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  • 5 /5

Odysseia I-XII

Podľa Homérovho životopisu, ktorý je pripisovaný Hérodotovi, sa Homéros narodil v maloázijskom meste Smyrne. Pretože ho matka Krétheis porodila pri rieke Melés, dala mu meno Melésigenés. Keď vyrástol, stal sa učiteľom, neskôr sa dal zlákať na plavby do cudzích zemí. Po čase ochorel na očnú chorobu a liečil sa na ostrove Ithake. Tu spoznal dopodrobna kraj i príbehy o Odysseovi. Keď sa vyliečil, opäť vyplával na more, no po príchode do Kolofónu znovu ochorel a úplne oslepol. Odvtedy sa začal venovať iba skladaniu básní, ktoré prednášal hosťom na oslavách. A možnože práve nešťastie, ktoré v mladých rokoch Homéra postihlo, a jeho pobyt na Ithake neskôr vyústili do zloženia jedného z jeho výnimočných diel, eposu Odysseia. V nej nám rozpráva o strastiach, ktoré zažil Odysseus počas návratu z trójskej vojny. Jeho syn Télemachos a manželka Pénelopé aj po desiatich rokoch od skončenia vojny stále čakajú na svojho otca a manžela. Život im však veľmi strpčujú ženísi, ktorí sa vytrvalo uchádzajú o Pénelopu, aby sa niektorý z nich stal jej manželom. Télemachos už viac nedokáže nečinne znášať od nich potupu a s podporou Athény sa rozhodne odísť zvedieť čosi o otcovi za jeho priateľmi Nestorom do Pylu a Meneláom do Sparty. Ani Odysseus však nelení a stále sa usiluje o návrat do vlasti k svojej vernej manželke Pénelope a synovi Télemachovi, no musí ešte prekonať mnoho strastí, než sa dostane na Ithaku. Súčasťou knihy je štúdia Miloslava Okála Problematika homérskych básní a ich ohlasy u nás, ktorá podrobne rieši homérsku otázku a odraz Homérových diel vo svete a na Slovensku. Prvá časť štúdie Ivana Janeka Homérova Odysseia sa zaoberá niekoľkými otázkami Homérových eposov a obdobím po trójskej vojne
Na sklade 1Ks
17,58 € 18,51 €
  • 5 /5

Odysseia XIII - XXIV

Slepý Melésigenés s ťažkosťami hľadal prostriedky na živobytie, no na druhej strane si získaval čoraz viac obdivu a sympatií u ľudí, ktorí sa ho snažili povzbudzovať a podporovať. V Kýme na maloázijskom pobreží ho nahovorili, aby požiadal o pomoc mestskú radu a stal sa básnikom mesta na útraty obce. Rada však návrh odmietla s tým, že „homérov“ (slepcov) živiť nebude. Odvtedy ostalo Melésigenovi meno Homéros. Z Kýmy následne odišiel do Fókaie, potom na ostrov Chios, kde sa živil ako učiteľ a básnik. Na Chiu prežil šťastné obdobie života, zložil tu mnoho básní a stal sa známym v celej Hellade. Neskôr cestoval po rôznych krajoch Grécka, zložil eposy Ílias a Odysseia. Svoj život zakončil na ostrove Ios. V druhej polovici Odysseie, ktorá sa k vám v tejto knihe dostáva, Faiáci doplavia Odyssea do vlasti. Po príchode na Ithaku stretáva bohyňu Athénu, ktorá mu radí, aby nešiel hneď do paláca, ale ako žobrák najskôr zistil stav vecí vo svojom kráľovstve, a dodáva, že má pre neho pripravený plán pomsty spupným ženíchom. Odysseus dá na rady bohyne a s odhodlaním sa púšťa do príprav na boj so ženíchmi o svoje postavenie vo vlasti a o svoju rodinu. Medzitým sa z ciest po Sparte a Pyle vracia domov jeho syn Télemachos a Odysseova manželka Pénelopé v paláci statočne odoláva ponukám ženíchom na vydaj. Publikácia obsahuje aj Hérodotov Homérov životopis a druhú časť štúdie Ivana Janeka Homérova Odysseia, ktorá približuje jednotlivé časti eposu.
Na sklade 3Ks
17,58 € 18,51 €

Martianus Capella

Kolem díla Martiana Capelly De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii (O sňatku Filologie a Merkura) se v odborné literatuře vynořuje stále více otázek než odpovědí. Hodnocení autora kolísá od denunciace a dohadů o jeho podivínství, které se odrazilo v nepromyšlenosti a neúměrné rozmanitosti jeho díla, až k jeho uznání jako zprostředkovatele části antického dědictví středověku. Martianus Capella zarámoval výklad sedmi svobodných nauk do pohádkového příběhu o sňatku učené pozemšťanky Filologie s bohem Merkurem. Podivuhodně v něm propojil alegorické zobrazení s vtipem menippské satiry, čímž dal své encyklopedii potřebné odlehčení zcela v mezích zásady docere et delectare. Interpretům díla ovšem připravil těžkou cestu k pochopení jeho záměru.
U dodávateľa
10,22 € 10,76 €

Egyiptom és utókor Alexandriában és Rómában

A kötet a neves ókorkutató két tanulmányát tartalmazza, melyeket az kapcsol össze, hogy mindkettő az ókori kultúra egy-egy Egyiptomhoz kötődő emblematikus jelenségét tárgyalja a maguk változó lényegében. Az "Obeliszkek az ókori Egyiptomtól a barokk Rómáig" című szövegben a szerző azt mutatja be, miképpen viszonyul egymáshoz állandóság és változás egy olyan tárgytípus esetében, melynek példányait egymást követő kultúrák évezredeken keresztül újra meg újra elővették, hogy szimbolikus, rituális, politikai és esztétikai koncepciók megtestesítőjeként illesszék bele a maguk vizuális világába. Az "Alexandria - a város és lakói az alapítástól napjainkig" című írás abból az alaptételből indul ki, hogy egy város fizikai léte és szellemi-lélektani valósága nem választható el egymástól. Miközben a szerző nagy vonalakban elbeszéli az ókori Alexandria történetét - tovább kísérve azt középkori és újkori pusztulásán át 19. század eleji újjászületéséig, majd legújabb kori átalakulásáig -, érzékelteti a változatlanság (vagyis a hagyomány) és a változás összjátékát és konfliktusait is: hiszen mindez együtt képezi egy város történetét. A kötethez csaknem száz illusztráció tartozik.
U dodávateľa
9,50 € 10,00 €

Drahé kameny starověku

Kniha pojednává o drahých kamenech ve starověku, jejich rituálním a kultovním užívání, případné mystické, magické, metafyzické a náboženské zkušenosti s nimi spojené.
7,51 € 7,90 €

Ancient Egypt on Five Deben a Day

An essential guide for the discerning time-traveller: take a trip to ancient Egypt at the height of its power and prosperity in the reign of Ramesses II. More reliable than Herodotus and more upbeat than The Book of the Dead, this popular book in Thames & Hudson’s successful Time Travel series takes the reader to Ancient Egypt in the time of Ramesses II (1250BC). Egyptologist Donald Ryan guides the time-travelling tourist on a journey up the Nile, and en route he offers useful advice on everything from deciphering hieroglyphics to mummifying household pets. So leave the protective amulets at home and banish all fear of being sold as a galley slave – this imaginative guide is all you need to survive and enjoy your visit to Egypt in its golden age.
13,25 € 13,95 €

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

Their names still echo down the ages: The Great Pyramid at Giza. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The Temple of Artemis. The statue of Zeus at Olympia. The mausoleum of Halikarnassos. The Colossus at Rhodes. The Lighthouse of Alexandria. The Seven Wonders of the World were staggeringly audacious impositions on our planet. They were also brilliant adventures of the mind, test cases for the reaches of human imagination. Now only the great pyramid remains fully standing, yet the scale and majesty of these seven wonders still enthral us today. In a thrilling, colourful narrative enriched with the latest archaeological discoveries, bestselling historian Bettany Hughes walks through the landscapes of both ancient and modern time. This is a journey whose purpose is to ask why we wonder, why we create, why we choose to remember the wonder of others. She explores traces of the Wonders themselves, and the traces they have left in history. A magisterial work of historical storytelling, The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World reinforces the exciting and nourishing notion that humans can make the impossible happen.
20,85 € 21,95 €

The Rise And Fall of Athens

Plutarch traces the fortunes of Athens through nine lives - from Theseus, its founder, to Lysander, its Spartan conqueror - in this seminal work What makes a leader? For Plutarch the answer lay not in great victories, but in moral strengths. In these nine biographies, taken from his Parallel Lives, Plutarch illustrates the rise and fall of Athens through nine lives, from the legendary days of Theseus, the city's founder, through Solon, Themistocles, Aristides, Cimon, Pericles, Nicias and Alcibiades, to the razing of its walls by Lysander. Plutarch ultimately held the weaknesses of its leaders responsible for the city's fall. His work is invaluable for its imaginative reconstruction of the past, and profound insights into human life and achievement. This edition of Ian Scott-Kilvert's seminal translation, fully revised with a new introduction and notes by John Marincola, now also contains Plutarch's attack on the first historian, 'On the Malice of Herodotus'.
20,85 € 21,95 €


The definitive history of Rome's golden age - antiquity's ultimate superpower at the pinnacle of its greatness The Pax Romana has long been revered as a golden age. At its peak, the Roman Empire stretched from Scotland to Arabia, and contained perhaps a quarter of humanity. It was the wealthiest and most formidable state the world had yet seen. Beginning in 69AD, a year that saw four Caesars in succession rule the empire, and ending some seven decades later with the death of Hadrian, Pax presents a dazzling history of Rome at the height of its power. From the gilded capital to realms beyond the frontier, historian Tom Holland portrays the Roman Empire in all its predatory glory. Vivid scene follows vivid scene: the destruction of Jerusalem and Pompeii, the building of the Colosseum and Hadrian's Wall, the conquests of Trajan. Vividly sketching the lives of Romans both ordinary and spectacular, from slaves to emperors, Holland demonstrates how Roman peace was the fruit of unprecedented military violence. A stunning portrait of Rome's glory days, this is the epic history of the pax Romana.
20,85 € 21,95 €


14 CE: The first Roman emperor is dead. A second is about to succeed. The Forum of Rome, once fought over so fiercely, has become hardly more than a museum. The house of all power is up above on the Palatine Hill, about to become the birthplace of Western bureaucracy, a warren of banqueting and bedrooms, a treacherous household where it takes special talents to survive. This is a Roman history with a cast of new men and newly dominant women, those reviled too often in the past as flatterers and gluttons, uppity slaves and former slaves, lawyers-for-hire, chancer arrivistes and unhinged party animals. Palatine uncovers the lives of the Vitellii, perhaps Rome's least admired imperial clan, of Publius, an old-fashioned soldier snared in the politics of the new age, of Lucius, an exceptionally skilled and sycophantic courtier, and of Aulus a genial sluggard whose prowess at the table carries him all the way to the throne before collapsing his family's reputation for ever. Few now remember them. Yet in their creeping ascent to the very summit of the imperial hierarchy lie neglected truths about a lasting legacy of Rome.
20,85 € 21,95 €


THE PERSIANS is a definitive new history of the Persian Empire, the world's first superpower. The Great Kings of Persia ruled over the largest Empire of antiquity, stretching from Libya to the Steppes of Asia, and from Ethiopia to Pakistan. At the heart of the Empire was the fabled palace-city of Persepolis where the Achaemenid monarchs held court in unparalleled grandeur. From here, Cyrus the Great, Darius, Xerxes, and their heirs passed laws, raised armies, and governed their multicultural Empire of enormous diversity. The Achaemenids, however, were one of the great dysfunctional families of history. Brothers fought brothers for power, wives and concubines plotted to promote their sons to the throne, and eunuchs and courtiers vied for influence and prestige. Our understanding of the Persian Empire has traditionally come from the histories of Greek writers such as Herodotus - and as such, over many centuries, our perspective has been skewed by ancient political and cultural agendas. Professor Llewellyn-Jones, however, calls upon original Achaemenid sources, including inscriptions, art, and recent archaeological discoveries in Iran, to create an authentic 'Persian Version' of this remarkable first great empire of antiquity - the Age of the Great Kings.
17,05 € 17,95 €

The Celts

A short history of one of Ancient Britain's most enigmatic civilisations A WATERSTONES BEST HISTORY BOOK OF 2022 Who were the Celts? Were they a people, a civilisation, an empire, or a fiction of historical imagination? They flit as ghosts through Europe's ancient past, purported ancestors of the Irish, Welsh, Scottish, Cornish and Bretons. Yet they have never been identified with any one land, or with any one history or language. Simon Jenkins argues compellingly that the 'Celts' is a misleading concept, bundling together quite distinct peoples. The word keltoi first appears in Greek, applied generally to aliens or 'barbarians' - and theories of Celticism continue to fuel many of the prejudices and misconceptions that divide the British Isles to this day. Fascinating and increasingly relevant, who the Celts were - or weren't - goes to the heart of the ongoing argument over the future of a dis-United Kingdom.
14,20 € 14,95 €

A History of Ancient Rome in 100 Lives

Discover the lives of the ancient Romans, pieced together from inscriptions, discarded letters, biographies and myth over two thousand years of history. The Roman empire witnessed a huge diversity of human experience over its history. At its pinnacle, it exerted its rule across Europe, Africa and the Middle East, from Britannia to the Black Sea. In this collection of 100 lives, Philip Matyszak and Joanne Berry give voice not only to famed rulers and generals whose names and deeds have been enshrined in classical texts but also to the ordinary citizens - centurions, scholars, Christian martyrs and civil servants - who made up the fabric of Roman society. The biographies of these individuals, whose stories range from the happy and uneventful to the tragic and dramatic, are pieced together from ancient art, artefacts and myths. Matyszak and Berry illuminate the sometimes surprising exploits of Rome's women, such as Amazonia, a sword-swinging gladiator, and Metila, a priestess of the cult of Cymbele. Romans of every class and creed are represented, from Faustulus, a shepherd said to have adopted the infant Romulus and Remus, to the poet Virgil, whose words still echo down the ages. Each of these lives forms part of a larger picture, together making up a rich mosaic that gives us a glimpse of what it meant to be a Roman.
17,05 € 17,95 €

The Earl and the Pharaoh

Enter a world of ancient secrets, old money, new ambitions and the discovery of priceless treasure in this revelatory new biography. Between November 1922 and spring 1923, a door to the ancient Egyptian world was opened. The discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun would be the most astonishing archaeological find of the century, revealing not only the boy pharaoh's preserved remains, but thousands of finely crafted objects, from the iconic gold mask and coffins to a dagger made from meteorite, chalices, beautiful furniture and even 3000-year-old food and wine. The world's understanding of Ancient Egyptian civilisation was immeasurably enhanced, and the quantity and richness of the objects in the tomb is still being studied today. Two men were ultimately responsible for the discovery: Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter. It was Lord Carnarvon who held the concession to excavate and whose passion and ability to finance the project allowed the eventual discovery to take place. The Earl and the Pharaoh tells the story of the 5th Earl of Carnarvon. Carnarvon's life, money and sudden death became front-page news throughout the world following the discovery of the tomb, fuelling rumours that persist today of 'the curse of the pharaohs'. His beloved home, Highclere Castle, is today best-known as the set of Downton Abbey. Drawing on Highclere Castle's never-before-plumbed archives, bestselling author Fiona, the Countess of Carnarvon, charts the twists of luck and tragedies that shaped Carnarvon's life; his restless and enquiring mind that drove him to travel to escape conventional society life in Edwardian Britain.
18,53 € 19,50 €

Tutankhamun - Pharaoh, Icon, Enigma

Pharaoh. Icon. Enigma. Lost for three thousand years, misunderstood for a century. A hundred years ago, a team of archaeologists in the Valley of the Kings made a remarkable discovery: a near-complete royal burial, an ancient mummy, and golden riches beyond imagination. The lost tomb of Tutankhamun ignited a media frenzy, propelled into overdrive by rumours of a deadly ancient curse. But amid the hysteria, many stories - including that of Tutankhamun himself - were distorted or forgotten. Tutankhamun: Pharaoh, Icon, Enigma takes a familiar tale and turns on its head. Leading Egyptologist Joyce Tyldesley has gathered ten unique perspectives together for the first time, including that of the teenage pharaoh and his family, ancient embalmers and tomb robbers, famous Western explorers and forgotten Egyptian archaeologists. It's a journey that spans from ancient Thebes in 1336 BCE, when a young king on a mission to restore his land met an unexpected and violent end, to modern Luxor in 1922 CE when the tomb's discovery led to a fight over ownership that continues to this day. Above all, this is the story of Tutankhamun, as he would have wanted to be remembered. Piecing together three thousand years of evidence and unpicking the misunderstandings that surround Egypt's most famous king, this book offers a vital reappraisal on his life, death and enduring legacy.
18,00 € 18,95 €


Long before books were mass produced, those made of reeds from along the Nile were worth fighting and dying for. Journeying along the battlefields of Alexander the Great, beneath the eruptions of Mount Vesuvius, at Cleopatra's palaces and the scene of Hypatia's murder, award-winning author Irene Vallejo chronicles the excitement of literary culture in the ancient world, and the heroic efforts that ensured this impressive tradition would continue. Weaved throughout are fascinating stories about the spies, scribes, illuminators, librarians, booksellers, authors, and statesmen whose rich and sometimes complicated engagement with the written word bears remarkable similarities to the world today: Aristophanes and the censorship of the humourists, Sappho and the empowerment of women's voices, Seneca and the problem of a post-truth world. Vallejo takes us to mountainous landscapes and the roaring sea, to the capitals where culture flourished and the furthest reaches where knowledge found refuge in chaotic times. In this sweeping tour of the history of books, the wonder of the ancient world comes alive and along the way we discover the singular power of the written word.
20,43 € 21,50 €


The Greek and Roman body is often seen as flawless - cast from life in buff bronze and white marble, to sit upon a pedestal. But this, of course, is a lie. Here, classicist Caroline Vout reaches beyond texts and galleries to expose Greek and Roman bodies for what they truly were: anxious, ailing, imperfect, diverse, and responsible for a legacy as lasting as their statues. Taking us on a gruesome, thrilling journey, she taps into the questions that those in the Greek and Roman worlds asked about their bodies - where do we come from? What makes us different from gods and animals? What happens to our bodies, and the forces that govern them, when we die? Vout also reveals the surprising actions people often took to transform their bodies - from sophisticated surgery and contraception to body oils, cosmetics and early gym memberships. You've seen the paintings, read the philosophers and heard the myths - now here's the classical body in all its flesh and blood glory.
27,50 € 28,95 €

Válka o Řecko

Válka byla konstantou života starověkých Řeků, prostředím, v němž vznikala proslulá díla architektury, krásné literatury, filozofie nebo politického myšlení. Peloponnéská válka mezi Spartou a Athénami v letech 431-404 př. n. l. přivodila smrt mnoha lidí i mnoha nadějí. Po stručném úvodu o pramenech představuje tato kniha význam války v životě starověkých Řeků a způsoby válčení na zemi i na moři. Poté popisuje události pěti desetiletí od perské invaze do Řecka po vypuknutí války, jednotlivé etapy tohoto konfliktu až po kapitulaci Athén a nakonec líčí, jak Sparta se svým vítězstvím naložila. Knihu uzavírají životopisy Sparťanů a Athéňanů, kterým ve válce připadla nejvýznamnější úloha.
26,57 € 27,97 €

Výbor z korespondence II

Druhý díl dvousvazkového výboru z rozsáhlé korespondence významného římského státníka, řečníka a filozofa Marka Tullia Cicerona, mj. s Caesarem či M. Antoniem umožňuje poznat atmosféru a poměry římského státu na sklonku republiky (65-43 př. n. l.) Dochovaná korespondence významného římského řečníka, politika, spisovatele, a v neposlední řadě vrcholného stylisty, Marka Tullia Cicerona (10643 př. n. l. byla objevena italskými humanisty ve 14.15. století. Obsahuje téměř 900 dopisů a coby živá korespondence, neurčená primárně pro veřejnost má nesmírný historický význam. Cicero si dopisoval s množstvím předních římských osobností, které spolutvořily dějiny, příp. i kulturu posledních desetiletí římské republiky (Gneus Pompeius, Gaius Iulius Caesar či Marcus Antonius). Dopisy často velmi detailně prezentují jeho pohled na události a jednající osobnosti, živě (i humorně) vykreslují atmosféru doby, vyjadřují Ciceronovy úvahy a nálady a nabízejí zprávy o jeho rodinných poměrech i širokých kulturních zájmech. Tato korespondence je tak pro římské prostředí jedinečným zdrojem informací jak pro velkou politiku, tak pro drobné mezilidské vztahy. Právě díky ní je Ciceronova doba pro nás nejlépe známým obdobím celých starověkých dějin. První díl výboru obsahuje kolem 230 dopisů z let 6550 př. n. l. (druhý obdobně rozsáhlý svazek zahrne dopisy z let 4943 př. n. l. a vyjde pravděpodobně v roce 2020).
28,63 € 30,14 €

Vitajte v kategórii "Starovek" - období, ktoré osvetľuje zlatý vek civilizácií, ktoré formovali našu históriu, kultúru a vedecké objavy. Pripojte sa k nám na ceste objavovania ríš, ktoré stáli na základoch dnešnej spoločnosti, od impozantných pyramíd starovekého Egypta, cez filozofické diskusie v Aténach, až po veľkolepé koloseum v Ríme.

V tejto kategórii nájdete diela, ktoré vás prevedú mestami ako Mezopotámia, Persia, Indie a Čína. Preskúmajte architektonické majstrovstvá, bohaté mýty, náboženské tradície a vojenské stratégie týchto starodávnych civilizácií. Učte sa o významných osobnostiach, ako sú Kleopatra, Sokrat či Čchin Š'-chuang-ti a ich vplyve na svet, v ktorom žijeme.

Táto kategória je pokladnicou vedomostí o umení, vede, politike a spoločenskom živote staroveku. Ponúka hlboký vhľad do spôsobov myslenia, života a kultúry obyvateľov týchto historických epoch.

Ponorte sa do sveta staroveku s nami a objavte dedičstvo, ktoré tieto civilizácie zanechali pre budúce generácie, a pochopíte, prečo ich príbehy stále rezonujú v našich srdciach a mysliach.