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Netrápte sa pre mal. v práci

Milióny ľudí sa potešilo knihám Richarda Carlsona, ktoré ukazujú, ako nedovoliť maličkostiam zvíťaziť nad vami. Teraz v knihe Netrápte sa pre maličkosti v práci vysvetľuje čitateľom, ako pôsobiť pokojnejšie a veselšie na kolegov, klientov a šéfov. Ak trávite štyridsať a viac hodín týždenne v práci, vrátene prívalov termínov, pracovného zaťaženia a ťažkých situácií, môžete mať z práce veľmi stresujúce zážitky. R. Carlson odhaľuje tipy, ktoré zmenia váš názor na prácu, znížia stres, čo povedie k šťastnejšiemu životu doma.
3,13 € 3,29 €

Netrápte sa pre maličkosti v láske

Keď človeka bolí srdce, keď sa hnevá alebo si je neistý, aj malicherná hádka dokáže vyvolať rozkol dokonca u celkom šťastnej dvojice. U ľudí, ktorí spolu žijú už dlhšie, zasa vzniká ten problém, že sú si svojim partnerom istí a vynakladajú veľmi mál o energie na utužovanie vzťahu. Kniha Netrápte sa pre maličkosti v láske radí párom, ako spolu žiť a obnovovať pritom vášeň, ako nedopustiť, aby im každodenné maličkosti neznepríjemňovali život, ako si vážiť jeden druhého novým, dosiaľ nepoznaným a v zrušujúcim spôsobom. Kniha Netrápte sa pre maličkosti v láske pomôže vám a vášmu partnerovi žiť oveľa pokojnejšie, bez stresu a určite aj veselšie.Úryvok:Pamätajte si rovnicu: šťastná osoba rovná sa šťastný partner! Veľmi často si tie najsamozrejme jšie rovnice nevšimneme. Takéto vety istotne poznáte: "Ak sa chceš dobre cítiť, musíš sa o seba starať." Je to samozrejmé? Áno, ale koľkí z nás to naozaj robia? Alebo: "Ak minieš veľa peňazí na dovolenku, v jeseni to budeš ľutovať." Zasa, je to očivi dné, ale mnohí aj napriek tomu peniaze minieme. Aj nasledujúca taktika zapadá do tejto kategórie. Pre neznámu príčinu si často radšej zvolíme osobné pohodlie alebo nejakú inú sebeckú reakciu, ako by sme sa mali postarať o partnerovo šťastie. Ak tak robíme, porušujeme rovnicu šťastná osoba rovná sa šťastný partner; a okrem toho si takmer určite zabezpečíme stres a konflikt vo svojom vzťahu. Väčšina z nás sa mylne domnieva, že nie sme zodpovední za to, či je náš partner šťastný. V tejto knihe je obsiahnutá jedna kompletná taktika, ktorá je zasvätená myšlienke, že my všetci musíme byť zodpovední za svoje šťastie. Hej, sú veci, ktoré každý z náš dokáže potlačiť - napríklad maličkosti, nad ktorými sa netreba priveľmi zamýšľať - a to je istotne prínosom k partnerovmu šťastiu. A keď je váš partner šťastný, je oveľa ľahšie a príjemnejšie s ním žiť. Šťastný človek je lepším poslucháčom, ľúbi oddanejšie, oveľa radšej sa delí o svoje šťastie a radosť s ostatnými, je ohľaduplnejší, oveľa ľahšie sa rozhoduje, a to tak, že jeho rozhodnutia prospievajú aj jeho vzťahu. Takže, v čom spočíva problém? Problém spočíva v tom, že z času na čas nám nevyhovuje urobiť také rozhodnutie, ktoré by učinilo nášho partnera šťastným. Alebo si vyžaduje menši u obeť, alebo pre vás znamená menšie nepohodlie. Koniec-koncov má však veľkú cenu. Pretože nielen činí partnera šťastným, ale prispieva aj k prehlbovaniu vášho vzťahu. Napríklad Kris nevyhovuje, aby ma povzbudzovala tráviť viac času osamote - najmä preto, že aj tak veľa cestujem. Keď som preč, znamená to pre ňu viac práce. Takže prečo by to mala podporovať, keď by to mnohých iných znechucovalo, alebo by sa na to aspoň posťažovali? Odpoveď znie: preto, lebo vie, že mi prináša radosť, keď niekedy trávim čas osamote. A keď som šťastný, som aj lepší manžel a otec. Som veselší, vtipnejší, ochotnejší, uvoľnenejší i trpezlivejší. Na oplátku sa snažím Kris odmeniť tým istým. Nie je to pre mňa pohodlné, keď si chce zájsť do mesta s priateľmi, ale snažím sa ju v tom podporiť. Neviem si predstaviť, že by som sa sťažoval na niečo, čo ju robí šťastnou. Okrem toho Kris miluje kone a je veľmi rada, ak pri nich môže stráviť čo len chvíľu. Ja kone nemám veľmi v láske, avšak celé roky sa snažím nielen že jej v tom vyjsť v ústrety, ale som ochotný, pomáham jej a podporujem ju v tom. Mimochodom, jednou z mojich domácich prác je kydať konský hnoj! Určite by som nemusel byť takou oporou - ani Kris. Ale prečo by som nemal? Žijeme spoločný život a kedyk oľvek je to možné, snažíme sa svojím rozhodnutím pričiniť sa o partnerovo šťastie. Nie vždy je to možné, ale aspoň sa zo všetkých síl o to pokúšame. Možno má váš partner nejakého zvláštneho koníčka alebo záľubu, ktorá si vyžaduje určitý čas a energi u. Možno je členom nejakého klubu alebo organizácie na vzdialenom mieste. Možno rád sleduje športové prenosy alebo si zapáli cigaru so svojimi priateľmi. Alebo má priateľov, s ktorými sa chce vidieť či aspoň porozprávať telefonicky. Možno si skoro rá
3,13 € 3,29 €

Your Pocket Therapist

Every day psychotherapist and social media sensation Dr Annie Zimmerman meets clients who are struggling with their lives. They're committed to making changes, but they're stuck at the question stage. They ask her - why do I keep going back to a bad relationship? Why did I lose my temper? What is wrong with me? Here's the thing: nothing is wrong with them. They're just asking the wrong questions. In Your Pocket Therapist, Annie Zimmerman shows us that by understanding how our early lives shape our behaviour as adults, we can begin to unpick the ways in which we are being held back. Whether you deal with conflict in your relationships, negative self-talk, anxiety, depression or any other emotional issue, this book will empower you to delve into your past to start solving your own problems in the present. With Your Pocket Therapist, you don't have to struggle alone. By breaking down complex ideas and offering simple exercises throughout, this confidence-boosting guide gives you the expert tools you need to find more purpose, resilience, and joy in every day.
18,95 € 19,95 €

The Psychopath Test

What if society wasn't fundamentally rational, but was motivated by insanity? This thought sets Jon Ronson on an utterly compelling adventure into the world of madness. Along the way, Jon meets psychopaths, those whose lives have been touched by madness and those whose job it is to diagnose it, including the influential psychologist who developed the Psychopath Test, from whom Jon learns the art of psychopath-spotting. A skill which seemingly reveals that madness could indeed be at the heart of everything . . . Combining Jon's trademark humour, charm and investigative incision, The Psychopath Test is both entertaining and honest, unearthing dangerous truths and asking serious questions about how we define normality in a world where we are increasingly judged by our maddest edges.
14,20 € 14,95 €

The Defining Decade

A revised and reissued edition for a new generation of The Defining Decade, a book that has changed the way millions of twenty-somethings think about their twenties - and themselves. Contemporary culture tells us the twenty-something years don't matter. Clinical psychologist Dr Meg Jay argues that this could not be further from the truth. The Defining Decade weaves the latest science of the twenty-something years with real-life stories to show us how work, relationships, identity and even the brain can change more during this decade than at any other time in adulthood. Smart, compassionate and constructive, The Defining Decade is a practical guide to making the most of the years we cannot afford to miss. Included in this updated edition:· Up-to-date research on work, love, the brain, friendship and technology· What a decade of device use has taught us about looking at friends - and looking for love - online· A social experiment in which 'digital natives' go without their phones· A reader's guide for book clubs, classrooms or further self-reflection.
18,95 € 19,95 €


Why are some things cute, and others not? What happens to our brains when we see something cute? And how did cuteness go global, from Hello Kitty to Disney characters? Cuteness is an area where culture and biology get tangled up. Seeing a cute animal triggers some of the most powerful psychological instincts we have - the ones that elicit our care and protection - but there is a deeper story behind the broad appeal of Japanese cats and saccharine greetings cards. Joshua Paul Dale, a pioneer in the burgeoning field of cuteness studies, explains how the cute aesthetic spread around the globe, from pop brands to Lolita fashion, kids' cartoons and the unstoppable rise of Hello Kitty. Irresistible delves into the surprisingly ancient origins of Japan's kawaii culture, and uncovers the cross-cultural pollination of the globalised world. If adorable things really do rewire our brains, it can help answer some of the biggest questions we have about our evolutionary history and the mysterious origins of animal domestication. This is the fascinating cultural history of cuteness, and a revealing look at how our most powerful psychological impulses have remade global style and culture.
20,85 € 21,95 €

Never Enough

The definitive book on the rise of "toxic achievement culture" overtaking our kids' and parents' lives, and a new framework for fighting back. In the ever more competitive race to secure the best possible future, today's students face unprecedented pressure to succeed. They jam-pack their schedules with AP classes, fill every waking hour with resume-padding activities, and even sabotage relationships with friends to "get ahead." Family incomes and schedules are stretched to the breaking point by tutoring fees and athletic schedules. Yet this drive to optimize performance has only resulted in skyrocketing rates of anxiety, depression, and even self-harm in America's highest achieving schools. Parents, educators, and community leaders are facing the same quandary: how can we teach our kids to strive towards excellence without crushing them? In Never Enough, award-winning reporter Jennifer Breheny Wallace investigates the deep roots of toxic achievement culture, and finds out what we must do to fight back. Drawing on interviews with families, educators, and an original survey of nearly 6,000 parents, she exposes how the pressure to perform is not a matter of parental choice but baked in to our larger society and spurred by increasing income inequality and dwindling opportunities. As a result, children are increasingly absorbing the message that they have no value outside of their accomplishments, a message that is reinforced by the media and greater culture at large. Through deep research and interviews with today's leading child psychologists, Wallace shows what kids need from the adults in the room is not more pressure, but to feel like they matter, and have intrinsic self-worth not contingent upon external achievements. Parents and educators who adopt the language and values of mattering help children see themselves as a valuable contributor to a larger community. And in an ironic twist, kids who receive consistent feedback that they matter no matter what are more likely to have the resilience, self-confidence, and psychological security to thrive. Packed with memorable stories and offering a powerful toolkit for positive change, Never Enough offers an urgent, humane view of the crisis plaguing today's teens and a practical framework for how to help.
33,20 € 34,95 €

The Book of Minds

Understanding the human mind and how it relates to the world that we experience has challenged philosophers for centuries. How then do we even begin to think about ‘minds’ that are not human? Science now has plenty to say about the properties of mind. In recent decades, the mind – both human and otherwise – has been explored by scientists in fields ranging from zoology to astrobiology, computer science to neuroscience. Taking a uniquely broad view of minds and where they might be found – including in plants, aliens, and God – Philip Ball pulls these multidisciplinary pieces together to explore what sorts of minds we might expect to find in the universe. In so doing, he offers for the first time a unified way of thinking about what minds are and what they can do, arguing that in order to understand our own minds and imagine those of others, we need to move on from considering the human mind as a standard against which all others should be measured, and to think about the ‘space of possible minds’. By identifying and mapping out properties of mind without prioritizing the human, Ball sheds new light on a host of fascinating questions. What moral rights should we afford animals, and can we understand their thoughts? Should we worry that AI is going to take over society? If there are intelligent aliens out there, how could we communicate with them? Should we? Understanding the space of possible minds also reveals ways of making advances in understanding some of the most challenging questions in contemporary science: What is thought? What is consciousness? And what (if anything) is free will? The more we learn about the minds of other creatures, from octopuses to chimpanzees, and to imagine the potential minds of computers and alien intelligences, the greater the perspective we have on if and how our own is different. Ball’s thrillingly ambitious The Book of Minds about the nature and existence of minds is more mind-expanding than we could imagine. In this fascinating panorama of other minds, we come to better know our own.
16,10 € 16,95 €

The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k

The word-of-mouth international bestseller about giving less f**ks and living your best life in the process Are you stressed out, overbooked and underwhelmed by life? Fed up with pleasing everyone else before you please yourself? Then it's time to stop giving a f**k. This irreverent and practical book explains how to rid yourself of unwanted obligations, shame, and guilt - and give your f**ks instead to people and things that make you happy. With a bonus section on how to save your sanity over the holiday season, the simple 'NotSorry Method' for mental decluttering will help you unleash the power of not giving a f**k and will free you to spend your time, energy and money on the things that really matter.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Home is Where the Start Is

Families are complicated, even the 'normal' ones. Our early years at home are when we lay down the blueprint for being a partner, parent, sibling, friend, colleague, neighbour, and even a citizen. Home is where we become who we are. Even the best of childhoods is imperfect. And if there were difficulties - whether due to simple personality clashes, or issues such as authoritarian parenting, family break-up, illness, loss or addiction - it may be an ongoing struggle to manage our moods and emotions, though we may have no idea why. Psychotherapist Richard Hogan has seen it all when it comes to how the early years shape us - and he knows we can work on ourselves to rewrite the blueprint. In this book he draws on extensive research and thousands of conversations in the therapy room to explain how. Packed full of eye-opening and liberating ideas, fascinating case studies and practical tools, Home is Where the Start Is also includes a remarkable account of Richard's own challenges as a child and teenager. He knows exactly what it's like to face the past squarely, grapple with the legacy of childhood unhappiness and work on creating a better future. Home is Where the Start Is will help you become the best version of yourself you can be. And it is an invaluable source of advice for parents to give your child the best possible start.
18,95 € 19,95 €

Dark Persuasion

This gripping book traces the evolution of brainwashing from its beginnings in torture and religious conversion into the age of neuroscience and social media. When Pavlov introduced scientific approaches, his research was enthusiastically supported by Lenin and Stalin, setting the stage for major breakthroughs in tools for social, political, and religious control. Tracing these developments through many of the past century’s major conflagrations, Dimsdale narrates how when World War II erupted, governments secretly raced to develop drugs for interrogation. Brainwashing returned to the spotlight during the Cold War in the hands of the North Koreans and Chinese. In response, a huge Manhattan Project of the Mind was established to study memory obliteration, indoctrination during sleep, and hallucinogens. Cults used the techniques as well. Nobel laureates, university academics, intelligence operatives, criminals, and clerics all populate this shattering and dark story?one that hasn’t yet ended.
18,95 € 19,95 €

Simply Psychology

Grasping complex psychological ideas has never been easier. Transforming complicated ideas into easy-to-understand graphics, supported by accessible text, Simply Psychology is the perfect introduction to the subject for those who are short of time but hungry for knowledge. Covering the key psychological theories from moral development to cognitive behavioural therapy, each easy-to-read, single-page entry explains the concept more clearly than ever before. Organized into chapters covering each branch of psychology, the book maps the development of psychological study, unpacking the complex ideas from the philosophers, psychologists, and scientists who have shaped our understanding of the human mind. Whether you are studying psychology at school or college, or simply want a non-specialist insight into the subject, this essential guide is packed with everything you need to understand the foundations quickly and easily.
12,83 € 13,50 €

Delfi örökösei

Ez itt a Delfi nyolcadik kiadása. Ami néhány kisebb javítástól eltekintve azonos a kilenc évvel ezelőtt kikerült hetedik kiadás szövegével. Az első kiadás 26 évvel ezelőtt jelent meg. Azóta hat újabb kiadás és több utánnyomás került az olvasók kezébe. (Valóban az ő kezükbe, mert a könyvesboltok polcain csak átmenetileg voltak találhatók.) Talán nem véletlenül! Az üzleti életben, a közigazgatási és a civil szervezetekben működő trénerek, szervezetfejlesztők, coachok, valamint pedagógusok és pszichológusok, pszichoterapeuták, orvosok, szociális munkások, egyetemi és főiskolai hallgatók serege tanult ebből a könyvből az elmúlt több, mint két és fél évtizedben. Hozzájuk csatlakozott a csoportvezetés és a csoportdinamika iránt érdeklődők több ezres, ha nem több tízezres csapata. Ez idő alatt új korosztályok nőttek föl közülük sokan vettek részt önismereti és személyiségfejlesztő csoportokban, készségfejlesztő és szervezetfejlesztési tréningeken. Nem kevesen tanultak csoportokat, tréningeket vezetni, csoportterápiát művelni. Amihez komoly segítséget kaptak a Delfi örökösei-től, amely nem tudományos monográfia vagy kutatási beszámoló, hanem a téma összefoglaló kézikönyve. Közben a szerző megírta a Javne örökösei. Fejlesztő tréningcsoportok elvek, módszerek, gyakorlatcsomagok című könyvét, amely a Delfi örökösei ikerkönyve (1. kiadás: 2009, 2., bővített kiadás: 2011). A két könyvben összesen 164 (72+92) strukturált gyakorlatot talál az olvasó. A gyakorlatok egységes és megkönnyített kezelése érdekében mindkettőben utalunk a másikban hasonló céllal használható gyakorlatokra. Rudas János pszichológus, tréner a hazai önismereti, személyiség- és készségfejlesztő, valamint tréningcsoportok vezetésének kiemelkedő képviselője. A könyv ma is hézagpótló munka, rendkívüli gyakorlati hasznú kézikönyv. A szerző több, mint három évtizedes csoportvezetői, tréneri és tanácsadói tapasztalatára építve kimerítő információval látja el a jelenlegi vagy majdani csoportvezetőket, trénereket és mindazokat, akik csoportban, csoporttal élnek és dolgoznak.
13,58 € 14,29 €

Life 3.0

This is the most important conversation of our time, and Tegmark's thought-provoking book will help you join it' Stephen Hawking'This is a rich and visionary book and everyone should read it' The TimesWe stand at the beginning of a new era. What was once science fiction is fast becoming reality, as AI transforms war, crime, justice, jobs and society-and, even, our very sense of what it means to be human. More than any other technology, AI has the potential to revolutionize our collective future - and there's nobody better situated to explore that future than Max Tegmark, an MIT professor and co-founder of the Future of Life Institute, whose work has helped mainstream research on how to keep AI beneficial.In this deeply researched and vitally important new book, Tegmark takes us to the heart of thinking about AI and the human condition, bringing us face to face with the essential questions of our time. How can we grow our prosperity through automation, without leaving people lacking income or purpose? How can we ensure that future AI systems do what we want without crashing, malfunctioning or getting hacked? Should we fear an arms race in lethal autonomous weapons? Will AI help life flourish as never before, or will machines eventually outsmart us at all tasks, and even, perhaps, replace us altogether? Life 3.0 gives us the tools to join what may be the most important conversation of our time, guiding us through the most controversial issues around AI today -- from superintelligence to meaning, consciousness and the ultimate physical limits on life in the cosmos.What sort of future do you want?
23,70 € 24,95 €

Kijózanító rózsaszín

Miért tudnak jobban olvasni a tizediken lakó gyerekek a földszinten lakóknál? Milyen színű mezben játsszunk, ha nyerni akarunk? Hogyan érhetjük el, hogy az emberek fizessenek a becsületkasszába? Milyen profilképpel leszünk népszerűek a társkereső oldalakon? Legtöbben azt hisszük, hogy másoktól szinte teljesen függetlenül gondolkodunk és viselkedünk. Valójában azonban környezetünk elképesztő mértékben befolyásolja döntéseinket és tetteinket. Adam Alter pszichológus és marketingszakember a legújabb pszichológiai kutatások segítségével bemutatja, miként hat ránk a világ: hogyan módosítják viselkedésünket a címkék, a jelképek, a kulturális közeg, vagy éppen az időjárás.
13,23 € 13,93 €

dostupné aj ako:

V kategórii literatúry "Psychológia, etika, logika" nájdete bohatý výber kníh zaoberajúcich sa tymito témami. Táto kategória ponúka literatúru o ľudskej mysli, morálnych hodnotách a logickom myslení.

Nájdete tu diela od svetoznámych autorov, ktorí sa venujú rozličným aspektom týchto disciplín. Ich príspevky pomôžu hlbšie porozumieť ľudskej povahe, morálnym dilemám a logickým princípom.

Medzi najznámejších autorov v oblasti psychológie patrí Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung a Jean Piaget. Ich diela sa zaoberajú psychoanalýzou, archetypmi a behaviorálnou psychológiou.

V oblasti etiky a morálky sú významnými autormi Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill a Aristoteles. Ich diela sa zameriavajú na etické teórie a morálne zásady.

V logike sa vynikajúcimi autorami stali Gottlob Frege a Bertrand Russell. Ich diela sa zaoberajú logickým argumentovaním a matematickými princípmi.

Kategória "Psychológia, etika, logika" poskytuje dôležité diela pre lepšie pochopenie ľudskej mysle, morálnych hodnôt a logického myslenia.