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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Filozofia strana 185 z 186

Knižné bestsellery nesmú v našej ponuke rozhodne chýbať. Najpredávanejšie a najobľúbenejšie knihy slávnych spisovateľov vás vtiahnu do deja a ponúknu vám množstvo skvelých príbehov. Vyberte si žáner, ktorý je vám najbližší alebo darujte najnovšie knižné bestsellery ako darček svojim blízkym.

Essays In Love

A unique love story and a classic work of philosophy, rooted in the mysterious workings of the human heart and mind. Perhaps it is true that we do not really exist until there is someone there to see us existing, we cannot properly speak until there is someone who can understand what we are saying in essence, we are not wholly alive until we are loved. A man and woman on a flight from Paris to London, and so begins their love story. From first kiss to first argument, infatuation to heartbreak, de Botton illuminates each stage of their relationship with a clarity both startling and tender. With the verve of a novelist and the insight of a philosopher, Essays in Love unveils the mysteries of the human heart. It is essential reading for anyone seeking instruction in the art of love.
14,20 € 14,95 €

If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal

What's it like to be a bat, a bee, or a bed bug? From narwhals to slugs, Dr Justin Gregg offers a window into the minds of other creatures and debunks many of the myths of human exceptionalism. With the latest research on animal minds and cognitive psychology, he shows us what animal minds can teach us about humanity's shortcomings. Mind-bending, humbling and hilarious, If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal will change how you think about animals, humans, and the meaning of life itself.
14,20 € 14,95 €


One of our most brilliant minds offers a sweeping intellectual history that argues for the reclamation of culture’s value. Culture is a defining aspect of what it means to be human. Defining culture and pinpointing its role in our lives is not, however, so straightforward. Terry Eagleton, one of our foremost literary and cultural critics, is uniquely poised to take on the challenge. In this keenly analytical and acerbically funny book, he explores how culture and our conceptualizations of it have evolved over the last two centuries?from rarified sphere to humble practices, and from a bulwark against industrialism’s encroaches to present-day capitalism’s most profitable export. Ranging over art and literature as well as philosophy and anthropology, and major but somewhat "unfashionable" thinkers like Johann Gottfried Herder and Edmund Burke as well as T. S. Eliot, Matthew Arnold, Raymond Williams, and Oscar Wilde, Eagleton provides a cogent overview of culture set firmly in its historical and theoretical contexts, illuminating its collusion with colonialism, nationalism, the decline of religion, and the rise of and rule over the "uncultured" masses. Eagleton also examines culture today, lambasting the commodification and co-option of a force that, properly understood, is a vital means for us to cultivate and enrich our social lives, and can even provide the impetus to transform civil society.
15,15 € 15,95 €

How to Think Like a Philosopher

As politics slides toward impulsivity, and outrage bests rationality, how can philosophy help us critically engage with the world? How to Think Like A Philosopher is a revelatory exploration of the methods, tenets and attitudes of thought that guide philosophy, and how they can be applied to our own lives. Drawing on decades of enquiry and a huge range of interviews, Julian Baggini identifies twelve key principles that promote incisive thinking. Pay attention; question everything; seek clarity, not certainty: these are just a few of philosophy's guiding maxims which can be applied to everything from understanding the impact of climate change to correctly appraising our own temperaments. Both a fresh introduction to philosophy covering canonical and contemporary philosophers, and an essential, practical guide to good thinking, How to Think Like a Philosopher shows us the way to a more humane, balanced and rational approach to thinking, to politics, and to life.
15,15 € 15,95 €

Unhoused - Adorno and the Problem of Dwelling

Unhoused: Adorno and the Problem of Dwelling is the first book-length study of Theodor Adorno as a philosopher of housing. Treating his own experience of exile as emblematic of late modern life, Adorno observed that twentieth-century dwelling had been rendered “impossible” by nativism, by the decimations of war, and, in the postwar period, by housing’s increasingly thorough assimilation into private property. Adorno’s position on the meaning and prospects for adequate dwelling?a concept he never wrote about systematically but nevertheless returned to frequently?was not that some invulnerable state of home or dwelling should be revived. Rather, Adorno believed that the only responsible approach to housing was to cultivate an ethic of displacement, to learn “how not to be at home in one’s home.” Unhoused tracks four figurations of troubled dwelling in Adorno’s texts?homelessness, no man’s lands, the nature theater, and the ironic property relation?and reads them as timely interventions and challenges for today’s architecture, housing, and senses of belonging. Entangled as we are in juridical and financial frameworks that adhere to a very different logic, these figurations ask what it means to organize, design, build, and cohabit in ways that enliven non-exclusive relations to ourselves, others, objects, and place.
23,70 € 24,95 €


Sebaanalýza vás prevedie tým najzaujímavejším dobrodružstvom vášho života. Dobrodružstvo vás samých. Aký efektívny ste? Aký je váš potenciál? O koľko sa môžete zlepšiť? Táto kniha vás prevedie vašou minulosťou, vašimi schopnosťami, vašim životom.
11,40 € 12,00 €

Kierkegaardův Abrahám

Monografie je důkladným rozborem nejen Kierkegaardovy práce Bázeň a chvění, ale i relativně široké diskuse, která se v celosvětovém měřítku vede k tomu, co je v této Kierkegaardově knize předkládáno. Tato práce je velice důkladně vědecky, tj. přesně a soustavně, zpracována. Vykazuje mimořádně dobrou autorovu znalost nejen Kierkegaarda, ale i prací, které se týkají Kierkegaardovy činnosti, jeho myšlení a tvorby vůbec. Centrální postavou je Abraham, jeho život a v samém jádru jeho víra. Autor se snaží ukázat, co v podstatě Kierkegaard z Abrahamova příběhu vyčetl k problematice jeho – a křesťanské víry a k jejímu vztahu k etice, ba dokonce i k tzv. estetickému životnímu stylu, který nás obklopuje. Dává tím velice zřetelnou odpověď na nejzákladnější otázky, které si člověk klade, případně i jen může klást.
6,65 € 7,00 €

Escape from Freedom

If humanity cannot live with the dangers and responsibilities inherent in freedom, it will probably turn to authoritarianism. This is the central idea of Escape from Freedom, a landmark work by one of the most distinguished thinkers of our time, and a book that is as timely now as when first published in 1941. Few books have thrown such light upon the forces that shape modern society or penetrated so deeply into the causes of authoritarian systems. If the rise of democracy set some people free, at the same time it gave birth to a society in which the individual feels alienated and dehumanized. Using the insights of psychoanalysis as probing agents, Fromm's work analyzes the illness of contemporary civilization as witnessed by its willingness to submit to totalitarian rule.
21,38 € 22,50 €

Malá rozprava o veľkých cnostiach

O cnostiach sa už nehovorí. To však neznamená, že ich nepotrebujeme, alebo že máme právo sa ich vzdať. Podľa Spinozu je lepšie učiť sa cnostiam ako odsudzovať neresti; radosť je lepšia ako smútok, obdiv je lepší ako pohŕdanie, dobrý príklad silnejší ako ostýchavosť. Toto nemajú byť lekcie z morálky, mala by to byť pomoc každému, kto sa usiluje nájsť v sebe učiteľa a sudcu seba samého. Prečo? Aby sme boli ľudskejší, silnejší a láskavejší. Cnosť je sila, výnimočná vlastnosť, je to potreba. Cnost i sú naše stelesnené morálne hodnoty, ktoré, ak chceme a môžeme, prežívame v konaní, sú vždy jedinečné, ako každý z nás, vždy ich je veľa ako slabostí, proti ktorým bojujú a naprávajú ich. Dobro samo osebe nejestvuje, dobro treba konať: cnosti sú vyk onané dobro. Práve cnosti ma zaujímajú, všímam si ich, analyzujem ich: od zdvorilosti až k láske. 18 kapitol o cnostiach, ktorých sa nám nedostáva (no nie celkom, veď ako inak by sme mohli o nich premýšľať?), o cnostiach, ktoré nás kultivujú.
9,75 € 10,26 €

Intentionalität - Werde - Kunst

8,04 € 8,46 €

Filozofická literatúra obsahuje široký výber kníh a diel, ktoré vás zavedú do sveta myslenia, poznania a existencie. Knihy o filozofii podnecujú hlboké uvažovanie o základných otázkach ľudskej skúsenosti a prinášajú významné myšlienky a teórie od svetoznámych filozofov.

V kategórii Filozofia nájdete diela od najznámejších filozofov, ako je Platón, Aristoteles, Immanuel Kant či Friedrich Nietzsche. Ich myšlienky a teórie formovali filozofické disciplíny ako etika, metafyzika, politika a ďalšie.

Nájdete tu knihy, ktoré sa zaoberajú otázkami o podstate poznania, morálky a ľudskej existencie. 

Okrem svetových autorov sa môžete tiež zoznámiť so slovenskými filozofmi, ako je Martin Heidegger a Miroslav Marcelli, ktorí prispeli k rozvoju filozofických myšlienok a teórií.

Objavte rozmanitosť prístupov a perspektív, ktoré vám pomôžu hlbšie porozumieť mysleniu, existencii a spoločnosti.