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Problémy pro třetí tisíciletí

V roce 1900 se konal v Paříži mezinárodní matematický kongres, akce kolosálního významu, která předurčila směry vývoje matematiky a příbuzných věd v celém dvacátém století. Na kongresu vystoupil jeden z největších matematiků té doby, David Hilbert, který přednesl seznam dvaceti tří podle jeho názoru nejdůležitějších matematických problémů, jejichž řešení nebylo v té době známo.
12,88 € 13,56 €

Proč mají sloni velké uši

Proč lední medvědi nenastydnou? Proč jsou mravenci tak malí? Proč se hadi vyhřívají na slunci? Byli dinosauři jen velké ještěrky? A proč vůbec vyhynuli? Proč nežijí velryby v řekách a jezerech? Snad každý rodič byl od svého šestiletého dítěte vystaven palbě podobných otázek. Na ně - a na mnoho dalších - odpovídá známý britský zoolog ve své knize, v níž kombinuje nejnovější poznatky biologie, fyziologie, ekologie a paleontologie. Brilantně napsaná a srozumitelná kniha hledá odpovědi i na mnohem závažnější otázky vývoje jednotlivých živočišných druhů.
13,85 € 14,58 €

Jak vesmír přišel ke svým skvrnám

Podle většiny dnešních kosmologů a astronomů je náš vesmír nekonečný. Janna Levinová, jedna z nejvýraznějších osobností soudobé kosmologie, rozvíjí ve své knize opačnou hypotézu: vesmír je prostorově konečný, a to přesto, že nemá žádné hranice. Je v něm tedy sice možno putovat donekonečna stále dopředu, avšak po jisté době dospějeme do výchozího místa. V takovémto vesmíru mohou být vzdálené objekty ve skutečnosti jen zrcadlovými obrazy blízkých galaxií, jejichž světlo se kdysi v daleké minulosti vydalo na pouť kolem celého vesmíru. Kromě této hypotézy autorka s nadhledem seznamuje čtenáře se základními myšlenkami Newtonovy teorie gravitace, Einsteinovy teorie relativity, kvantové teorie, ale též se standardní kosmologií, černými dírami, představou vícerozměrných prostorů či fundamentálních strun.
15,57 € 16,39 €

Zvířata ve Třetí říši

Historická studie poukazuje na důležité a dosud nezkoumané vazby mezi tím, jak zacházeli nacisté se zvířaty a jak zacházeli s lidmi, které považovali za biologicky méněcenné, zejména s Židy, Romy, homosexuály či duševně nemocnými. Kniha analyzuje, jak využívali a manipulovali tradiční (judaistické, křesťanské, polyteistické) i novodobé postoje ke zvířatům a poznatky moderní biologie, aby odpovídaly jejich vlastní symbolice, mocenským zájmům a ospravedlnění genocidy. Inspirativní práce si všímá širšího kontextu ochrany přírody a boje proti týrání zvířat v nacistickém Německu a souvislosti těchto fenoménů s holocaustem.
11,46 € 12,06 €

Jazyk matematiky

"Ve velké knize přírody může číst jen ten, kdo zná jazyk, v němž je napsána," řekl kdysi Galileo, "a tímto jazykem je matematika." V této často a neprávem obávané vědní disciplíně nejde jen o pouhé studium čísel: matematika nám umožňuje pronikat ke skrytým kořenům světa kolem nás. Devlinova kniha podává přehledný obraz současné matematiky a historického vývoje jejích nejzajímavějších oblastí, zároveň vyzdvihuje její základní rysy, jimiž je jednoduchost, čistota, přesnost a elegance, zdařile však předkládá i její mnohdy opomíjenou stránku - estetickou působivost intelektuální, vizuální i akustickou.
15,13 € 15,93 €

Cestování časem v Einsteinově vesmíru

Princetonský astrofyzik J. Richard Gott III., jenž se řadí k takovým vědcům, jako jsou Stephen Hawking a Kip Thorne, ve své knize dokazuje, že cestování časem, jež bylo v Newtonově vesmíru nemyslitelné, je v Einsteinově vesmíru principielně možné. Autor zkoumá všechny aspekty cestování v čase, mimo jiné ukazuje, jak to nejlepší ze science-fiction o cestování časem inspirovalo některé z dnešních hlavních vědeckých názorů na toto téma. Autor v knize také představuje svoji nejzajímavější hypotézu: výzkum cestování časem lze využít při zjišťování toho, zda vesmír mohl vytvořit sám sebe. Knihu čtenáři ocení nejen pro její mimořádně zajímavé téma a vědeckou fundovanost, ale také kvůli vtipnému autorovu stylu.
12,88 € 13,56 €

Náš neobyčejný vesmír

Kniha Martina Reese, astronoma světového formátu a současně známého popularizátora astronomie a astrofyziky, přehledně shrnuje nejnovější poznatky o astrofyzikálních tématech, která jsou v současné době středem zájmu laiků i odborníků. S jasným odlišením vědeckých poznatků od nejistých domněnek a úvah shrnuje autor nejzajímavější vědecké názory na možnosti neobvyklých podob života ve vesmíru, nebezpečí kosmických srážek, význam gravitační síly pro vývoj vesmíru a hypotézu "multiversa", nekonečného množství paralelních vesmírů, zejména však na podivnou a z hlediska fyziky nepravděpodobnou "biofilnost" našeho vesmíru.
9,73 € 10,24 €

What an Owl Knows

From prehistoric cave paintings to the prints and etchings of Picasso, owls have captivated and inspired us for millennia. Whether they appear as ancient Athenian symbols of wisdom, ghostly harbingers of death, or the cuddly sidekicks of Harry Potter and Winnie the Pooh, these birds have continued to fascinate and disturb us in equal measure. Through revelatory new behavioural research, Jennifer Ackerman provides an intimate glimpse into these magnificent creatures’ lives. From the evolutionary quirks behind their silent flight and rotating heads, to their romantic relationships and parenting styles, What an Owl Knows brings the rich natural history of owls to life. Deftly weaving together science and art, Ackerman journeys into the owl’s moonlit world and asks: what is it about these birds that so enthrals us?
20,85 € 21,95 €

An Immense World

This is our world, as you've never seen it before. The Earth teems with sights and textures, sounds and vibrations, smells and tastes, electric and magnetic fields. But every animal is enclosed within its own unique sensory bubble, perceiving only a tiny sliver of this world. In An Immense World, Ed Yong coaxes us beyond the confines of our own senses, welcoming us into previously unfathomable dimensions - the world as it is truly perceived by other animals. Showing us that in order to understand our world we don't need to travel to other places; we need to see through other eyes.
15,15 € 15,95 €

100 kedvenc gyógynövényünk

A könyv bemutatja a hazánkban leggyakrabban fellelhető gyógynövényeket, azok gyűjtését, feldolgozását, fitoterápiás alkalmazási lehetőségeiket. Az olvasó megpróbálkozhat a gyógynövények termesztésével is.
11,24 € 11,83 €

Material World

Sand, salt, iron, copper, oil and lithium. They built our world, and they will transform our future. These are the six most crucial substances in human history. They took us from the Dark Ages to the present day. They power our computers and phones, build our homes and offices, and create life-saving medicines. But most of us take them completely for granted. In Material World, Ed Conway travels the globe - from the sweltering depths of the deepest mine in Europe, to spotless silicon chip factories in Taiwan, to the eerie green pools where lithium originates - to uncover a secret world we rarely see. Revealing the true marvel of these substances, he follows the mind-boggling journeys, miraculous processes and little-known companies that turn the raw materials we all need into products of astonishing complexity. As we wrestle with climate change, energy crises and the threat of new global conflict, Conway shows why these substances matter more than ever before, and how the hidden battle to control them will shape our geopolitical future. This is the story of civilisation - our ambitions and glory, innovations and appetites - from a new perspective: literally from the ground up.
20,85 € 21,95 €

Future Stories

A user's guide to the future: from the algorithms in DNA to why time is like a cocktail glass, interstellar migrations, transhumanism, the fate of the galaxy, and the last black hole... Every second of our lives - whether we're looking both ways before crossing the street, celebrating the birth of a baby, or moving to a new city - we must cope with an unknowable future by telling stories about what will happen next. Where is the future, the place where we set those stories? Can we trust our future stories? And what sort of futures do they show us? David Christian, historian and bestselling author of Origin Story, is renowned for pioneering the emerging discipline of Big History, which surveys the whole of the past. But with Future Stories, he casts his sharp analytical eye forward, offering an introduction to the strange world of the future, and a guide to what we think we know about it at all scales, from the predictive mechanisms of single-celled organisms and tomato plants to the merging of colossal galaxies billions of years from now. Drawing together science, history and philosophy from a huge range of places and times, Christian explores how we prepare for uncertain futures, including the future of human evolution, artificial intelligence, interstellar travel, and more. By linking the study of the past much more closely to the study of the future, we can begin to imagine what the world will look like in the next hundred years and consider solutions to the biggest challenges facing us all.
15,15 € 15,95 €

Around the Ocean in 80 Fish and other Sea Life

This is an inspiring tour of the world's oceans and 80 of its most notable inhabitants. Beautifully illustrated, the book includes fascinating stories of the fish, shellfish and other sea life that have somehow impacted human life - whether in our medicine, culture or folklore - in often surprising and unexpected ways.
27,50 € 28,95 €

The Trials of Life

The third and final updated edition of David Attenborough’s classic Life trilogy. Life on Earth covered evolution, Living Planet , ecology, and now The Trials of Life tackles ethology, the study of how animals behave. This is the third and last of Sir David’s great natural history books based on his TV series and competes his survey of the animal world that began with Life on Earth and continues with Living Planet. In Life on Earth, Sir David showed how each group of animals evolved. In Living Planet he looked at the way they have adapted to the whole range of habitats in which they live. Now, in Trials of Life, he completes the story by revealing how animals behave – and why.
13,25 € 13,95 €

The Science of the Ocean

Dive into this uniquely elegant visual exploration of the sea An informative and utterly beautiful introduction to marine life and the ocean environment, The Science of the Ocean book brings the riches of the underwater world onto the printed page. Astounding photography reveals an abundance of life, from microscopic plankton to great whales, seaweed to starfish. Published in association with the Natural History Museum, the book explores every corner of the oceans, from coral reefs and mangrove swamps to deep ocean trenches. Along the way, and with the help of clear, simple illustrations, it explains how life has adapted to the marine environment, revealing for example how a stonefish delivers its lethal venom and how a sponge sustains itself by sifting food from passing currents. It also examines the physical forces and processes that shape the oceans, from global circulation systems and tides to undersea volcanoes and tsunamis. To most of us, the marine world is out of reach. But with the help of photography and the latest technology, The Science of the Ocean brings us up close to animals, plants, and other living things that inhabit a fantastic and almost incomprehensibly beautiful other dimension.
37,00 € 38,95 €

Lets Become Fungal!: Mycelium Teachings and the Arts

Twelve lessons in fungal activism, Indigenous knowledge and collaboration for artists, gardeners, educators and anyone intrigued by the fascinating life and inspiring metaphors of the mycelium and the mushroom. The enormous popular interest in the world of fungi and the mycelium testifies to its tremendous resonance as a metaphor for new ways of thinking, new systems and behaviors. Taking its inspiration from this world, Let's Become Fungal! looks at a range of Indigenous practices from Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia that are rooted in multispecies collaboration, symbiosis, alliances, non-monetary resource exchange, decentralization, bottom-up methods and mutual dependency--all suggestive of the behavior of the mycelium. Each of the book's 12 chapters offers teachings on collaboration, decoloniality, nonlinearity, toxicity, mobilization, biomimicry, death and being nonbinary, while also examining the world of fungi. Let's Become Fungal! shows how fungi can inspire artists, collectives, organizations, educators, policymakers, designers, scientists, anthropologists, curators, urbanists, activists, gardeners, community leaders, farmers and others to become more fungal in their ways of working and being. Yasmine Ostendorf-Rodríguez (born 1984) works as a curator and researcher on art and ecology, and is based in Mexico City. She has founded and directed many international initiatives at the intersection of art and ecology, including the Green Art Lab Alliance (Asia, Latin America and Europe) and the Nature Research Department, the Van Eyck Food Lab, and the Future Materials Bank at the Jan van Eyck Academie (NL).
39,43 € 41,50 €

The Rise and Reign of the Mammals

The passing of the age of the dinosaurs allowed mammals to become ascendant. But mammals have a much deeper history. They - or, more precisely, we - originated around the same time as the dinosaurs, over 200 million years ago; mammal roots lie even further back, some 325 million years. Over these immense stretches of geological time, mammals developed their trademark features: hair, keen senses of smell and hearing, big brains and sharp intelligence, fast growth and warm-blooded metabolism, a distinctive line-up of teeth (canines, incisors, premolars, molars), mammary glands that mothers use to nourish their babies with milk, qualities that have underlain their success story. Out of this long and rich evolutionary history came the mammals of today, including our own species and our closest cousins. But today's 6,000 mammal species - the egg-laying monotremes including the platypus, marsupials such as kangaroos and koalas that raise their tiny babies in pouches, and placentals like us, who give birth to well-developed young - are simply the few survivors of a once verdant family tree, which has been pruned both by time and mass extinctions. In The Rise and Reign of the Mammals, palaeontologist Steve Brusatte weaves together the history and evolution of our mammal forebears with stories of the scientists whose fieldwork and discoveries underlie our knowledge, both of iconic mammals like the mammoths and sabre-toothed tigers of which we have all heard, and of fascinating species that few of us are aware of. For what we see today is but a very limited range of the mammals that have existed; in this fascinating and ground-breaking book, Steve Brusatte tells their - and our - story.
13,25 € 13,95 €

The Universe

Every night, above our heads, a drama of epic proportions is playing out. Diamond planets, zombie stars, black holes heavier than a billion Suns. The cast of characters is extraordinary, and each one has its own incredible story to tell.We once thought of our Earth as unique, but we have now discovered thousands of alien planets, and that's barely a fraction of the worlds that are out there. And there are more stars in the Universe than grains of sand on every planet in the Solar System. But amid all this vastness, the Milky Way Galaxy, our Sun and the Earth are home to the only known life in the Universe - at least for now. With a foreword from Professor Brian Cox, and access to all the latest stunning NASA photography, Andrew Cohen takes readers on a voyage of discovery, via the probes and telescopes exploring the outer reaches of our galaxy, revealing how it was formed and how it will inevitably be destroyed by the enigmatic black hole at its heart. And beyond our galaxy, the expanding Universe, which holds clues to the biggest mystery of all - how did it all begin? We now know more about those first moments of existence than we ever thought possible, and hidden in this story of how it all began are the clues to the fate of the Universe itself and everything in it.
13,25 € 13,95 €

How Biology Works

The simplest, most visual guide to the science of life - ever How do vaccines work? What is special about stem cells? How did we evolve from bacteria? The science of life can be dauntingly complex, and it can be hard to separate "good" science from "bad", fundamental truths from the much-hyped breakthroughs reported in the media. With clear, easy-to-understand graphics and packed with fascinating facts, How Biology Works demystifies both the core biology that may have eluded us at school, and the cutting-edge life science that makes the news, answering the questions that spark our curiosity. Building from life's fundamental ingredients, such as carbon and water, the book explains chemical processes in living cells, controlled by the ultimate biochemical, DNA. It shows how DNA is made of units called genes, which are shuffled in each generation of offspring, leading to variation and evolution. It covers topics from school biology, such as how plants work and how animals, including humans, work, and goes on to ecology and biotechnology. Beyond school science, however, it covers the background to the latest medical technology and biotechnology: how gene therapy works, what stem-cell research is achieving, and how our immune systems, boosted by vaccines, are in an arms race with ever-mutating viruses and other pathogens. Let How Biology Works guide you through the maze of life science.
23,70 € 24,95 €

Kategória  literatúry Prírodné vedy ponúka široký výber kníh a textov, ktoré sa zaoberajú vedeckým skúmaním prírody a jej procesov. Táto kategória literatúry je zameraná na objavovanie a pochopenie fyzikálnych, chemických, biologických a iných prírodných javov.

Prírodné vedy poskytujú čitateľom vedecké informácie a pozadie o astronómii, geológii, biológii, chémii, fyzike, matematike a iných prírodovedných disciplínach. Zameriavajú sa na princípy, teórie, objavy a vedecký výskum v týchto oblastiach.

Prírodné vedy sú dôležité pre porozumenie sveta, okolia a života. Tieto knihy nám umožňujú objavovať zázraky prírody a získavať hlbšie pochopenie vesmíru, evolúcie, fyzikálnych a chémických zákonov, štruktúry a funkcií biologických systémov a ďalších zaujímavých tém.

Ak máte záujem o prírodné vedy a chcete sa dozvedieť viac, kategória literatúry Prírodné vedy vám poskytne široký výber kníh, ktoré vám pomôžu lepšie porozumieť prírode, jej zákonom a interakciám.

K najznámejším autorom patria Stephen Hawking, Richard Dawkins, Carl Sagan,či Yuval Noah Harari