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II. Erzsébet királynő

,,Kijelentem mindannyiuk előtt, hogy egész életemet, legyen bár rövid vagy hosszú, az önök szolgálatának és nagybirodalmi családunk - amelyhez mindannyian tartozunk - szolgálatának szentelem." Ez volt Erzsébet hercegnő ígérete a Brit Nemzetközösség és Birodalomnak egy beszédben, amelyet a rádió 1947. április 21-én, a 21. születésnapján közvetített a dél-afrikai Fokvárosból. II. Erzsébet 70 éven át megtartotta azon ígéretét, hogy népét szolgálja, és Nagy-Britannia, valamint a Nemzetközösség ma élő lakosainak többsége nem is ismert más uralkodót, csak őt. Ebben az évben ünnepeltük a királynő platinajubileumát, ő volt az elő brit uralkodó, aki eljutott ehhez a rendkívüli mérföldkőhöz. Uralkodása során megért jó és rossz időket, de mindig rendíthetetlen és állandó szereplő maradt az elmúlt hét évtized társadalmi és politikai felfordulásai közepette. Tekintsük meg uralkodása és személyes élete néhány kulcspillanatát.
7,63 € 8,03 €

And Finally

As a neurosurgeon, I lived in a world filled with fear and suffering, death and cancer. But rarely, if ever, did I think about what it would be like if what I witnessed at work every day happened to me. This book is the story of how I became a patient myself. As a retired brain surgeon, Henry Marsh thought he understood illness, but he was unprepared for the impact of his diagnosis of advanced cancer. And Finally explores what happens when someone who has spent a lifetime on the frontline of life and death finds himself contemplating what might be his own death sentence. As he navigates the bewildering transition from doctor to patient, he is haunted by past failures and projects yet to be completed, and frustrated by the inconveniences of illness and old age. But he is also more entranced than ever by the mysteries of science and the brain, the beauty of the natural world and his love for his family. Elegiac, candid, luminous and poignant, And Finally is ultimately not so much a book about death, but a book about life and what matters in the end.
17,05 € 17,95 €

Diana: Remembering the Princess

On the 25th anniversary of her death, this intimate and enlightening book explores the legacy of Princess Diana, and her influence on the monarchy, her sons and on wider social attitudes. An authoritative book, written with two close friends of Diana: Inspector Ken Wharfe was Diana's police protection officer for six years during the most turbulent period of her marriage to Prince Charles. Ros Coward was chosen as author of the official book by the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Trust.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors

The British Royal Family believed that the dizzy success of the Sussex wedding, watched and celebrated around the world, was the beginning of a new era for the Windsors. Yet, within one tumultuous year, the dream became a nightmare. In the aftermath of the infamous Megxit split and the Oprah Winfrey interview, the Royal Family's fate seems persistently threatened. The public remains puzzled. Meghan's success has alternatively won praise, bewildered and outraged. Confused by the Sussexes' slick publicity, few understand the real Meghan Markle. What lies ahead for Meghan? And what has happened to the family she married into? Can the Windsors restore their reputation? With extensive research, expert sourcing and interviews from insiders who have never spoken before, Tom Bower, Britain's leading investigative biographer, unpicks the tangled web of courtroom drama, courtier politics and thwarted childhood dreams to uncover an astonishing story of love, betrayal, secrets and revenge.
24,65 € 25,95 €


Lea Ypi grew up in one of the most isolated countries on earth, a place where communist ideals had officially replaced religion. Albania, the last Stalinist outpost in Europe, was almost impossible to visit, almost impossible to leave. It was a place of queuing and scarcity, of political executions and secret police. To Lea, it was home. People were equal, neighbours helped each other, and children were expected to build a better world. There was community and hope. Then, in December 1990, everything changed. The statues of Stalin and Hoxha were toppled. Almost overnight, people could vote freely, wear what they liked and worship as they wished. There was no longer anything to fear from prying ears. But factories shut, jobs disappeared and thousands fled to Italy on crowded ships, only to be sent back. Predatory pyramid schemes eventually bankrupted the country, leading to violent conflict. As one generation's aspirations became another's disillusionment, and as her own family's secrets were revealed, Lea found herself questioning what freedom really meant. Free is an engrossing memoir of coming of age amid political upheaval. With acute insight and wit, Lea Ypi traces the limits of progress and the burden of the past, illuminating the spaces between ideals and reality, and the hopes and fears of people pulled up by the sweep of history.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Lacná kniha Roman Kaliský - Cesta búrnym storočím (-90%)

Na základe množstva archívnych dokumentov, autentických výpovední a spomienok pamätníkov autori spracovali osud novinára a spisovateľa Romana Kaliského na pozadí turbulentných udalostí minulého storočia. Roman Kaliský dlhé roky pracoval v novinách, vo filme, v televízii, odkiaľ ho začiatkom normalizácie vyhodili a dvadsať rokov bol robotníkom. Predtým, ešte ako študent, sa zapojil do SNP a bol zranený. Po druhej svetovej vojne vstúpil do Strany slovenskej obrody, za ktorú bol dvanásť rokov poslancom Slovenskej národnej rady a Národného zhromaždenia. Viac rokov pracoval v legendárnom Kultúrnom živote. Po novembri 1989 sa stal nakrátko riaditeľom Slovenskej televízie a vrátil sa k novinárskemu povolaniu. Politicky sa už neangažoval, ale v roku 1993 sa výrazne pričinil o vznik samostatnej Slovenskej republiky. Pútavá monografia k nedožitej storočnici Romana Kaliského odhaľuje jeho životnú cestu, ktorá nebola vždy priamočiara.
2,48 € 24,75 €

dostupné aj ako:

A királynő

II. Erzsébet 1926 áprilisában született, amikor Nagy-Britanniában már csak két hét volt hátra az ország legnagyobb sztrájkjáig, a társadalom még nem heverte ki az első világháború borzalmát, és a Birodalom még az egész földet behálózta. A következő évtizedben a világot és a nemzetet is hatalmas megrázkódtatások érték, de egyetlen sarokköve mindig változatlan maradt: a királynő. A BBC History ebben a különleges, fotókkal gazdagon illusztrált összeállításban sok írását gyűjtötte össze, és frissítette fel. Ezeknek a történészek és más szakértők által írt cikkeknek némelyike megjelent már a BBC History Magazine-ban vagy a lap különkiadásaiban. Kiadványunkban olvasóink megismerhetik a királynő életútját: a korai éveket, amikor hercegnőként még nem nehezedtek rá a korona viselésével járó terhek; a háborúban végzett munkáját; házasságát a néhai Fülöp herceggel; a családi élet örömeit és nehézségeit; hosszú uralkodásának számos fordulópontját és eredményét. Olvashatunk néhány nagy változásról, amelyek során az ország és a világ egésze is átalakult, és arról, milyen szerepe volt ezekben a királynőnek – nem utolsó sorban a Nemzetközösség fejlődésében.
15,30 € 16,10 €

Diary of an Apprentice Astronaut

In space the sun rises and sets 16 times a day. You fly over every sea, every mountain and desert, every city and every port. The most ordinary things -- eating, sleeping, brushing your teeth or cutting your hair -- have to be relearned, until they become familiar again. This is the story of Samantha Cristoforetti's incredible journey to becoming an astronaut, and her journey beyond Earth. Her voyage as an apprentice astronaut began when she was in her early thirties: five years of intense training around the world, from Houston to Japan to the legendary Star City in Russia. Countless hours spent in centrifuges, spaceship simulators and under water for spacewalk practice. Then, one day, a rocket was waiting for her on the launch pad. And after eight minutes of wild ascent, she was on orbit, crunched up with her two crewmates in a tiny spaceship that took them to the International Space Station. With honesty and warmth, Cristoforetti chronicles the two hundred days she spent on the ISS, the joys and challenges of being in an extraordinary place, from the sublime sight of seeing Earth for the first time to more unusual concerns, such as mastering the art of floating. How do you find your bearings when there is no up and down? What is it like to run in weightlessness? And how do you cook in space? This is an enthralling, inspiring and surprisingly down-to-earth story about what it really takes to pursue your dreams.
16,10 € 16,95 €

The Palace Papers

'Never again', became Queen Elizabeth II's mantra shortly after Diana's death. More specifically, there could never be 'another Diana' - a member of the family whose global popularity upstaged, outshone, and posed an existential threat to the British monarchy. Picking up where The Diana Chronicles left off, The Palace Papers reveals how the royal family reinvented itself after the traumatic years when Diana's blazing celebrity ripped through the House of Windsor like a comet. Tina Brown takes readers on a tour de force journey that shows the Queen's stoic resolve as she coped with the passing of Princess Margaret, the Queen Mother and her partner for seven decades, Prince Philip, and triumphed in her Jubilee years even as the family dramas raged around her. She explores Prince Charles's determination to make Camilla his queen, the tension between William and Harry who are on 'different paths', the ascendance of the resolute Kate Middleton, the disturbing allegations surrounding Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein, and Harry and Meghan's stunning decision to 'step back' as senior royals. Despite the fragile monarchy's best efforts, 'never again' seems fast approaching. Full of powerful revelations, nuanced details, and searing insight, The Palace Papers will irrevocably change how the world perceives and understands the royal family
18,00 € 18,95 €

Francis Bacon

Told for the first time in graphic novel form, the story of Francis Bacon's life is as complex, colorful, and highly charged as his paintings. Drawn in shades of mauve, red, yellow, and blue that distinguished his palette, these illustrations weave together a troubling but compassionate narrative, one that draws on the tragic events of Bacon's childhood and youth, as well as reflecting the profoundly passionate yearnings of the artist he became. Separated into thematic and chronological sections the novel highlights the prevailing influences of Bacon's life and times: his early autodidacticism and estrangement from his family; his struggles to make his way as a surrealist painter and his destruction of his early work. It traces his gradual success in postwar Europe, his powerful and often violent romantic relationships, his foray into portraiture, and his never-ending search for subject matter and meaning in his work. Alternating between full-page illustrations and smaller, captioned works, Portolano imagines not only the known details of Bacon's biography, but also his inner life-the dreams, fears, and obsessions that were equally formidable underpinnings of his oeuvre. Woven to gether with historical facts and figures, this graphic novel reconstructs a life as only a cartoonist could-image led, thoughtfully composed, and deeply evocative of its subject matter.
24,65 € 25,95 €

Elizabeth II

With just under a thousand portraits of Queen Elizabeth II, the National Portrait Gallery boasts some of the most treasured and famous official portraits of the Queen captured at key historic moments, as well as day-to-day images of the monarch at home and with family, following her journey from childhood, to princess and Queen, mother and grandmother. This publication highlights the most important portraits of Elizabeth II from the Gallery's Collection. Paintings and photographs from the birth of Elizabeth II to the present will take readers on a visual journey through the life of Britain's foremost icon. The book will reflect on the Queen's life, presenting family photographs alongside important formal portraits to explore how, as her reign became record-breaking, she became an iconic figure in modern British culture and history. The publication features works by key artists depicting the Queen from 1926 to the present day, including Baron, Cecil Beaton, Dorothy Wilding, Patrick Lichfield, Andy Warhol, Annie Leibovitz and David Bailey. This book features an introductory essay by Alexandra Shulman, exploring how the collected portraits depict the Queen throughout her life and reign, and a timeline of key historical events and moments from Elizabeth II's life.
18,95 € 19,95 €


Ever since she was a child, every aspect of Julia Haart's life - what she wore, what she ate, what she thought - was controlled by the rules of ultra-Orthodox Judaism. At nineteen, after a lifetime spent caring for her seven younger siblings, she was married off to a man she barely knew. For the next twenty-three years, her marriage would rule her life. Eventually, when Haart's youngest daughter, Miriam, started to innocently question why she wasn't allowed to sing in public, run in shorts, or ride a bike without being covered from neck to knee, Haart reached a breaking point. She knew that if she didn't find a way to leave, her daughters would be forced into the same unending servitude. So Haart created a double life. In the ultra- Orthodox world, clothing has one purpose - to cover the body, head to toe - and giving any more thought than that to one's appearance is considered sinful, an affront to God. But when no one was looking, Haart would pour over fashion magazines and sketch designs for the clothes she dreamed about wearing in the world beyond her Orthodox suburb. She started preparing for her escape by educating herself and creating a 'freedom' fund. At the age of forty-two, she finally mustered the courage to flee. Within a week of her escape, Haart founded a shoe brand, and within nine months, she was at Paris Fashion Week. Just a few years later, she was named creative director of La Perla. Soon she would become co-owner and CEO of Elite World Group and one of the most powerful people in fashion. Along the way, her four children - Batsheva, Shlomo, Miriam and Aron - have not only accepted but embraced her transformation. Propulsive and unforgettable, Haart's story is the journey from a world of 'no' to a world of 'yes', and an inspiration for women everywhere to find their freedom, their purpose and their voice.
16,10 € 16,95 €

The Florentines

Between the birth of Dante in 1265 and the death of Galileo in 1642 something happened which completely revolutionized Western civilization. Painting, sculpture and architecture would all visibly change in a striking fashion. Likewise, the thought and self-conception of humanity would take on a completely different aspect. Sciences would be born - or emerge in an entirely new guise. In this sweeping 400-year history, Paul Strathern reveals how, and why, these new ideas which formed the Renaissance began, and flourished, in the city of Florence. Just as central and northern Germany gave birth to the Reformation, Britain was a driver of the Industrial Revolution and Silicon Valley shaped the digital age, so too, Strathern argues, did Florence play a similarly unique and transformative role in the Renaissance. While vividly bringing to life the city and a vast cast of characters - including Dante, Botticelli, Machiavelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Galileo - Strathern shows how these great Florentines forever altered Europe and the Western world.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Coco Chanel és a női divat forradalma

Coco Chanel, a divattervezők királynőjének neve egyet jelent összetéveszthetetlen stílusával. Éppolyan lázadó szellemben alkotta meg saját jövőjét, mint a ruháit. A női divatot olyan, azóta klasszikussá vált darabokkal forradalmasította, mint a kis fekete estélyi, a Chanel No 5 parfüm, egyedi tervezésű bizsuk, arany gombos női zakók és steppelt hatású táskák. Ebben a gazdagon illusztrált életrajzi albumban Chanel legendája új életre kel, miközben végigkövethetjük pályáját fájdalmakkal teli gyermekkorától szerelmein át páratlan karrierje csúcsáig. Pazar fotókon jelenik meg merész és királynői alakja, annak az időtlen eleganciának a tökéletes megtestesítője, amely halhatatlanná tette. "Semmit sem bánok az életemben, kivéve azokat a dolgokat, amiket nem tettem meg." - Coco Chanel
24,48 € 25,77 €

King of the World

The ultimate biography of the Sun King' Simon Sebag Montefiore Louis XIV dominated his age. He extended France's frontiers into Netherlands and Germany, and established colonies overseas. The stupendous palace he built at Versailles became the envy of monarchs all over Europe. In his palaces, Louis encouraged dancing, hunting, music and gambling. He loved conversation, especially with women: the power of women in Louis's life and reign is a particular theme of this book. Louis was obsessed by the details of government but the cost of building palaces and waging continuous wars devastated the country's finances and helped set it on the path to revolution. Nevertheless, by his death, he had helped make his grandson king of Spain, where his descendants still reign, and France had taken essentially the shape it has today. King of the World is the most comprehensive and up-to-date biography of this hypnotic, flawed figure in English. It draws on all the latest research to paint a convincing and compelling portrait of a man who, three hundred years after his death, still epitomises the idea of le grand monarque.
20,43 € 21,50 €

Robinsoni a donkichoti

Neopakovatelné osobnosti nežijí jen v šumavské divočině. Jsou nám mnohem blíž, potkáváme je na ulicích, v autobusech, kdekoliv. Třeba někdo takový žije hned ve vedlejší bytovce. Jistě, každý člověk je jedinečný, ale málo platné někteří lidé jsou zkrátka jedinečnější. Co spojuje sedm lidí, jejichž příběhy byly shromážděny v této knize? Není to přímo samota jako u samotářů, kteří se stáhli z civilizace do lesů, močálů a hor. Jisté poodstoupení tu ale přesto nacházíme. Neměl bych sílu jít s proudem, a už vůbec ne proti proudu, říká jeden z nich. Všichni si vytvořili malý osobní svět, fascinující vesmír, kde platí jejich vlastní pravidla. Jsou na dosah ostatním, a přesto tak daleko. Nebo snad vysoko? Některé jejich historky jsou neuvěřitelné, ale autor knihy jim věří. Proč by si člověk nemohl koupit šest tygrů ve slevě, kreslit ve spolupráci s plísní nebo najít skutečný smysl života? Víte snad o něčem, co by bylo důležitější?
25,97 € 27,34 €

O Janě a Zdenkách kolem Jana Wericha

Tři generace žen Jana Wericha: manželka Zdenka, dcera Jana a vnučka Zdenka, řečená Fanča. Tři chytré, schopné a vtipné souputnice byly pro Wericha tím nejcennějším, co na světě měl - vedle jeho publika. Tereza Brdečková spolu s Fančou provázejí čtenáře třígeneračním příběhem o životním údělu žen a současně o hlubokých vnitřních rozporech umělců v Československu. Kniha čerpá z dosud nepublikované rodinné korespondence a z Werichových soukromých deníků.
23,66 € 24,91 €

Making History

MAKING HISTORY is an epic exploration of who writes about the past and how the biases of certain storytellers - whether Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare or Simon Schama - continue to influence our ideas about history (and about who we are) today. In this authoritative and entertaining book, Richard Cohen reveals how professional historians and other equally significant witnesses (such as the writers of the Bible, major novelists, dramatists, journalists and political propagandists) influence what become the accepted records of human experience. Is there, he asks, even such a thing as 'objective' history? The depth of Cohen's inquiry and the delight he takes in his subjects includes the practitioners of what he calls 'Bad History,' those thieves of history who twist reality to glorify themselves and conceal their or their country's behaviour. Cohen investigates the published works and private utterances of our greatest historical thinkers to discover the agendas that informed their views of the world, and which in so many ways have informed ours. From the origins of history-writing, when such an idea seemed itself revolutionary, through to television and the digital age, MAKING HISTORY abounds in captivating figures brought to vivid life, from Thucydides and Tacitus to Voltaire and Gibbon, from Winston Churchill to Mary Beard. Rich in character, complex truths and surprising anecdotes, the result is a unique exploration of both the aims and craft of history-making. It will lead us to think anew about our past and ourselves.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Queen of Our Times: The Life of Elizabeth II

The definitive new biography of Her Majesty The Queen by one of Britain's leading royal authorities. With original insights from those who know her best, new interviews with world leaders and access to unseen papers, bestselling author Robert Hardman explores the full, astonishing life of our longest reigning monarch in this compellingly authoritative yet intimate biography. Elizabeth II was not born to be queen. Yet from her accession as a young mother of two in 1952 to the age of Covid-19, she has proved an astute and quietly determined figure, leading her family and her people through more than seventy years of unprecedented social change. She has faced constitutional crises, confronted threats against her life, rescued the Commonwealth, seen her prime ministers come and go, charmed world leaders, been criticised as well as feted by the media, and steered her family through a lifetime in the public eye. Queen of Our Times is a must-read study of dynastic survival and renewal, spanning abdication, war, romance, danger and tragedy. It is a compelling portrait of a leader who remains as intriguing today as the day she came to the throne aged twenty-five.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Kategória literatúry Biografie osobností je pútavým a vzrušujúcim žánrom, ktorý sa zaoberá životnými príbehmi významných osobností z rôznych oblastí. Tieto biografie nám ponúkajú hlboký vhľad do života, kariéry, úspechov, výziev a osobných príbehov týchto výnimočných jednotlivcov.

V tejto kategórii môžeme nájsť biografie umelcov, politikov, vedcov, spisovateľov, filozofov, vynálezcov a ďalších, ktorí zanechali nezmazateľnú stopu vo svojich oblastiach. Tieto príbehy nám umožňujú spoznať ich vnútorný svet, zdroje inšpirácie, rozhodujúce okamihy a významné rozhodnutia, ktoré ich formovali ako jednotlivcov.

Biografie osobností nám poskytujú pohľad na ich rast, vývoj a cestu k úspechu. Sledujeme ich profesionálny a osobný život, ich úspechy a neúspechy, ako aj ich príspevok k danej oblasti. Získavame vhľad do ich tvorivejho procesu, pracovných metód, filozofie a prístupu k životu.

Tieto biografie nám tiež umožňujú spoznať osobné výzvy, ktorým osobnosti museli čeliť, ako aj ich schopnosť prekonať prekážky.

Biografie osobností môžu byť inšpiratívne a motivačné pre čitateľov, ktorí hľadajú príklady úspechu, odhodlania a inovácie. Tieto knihy nám ponúkajú vzory, ako sa postaviť výzvam, rozvinúť svoj potenciál a dosiahnuť vynikajúce výsledky vo svojej oblasti.