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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Umenie strana 71 z 500

Knižné bestsellery nesmú v našej ponuke rozhodne chýbať. Najpredávanejšie a najobľúbenejšie knihy slávnych spisovateľov vás vtiahnu do deja a ponúknu vám množstvo skvelých príbehov. Vyberte si žáner, ktorý je vám najbližší alebo darujte najnovšie knižné bestsellery ako darček svojim blízkym.

Behind the Screens

Hand-drawn floor plans and richly imagined architectural illustrations tell the story of television's most memorable on-screen sets and scenes. Come explore where Lucy and Ethel baked a hilariously monstrous loaf of bread, where Phoebe performed "Smelly Cat," where Jim and Pam fell in love, and countless other homes, offices, and towns as familiar to you as your own living room. Illustrator Inaki Aliste Lizarralde has expertly rendered thirty-six of the most memorable television floor plans in modern history - puzzling together the layouts with an architect's eye for detail and a director's sense of storytelling. TV fans will delight in the interiors and exteriors from shows like Friends, Seinfeld, and The Simpsons, where characters and plotlines converge to create worlds so mesmerizing you want to binge-watch season after season. With immersive illustrations from shows across decades and countries, this truly unique art collection offers hilarious TV moments, Easter eggs, and behind-the-scenes trivia to test even the biggest superfans.
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23,70 € 24,95 €

How to Build Impossible Things

Over the past forty years, Mark Ellison has worked on some of the most beautiful homes you've never seen, specializing in rarefied and challenging projects with the most demanding of clients. He built a staircase a famed architect called a masterpiece. He worked on the iconic Sky House, which Interior Design named the best apartment of the decade. He's even worked on the homes of David Bowie, Robin Williams, and others whose names he cannot reveal. He is regarded by many as the best carpenter in New York. But before he was any of that, Ellison was just 'a serial dropout' who spent his young adult years taking work where he found it and sleeping on couches. In How to Build Impossible Things, Ellison tells the story of his unconventional education in the world of architecture and design, and how he learned the satisfaction and joy that comes from doing something well for a long time. He takes us on a tour through the lofts, penthouses, and townhouses of New York's elite which he has transformed over the years - before they're camera-ready - and offers a window into what he's learned about living meaningfully along the way. Scrapped blueprints and last-minute demands characterise life in the high-stakes world of luxury construction. From staircases that would be deadly if built as designed to algae-eating snails boiled to escargot in a penthouse pond, Ellison exposes the messy wiring behind the pristine walls - and the mindset that any of us can develop to build our own impossible things.
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23,70 € 24,95 €

Dějiny animovaného filmu - Díl 1

Dějiny animace plynule navazují na autorovu průlomovou publikaci Cartoons: One Hundred Years of Cinema Animation z roku 1994. V současnosti se jedná o nejrozsáhlejší a nejhlubší text svého druhu, založený na myšlence, že si animace jako svébytné kinematografické odvětví zasluhuje vlastní odborný výklad a vlastní dějiny. Bendazzi nezůstává u Disneyho, jde mnohem dál: hovoří o animaci v kinematografii ruské, africké, latinoamerické a o spoustě jiných, po této stránce dlouho opomíjených kultur. Zaměřuje se také na léta neobjevené projekty a tvůrce z více než devadesáti zemí na světě. Informace předává v přehledném svazku v geografickém a chronologickém řazení.
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33,18 € 34,93 €

Forever Saul Leiter

A new collection of Saul Leiter's work, much of it published here for the first time. Saul Leiter remained relatively unsung until he was rediscovered by curators and critics in his early 80s, and his work has been drastically re-evaluated over the last two decades. Leiter's painterly images evoked the flow and rhythm of life on the mid-century streets of New York in luminous colour, at a time when his contemporaries were shooting in black and white. His complex and impressionistic photographs are as much about evoking an atmosphere as nailing the decisive moment. In recent years, Leiter has been in the spotlight more and more with a series of exhibitions and publications. His studio in New York's East Village, where he had lived since 1952 until his death in 2013, is now the home of the Saul Leiter Foundation. The foundation has begun a full-scale survey and organization of his more than 80,000 works, with the aim of compiling the 'complete' archive. This volume contains works discovered through this process, valuable documents that reveal the secrets of Saul Leiter's creation, unpublished works, popular colour works and black-and-white works that have not been published so far, as well as works that trace the memories of those closest to him taken in private. As Saul Leiter said, 'Photographs are often treated as capturing important moments, but they are really small fragments and memories of the world that never ends.' This is Forever Saul Leiter.
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23,70 € 24,95 €

The Come Up

The music that would come to be known as hip-hop was born at a party in the Bronx in the summer of 1973. Now, fifty years later, it’s the most popular music genre in America. Just as jazz did in the first half of the twentieth century, hip-hop and its groundbreaking DJs and artists—nearly all of them people of colour from some of America’s most overlooked communities—pushed the boundaries of music to new frontiers, while transfixing the country’s youth and reshaping fashion, art, and even language. And yet, the stories of many hip-hop pioneers and their individual contributions in the pre-Internet days of mixtapes and word of mouth are rarely heard—and some are at risk of being lost forever. Now, in The Come Up, the New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Abrams offers the most comprehensive account so far of hip-hop’s rise, a multi-decade chronicle told in the voices of the people who made it happen. In more than three hundred interviews conducted over three years, Abrams has captured the stories of the DJs, executives, producers, and artists who both witnessed and themselves forged the history of hip-hop. Masterfully combining these voices into a seamless symphonic narrative, Abrams traces how the genre grew out of the resourcefulness of a neglected population in the South Bronx, and from there how it flowed into New York City’s other boroughs, and beyond—from electrifying live gatherings, then on to radio and vinyl, below to the Mason-Dixon Line, west to Los Angeles through gangster rap and G-funk, and then across generations. Abrams has on record Grandmaster Caz detailing hip-hop’s infancy, Edward “Duke Bootee” Fletcher describing the origins of “The Message,” DMC narrating his role in introducing hip-hop to the mainstream, Ice Cube recounting N.W.A’s breakthrough and breakup, Kool Moe Dee recalling his Grammys boycott, and countless more key players. Throughout, Abrams conveys with singular vividness the drive, the stakes, and the relentless creativity that ignited one of the greatest revolutions in modern music. The Come Up is an exhilarating behind-the-scenes account of how hip-hop came to rule the world—and an essential contribution to music history.
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23,70 € 24,95 €


Bryan Ferry's work as a singer and songwriter, both as a solo artist and with Roxy Music, is legendary. Lyrics collects the words written for music across seventeen albums, from the first iconic Roxy album of 1972 via the masterpiece of Avalon to 2014's reflective Avonmore, introduced by the author, and with an insightful essay by James Truman. All the classic Roxy anthems are here - 'Virginia Plain', 'Do the Strand', 'Love is the Drug' - songs in which the real and the make-believe blend in a kaleidoscopic mix, shot through with cinematic allure. Also included are the evocative lyrics of romantic longing and lost illusions for which Ferry is rightly revered: 'Slave to Love', 'Mother of Pearl', 'More Than This'. As he writes in his preface, 'The low points in life so often produce the most keenly felt and best-loved songs.' And, it might be added, some of the best poetry. Discover this unforgettable collection of Bryan Ferry's work today.
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23,70 € 24,95 €


For over thirty years, besides making music, David Byrne has focused his unique genius upon forms as diverse as the archaeology of music as we know it, architectural photography and the uses of PowerPoint. Now he presents his most personal work to date, a collection of drawings exploring the form of the tree diagram. Arboretum is an eclectic blend of science, automatic writing, self-analysis and satire. A journey through irrational logic – the application of scientific rigour and form to irrational premises, proceeding from careful nonsense to unexpected sense. The tree diagram is a form that might reveal more about yourself than you dreamed possible.
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23,70 € 24,95 €

Medicine in Art

23,70 € 24,95 €

Images from the Bible - the Old Testament + CD

Stories and images from the Bible permeate the art and literature of western cultures. This title contains a beautiful set of biblical and religious illustrations from the 18th and 19th centuries. The images have been chosen for their beauty and relevance as illustrations of shared cultural concepts like 'the wisdom of Solomon' and 'the patience of Job'. All designs are ready to use on the included CD.
23,70 € 24,95 €

dostupné aj ako:

Texty písní, 2. vydání

Osmdesát let od narození a třicet let po smrti Karla Kryla vydává nakladatelství Torst úplný soubor všech jeho písňových textů, připravený na základě jeho rukopisů a s jeho vlastními ilustracemi. Součástí knihy je zevrubná ediční a textologická poznámka a rozsáhlý hudebně-historický komentář. Písňové texty Karla Kryla patří k základním hodnotám poválečné české literatury a kultury. Pomáhaly lidem v nouzi a zoufalství, burcovaly, bavily a varovaly. Krylova poetika sahá od historizujících obrazů k poetickým hříčkám, od milostné písně k písni protiválečné, od osobního vyznání k celospolečenské výpovědi. Ani třicet let po autorově smrti neztratily nic ze své působivosti a naléhavosti.
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28,63 € 30,14 €

Ozvěny lesního ticha

Jaromír Zumr se svým synem přináší obrazový výlet do české přírody, zejména lesů. Ve svých poutavých, pečlivě vybraných fotografiích představuje život nejrůznějších lesních zvířat, hlavně savců a ptáků, ale nevyhýbá se ani hmyzu nebo obojživelníkům. Fotografie jsou uspořádány podle ročních období a opatřeny popisem. Na některých místech knihy líčí autor krátké příhody, které ho potkaly při jeho fotografických výpravách. V nich poučným a zároveň zábavným způsobem odhaluje tajemství života v naší přírodě. Jaromír Zumr i jeho syn jsou špičkoví fotografové české zvěře a přírody. Jejich fotografie můžeme nalézt ve více než 250 publikacích, jsou nositeli řady českých i mezinárodních fotografických ocenění.
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19,15 € 20,16 €

Budapesti beszélgetés

A Budapesten született fotográfus, Robert Capa 1948 őszén készített riportot szülőföldjéről egy amerikai magazin számára. A szovjetizálódó Magyarország fotókkal gazdagon illusztrált bemutatását a fordító, Fisli Éva utószava és jegyzetei segítenek elhelyezni a korban. Capa riportjában izgalmasan keverednek az otthonosság és az idegenség, a szórakoztató stílus és a tragikus történelmi események egymásnak ellentmondó rétegei: "Vidám utunk volt. Csaba mindent tudott a földről, Rózsa bácsi minden tudott az útszéli vendéglőkről, ahol jó bort és fűszeres kolbászt adtak. Útközben Teddy White okos kérdéseket tett föl a termés minőségéről, az ifjú Csaba egy stencilezett pamfletet olvasott a kapitalizmus hanyatlásáról és bukásáról, Rózsa bácsi pedig pajzán dalokat énekelt, és két nóta közt olykor kulákellenes beszédeket rögtönzött. Én fordítottam."
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24,08 € 25,35 €

Poválečná architektura jako památka

Na stavby postavené v letech 1945–1989 stále ještě nepanuje jednotný názor. Přitom již od jejich vzniku uplynulo několik desítek let, tedy doba, kterou odborná i širší veřejnost často podmiňuje nárok na památkovou ochranu. Cílem publikace je přiblížit roli Národního památkového ústavu (NPÚ) v péči o poválečnou architekturu a objasnit výzvy a problémy, kterým v této oblasti čelí. Katalog stejnojmenné výstavy je členěn do několika kapitol podle charakteru činností NPÚ, k nimž patří vytipovávání potenciálních nových památek, vedení jejich seznamu a v neposlední řadě také dozor při rekonstrukcích. Hlavní část katalogu pak pojednává o pražském metru, jemuž se autoři věnovali v rámci výzkumu v posledních letech. Soustředí se na původní architektonické řešení tohoto nejrozsáhlejšího veřejného interiéru, který v období normalizace v Československu vznikl, a na jeho památkový potenciál. Posláním publikace je rozšířit povědomí o hodnotách nedávné, ale rychle mizející architektonické vrstvy.
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43,42 € 45,71 €

Olajfestés - vadon élő állatok

"Sokan félnek az olajfestéstől. Mivel a galériákban jobbára olajfestményeket látnak, az iskolákban pedig csak vízfestékkel találkoztak, azt hiszik, hogy kezdőknek az akvarell való, az olajfestéshez magas szintű művészi tudás szükséges. Bármily meglepő, ennek inkább az ellenkezője igaz: a freskófestést nem számítva az akvarell a legnagyobb szakmai tudást igénylő festőtechnika, az olajfestés pedig talán épp a legengedelmesebb festészeti eljárás. (...)" (részlet a Bevezetésből) A könyv tartalmából: -Az olajfestés kellékei -A festés technikája -Festés a szabadban -A színek -A stílus -Az állatrajzolás alapjai -Képelemzések
Na sklade 1Ks
14,60 € 15,37 €

The Only Woman

A compelling gallery of women who made their way into a man's world, shown through group portraits each featuring a lone woman An original approach to gender equality, this striking pictorial statement brings to light the compelling and undeniable phenomenon of 'the only woman': across time and cultures, groups of artists, activists, scientists, servants, movie stars, or metal workers have often included exactly and only one woman. Covering examples from nearly 20 countries, from the advent of photography until the present day, author Immy Humes reveals and reframes how women and men have related socially in surprising and poignant ways. This is a fresh contribution to visual and cultural history full of unheard stories, courage, achievement, outrage, mystery, fun, and extraordinary women. A unique focus on women and men in public life from 1860 to the present day charting the phenomenon of 'the only woman' from countries including the USA and the UK, France, Peru, Mexico, India, China, Japan, and Australia. The book features both unknown and well-known women from a diverse range of backgrounds including writers, conductors, civil-rights leaders, domestic workers, sportswomen, and lawyers as well as princesses, railway workers, boxing promoters, and astronauts.
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24,65 € 25,95 €

Rock Shrines

24,65 € 25,95 €

Make Break Remix: The Rise of K-Style

A bold, stylish look at the global rise of Korean culture and style in the words and images of those shaping and living it. K-pop, K-fashion, K-drama, K-beauty: over the last decade, K-style has exploded onto the global scene. What is behind this phenomenon? Where does K-Style go from here? Make, Break, Remix: The Rise of K-Style makes no attempt to define or categorize, instead celebrating the eclectic, multi-faceted nature of K-Style and its home city of Seoul. Through interviews with eighteen tastemakers who are shaping K-style across creative sectors, from 1Million Studio's Lia Kim to rock band leader Hwang Soyoon, world famous tattooist Doy to Asia's leading designer Teo Yang, Fiona Bae tells untold stories from true insiders, exploring a sense of identity in their work, how living in Seoul affects them and their creative output, and the decade of changes that has brought about the current K-style. Interwoven with these texts, five distinct photo-essays from celebrated photographer less_TAEKYUN KIM (recent credits including Vogue Korea, GQ Korea, i-D Korea) capture the vibrant energy of Seoul's streets and the incredible style of its youth. Contributors such as BLACKPINK songwriter and A&R Danny Chung, add their own vital perspectives on the scene, while fashion journalist Sukwoo Hong sits down with brands to watch for his K-fashion directory such as PAF(Post Archive Faction). Designed by Hezin O, with a distinct typography that blends Hangul and Roman writing systems, this is an inventive, genre-breaking look at K-style in the words of those shaping it.
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24,65 € 25,95 €

Colour Clash

Colour is one of the essential elements of many branding designs. It can help give an identity personality and warmth, express emotion, communicate messages in an unconscious and subtle way and it can keep or navigate the viewer’s interest, drawing the eye and making elements stand out. This book explores colour palettes in graphic design that surprise, engage, challenge and grab our attention - the combinations that maybe shouldn’t work but just do. These are palettes that break the established rules and laws we have been taught about colour theory and remind us that colour can be fun as well as meaningful.
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24,65 € 25,95 €

The Atlas of Abandoned Places

'A remarkable collection of wonders...Lavishly produced, cleverly curated and elegantly scripted, it takes us to some of the strangest places on Earth, and offers us a peep through the keyhole.' The Spectator The globe is littered with forgotten monuments, their beauty matched only by the secrets of their past. A glorious palace lies abandoned by a fallen dictator. A grand monument to communism sits forgotten atop a mountain. Two never-launched space shuttles slowly crumble, left to rot in the middle of the desert. Explore these and many more of the world's lost wonders in this atlas like no other. With remarkable stories, bespoke maps and stunning photography of fifty forsaken sites, The Atlas of Abandoned Places travels the world beneath the surface; the sites with stories to tell, the ones you won't find in any guidebook. Award-winning travel writer Oliver Smith is your guide on a long-lost path, shining a light on the places that the world forgot. Locations featured in the book include: Europe: Maunsell Forts, Aldwych Station, Paris Catacombs, La Petite Ceinture, Craco, Teufelsberg, Beelitz-Heilstatten, Red Star Train Graveyard, Pyramiden, Salpa Line, Buzludzha Monument, Pripyat, Wolf's Lair, Project Riese, Sarajevo Bobsleigh Track, Albanian Bunkers, Rummu Quarry The Americas & the Carribean: New Bedford Orpheum Theatre, City Hall Station, Bodie, The Boneyards of Western USA, Bannerman Castle, Palace of Sans Souci, Montserrat Exclusion Zone, Ciudad Perdida, Humberstone and Santa Laura, Uyuni Train Cemetery, Fordlandia The Middle East & the Caucasus: Kayakoey, Burj Al Babas, Varosha, Tskaltubo, Palaces of Saddam Asia: Ryugyong Hotel, Buran at Baikonur, Mo'ynoq Ship Graveyard, Aniva Lighthouse, Ho' Thuy Tien Waterpark, Fukushima Red Zone, Hashima Oceania: Wittenoom, Wrecks of Homebush Bay, Port Arthur, MS World Discoverer, Second World Remains of Papua New Guinea Africa: Shipwrecks of the Skeleton Coast, Kolmanskop, Mobutu's Gbadolite, Mos Espa, Sao Martinho dos Tigres
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24,65 € 25,95 €

Milujete kvalitné filmy, architektúru, krásne fotografie, výtvarné umenie a dizajn? Chcete vedieť, ako vyzerala Obchodná ulica? Tu nájdete viac o histórii divadla, príručky o hudbe, noty, slovníky, filmové encyklopédie a ročenky.

Toto je priestor, kde sa stretnú tvorivosť, inovácia a estetika. Kategória umenia nám otvára dvere do sveta výrazových médií, ktoré nám umožňujú hĺbkový pohľad na ľudské myšlienky, emócie a skúsenosti.

Tu nájdete pestrú škálu umenia vrátane vizuálneho umenia ako maľba, sochárstvo, fotografie, a tiež literárneho umenia. Kategória umenie vám ponúka príležitosť objaviť diela od umelcov z rôznych časových období a kultúrnych kontextov, čím sa otvára pohľad na rôzne estetické perspektívy.

Sledujeme vývoj umenia od historických majstrov až po súčasných tvorcov, ktorí používajú nové technológie a prístupy na vyjadrenie svojej kreativity. Bez ohľadu na to, či sa zaujímate o tradičné umenie alebo experimentálnu tvorbu, táto kategória vám umožní objaviť rôznorodé prejavy ľudského ducha a predstavivosť.

Zaostrite na krásu v módmej fotografii s Karolom Kállayom. Objavte dokonalú renesančnú osobnosť Leonarda da Vinciho. Zaujímate sa o to, ako vyzerá archív Adidas, alebo skôr o spevník obľúbeneho pesničkára Tomáša Klusa. Toto všetko a mnoho ďalšieho objavíte v tejto sekcii. 

Kategória umenie ponúka literatúru o Architektúre,Dizajne a úžitkovom umení a móde , Fotografii, Výtvarnom umení , Dejinách a teórii umenia, Divadle, Filme a Hudbe - noty, spevníky, príručky.