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Edge - The Secrets of Leadership from Football's Top Thinkers

What is talent?How do you fulfil your potential?How do you create a winning team? These three simple questions, which are fundamental to the running of any successful business, take Ben Lyttleton on a fascinating journey to some of the world's top football clubs to discover the innovative new methods of developing and maximising talent. Football is the most hot-housed, intense, financially-profitable talent factory on the planet. It's time we woke up to the lessons it can provide. Elite football clubs across Europe are identifying new ways to measure intangible skills `above the shoulder', such as teamwork, adaptability, decision-making, resilience and creativity. These clubs have revealed how they get an edge. And you can do the same. Ben Lyttleton speaks to some of the most original thinkers in football, going behind the scenes at Borussia Dortmund, Chelsea, Liverpool, and the France national team, to pinpoint the skills and methodologies that are not only relevant to football but also the business world. We all want to have an edge. This is your chance to find one.
15,15 € 15,95 €

Bear Grylls Epic Adventure Series - Epic Expeditions

Ever wanted to be an adventurer like Bear Grylls? Learn all about some of the most epic expeditions in the history of exploration.Journey through the most extreme terrains and discover how explorers coped with searing heat and intense cold, lack of food and water, and deadly diseases and dangerous animals. With stunning photography throughout, the book also includes a chapter on Bear Grylls' personal relevant expeditions and achievements.
16,10 € 16,95 €

Kalandozás a sakktáblán - 4 éves kortól

A sakkozás nemcsak játék, hanem gondolkodásmód is, amely már kisgyerekkorban elsajátítható, majd az élet számos területén sikerrel hasznosítható. Univerzális agytréning, amely logikus gondolkodásra tanít, fejleszti a problémamegoldó képességet, és szárnyakat ad a kreativitásnak. Polgár Judit könyvei mindezt mesével, rímekkel, játékos feladatokkal teszik, miközben a sakk szabályait is bemutatják. Egyszer volt, hol nem volt, volt egyszer egy Sakkpalota. Abban lakott a király és a királynő... Így kezdődik a mese, amelynek szereplőire megannyi kaland és megoldásra váró rejtély vár. A Kalandozás a sakktáblán című kötetben megismerjük a sakkbábukat és furcsa szokásaikat, megtanulunk a sakktáblán közlekedni, és rajzolunk, színezünk, verselünk.
10,17 € 10,71 €

Calisthenics - Átfogó útmutató saját testsúlyos edzéshez

Erős, robbanékony és sportos testre vágysz, amely száz százalékig téged szolgál? Nem fűlik a fogad az edzőterembe járáshoz? Szeretnél egy útmutatót, amelynek segítségével önállóan, személyi edző és drága kütyük nélkül is megvalósíthatod az álmod? Akkor nincs is másra szükséged, mint a Calisthenicsre! Ez a világ legegyszerűbb, egyúttal leghatékonyabb edzésrendszere, amelyhez kizárólag a saját testedre van szükséged, súlyzókra és eszközökre nem. Szimplának tűnő alapgyakorlatokkal, mint a guggolás vagy a fekvőtámasz, nemcsak izolált izomcsoportokat, hanem az egész tested erejét, robbanékonyságát és állóképességét fejleszti. Gyakorlói ennek köszönhetően fürgén, hajlékonyan és könnyeden képesek használni erejüket. A könyvben mindent megtalálsz, amire szükséged lehet: - Átfogó háttér-információkat a biztonságos edzéshez - Bemelegítő és mobilizáló gyakorlatokat - Útmutatókat lépésről lépésre, több mint 500 fényképpel - Személyre szabható edzésprogramot a saját célod megvalósításához A Calisthenics a saját testsúlyos edzés ma elérhető legrészletesebb és legátfogóbb útmutatója. Bárki használhatja: férfi, nő, kezdő, haladó - mindenki, aki kirobbanó erőre vágyik, és képes keményen küzdeni. ASHLEY KALYM-ot már nagyon fiatalon beszippantotta az edzés világa. Sokféle sportágat és edzéstípust kipróbált, ám a brit királyi tengerészgyalogságnál meggyőződhetett a saját testsúlyos edzés kimagasló hatékonyságáról. Éveket töltött elméleti kutatással, de egyetlen olyan összefoglaló munkát sem talált, amely kielégítette volna tudásszomját. Úgy döntött hát, hogy megírja saját könyvét, amelyet most végre a magyar olvasók és erősödni vágyók is kézbe vehetnek. "Mindazoknak, akiket megfertőzött a Fegyencedzés-sorozat és Gödrösi Ádám munkássága, a Calisthenics is tetszeni fog. Ugyanazt a témát járja körül, professzionálisan, remek progressziókat mutatva be a saját testsúlyos edzés szerelmeseinek." Lakatos Péter StrongFirst Master oktató, Carlson Gracie Jiu Jitsu - barna öv
13,54 € 14,25 €

The Wooden Bicycle - Around the World

Showcasing more than 250 designers from around the world, including craftspeople (many of them renowned bicycle makers), manufacturers and associated organisations, this book dedicates hundreds of pages to beautiful bike designs, illuminating the latest modern trends in specialist bicycle craftmanship. Set out with detailed, distinctive design dialogues from each craftsperson or manufacturer, we learn how wood and bamboo are being enhanced and developed as extremely durable, aesthetically appealing materials, and which are considered sustainable, ecologically viable, user friendly and dynamic across each application. Beautifully illustrated, with historical references and texts by experts in the trade, and backed up with technical engineering knowledge, 'The Wooden Bicycle' is a handy reference for those who have a true passion for the beauty and aesthetics of the modern bicycle in the wooden form, and a strong belief in a more sustainable way of living. AUTHOR: Kiriakos Iosifidis is a writer and editor of works dealing with topics such as the art of public mural painting, and bicycle use and design.Selected works include 'Color of the Cities, On the Road, Chromopolis: Another Aspect of Culture, Mural Art, from Graffiti to Trompe l'oeil, Bikeart,' and 'The Bicycle in Greece, 1880-2012. ' In Greece he is the coordinator of Urbanact and Bikeart.gr, two groups that aim to promote public mural art and the use of bicycle through varied activities, such as festivals, special school programs, exhibitions, contests and competition activities, civil projects, among many others. The connection between these themes is the active use of open public space and the urban street environment.S ELLING POINTS: * Features a wide range of bike designs, including wooden bikes, bamboo bikes, wooden balance bikes for children, and wooden bike components * Themes are introduced with personal flourishes and comments by designers featured throughout the book, making the text quite accessible to all audiences * Each design is accompanied by a detailed explanatory text that shows the thought process of the designer, the challenges and the benefits of the construction * Includes essays by renowned bike industry aficionados, who impart significant historical background on the advantages of the wooden bicycle, as well as current thoughts on trends * Highly illustrated, with high-quality detailed close-up photography of bikes and their components throughout * Lists a handy reference guide for those looking to source components or design contacts 400 col.
43,23 € 45,50 €

Surfing with Sartre

From the bestselling author of Assholes: A Theory, a book that--in the tradition of Shopclass as Soulcraft, Barbarian Days and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance--uses the experience and the ethos of surfing to explore key concepts in philosophy. The existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre once declared "the ideal limit of aquatic sports . . . is waterskiing." The avid surfer and lavishly credentialed academic philosopher Aaron James vigorously disagrees, and in Surfing with Sartre he intends to expound the thinking surfer's view of the matter, in the process elucidating such philosophical categories as freedom, being, phenomenology, morality, epistemology, and even the emerging values of what he terms "leisure capitalism." In developing his unique surfer-philosophical worldview, he draws from his own experience of surfing and from surf culture and lingo, and includes many relevant details from the lives of the philosophers, from Aristotle to Wittgenstein, with whose thought he engages. In the process, he'll speak to readers in search of personal and social meaning in our current anxious moment, by way of doing real, authentic philosophy.
19,94 € 20,99 €

Atletika cesta na vrchol

Atletika je díky své rozmanitosti mezi fanoušky velmi oblíbeným sportem a čeští atleti patří v mnoha disciplínách již desítky let k evropské i světové špičce. Obrazová publikace mapuje úspěchy tří generací atletů, jejich cestu na stupně vítězů i chvíle nezdaru a bolesti. První je generace, která závodila na přelomu tisíciletí a někteří z ní se stále atletice věnují, ať už na pozicích trenérů nebo funkcionářů. Druhá, nejobsáhlejší, je generace současných úspěšných medailistů z olympijských her a světových i evropských šampionátů. Třetí je nastupující generace mimořádných mladých talentů, kteří již vynikají ve svých věkových kategoriích a míří k medailovým cílům mezi dospělými. Autoři formou medailonků jednotlivých sportovců rekapitulují jejich atletickou kariéru, od sportovních počátků, přes období zrání, hledání, někdy i pádů, až ke stupňům vítězů na velkých soutěžích.
6,54 € 6,88 €

Aerobic a fitness

Učební text je určen pro účastníky akreditovaného kurzu ASA (Akademie Sportovních Aktivit). Obsahuje veškeré nezbytné znalosti pro instruktora aerobiku, jakými jsou názvosloví, práce s hudbou, technika prvků, stavba hodiny, metodika, tvorba choreografie a zásady sportovního tréninku, posilování a strečinku. Nedílnou součástí znalostí cvičitele aerobiku jsou anatomie a především kineziologie, svalové dysbalance a práce s tělem, které jsou rovněž v tomto učebním textu zahrnuty.
7,59 € 7,99 €

dostupné aj ako:

Eat Sweat Play

'I'd go as far to say that this book was a life changer for my health and fitness.' Estee Lalonde Long-listed for the William Hill Sports Book of the Year Award. Sport's for everyone . . . isn't it? Society has led us to believe that women and sport don't mix. But why? What happens to the young girls who dare to climb trees and cartwheel across playgrounds? In her exploration of major taboos, from sex to the gender pay gap, sports journalist Anna Kessel discovers how sport and exercise should play an integral role in every sphere of our modern lives. Covering a fascinating range of women, from Sporty Spice to mums who box and breastfeed, Eat Sweat Play reveals how women are finally reclaiming sport, and by extension their own bodies, for themselves - and how you can too. 'Anna Kessel's book should inspire a whole generation of women. It ought to be on the school curriculum.' Hadley Freeman
13,25 € 13,95 €

A History of Cycling in 100 Objects

An alternative insight into the cycling revolution Have you ever wondered why the leader's jersey at the Tour de France is yellow? Where Graeme Obree's record-breaking bike `Old Faithful' got its nickname? Or the role of bloomers in bicycle design? Find out in this absorbing and quirky look at the history of cycling and the development of bike-related design through 100 pivotal objects. Charting the journey from the laufmaschine to the Brompton, through the early prototypes and the two-wheeled toys of the aristocracy, to the speed machines we know today. Filled with fascinating photographs and illustrations, immerse yourself in the history of cycling - from the boneshaker via the bicycle powered washing machine, to cuddly lions and ball bearings.
25,60 € 26,95 €

Ryan Giggs - Wing Wizard

Giggs' extraordinary talent on the pitch was unmissable from a very early age. On his 14th birthday, Sir Alex Ferguson turned up at his front door to sign him to Manchester United's Academy and Reserves squad. Ryan's loyalty was fierce, as he remained at Manchester United for his entire career, taking the squad from strength to strength. Through teamwork and his own remarkable skill, Giggs became one of the most decorated players in the club's remarkable history. His talent was not only recognized within the soccer community; in 2007 he was awarded an OBE in the Queen's birthday honors list.
8,54 € 8,99 €

Quiet Leadership

'Steeped in glory, loved by players for his light touch, he is probably the most coveted coach in the world.' - Financial Times 'a treasury of anecdote and insight' - The Guardian '[Ancelotti's] new book, Quiet Leadership, contains page upon page of insight into his methods from Cristiano Ronaldo, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, John Terry and more'. - Sport Magazine Carlo Ancelotti is one of the greatest managers of all time, with five Champions League titles to his name. Yet his approach could not be further from the aggressive theatricals favoured by many of his rivals. His understated style has earned him the fierce loyalty of players like David Beckham, Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Cristiano Ronaldo. In Quiet Leadership, Ancelotti reveals the full, riveting story of his managerial career - his methods, mentors, mistakes and triumphs - and takes us inside the dressing room to trace the characters, challenges and decisions that have shaped him. The result is both a scintillating memoir and a rare insight into the business of leadership.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Fasciálny tréning

Viac pohybu a menej bolesti vám zabezpečia ohybné a stabilné fascie!Čo sú vlastne fascie? Ide o hlboko uložené spojivové tkanivo, ktoré obklopuje naše svaly, podopiera ich a udržiava pohyblivosť. V podobe sieťovej štruktúry preniká celým naším telom. Ak sú fascie pružné a pevné, chránia svaly pred poranením, sme vďaka nim čulí a v kondícii. Pomáhajú predchádzať chorobám a dosahovať dobré športové výkony. Či ste začiatočník alebo zdatný športovec, fascie si môžete precvičovať vždy a všade. Táto kniha prináša vyše 70 cvikov využívajúcich švihy, kmitanie a strečing, cvičenie s jednoduchými pomôckami aj bez nich. Cviky môžete ľubovoľne kombinovať, ale päť kompletných programov v knihe vám tréning uľahčí.Nájdete tu:– Vyše 70 cvikov vrátane rozcvičky a strečingu.– Zrozumiteľné postupy a ilustračné fotografie.– Päť kompletných programov s nadväzujúcimi cvikmi.Vďaka pohybu sa budete cítiť dobre!
12,26 € 12,90 €

Lacná kniha Fasciálny tréning (-70%)

Viac pohybu a menej bolesti vám zabezpečia ohybné a stabilné fascie!Čo sú vlastne fascie? Ide o hlboko uložené spojivové tkanivo, ktoré obklopuje naše svaly, podopiera ich a udržiava pohyblivosť. V podobe sieťovej štruktúry preniká celým naším telom. Ak sú fascie pružné a pevné, chránia svaly pred poranením, sme vďaka nim čulí a v kondícii. Pomáhajú predchádzať chorobám a dosahovať dobré športové výkony. Či ste začiatočník alebo zdatný športovec, fascie si môžete precvičovať vždy a všade. Táto kniha prináša vyše 70 cvikov využívajúcich švihy, kmitanie a strečing, cvičenie s jednoduchými pomôckami aj bez nich. Cviky môžete ľubovoľne kombinovať, ale päť kompletných programov v knihe vám tréning uľahčí.Nájdete tu:– Vyše 70 cvikov vrátane rozcvičky a strečingu.– Zrozumiteľné postupy a ilustračné fotografie.– Päť kompletných programov s nadväzujúcimi cvikmi.Vďaka pohybu sa budete cítiť dobre!
3,87 € 12,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Butcher, Blacksmith, Acrobat, Sweep

Full of adventure, mishaps and audacious attempts at cheating, the first Tour de France in 1903 was a colourful affair. Its riders included characters like Maurice Garin, an Italian-born Frenchman, said to have been swapped for a round of cheese by his parents in order to smuggle him into France to clean chimneys as a teenager, Hippolyte Aucouturier with his trademark handlebar moustache, and amateurs like Jean Dargassies, a blacksmith who had never raced before. Dreamed up to revive struggling newspaper L'Auto, cyclists of the time were wary of this 'heroic' race on roads more suited to hooves than wheels, riding hefty fixed-gear bikes for three full weeks. 'With a few francs you could win 3,000', the paper declared in desperation, eventually attracting a field comprising a handful of the era's professional racers and, among other hopefuls, a butcher, painter and decorator, and a circus acrobat. Would this ramshackle pack of cyclists draw crowds to throng France's rutted roads and cheer the first Tour heroes? Surprisingly it did, and, all thanks to a marketing ruse, cycling would never be the same again. Peter Cossins takes us through the inaugural Tour de France, painting a nuanced portrait of France in the early 1900s, to see where the greatest sporting event of all began.
18,95 € 19,95 €

The Fall of the House of Fifa

Fifa was founded in 1904 to unite the football-playing world, its first congress stating that 'no person should be allowed to arrange matches for personal profit'. A little over a century later, a judge in a Brooklyn courtroom called Fifa a 'Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organisation (RICO) enterprise' - a term originally coined for the mafia. As dazzling World Cups captivated billions around the world Fifa became a commercial magnet, money pouring into its coffers. Its earnest foundations began to crumble as those entrusted with the sport wanted their share. For forty years Joao Havelange and then Sepp Blatter presided over a Fifa now plagued with scandal - dawn raids, FBI investigations, allegations of money laundering, industrial-scale bribery, racketeering, tax evasion, vote-buying and theft that now came to define the organisation whose purpose is to foster international cooperation and nurture the spirit of this simple, beautiful game. David Conn, football's most respected investigative journalist, chronicles the extraordinary history and staggering scale of corruption, paints revealing portraits of the men at the centre of Fifa - the power brokers, the indicted, the legends like Franz Beckenbauer and Michel Platini - and puts the allegations to Blatter himself in an extended interview. The Fall of the House of Fifa is the definitive story of Fifa's rise and the most spectacular fall sport has ever seen
18,95 € 19,95 €

Mějte se rádi!

Pátý díl barvné edice, kterým provází čtyři kreslené ovečky přinášející dobrou náladu ti ukážou, jak se pomocí snadných fyzických cvičení metodou Body2brain můžeš rychle přenastavit do režimu lásky a laskavosti! Tato malá cvičení ti pomohou probudit lásku a empatii. Můžeš je kdykoli v rychlosti provést, prostě jenom tak, mezi jinými činnostmi, nenápadně a snadno.Co je na nich zvláštního? Okamžitě ovlivní tvé pocity, tvé myšlenky a tvé činy. Mějte se víc rádi! Cvičení jsou nenáročná a snadno proveditelná, účinkují ihned a dlouhodobě, naladí tě na lásku a dodají ti sílu.
4,34 € 4,57 €

Fasciální trénink

Fascie - hlouběji uložená pojivová tkáň, která obklopuje naše svaly, podporuje je a udržuje jejich mobilitu. Když jsou fascie flexibilní a silné, chrání svaly před poraněním. Kniha Susann Hempelové, držitelky diplomu v oboru sportovní vědy a poradkyně na výživu, obsahuje přes sedmdesát cviků a představuje tak komplexní trénink fascií. Ať už jste začátečník nebo profesionál v oboru fitness, trénovat můžete všude a kdykoli - s jednoduchými pomůckami nebo bez nich. Lepší pohyblivost, méně bolesti!
11,12 € 11,70 €

Swimming - Vintage Minis

Is there anything quite so exhilarating as swimming in wild water? This is a joyful swimming tour of Britain, a frog's-eye view of the country's best bathing holes - the rivers, rock pools, lakes, ponds, lochs and sea that define a watery island. Charming, funny, inspiring, an assertion of the native swimmer's right to roam, a celebration of the magic of water - this book will indeed make you want to strip off and leap in. Selected from the book Waterlog by Roger Deakin. VINTAGE MINIS: GREAT MINDS. BIG IDEAS. LITTLE BOOKS. A series of short books by the world's greatest writers on the experiences that make us human. Also in the Vintage Minis series: Eating by Nigella Lawson; Liberty by Virginia Woolf; Summer by Laurie Lee; and, Desire by Haruki Murakami.
6,60 € 6,95 €

Športová literatúra ponúka široký výber kníh, ktoré sa zameriavajú na rôzne športové disciplíny, tréning, fyzickú prípravu, psychológiu športu a iné súvisiace témy. Tieto knihy sú určené pre športovcov, trénerov, fanúšikov športu a všetkých, ktorí majú záujem o šport.

Nájdete tu knihy zamerané na šport všeobecne, ale aj publikácie, ktoré sa venujú jednotlivým športom, ako napríklad futbal a hokej, tenis a golf, beh, bicyklovanie a plávanie, lyžovanie, korčuľovanie, fitness, cvičenie a kulturistiku, bojové umenie, turistiku a horolezectvo, F1 a automobilové preteky a mnoho ďalších. Tieto knihy poskytujú informácie o technikách, taktikách, pravidlách a histórii jednotlivých športových disciplín.