instruction in cases where a plea of insanity had been entered. Daniel M'Naghten shot and killed one Edward Drummond, believing him to be the British Prime Minister, Sir Robert Peel, and was acquitted on the grounds of insanity, and the M'Naghten Rules still exert considerable influence over defences today. Clearly a plea of insanity in murder cases is of critical importance when the death penalty is still applied, and even today it may still be the difference between a life sentence in a high-security prison, or an indeterminate one in a secure psychiatric hospital. Meanwhile, 27 of the USA's 50 states have retained or readopted the death penalty, and at least 54 other countries, including China, Russia, India, Iran and Saudi Arabia, also retain it. Naturally, a criminal who was liable to swing for murder could, and sometimes did, make every attempt to appear insane, and this book examines some of these cases, as well as trials in which the accused was indeed judged to be insane. The failure rate is high; of seven American serial killers who deployed the defence in their trials, only two were successful, ending their days in secure psychiatric facilities; two were executed, and the other three either died or were killed while serving full-life sentences, or are still in gaol.
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18,95 € 19,95 €

Broken Code

Facebook had a problem. Along with its sister platforms Instagram and WhatsApp, it was a daily destination for billions of users around the world, extolling its products for connecting people. But as a succession of scandals rocked Facebook from 2016, some began to question whether the company could control, or even understood, its own platforms. As Facebook employees searched for answers, what they uncovered was worse than they could've imagined. The problems ran far deeper than politics. Facebook was peddling and amplifying anger, looking the other way at human trafficking, enabling drug cartels and authoritarians and allowing VIP users to break the platform's supposedly inviolable rules. It turned out to be eminently possible to isolate many of Facebook's worst problems, but whenever employees offered solutions their work was consistently delayed, watered down or stifled by a company that valued user engagement above all else. The only option left was to blow the whistle. In Broken Code, award-winning Wall Street Journal reporter Jeff Horwitz tells the riveting inside story of these employees and their explosive discoveries, uncovering the shocking cost of Facebook's blind ambition in the process.
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19,90 € 20,95 €


Taking a curtain call with a live snake in her wig... Cavorting naked through the Warwickshire countryside painted green... Acting opposite a child with a pumpkin on his head... These are just a few of the things Dame Judi Dench has done in the name of Shakespeare. For the very first time, Judi opens up about every Shakespearean role she has played throughout her seven-decade career, from Lady Macbeth and Titania to Ophelia and Cleopatra. In a series of intimate conversations with actor & director Brendan O'Hea, she guides us through Shakespeare's plays with incisive clarity. While revealing the secrets of her rehearsal process, sharing her personal interpretations of Shakespeare’s most famous scenes and inviting us to share in her triumphs, disasters, and backstage shenanigans. All brightened by her mischievous sense of humour, striking level of honesty and a peppering of hilarious anecdotes, many of which have remained under lock and key until now. Instructive and witty, provocative and inspiring, this is ultimately Judi's love letter to Shakespeare, or rather, The Man Who Pays The Rent.
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20,85 € 21,95 €

Nothing To Envy

In this landmark addition to the literature of totalitarianism, award-winning journalist Barbara Demick follows the lives of six North Korean citizens over fifteen years—a chaotic period that saw the death of Kim Il-sung, the rise to power of his son Kim Jong-il (the father of Kim Jong-un), and a devastating famine that killed one-fifth of the population. Demick brings to life what it means to be living under the most repressive regime today—an Orwellian world that is by choice not connected to the Internet, where displays of affection are punished, informants are rewarded, and an offhand remark can send a person to the gulag for life. She takes us deep inside the country, beyond the reach of government censors, and through meticulous and sensitive reporting we see her subjects fall in love, raise families, nurture ambitions, and struggle for survival. One by one, we witness their profound, life-altering disillusionment with the government and their realization that, rather than providing them with lives of abundance, their country has betrayed them.
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13,25 € 13,95 €

The Other Pandemic

Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist James Ball takes us into the depths of the internet to trace the origins and rapid ascent of QAnon, the movement that mutated from a niche online conspiracy theory into the world s first digital pandemic. *A Financial Times Book to Read in 2023* Imagine a deadly pathogen that, once created, could infect any person in any part of the globe within seconds. No need to wait for travellers, trains, or air traffic to spread it, all you need is an internet connection. In this gripping investigation, Pulitzer Prize winner James Ball decodes the cryptic language of the online right and with a surgeon s precision tracks the spread of QAnon, the world s first digital pandemic. QAnon began as an internet community dedicated to supporting President Trump and intent on outing a global cabal of human traffickers. A short, cryptic message posted by an anonymous user to a niche internet forum in 2017 was the spark that ignited a global movement. What started as a macabre game of virtual make-believe quickly spiralled into the spread of virulently hateful, dangerous messaging which turned into tragic, violent actions. Incoherent, chaotic, free from agendas: QAnon is a one-size-fits all cult conspiracy. From a standoff at the Hoover Dam, to the storming of the U.S. Capitol on 6 January 2021, to protesting COVID-19 lockdowns, this digital pandemic has spread globally and shows no signs of stopping. In The Other Pandemic Ball takes us into the niche pathways through which these digital pathogens spread, mutate and infect people all across the globe but he also argues that the prognosis doesn t have to be dire. He shows us that it is possible to treat and cure this virus in order to build up our digital immune systems, and be better prepared to survive the next wave.
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18,95 € 19,95 €

War and Punishment

From heroic dissident journalist Mikhail Zygar, a journey into the myths and fantasies that led Russia to violence in Ukraine 'History is made up of myths,' writes the renowned Russian dissident journalist Mikhail Zygar. 'Alas, our myths led us to the fascism of 2022. It is time to expose them.' Drawing from his perilous career investigating the frontiers of the Russian empire, Zygar reveals how 350 years of propaganda, bad historical scholarship, folk tales and fantasy spurred his nation into war with Ukraine. How did a German monk's fear of the Ottoman Empire drive him to invent the fiction of a united Russian world? How did corny spy novels about a 'Soviet James Bond' inspire Vladimir Putin to join the KGB? How did Alexander Pushkin's admiration for a poem by Lord Byron end with him slandering the legendary chief of the Cossacks? And how did Putin underestimate a rising TV comic named Volodymyr Zelensky, failing to see that his satire had become deadly serious, and that his country would be a joke no longer? A noted expert on the Kremlin with unparalleled access to hundreds of players in the current conflict - from politicians to oligarchs, gangsters to comedians (not least Zelensky himself) - Zygar chronicles the power struggles from which today's politics grew, and digs out the essential truths from behind layers of seductive legend. By surveying the strange, complex record of Russo-Ukrainian relations, War and Punishment reveals exactly how the largest nation on Earth lost its senses. A work of history can't undo the past or transform the present, but sometimes it can shape the future. In fact, that's how the story begins.
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20,85 € 21,95 €

The War Came To Us

The inside story of Ukraine's bravery and defiance in the face of Russian aggression, from the conflict's leading journalist. When President Putin ordered Russian troops to invade Ukraine, he unleashed a terror which struck at the very heart of Europe and broke the world order that had been in place since the fall of the Soviet Union. Financial Times reporter Christopher Miller has been embedded in Ukraine for 13 years and is one of the few journalists who knows Ukraine inside out, who was at the frontline in Crimea and who reported from bombed out Mariupol. This book takes the reader from the coal-dusted, sunflower-covered steppe of the Donbas to the heart of the Euromaidan revolution camp in Kyiv; from the Black Sea shores of Crimea where Russian troops stealthily annexed Ukraine's peninsula to the bloody battlefields where warlords ruled with iron fists; to the destruction and terror wrought by Russian bombs in Bucha, Kharkiv, Mariupol, and beyond. This is the story of modern Ukraine and its transformation, as told through the lives of Ukrainians, their fears and struggles. It is Ukraine in all its glory: vast, weird, exhilarating, defiant, resilient, trying to escape the long shadow of its former imperial ruler while fighting to build a new future.
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23,70 € 24,95 €

Sky Above Kharkiv

When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Serhiy Zhadan took to social media to coordinate a network of resistance workers and send messages of courage to his fellow Ukrainians. What began as a local organizing effort exploded onto the international stage as readers around the globe looked to Zhadan as a key eyewitness documenting Russian atrocities. In this powerful record of the war’s harrowing first four months, Zhadan works day and night in Kharkiv to evacuate children and the elderly from suburbs that have come under fire. He sends lists of life-saving medications to the West in the hopes of procuring them for civilians, coordinates food deliveries, collects money for military equipment, and organizes concerts. He shares photographs of the open sky?grateful for every pause in the shelling?and captures images of beloved institutions reduced to rubble. We’ll restore everything. We’ll rebuild everything, he writes. As the days pass, the city empties. Friends are killed. And when images of the Bucha massacre are released, Zhadan’s own voice falters: I’m speechless. Hang in there, my friends. Tomorrow, we’ll wake up one day closer to our victory. An intimate work of witness literature, this book is at once the testimony of one man entering a new reality and the story of a society fighting for the right to exist.
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18,95 € 19,95 €

What's Eating Us

Blending personal narrative and investigative reporting, Emmy Award-winning journalist Cole Kazdin reveals that disordered eating is an epidemic crisis killing millions of women. Women of all ages struggle with disordered eating, preoccupation with food, and body anxiety. Journalist Cole Kazdin was one such woman, and she set out to discover why her own full recovery from an eating disorder felt so impossible. Interviewing women across the country as well as the world’s most renowned researchers, she discovered that most people with eating disorders never receive treatment––the fact that she did made her one of the lucky ones. Kazdin takes us to the doorstep of the diet industry and research community, exposing the flawed systems that claim to be helping us, and revealing disordered eating for the crisis that it is: a mental illness with the second highest mortality rate (after opioid-related deaths) that no one wants to talk about. Along the way, she identifies new treatments not yet available to the general public, grass roots movements to correct racial disparities in care, and strategies for navigating true health while still living in a dysfunctional world. What would it feel like to be free? To feel gorgeous in your body, not ruminate about food, feel ease at meals, exercise with no regard for calories-burned? To never making a disparaging comment about your body again, even silently to yourself. Who can help us with this? We can. What's Eating Us is an urgent battle cry coupled with stories and strategies about what works and how to finally heal?for real.
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29,40 € 30,95 €

Fejtóny, rozhovory a reportáže patria medzi dôležité žánre literatúry, ktoré sa zaoberajú dokumentárnym spracovaním udalostí, spoločenských tém a ľudských skúseností. Tieto žánre poskytujú čitateľom hlboký vhľad do rôznych aspektov sveta, ktoré nám pomáhajú pochopiť a analyzovať okolitú realitu.

Fejtóny sú krátke literárne diela, ktoré často kombinujú humor, ironiu a osobné postrehy autora. Ich cieľom je pobaviť čitateľa a donútiť ho sa zamyslieť sa nad rôznymi témami a situáciami. Fejtóny môžu mať rozmanité formy - od krátkych esejí a anekdotických príbehov po reflexie a komentáre.

Rozhovory predstavujú konverzáciu medzi novinármi a osobnosťami z rôznych oblastí, ako sú umenie, politika, vedy a iné. Tieto rozhovory poskytujú autentický pohľad na myšlienky, názory a skúsenosti významných osobností.

Reportáže sú žánrom, ktorý sa zameriava na objektívne spravodajstvo a dokumentáciu udalostí. Reportéri zbierajú informácie prostredníctvom výskumu, rozhovorov a terénnych prác a následne ich prezentujú prostredníctvom článkov, časopisových reportáží alebo kníh. Reportáže majú často sociálnu, politickú alebo kultúrnu tému.

Fejtóny, rozhovory a reportáže sú dôležitými žánrami, ktoré obohacujú literárnu scénu. Ich autentický prístup a schopnosť analyzovať a interpretovať rôzne aspekty ľudskej existencie nám umožňuje rozšíriť naše obzory, vnímať svet z rôznych perspektív a hlbšie porozumieť spoločnosti.

K najznámejším autorom fejtónov patria Mark Twain, Dorothy Parker, Milan Lasica, či Miroslav Marcelli.

Reportážam sa venujú autori ako Truman Capote, či Hunter S. Thompson.