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Knihy - Ekonómia, manažment - ostatné strana 6 z 18

Rethinking Users

Knowing your users stimulates your imagination and helps you create more exciting and effective design solutions. But there is a problem: the normal conception of 'the user' is incomplete and based on outdated notions. These notions of simple, direct relationships between people and products are no longer valid in today's complex, technologically interconnected world. This fun and practical book with a set of cards will change the way readers think about users. Rethinking Users introduces a radical new approach that questions some of our most fundamental ideas about the nature of user experience. It points to new opportunities to create products and services that help users in new ways. The book includes a deck of user archetype cards and step-by-step team activities for unlocking new user-centered thinking and design inspiration. For designers, design researchers, strategists, innovators, product managers, and entrepreneurs in almost any field.
32,25 € 33,95 €

Základy metódy projektového riadenia PRINCE2® verzia 6

PRINCE2® je najrozšírenejšia metóda projektového riadenia nielen na Slovensku, ale aj celosvetovo. Dvojjazyčná kniha Základy metódy projektového riadenia PRINCE2® je prvou oficiálnou anglicko-slovenskou učebnicou projektového manažmentu metodiky PRINCE2® na slovenskom knižnom trhu. Je schválená AXELOS ako držiteľom licencie PRINCE2® pre použitie na školeniach, aj pri riadení reálnych projektov. Súčasné vydanie knihy je aktualizované a má zapracované úpravy, ktoré kopírujú zmeny v 6. verzii oficiálneho manuálu Managing Successful Projects With PRINCE2®. V knihe nájdete popis všetkých princípov PRINCE2® a detailné vysvetlenie procesov a tém. V prílohách nájdete vzory manažérskych dokumentov, ktoré budete potrebovať pri riadení reálnych projektov a detailné popisy rolí PRINCE2®. Dvojjazyčná verzia prispieva nielen k pochopeniu problematiky, ale aj k zlepšeniu jazykových znalostí a anglickej terminológie. Znalosti z oblasti riadenia projektov metodikou PRINCE2® podstatne zvyšujú šancu na úspešné ukončenie projektov a dosiahnutie plánovaných prínosov. Kniha je určená pre projektových manažérov, výkonných riaditeľov a iných pracovníkov projektových tímov, pre externých dodávateľov, pre účastníkov školení PRINCE2® Foundation a pre študentov metodiky projektového riadenia. Pri zakúpení knihy získavate nasledovné bonusy: zľavu na školenia PRINCE2®, elektronické vzory manažérskych dokumentov a časovo obmedzený prístup do sekcie videoškolení na stránke www.prince-2.sk. Podrobnosti Kniha je štandardne dodávaná ako podkladové materiály ku školeniam PRINCE2. Obsahuje nasledovné kapitoly: Úvod, Prehľad o metóde, Zdôvodnenie projektu, Organizácia, Plány, Progres, Kvalita, Riziko, Zmena, Predprojektová príprava, Iniciácia projektu, Strategické riadenie projektu, Riadenie etapy, Riadenie dodávky produktu, Riadenie hraníc etáp a Ukončenie projektu. Súčasťou knihy sú nasledovné prílohy: Príloha A. Popisy produktu, Príloha B. Roly projektového tímu , Príloha C. Produktovo orientované plánovanie, Príloha D. Posúdenie kvality a Príloha E. Program zasadaní. O autorovi Colin Bentley patrí medzi najznámejších autorov publikácií o PRINCE2®. Má bohaté skúsenosti v oblasti projektového riadenia a od roku 1966 riadil projekty vo viacerých krajinách. Colin Bentley sa zúčastnil prác na príprave starších verzií PRINCE2® a pri verzii 2009 pracoval ako hlavný mentor a posudzovateľ. Branislav Gablas je odborným garantom slovenského prekladu. Je oceňovaným konzultantom a školiteľom PRINCE2 a SCRUM, má najvyšší certifikát PRINCE2® Professional aj certifikáty zo všetkých známych projektových metodík.
39,90 € 42,00 €

100 Things Successful Leaders Do

Following the success of the international bestseller, 100 THINGS SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO, Nigel Cumberland turns his attention to leadership. 100 THINGS SUCCESSFUL LEADERS DO distills all the wisdom and knowledge of a lifetime of coaching great leaders into 100 short chapters showing you how to build your own leadership skills quickly and confidently. 100 THINGS SUCCESSFUL LEADERS DO is packed with great ideas for creating long-term success for yourself and those you lead. Explore the habits, tools, techniques and mentality of smart leaders and develop your own leadership style. Every chapter features a new idea that will help you get closer to your goals. Mixing simple explanations with activities and exercises, you'll learn the optimal mindset and habits you need to succeed. Praise for 100 THINGS SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO 'Inside these pages you'll find a powerful reminder of the many ways you can make your life - and other people's lives - more successful. It will help you identify what success means to you and give you the building blocks for making that success a reality. This is your chance to overcome whatever obstacles are stopping you. Read it, act on it and experience the difference' Marshall Goldsmith Ph.D., bestselling author of TRIGGERS
15,68 € 16,50 €

Less is More

'A powerfully disruptive book for disrupted times ... If you're looking for transformative ideas, this book is for you.' KATE RAWORTH, economist and author of Doughnut Economics ______________________ The world has finally awoken to the reality of climate breakdown and ecological collapse. Now we must face up to its primary cause. Capitalism demands perpetual expansion, which is devastating the living world. There is only one solution that will lead to meaningful and immediate change: DEGROWTH. If we want to have a shot at halting the crisis, we need to restore the balance. We need to change how we see nature and our place in it, shifting from a philosophy of domination and extraction to one that's rooted in reciprocity and regeneration. We need to evolve beyond the dogmas of capitalism to a new system that is fit for the twenty-first century. But what does such a society look like? What about jobs? What about health? What about progress? This book tackles these questions and traces a clear pathway to a post-capitalist economy. An economy that's more just, more caring, and more fun. An economy that enables human flourishing while reversing ecological breakdown. An economy that will not only lift us out of our current crisis, but restore our sense of connection to a world that's brimming with life. By taking less, we can become more. ______________________ 'A masterpiece... Less is More covers centuries and continents, spans academic disciplines, and connects contemporary and ancient events in a way which cannot be put down until it's finished.' DANNY DORLING, Professor of Geography, University of Oxford 'Jason is able to personalise the global and swarm the mind in the way that insects used to in abundance but soon shan't unless we are able to heed his beautifully rendered warning.' RUSSELL BRAND 'Jason Hickel shows that recovering the commons and decolonizing nature, cultures, and humanity are necessary conditions for hope of a common future in our common home.' VANDANA SHIVA, author of Making Peace With the Earth 'This is a book we have all been waiting for. Jason Hickel dispels ecomodernist fantasies of "green growth". Only degrowth can avoid climate breakdown. The facts are indisputable and they are in this book.' GIORGIS KALLIS, author of Degrowth 'Capitalism has robbed us of our ability to even imagine something different; Less is More gives us the ability to not only dream of another world, but also the tools by which we can make that vision real.' ASAD REHMAN, director of War on Want 'One of the most important books I have read ... does something extremely rare: it outlines a clear path to a sustainable future for all.' RAOUL MARTINEZ, author of Creating Freedom 'Jason Hickel takes us on a profound journey through the last 500 years of capitalism and into the current crisis of ecological collapse. Less is More is required reading for anyone interested in what it means to live in the Anthropocene, and what we can do about it.' ALNOOR LADHA, co-founder of The Rules
16,10 € 16,95 €

How to be Strategic

FT BUSINESS BOOK OF THE MONTH 'A comprehensive, concise, and practical guide that will enable anyone, in any situation, to develop their strategic thinking' Tiffani Bova, Chief Growth Evangelist, Salesforce, WSJ bestselling author, Growth IQ 'A must read for everyone who ever deals with complex important challenges. There are many take-away gems here that will help you push through the knotty centre of hard-to-resolve problems. Highly recommended!', Richard Rumelt, author of Good Strategy, Bad Strategy Being strategic is a critical skill. It enables you to solve problems on a day-to-day basis while also keeping an eye on the long term, anticipating opportunities and mitigating threats along the way. Fred Pelard has been teaching strategic thinking to executives at all levels at leading companies around the world for almost 20 years. How to Be Strategic is his accessible and thorough guide to strategic thinking in any situation. It contains 12 smartly illustrated, workable methodologies from leading experts like Eric Ries, Chan Kim, and Barbara Minto, and will help you find your own path to the right solution every time. 'A wonderful and inspirational look into wide-ranging frameworks and theories to spark new thinking and strategy' Tom Goodwin, author of Digital Darwinism and Head of Futures and Insight at Publicis Groupe 'Practical and comprehensive' Roeland Assenberg, Director, Strategy and Banking, Monitor Deloitte Netherlands
17,58 € 18,50 €

Atomi szokások

"A „minden nap 1 százalékkal jobb teljesítmény” forradalmi rendszere Az emberek azt hiszik, ha változtatni akarnak az életükön, nagyban kell gondolkodni. A világhírű szokásszakértő, James Clear azonban egy másik utat fedezett fel. Tudja, hogy a valódi változás több száz apró döntés halmozati hatásának az eredménye – olyan kis döntéseké, mint napi két fekvőtámasz, öt perccel korábbi ébredés vagy egyetlen rövid telefonhívás. Ezeket nevezi atomi szokásoknak. Úttörő jelentőségű könyvében Clear elmagyarázza, hogy ezek a miniatűr változtatások pontosan hogyan növik ki magukat az életedet átalakító eredményekké. Mutat néhány egyszerű élet-hacket (a szokáshalmozás feledésbe merült művészetét, a kétperces szabály váratlan erejét, vagy a trükköt, amellyel beléphetsz az Aranyhaj-zónába), és a legfrissebb pszichológiai és idegtudományos kutatási eredmények segítségével magyarázza el, miért olyan hatásosak. Mindeközben olyan olimpiai aranyérmesek, nagy hatalmú vezérigazgatók és kitűnő tudósok inspiráló történeteivel szórakoztat, akik arra használták az apró szokások tudományát, hogy produktívak, motiváltak és boldogok maradjanak. Akár bajnokságot szeretnél nyerni a csapatoddal, cégként reméled újradefiniálni az iparágat, vagy egyszerűen csak magánemberként le akarsz szokni a dohányzásról, fogyni szeretnél, vagy csökkenteni a stresszt az életedben, illetve bármilyen egyéb célkitűzésed van, az Atomi szokások átalakítja a haladással és sikerrel kapcsolatos gondolkodásodat, és kezedbe adja a szokásaid átalakításához szükséges eszközöket és stratégiákat. Ezek a kis változások forradalmi hatással lesznek a karrieredre, a kapcsolataidra és az életedre."
15,23 € 16,03 €

dostupné aj ako:

Behavioral Insights

Our behavior is strongly influenced by factors that lie outside our conscious awareness, although we tend to underestimate the power of this "automatic" side of our behavior. As a result, governments make ineffective policies, businesses create bad products, and individuals make unrealistic plans. In contrast, the behavioral insights approach applies evidence about actual human behavior--rather than assumptions about it--to practical problems. This volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, written by two leading experts in the field, offers an accessible introduction to behavioral insights, describing core features, origins, and practical examples.
15,15 € 15,95 €

Blue Ocean Shift

The New York Times bestseller. #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller. Blue Ocean Shift is the essential follow up to the classic Blue Ocean Strategy, the 3.6 million copy global bestseller by world-renowned professors W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne. Drawing on more than a decade of new work, Kim and Mauborgne show you how to move beyond competing, inspire your people's confidence, and seize new growth, guiding you step-by-step through how to take your organization from a red ocean crowded with competition to a blue ocean of uncontested market space. By combining the insights of human psychology with practical market-creating tools and real-world guidance, Kim and Mauborgne deliver the definitive guide to shift yourself, your team, or your organization to new heights of confidence, market creation, and growth. They show why nondisruptive creation is as important as disruption in seizing new growth. Blue Ocean Shift is packed with all-new research and examples of how leaders in diverse industries and organizations made the shift and created new markets by applying the process and tools outlined in the book. Whether you are a cash-strapped startup or a large, established company, nonprofit or national government, you will learn how to move from red to blue oceans in a way that builds your people's confidence so that they own and drive the process. With battle-tested lessons learned from successes and failures in the field, Blue Ocean Shift is critical reading for leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs alike. You'll learn what works, what doesn't, and how to avoid the pitfalls along the way. This book will empower you to succeed as you embark on your own blue ocean journey. Blue Ocean Shift is indispensable for anyone committed to building a compelling future.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Rules for Modern Life

Do gentlemen wear shorts? What are the rules regarding interior decor in a high-security prison? Is it ever acceptable to send Valentine's cards to one's pets? The twenty-first century is an age of innumerable social conundrums. Around every corner lies a potential faux pas waiting to happen. But if you've ever struggled for the right response to an unwelcome gift or floundered for conversation at the dinner party from hell, fear not: help is at hand. In Rules for Modern Life, Sir David Tang, resident agony uncle at the Financial Times, delivers a satirical masterclass in navigating the social niceties of modern life. Whether you're unsure of the etiquette of doggy bags or wondering whether a massage room in your second home would be de trop, Sir David has the answer to all your social anxieties - and much more besides.
12,30 € 12,95 €


'An entertaining guide to economics by a former adviser to Barack Obama that uses the lessons of the music business to explain what is happening in the rest of the world' The Times, Books of the Year 'A key voice on a vast array of economic issues for more than two decades' Barack Obama 'An absolutely brilliant mind. The definition of left and right brain balance' Quincy Jones 'The music business keeps re-inventing itself (from records, to tape, to CDs to streaming) and Alan Krueger covers all the bases. As one former LSE student once sang: 'its only rock and roll but I like it, like it, yes I do.' That applies to this book too' Richard Thaler, Nobel Prize Recipient and author of 'Nudge' 'Rockonomics is entertaining, educational and enlightening. Alan Krueger gives us a backstage tour of the music industry - and in doing so, he creates a brilliant metaphor for our entire economy. Highly recommended' Harlan Coben Alan Krueger, the former chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers, uses the music industry, from rock artists to music executives, from managers to promoters, as a way in to explain the principles of economics, and the forces shaping our economic lives. The music industry is often a leading indicator of today's economy; it is among the first to be disrupted by the latest wave of technology, and examining the ins and outs of how musicians create and sell new songs and plan concert tours offers valuable lessons for what is in store for businesses and employees in other industries that are struggling to adapt. Drawing on interviews with leading band members, music executives, managers, promoters, and using the latest data on revenues, royalties, tour dates, and merchandise, Rockonomics takes readers backstage to show how the music industry really works - who makes money, how the economics of the music industry has undergone a radical transformation during the last twenty years, and what this tells us about our wider economy today.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Unreasonable Success and How to Achieve It

How do people of seemingly ordinary talent go on to achieve unexpected results? What can we learn from them? What are the ingredients for unreasonable success and how is it achieved? In this ground-breaking book, bestselling author Richard Koch charts a map of success, identifying the nine key attitudes and strategies can propel anyone to new heights of accomplishment. The pattern of success is fractal. It is endlessly varied but endlessly similar. Success does not require genius, consistency, all-round ability, a safe pair of hands or even basic competence. If it did, most of the people in this book would not have impacted the world as they did. Who could have predicted that Nelson Mandela, a once-obscure lawyer, could have averted disaster in South Africa, reconciling people of different heritages to each other and establishing a viable democracy? Or that Helena Rubinstein, a young woman growing up in the grotty ghetto of Krakow, could have changed the face of beauty throughout the world? Or that the illegitimate son of a notary would become one of the world's greatest painters, known universally by his first name, Leonardo? Successful people typically don't plan their success. Instead they develop a unique philosophy or attitude that works for them. They stumble across strategies which are shortcuts to success, and latch onto them. Events hand them opportunities they could not have anticipated. Often their peers with equal or greater talent fail while they succeed. It is too easy to attribute success to inherent, unstoppable genius. With this book, you can embark on a journey towards a new, unreasonably successful future.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Leading Without Authority

'Ferrazzi is breaking new ground in defining what leadership can mean in the emerging world of work' -Arianna Huffington, founder and CEO of Thrive Global 'Ferrazzi has gone into the trenches to figure out what it really takes to empower people and make teams more than the sum of their parts. This book will be a staple in every leader's library' -Adam Grant, host of the TED podcast WorkLife, bestselling author of Give and Take and Originals The world of work is changing at an unprecedented rate leaving many organisations struggling to cope. At a time when constant innovation, agility, and speed often mean the difference between success and failure, we can no longer afford to waste time navigating the complex bureaucracy present in most companies. The #1 New York Times bestselling author Keith Ferrazzi argues that in times like these the ability to lead without authority is the essential workplace competency. Leading Without Authority reveals the secret to getting those around you to collaborate and cooperate to reach their full potential, whatever your title. The answer involves a shift in mindset that Ferrazzi calls co-elevation - working to elevate those around us. And you don't have to have formal authority, or direct reports, to utilize the co-elevation process. In fact, you can take initial steps forward without the other person even being aware of your efforts. Drawing on a decade of research and over thirty years helping CEOs and senior leaders drive innovation and build high-performing teams Ferrazzi reveals how we can all transform our business and our relationships with the people around us. The result is a new roadmap for thriving amid the disruptive pressures afflicting every industry.
20,43 € 21,50 €

The Power of Not Thinking

Have you ever relied on your hand to remember your pin rather than your memory? Or acted out a golf stroke before going for it? Or listened to your gut on a big decision? In this insightful new book, leading business anthropologist Simon Roberts breaks down the revolutionary idea of embodied knowledge: the information that is unconsciously picked up by our body for use in every area of our lives. Drawing on his own experience working with some of the world's leading industry experts and looking at a range of real-life examples and cutting-edge science, Roberts explains the various ways in which our body acquires, retains and employs information and why we should learn to trust the instincts that inform the most crucial decisions and actions in our lives. The Power of Not Thinking shows why humans are capable of far more than we are currently led to believe. We just have to stop thinking and start trusting our bodies.
15,68 € 16,50 €

The Intelligence Trap

How was a brilliant physics professor tricked into carrying 2kg of cocaine across the Argentinian border? Why do doctors misdiagnose 10 to 15% of their patients? Why do Nobel Prize winners spread fake news? We assume that smarter people are less prone to error. But greater education and expertise can often amplify our mistakes while rendering us blind to our biases. This is the 'intelligence trap'. Drawing on the latest behavioural science and historical examples from Socrates to Benjamin Franklin, David Robson demonstrates how to apply our intelligence more wisely; identify bias and enhance our 'rationality quotient'; read and regulate our emotions; fine-tune our intuition; navigate ambiguity and uncertainty; and think more flexibly about seemingly intractable problems. The twenty-first century presents us with complex problems that demand a wiser way of thinking. Whether you are a NASA scientist or a school student, The Intelligence Trap offers a new cognitive toolkit to realise your full potential.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Don't Buy this Book

The sequel to the highly successful Don't Read This Book - Time Management for Creative People. Like its predecessor, it uses the "To Don't List" method to help you make the right choices - choices that help you achieve your goals as a creative entrepreneur. Don't Buy This Book walks through the necessary steps: testing your idea, getting it ready for business, and building on it. It covers everything you need to get started or improve your business as a creative and offers practical exercises to clarify who you want to be as an entrepreneur.
18,53 € 19,50 €

Economics for Beginners

Nobody has everything they need, all the time - so how can we make do with what we have? Economics is all about understanding the choices we make to solve this problem. With bright infographics, this informative book describes why markets are so important, how businesses work out what to sell, and how governments choose how to run a country. Includes Usborne Quicklinks to specially selected websites for more information.
12,83 € 13,50 €

No Bullsh*t Leadership

WINNER OF BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD 2020: LEADERSHIP FOR THE FUTURE A Financial Times Business Book of the Month "A brilliant set of leadership tools that will help you succeed whatever your goal" - Sir Clive Woodward Leadership is not some special club, open only to elites. It's not a gold star given only to those with expensive degrees. Leadership is for everyone. Based on the author's hard-won experience, this smart, fun book delivers a step-by-step working manual on how to lead - for anyone. Full of principles and actionable steps that apply to every field, from small businesses to community initiatives, from sports teams to global enterprises, this book will transform your career and help you reach your goals. It demystifies an over-analysed subject to get to the heart of modern leadership: the life-changing power to get stuff done and make stuff better.
13,25 € 13,95 €

How to Go to Work

'I wish I'd had this resource when I was growing up and starting work' Dr Radha, BBC Radio 1 'This is truly life changing. It should be standard issue to every teenager' Tamsin Blanchard, The Guardian Your first job. It's a daunting prospect isn't it? But it doesn't need to be. Whether you are on your first Saturday shift, about to start an apprenticeship or climbing the leadership ladder, this is your indispensable guide to surviving and thriving at work. In this insightful, informative and funny book, founding CEO Lucy Clayton and education policy advisor Steven Haines show us what really matters and how to make the best beginning. From dealing with your mistakes to celebrating your successes, from making an impression on day one to building your resilience and protecting your values - How to Go to Work is packed full of all the vital advice you need to jump-start your fledgling career. Drawing on the collective wisdom of CEOs. creatives, scientists, activists and professionals in every industry, this is all you need to know about how to go to work.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Sadzobník pre navrhovanie ponukových cien projektových prác a inžinierskych činností 2020

Pri úprave cien v sadzobníku pre rok 2020 bol zohľadnený pohyb cien stavebných prác od posledného vydania sadzobníka 2019. V aktuálnom vydaní bola zohľadnená miera inflácie ako aj rast miezd v NH podľa údajov Štatistického úradu SR. Vzhľadom k tomuto vývoju boli ceny v sadzobníku pre rok 2020 upravené. Vydanie sadzobníka obsahuje tiež odporúčané hodinové sadzby pre projektové práce, ktoré sa oproti stavu z 2019 zvýšili. Zásady percentuálneho rozdelenia ceny projektových prác a inžinierskych činností ako aj percentuálne rozdelenie ceny do jednotlivých fáz týchto činností zostávajú nateraz bez zmien. Podrobnejšie rozdelenie ceny projektových prác za vypracovanie jednotlivých častí projektovej dokumentácie nie sú predmetom sadzobníka. Takáto úprava by mohla oslabiť funkciu manažéra projektu, ktorý zodpovedá za komplexné zhotovenie projektovej dokumentácie a za jej koordináciu tak, ako je to v štátoch EÚ (honorárové poriadky). Ocenenie jednotlivých častí projektovej dokumentácie je potrebné dohodnúť individuálne vo väzbe na rozsah a zložitosť týchto častí dokumentácie.
19,00 € 20,00 €

Literatúra v kategórii Ekonomia a Manažment ponúka bohatý výber kníh, ktoré sa zaoberajú rôznymi aspektmi ekonomiky a riadenia organizácií. Táto kategória je určená pre tých, ktorí majú záujem o širší pohľad na ekonomické a manažérske témy, ktoré sú mimo špecifických oblastí ako financie, marketing alebo personalistika.

Literatúra v tejto kategórii sa venuje rôznym aspektom ekonomických systémov, makroekonomickým a mikroekonomickým analýzam, ekonomickým teóriám a modelom. Zároveň skúma rôzne stratégie riadenia a vedenia organizácií, ako aj inovácie a transformácie v podnikovom prostredí.

V tejto kategórii nájdete literatúru zameranú na podnikanie, medzinárodný obchod, inovácie, ekonomickú politiku, udržateľný rozvoj, logistiku a mnoho ďalších tém. Tieto knihy a časopisy poskytujú teoretické poznatky, empirické štúdie a praktické príklady, aby čitatelia získali ucelený prehľad o ekonomických a manažérskych problémoch a možnostiach.