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Knihy - Architektúra strana 5 z 112

Fenomén Jože Plečnik

Kniha Fenomén Jože Plečnik je už třetí publikací v řadě „Fenomén“ nakladatelství Grada. Její ambicí je představovat populárním způsobem významné architekty s českými kořeny nebo realizacemi na českém území. Zájemce právě dostává do ruky obrazově výpravnou publikaci o jednom z výjimečných zjevů evropské a také české, resp. československé architektury. Slovinec Jože Plečnik zanechal svou stopu ve Vídni a především v Lublani, kde dostal příležitost realizovat řadu architektonických děl ve městě, které bylo na konci 19. století silně poničeno rozsáhlým zemětřesením. Zároveň je ovšem jeho vliv velmi viditelný i v Čechách, přesněji přímo v Praze. Setkání s prvním československým prezidentem Tomášem G. Masarykem, „zosnované“ Plečnikovým přítelem, architektem Janem Kotěrou, přineslo zásadní změny v koncepci přestavby Pražského hradu, který se tak znovu stal důstojným sídlem nové hlavy nového státu. Plečnik jako člověk silně věřící celoživotně pracoval na sakrálních stavbách ve Vídni i v Lublani, v Praze je pak jeho nepominutelnou stopou kostel Nejsvětějšího srdce Páně na Královských Vinohradech. Těch „královských“ atributů je u této stavby ale více. Také o tom se dočtete v naší knize, doprovozené aktuálními i dobovými fotografiemi a především – jako v celé dosavadní ediční řadě – kresbami architekta a propagátora architektury Davida Vávry.
Na sklade 2Ks
15,80 € 16,63 €

Kandinsky: Incarnating Beauty

A teacher to Jacques Lacan, André Breton, and Albert Camus, Koj?ve defined art as the act of extracting the beautiful from objective reality. His poetic text, “The Concrete Paintings of Kandinsky,” endorses nonrepresentational art as uniquely manifesting beauty. Taking the paintings of his renowned uncle, Wassily Kandinsky, as his inspiration, Kojeve suggests that in creating (rather than replicating) beauty, the paintings are themselves complete universes as concrete as the natural world. Koj?ve’s text considers the utility and necessity of beauty in life, and ultimately poses the involuted question: What is beauty? Including personal letters between Kandinsky and his nephew, this book further elaborates the unique relationship between artist and philosopher. An introduction by Boris Groys contextualizes Kojeve’s life and writings.
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11,35 € 11,95 €

Soviet Playgrounds

A photographic survey of Soviet-era playgrounds found in former members of the USSR, such as Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Through five chapters containing more than 150 photographs, the book documents the mass-produced, yet diverse play equipment installed in the communal spaces of socialist-era housing estates, such as rocket slides and earth-shaped climbers, spaceships and animal-themed ladders, cosmic roundabouts and bizarre objects that would probably raise safety concerns nowadays. From Riga to Dushanbe and all the way from Kyiv to Vladivostok, children dreamt of becoming cosmonauts, and enjoyed the many space-themed playscapes which had proliferated since the onset of the Cold War era. While some are still in use, others are slowly disappearing to make way for modern equipment, or, more recently, being destroyed during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, becoming only a faint memory of a Soviet childhood. Includes a foreword by the Ukrainian urban planner Mykola Gorokhov and informative maps of the playgrounds featured in every chapter. Pictures were taken by Zupagrafika, with contributions by local photographers.
38,90 € 40,95 €

Ettore Sottsass

Phaidon's much-loved monograph on the legendary Italian designer and architect, Ettore Sottsass The re-release of this highly acclaimed title demonstrates the continual fascination, from both fans and collectors, with the life and work of Italian architect and designer Ettore Sottsass. The designer's work is popular and influential in equal measure, from his designs for Olivetti (such as the striking, bright red, manual typewriter, the Valentine, with its ingenious carry-case) to the post-modern brilliance of the work of the Memphis Group, founded by Sottsass in Milan in 1980. Packed with beautiful images taken from the extensive Sottsass archives and including drawings and sketches from the designer's countless sketchbooks, the book explores his entire career from the 1940s to the 2000s, covering everything from his architectural projects and product design to his ceramics, sculpture, and graphics.
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74,05 € 77,95 €

Architektonický Atlas Bratislava - Centrum 1990-2020

Publikácia sa venuje rozvoju Centra mesta Bratislavy, je to prehľad architektúry mesta po roku 1990. Autorský výber obsahuje 346 položiek s popisom a fotografiou. Grafické riešenie publikácie dopĺňajú prehľadné mapky, schémy a tiež foto z dronu. Autor člení centrum mesta na niekoľko častí. V strede územia je Historické jadro, ktoré je tiež podrobnejšie rozdelené na bloky a jednotlivé upravené, rekonštruované i nové budovy majú svoj popis a foto. Atlas obsahuje aj rozostavané väčšie zámery v centre mesta. Bratislava tak má prvý prehľad architektúry po roku 1990.
Na sklade 1Ks
20,90 € 22,00 €

Archdaily's Guide to Good Architecture

What's best in architecture today and the most relevant for tomorrow by the world's most visited architecture website. ArchDaily's Guide to Good Architecture is their first-ever book. Curated around their principles of Good Architecture, the book is a curation of what's best today and most relevant for tomorrow. Through a rich variety of projects--both built and planned--the book reflects a global community of world-shapers, explores the most important topics and trends in architectural practice, celebrates the most visionary architects and introduces up-and-coming talent. It marks the forefront of architectural thought and practice. The cover image is Akihisa Hirata's Tree-ness House in Toshima, Japan
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53,68 € 56,50 €

Stempel - Tesař - Bažant family houses/rodinné domy

Úchvatné rodinné domy architektů Jána Stempela a Jana Jakuba Tesaře můžete nyní poznat zcela jinak. Jejich autoři vás vezmou na nevšední průzkum svých dosud nerealizovaných staveb. Prohlédnout si je můžete díky vizualizacím, které zpracoval tvůrce digitálních obrazů Stanislav Bažant. Barevné ilustrace doplňují půdorysy a řezy návrhů. Kniha tak otevírá otázku, nad níž se zamýšlí i autorka textu Jana Tichá, co je vlastně už architektonickým dílem a čím se dokonalé vizualizace odlišují od reálných fotografií. Publikace originálním způsobem navazuje na dvě již vydané knihy, v kterých snímky rodinných domů Stempela a Tesaře pořídili přední čeští fotografové Lukáš Jasanský a Filip Šlapal.
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30,83 € 32,45 €

High On... Home Design

A presentation of contemporary work from thirty international interior designers illustrating their latest projects for houses and apartments. The book showcases the very best examples of the latest home designs in over 200 colour photographs.
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32,25 € 33,95 €

Katedrála sv. Víta, Václava a Vojtěcha

V žádném jiném monumentu nejsou tak výrazně vepsány dějiny českých zemí a jejich obyvatelstva jako právě tady. Svatovítskou katedrálu lze nahlížet a vykládat z rozmanitých úhlů, jež můžeme považovat za oprávněné, ale nelze nevnímat aureolu posvátnosti, která katedrálou prostupuje a vyzařuje z ní. Stavba katedrály byla budována s velkými uměleckými aspiracemi. První mistr, který stál v čele stavby, Matyáš z Arrasu, povolaný Janem Lucemburským z Avignonu, přenesl do Prahy vzor francouzské katedrální architektury. Ale Matyášův nástupce geniální Petr Parléř dodal pražské katedrále a její sochařské výzdobě rysy umělecké výjimečnosti. Po dobu vlády Karla IV. postupovala stavba úspěšně kupředu, zastavilo ji až husitské období. Již tehdy katedrála zastávala nezastupitelnou roli v symbolice českého státu: byly zde uloženy korunovační klenoty.
Na sklade 1Ks
88,78 € 93,45 €

Jan Blažej Santini-Aichel

Architekt Jan Blažej Santini-Aichel je fenomén. V dějinách naší architektury není nikdo jiný, kdo by dokázal v prostředí vlády všeobecně respektovaného slohu uskutečnit tak velkolepým způsobem svou osobní vizi. Na druhé straně by však bylo nepochopením doby a díla interpretovat Santiniho jako osamělou individualitu vystupující z kontextu baroka a překračující všechny hranice. Nejpozoruhodnější na Santinim je právě to, že dokázal oba tyto zdánlivé protiklady spojit. Ani dnes ještě nemá tento mimořádný architekt v obecném kulturním povědomí místo odpovídající jeho významu. A to je i důvod, proč vznikla tato kniha a proč byl Santini zvolen jako téma prvního svazku zamýšlené ediční řady věnované významným osobnostem naší stavební historie.
Na sklade 1Ks
25,64 € 26,99 €

The Office of Good Intentions. Human(s) Work

Immerse yourself with architects Florian Idenburg and LeeAnn Suen as they journey through a wide-ranging collection of the objects, systems, and buildings that have occupied the American office space since the advent of the internet. Through stories and speculations, Idenburg and Suen expose the relationships between space, work, and people, and explore the intentions that have driven the development of office design for working humans. In twelve essays, this book examines the spatial typologies and global phenomena that have defined the office in the last half century. Topics include the return of the work club, the rise of the corporate festival, the way of the charismatic guru, the shattering of the time clock, and the design of playgrounds for work. We cycle through Frank O. Gehry's radical, playful spaces for digital nomads in the advertising world, stagger under the weight of stacks of punch cards, feel the fit of our bodies in the Aeron Chair, answer the phone in Hugh Hefner's bed, and scroll through Lil Miquela's feed. Photographic essays by Iwan Baan provide a visual post-occupancy report on a range of canonical office projects, such as Marcel Breuer's IBM campus in Florida and the Ford Foundation's urban garden in Manhattan. Four intervening catalogs offer collections of experimental workplace products, augural advertisements for office building components, digital office components, and renderings of speculative workplaces; each catalog bridges the reality of the office and how we imagine its alternatives. This book is a theoretical backdrop for architects as much as it is for businesspeople and employees. With curiosity and skepticism, it looks at the spaces and solutions that have been designed for human work, tracing the transformation from work to occupation, from punch cards to "playbor," from today's lived experience to tomorrow's unpredictable, imagined futures.
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52,20 € 54,95 €

Living in the Forest

A spectacular collection of 50 magnificent contemporary houses across the globe, each built to exist harmoniously amid the trees Take a walk through luscious jungles, get lost among snowy evergreens, and look out from mossy banks across vast Nordic fjords in Living in the Forest, a dynamic survey of contemporary forest homes. Each architect-designed house, whether demonstrating innovative ecological design or shoring against the elements, explores a different facet of woodland living across a huge range of countries worldwide. The properties are shown throughout the book via stunning exterior and interior photography, and each home is accompanied by an illuminating text to bring the property to life. Connecting us to nature through their affinity with trees, each home in this expertly curated collection powerfully demonstrates the importance of green living. Includes outstanding homes by Helen & Hard, HW Studio, Olson Kundig, Studio MK27, and Studio Saxe alongside emerging studios specializing in environmental design. Showcases beautiful houses located in forests around the world, from Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Iceland, Japan, Mexico, Norway, and Thailand as well as the UK and USA. Explores unique residences, including a playful treehouse built at a spectacular height, an ingenious sustainable hideaway that leaves no footprint and an urban dwelling boasting an biodiverse jungle ecosystem of its own making.
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42,70 € 44,95 €

Venice: A Private Invitation

Step inside the most breathtaking residences in this dazzling declaration of love to the beauty and craftsmanship of Venice. Venice has a thousand reflections of silk, marble, mirror, and light. In an intimate and informed invitation to the city, Servane Giol guides us through a maze of canals, secluded campos, and narrow alleyways to meet some of Venice's most creative residents, opening the door to private historic palazzi, as well as more recently restored houses and apartments owned by a new generation of artists and designers drawn to Venice's radiant beauty, energy, and lifestyle. Whether it is in interior design, glassmaking, shoemaking, or the restoration of historic monuments, her circle of talented friends have brought a renewed vibrancy and elegance to the city, giving visibility to some of Venice's most elegant traditional crafts and passionately safeguarding them for future generations. Organized around the rich materials and textures of the city's densely woven fabric of history and celebrating the artisan's skill at every turn, this visually stunning love letter to the secret beauties of Venice, captured by photographer Mattia Aquila, is both a revelation and unique reminder to all those who wish to recall the golden iridescent silence of their first sight of the mythical city that floats between sky and sea.
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68,35 € 71,95 €


PRIESTOR #3 je ukončením mini-edície publikácii určených pre najmladšiu generáciu, ktorých cieľom je odľahčeným spôsobom poukázať na uvažovanie o architektúre ako o disciplíne, ktorá sa zaoberá tvorbou priestoru, ktorý nás obklopuje. Približujeme v nej príbehy osobností, ktoré určovali jej smerovanie. Ich spletité osudy sú plné nápadov a vízií, ale aj prekážok, ktoré im stáli v ceste. Tretie číslo je venované architektúre, ktorá radikálne zmenila obraz Slovenska v druhej polovici 20. storočia. Máte v rukách Priestor. Ale čo to ten „priestor“ vlastne je? Dobrá otázka. Dalo by sa povedať, že práve na ňu hľadá odpoveď architektúra odjakživa, a jej tvorcovia prichádzajú stále s novými riešeniami, ako priestor vytvárať, napĺňať, kultivovať. Máte v rukách Priestor. Ako s ním naložíte je len na Vás. Pokojne ho dotvárajte, škrtajte, zaujmite k nemu postoj a prejavte názor. A šírte ho ďalej, nech architektúra žije. Autorkou grafík a textovej časti je architektka Ivana Čobejová a za grafickým dizajnom stojí grafická dizajnérka Ľubica Segečová a Zuzana Didová. SPACE #3 is the end of a mini-edition of publications intended for the youngest generation, the aim of which is to highlight, in a light-hearted way, thinking about architecture as a discipline that deals with the creation of the space that surrounds us. In it, we present the stories of personalities who determined its direction. Their intricate destinies are full of ideas and visions, but also obstacles that stood in their way. The third issue is dedicated to architecture, which radically changed the image of Slovakia in the second half of the 20th century. You have Space in your hands. But what exactly is this "space"? Good question. It could be said that architecture has always been looking for an answer to this, and its creators are always coming up with new solutions to create, fill, and cultivate space. You have Space in your hands. How you deal with it is up to you. Feel free to complete it. Cross it out, take a position on it and express an opinion. And spread it further. Let architecture live. The author of the illustrations and the text part is the architect Ivana Čobejová and the graphic designers are Ľubica Segečová and Zuzana Didová.
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15,68 € 16,50 €

Frederic Chaubin. CCCP. Cosmic Communist Constructions Photographed. 40th Ed.

Elected the architectural book of the year by the International Artbook and Film Festival in Perpignan, France, Frederic Chaubin's Cosmic Communist Constructions Photographed explores 90 buildings in 14 former Soviet Republics. Each of these structures expresses what Chaubin considers the fourth age of Soviet architecture, an unknown burgeoning that took place from 1970 until 1990. Contrary to the 1920s and 1950s, no "school" or main trend emerges here. These buildings represent a chaotic impulse brought about by a decaying system. Taking advantage of the collapsing monolithic structure, architects went far beyond modernism, going back to the roots or freely innovating. Some of the daring ones completed projects that the Constructivists would have dreamt of (Druzhba Sanatorium, Yalta), others expressed their imagination in an expressionist way (Palace of Weddings, Tbilisi). A summer camp, inspired by sketches of a prototype lunar base, lays claim to Suprematist influence (Prometheus youth camp, Bogatyr). Then comes the "speaking architecture" widespread in the last years of the USSR: a crematorium adorned with concrete flames (Crematorium, Kiev), a technological institute with a flying saucer crashed on the roof (Institute of Scientific Research, Kiev), a political center watching you like Big Brother (House of Soviets, Kaliningrad). In their puzzle of styles, their outlandish strategies, these buildings are extraordinary remnants of a collapsing system.In their diversity and local exoticism, they testify both to the vast geography of the USSR and its encroaching end of the Soviet Union, the holes in a widening net. At the same time, they immortalize many of the ideological dreams of the country and its time, from an obsession with the cosmos to the rebirth of identity. About the series TASCHEN is 40! Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible publishing, helping bookworms around the world curate their own library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia at an unbeatable price. Today we celebrate 40 years of incredible books by staying true to our company credo. The 40 series presents new editions of some of the stars of our program-now more compact, friendly in price, and still realized with the same commitment to impeccable production.
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26,13 € 27,50 €


A groundbreaking history of architecture told through the relationship between buildings and energy The story of architecture is the story of humanity. The buildings we live in, from the humblest pre-historic huts to today's skyscrapers, reveal our priorities and ambitions, our family structures and power structures. And to an extent that hasn't been explored until now, architecture has been shaped in every era by our access to energy, from fire to farming to fossil fuels. In this ground-breaking history of world architecture, Barnabas Calder takes us on a dazzling tour of some of the most astonishing buildings of the past fifteen thousand years, from Uruk, via Ancient Rome and Victorian Liverpool, to China's booming megacities. He reveals how every building - from the Parthenon to the Great Mosque of Damascus to a typical Georgian house - was influenced by the energy available to its architects, and why this matters. Today architecture consumes so much energy that 40% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions come from the construction and running of buildings. If we are to avoid catastrophic climate change then now, more than ever, we need beautiful but also intelligent buildings, and to retrofit - not demolish - those that remain. Both a celebration of human ingenuity and a passionate call for greater sustainability, this is a history of architecture for our times.
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16,10 € 16,95 €

If Walls Could Speak

Over more than five decades, legendary architect Moshe Safdie has built some of the world's most influential and memorable structures - from the 1967 modular housing scheme in Montreal known as Habitat to the Marina Bay Sands development in Singapore. For Safdie, the way a space functions is fundamental; he is deeply committed to architecture as a social force for good, believing that any challenge, including extreme population density and environmental distress, can be addressed with solutions that enhance community and uplift the human spirit. If Walls Could Speak takes readers behind the veil of an essential yet mysterious profession to explain through Safdie's own experiences how an architect thinks and works - from the spark of imagination through the design process, the model-making, the politics, the engineering, the materials. Relating memorable stories about what has inspired him - from childhoods in Israel and Montreal to the projects and personalities worldwide that have captured his imagination - Safdie reveals the complex interplay that underpins every project and his vision for the role architecture can and should play in society at large. Illustrated throughout with drawings, sketches, photographs, and documents from his firm's voluminous archives, If Walls Could Speak is a book like no other, and will forever change the way you look at and appreciate any built structure.
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30,35 € 31,95 €

Středověký hrad

Jak se hrad stavěl, jak se dobýval a bránil, jak se na něm žilo. Středověké hrady byly budovány pro obranu a byly symbolem moci a autority. Jak se stavěly, jak se bránily dobyvatelům a jak se na nich žilo? Z prostých dřevěných fortifikací se postupně vyvinuly v komplexní kamenné struktury velikosti malé vesnice! Byly domovem hradního pána a doslova armády personálu a dalších obyvatel. Do jejich stavby se zapojilo obrovské množství pracovních sil, které používaly ve své době nové znalosti a technologické postupy. Tato podrobná publikace ukazuje každý detail typického středověkého hradu od prevétu a kuchyně po velký sál a soukromé komnaty. Ilustrovaná schémata a vyfotografované postupy krok za krokem objasňují konstrukci hradu od tesání kamene, přes vypalování cihel až po budování dřevěné střechy. Dávají nahlédnout pod pokličku práce středověkých řemeslníků, stavitelů a tesařů. Když před čtvrtstoletím došlo v Burgundsku k zahájení ojedinělého projektu Guédelon, jeho účastníci propůjčili zcela novou podobu našim představám o experimentální archeologii. Tým nadšenců se za spolupráce s odborníky rozhodl vystavět středověký hrad postupy a metodami typickými pro třinácté století. Ambiciózní plán si vyžádal úzkou spolupráci řemeslníků mnoha specializací. Účastníci rozsáhlého projektu dokázali obohatit naše chápání každodenního života ve středověku o řadu neocenitelných praktických poznatků. Jejich zásluhou lépe chápeme, jak vypadal proces budování hradu i struktura společenství, které se na něm podílelo. Vydejte se s námi na magické místo, kde řemeslníkům ožívá historie pod rukama! Anatomie hradu Jak se hrady proměňovaly v průběhu historie: Vývoj od dřevěné palisády po nedobytné koncentrické opevnění Oživlá historie Stavba hradu krok za krokem: Středověké techniky ožívají díky experimantální archeologii v projektu Guédelon Obránci & dobyvatelé Obranné prvky proti dobyvatelům: Barbakán, příkop, vstupní brána, padací most, věže, hradby a cimbuří Denní život Práce a zábava na hradě a v podhradí: Soukromé komnaty, hlavní síň, kaple, kuchyně i hospodářské zázemí
Na sklade 2Ks
10,40 € 10,95 €

Delirious New York

Since its original publication in 1978, Delirious New York has attained mythic status. Back in print in a newly designed edition, this influential cultural, architectural, and social history of New York is even more popular, selling out its first printing on publication. Rem Koolhaas's celebration and analysis of New York depicts the city as a metaphor for the incredible variety of human behavior. At the end of the nineteenth century, population, information, and technology explosions made Manhattan a laboratory for the invention and testing of a metropolitan lifestyle — "the culture of congestion" — and its architecture. "Manhattan," he writes, "is the 20th century's Rosetta Stone . . . occupied by architectural mutations (Central Park, the Skyscraper), utopian fragments (Rockefeller Center, the U.N. Building), and irrational phenomena (Radio City Music Hall)." Koolhaas interprets and reinterprets the dynamic relationship between architecture and culture in a number of telling episodes of New York's history, including the imposition of the Manhattan grid, the creation of Coney Island, and the development of the skyscraper. Delirious New York is also packed with intriguing and fun facts and illustrated with witty watercolors and quirky archival drawings, photographs, postcards, and maps. The spirit of this visionary investigation of Manhattan equals the energy of the city itself.
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34,15 € 35,95 €

Toto je priestor venovaný fascinujúcemu svetu stavebných diel, dizajnu a konštrukcie. Kategória kníh o architektúre vás zavedie do sveta, kde sa stretávajú funkčnosť, estetika a inovácia, aby vytvorili unikátne a pôsobivé stavby.

V tejto kategórii nájdete rôzne aspekty architektúry, vrátane historických pamiatok, moderných stavieb, urbanistického plánovania a dizajnu interiérov. Tu môžete objaviť rozmanité štýly a prístupy k architektonickému návrhu, ktoré odrážajú nielen funkčné potreby, ale aj kultúrne, sociálne a estetické hodnoty.

Od majstrovských diel starovekých kultúr po súčasné inovatívne konštrukcie, kategória architektúry vám umožní preskúmať rôzne éry a technológie, ktoré formujú vývoj stavebného umenia. Taktiež tu nájdete informácie o slávnych architektoch a ich prínose k architektúre.

Táto kategória je ideálna pre všetkých, ktorí majú záujem o architektúru ako umeleckú formu, ale aj o praktické a technické aspekty stavieb. Nech už máte záľubu v historických budovách, súčasných inováciách alebo budúcnosti urbanistického plánovania, kategória architektúry vám otvorí dvere do fascinujúceho sveta konštrukcie a návrhu.