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Když přicházejí andělé

Knížka husitského biskupa Filipa Štojdla (jde o druhé, rozšířené a opravené vydání) představuje mozaiku drobných svědectví o naději, které se člověk může držet navzdory pádům, zklamáním, nemocem, ubíjejícím stereotypům či dokonce tváří v tvář umírání a smrti. V příbězích a zamyšleních na sebe naděje bere podobu andělů - přátel, kteří nás podporují a doprovázejí, ale také lidí, k nimž nemáme žádný zvláštní vztah, a oni přesto v pravý okamžik udělají nebo řeknou něco, co promění naše životy. Snad právě za takovéto lidi se “převlékají” naši andělé strážní, aby nám ukázali cestu k odpouštějící a uzdravující “ježíšovské” lásce.
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6,70 € 7,05 €

Přátelské tváře matematiky

Texty shromážděné v této knize představují autorčinu filosofickou práci, která čerpá inspiraci z fenomenologické filosofie (hlavně Patočky, Lévinase a Barbarase) a Platónových dialogů. Dotýkají se klíčových otázek filosofie matematiky, zejména její fundace, ve světle fenomenologických zkoumání existence, vnímání a rozumění. Kniha tak nabízí originální promýšlení oblastí, kde se matematika s filosofií setkávají či překrývají, s důrazem na témata tělesnosti myšlení, zkušenosti transcendence, tvaru a tváře, svobody, odpovědnosti a důvěry.
U dodávateľa
11,12 € 11,70 €

Posel hanebné zvěsti

Studie předkládané v této publikaci vycházejí z dosavadní práce autora nad textem Órigenovy apologie Proti Kelsovi, v níž Órigenés odpovídá na kritiku křesťanského náboženství z pera platónského filosofa působícího na sklonku 2. stol. po Kr. Autor se ve třech studiích zabývá způsobem, jakým Órigenés odpovídá na pomluvy o nemanželském původu Ježíše, vyvrací Kelsovo obvinění křesťanů z magických praktik a v konfrontaci s Kelsovým podáním Ježíše jako žebravého tuláka se pokouší vyložit filosofické rozměry jeho příběhu.
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8,44 € 8,88 €

Filosofické deníky

Devatenáctý svazek Sebraných spisů Jana Patočky obsahuje filosofovy zápisky na nejrozmanitější témata, kterými se zabýval v letech 1946–1950. Sám k tomu říká v zápisu ze dne 14. XII. 1946: Původně byla to technika úmyslné formace, koncentrace, která vynucovala obraznost myšlenkovou. Úmyslem bylo dirigovat myšlenku dopředu, podle jistých hesel či pojmů, které se zdály důležité. Nyní technika jaksi a posteriori: teprve když se „nápad“ již zformoval, hledím jej zaznamenat. První technika byla čekáním na nápad, vynucováním nápadu všelikou slovesnou hrou; nynější technika hledí vystihnouti, z neodstíněnosti vybrati nápad, který tu již jest, všimnouti si toho, že tu jest, zintenzivnit jej, způsobit, aby pracoval více a do větší šíře, aby se organizoval kritikou. […] Ať jest to jakkoli chudé, výhoda jest v tom, že jest čímsi konkrétním, aspoň daným, přítomným, nikoli zcela iluzorním, zatímco v perspektivě „ryze budoucího“ se oddáváme snadno iluzi, že tu jest něco více než pouhá tendence dopředu, opřená o slovo, významový horizont beze vší uzavřenosti […] Zvláštní rozpor: co by nás uspokojilo, nemůžeme nikdy najít, a co dovedeme najít (poněvadž jsme to již nalezli), nás nemůže nikdy uspokojit. […] Hledáme takovou možnost, takovou polohu sebe sama, kde se cítíme volni, nad věcmi, nikoli v jejich područí a v objetí nejasnosti. Tak po hmatu hledáme svou cestu.
Na sklade 1Ks
26,02 € 27,39 €

Učedníkem rabína Ježíše

Představ si, že žiješ v roce 30 a učíš se u největšího rabína všech dob Jaké by to asi bylo, kdybychom se mohli přenést do prvního století a sedat u nohou rabína Ježíše, stejně jako jeho židovští učedníci? Jak by znalost zvyků, představ a tradic tehdejší židovské kultury ovlivnila naše chápání evangelia? Autorky předkládají obraz Ježíše jako židovského učitele z prvního století s přesností vědců, dramatičností dobrých vypravěčů a vnitřním zaujetím učedníků. Tato kniha bude velkým obohacením jak pro odborníky, tak pro laiky. Z této studie, která je podpořena pečlivým zkoumáním starověkých textů i nejnovějšími archeologickými objevy, zaznívá jasná výzva k následování biblického Ježíše.
U dodávateľa
28,74 € 30,25 €


A stunning new insight into how the most crucial lesson you can learn in today’s challenging business environment is how to change the fundamentals of what you do, rather than carry on fighting a battle that is already lost. The near destruction of the music industry at the hands of online piracy and its subsequent recovery on the backs of digital streaming platforms is more than just the biggest story of disruption and reinvention of the digital age. It is also a trove of insights on how to confront the metamorphosis we are all facing in dealing with the Covid-19 era, as accelerating tech and economic changes reshape our work, our play and our very minds. Will Page, Spotify’s first chief economist, extrapolates music’s journey into eight guiding principles for pivoting through the ubiquitous disruption in nearly all industries. Expect the unexpected with transferable lessons coming from Starbucks, Tupperware and even Groucho Marx. The notion of 'Tarzan Economics' ties these principles together: a framework for recognising and acting on disruption, by letting go of the old vine and grabbing onto the new. Page joyfully brings these insights to life and provides a guide for knowing not just how to grab the new vine, but when. He assesses the new dynamics of the 'long tail', identifies friends and foes in the battle for scarce attention and provides a practical tool for discovering the right role for each of us to succeed in this new modern world. As we emerge from the unprecedented disruption of a global pandemic, Pivot shows all of us - individuals, organisations and institutions - that if the vine we are holding onto is withering, we can have confidence to reach out for a new one in 2023 and beyond.
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12,30 € 12,95 €

How To Live An Awesome Life

Take a moment to consider what you want for your future. What do you want your body to look and feel like? What career do you want? What experiences do you dream of conquering? Living a life of passion, purpose and fulfilment, on your own terms, in your own way, is the key to happiness - so why are you waiting around and not taking bold action? Why hide behind upbeat selfies, making excuses instead of following your dreams? If your life isn't inspiring you, it's time to change. In 11 inspiring, actionable steps, this book will help you set BIG achievable goals that shape the life you want to live. You'll discover how to be fitter, happier and more successful, to live with vitality and zest for all that's in your life, and to ultimately live a life of fulfilment, accomplishing all your dream of, with zero regrets. Life success isn't a secret. It's a blueprint. And it's in this book. Your AWESOME future is waiting.
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16,10 € 16,95 €

The Book of Feeling Blue

Discover how best to manage mental health issues - specifically depression - in bestselling pscyhologist Gwendoline Smith's evidence-based, practical guide. The Book of Feeling Blue offers hope to those experiencing depression, explaining the nature of the condition and the many different forms it can take at different life stages, and offering straightforward advice about how to manage it. Written in a chatty, reassuring tone with supplementary illustrations included throughout to demonstrate key points, chapters cover all aspects of the condition, including how to support a family member or friend who may be suffering from it, providing a therapist's evidence-based, practical toolkit for dealing with this widespread and debilitating mental-health problem.
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13,25 € 13,95 €

The Social Lives of Animals

Everything you ever wanted to know about how animals live together, and what that means for us Some animal societies hold a mirror up to the human world: elephants hold funerals for departed family members. Pinyon jays run collective creches. Rats will go out of their way to help a cold, wet stranger. Other lifestyles can seem intensely alien. Take locusts, surging over the land in their millions, unable to slow down for a moment because the hungry ranks behind will literally bite their legs off if they don't stay one step ahead (actually, you might know a few people like that). But no matter how offputting an animal might be, behavioural scientist Ashley Ward can usually find something worth celebrating. Travelling the world from the Serengeti to the frozen Antarctic ocean, with stops in the muddy fields and streams of his native northern Yorkshire, he brings his curious eye and infectious humour right down to their level. The result is a world-expanding, myth-busting tour of some of nature's greatest marvels, in delightfully broad-minded company.
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14,20 € 14,95 €

Fear of Black Consciousness

Where is the path to racial justice? In this ground-breaking book, philosopher Lewis R. Gordon ranges over history, art and pop culture - from ancient African languages to the film Get Out - to show why the answer lies not just in freeing Black bodies from the fraud of white supremacy, but in freeing all of our minds. Building on the influential work of Frantz Fanon and W. E. B. Du Bois, Fear of Black Consciousness is a vital contribution to our conversations on racial politics, identity, and culture.
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16,10 € 16,95 €

The Vein of Gold

The Artist's Way has uncovered the potential of millions of people. International bestselling author Julia Cameron uses her experience and world-renowned techniques as a creativity coach to challenge her readers to go deeper within themselves and open up wider horizons. Featuring inspiring essays on the creative process and more than 100 imaginative, engaging and energising tasks for authentic growth, renewal and healing, The Vein of Gold takes readers on a 'journey to the heart of creativity' through seven kingdoms. Whether you are already actively pursuing a creative enterprise or are just beginning to nurture your own creativity, this powerful book provides the innovative and practical tools for mining the vein of gold within you.
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21,80 € 22,95 €

Write for Life

Legendary author of The Artist's Way Julia Cameron has pioneered the field of creative recovery, inspiring millions of people around the world to discover their true creative selves. Now in Write for Life, the 'Queen of Creativity' speaks directly to writers - it is an openhearted invitation to begin, stick with, and finish a project. Write for Life delivers a wonderful balance of firm and inspiring advice, shaped into a 6-week program for writers of all levels. From setting daily writing quotas to changing genres, fighting perfectionism to polishing a first draft, Julia Cameron provides holistic guidance and support every step of the way. Write for Life is written for every writer, and every writer should read it. It is Julia Cameron at her best, distilling decades of wisdom and experience in practical lessons on the craft and spiritual practice of writing. Itis an unmissable addition to Julia Cameron's creative canon, destined to sit in the pantheon of classic books on writing.
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21,80 € 22,95 €


Why do women have a better sense of smell than men? Has the iPhone changed how we touch? Does the Danube really look blue when you're in love? Our senses are at the heart of how we navigate the world. They help us recognise the expressions on a loved one's face, know whether fruit is ripe by its smell, or even sense a storm approaching through a sudden drop in air pressure. It's now believed that we may have as many as fifty-three senses - and we're just beginning to expand our knowledge of this incredibly extensive palette. In Sensational, Ashley Ward embarks on an expedition through the ways we experience the world, marshalling the latest advancements in science to explore the dazzling eyesight of the mantis shrimp, the rich inner lives of krill and the baffling link between canine bowel movements and geomagnetic fields. Unlocking the incredible power of our senses may hold the key to mysteries like why we kiss, how our brain dictates our taste in music and how a dairy-rich diet strained Euro-Japanese relations. Blending biology and cutting-edge neuroscience, Sensational is a mind-bending look at how our brains shape the way we interpret the world.
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22,75 € 23,95 €


In a Polish forest a young woman befriends a boar. An Englishman sets up home with two beavers in Saskatchewan. A zoologist watches a fish make a conscious decision. Darwin finds the evidence for evolution in the backyards of pigeon fanciers. The entire population of Croatia anxiously awaits the arrival of a single stork. Animals have shaped our lives, our land, our civilisation, and they will shape our future. Yet as our impact on the world and the animals we share it with increases, there has never been a greater urgency to understand this foundational relationship. Beastly is the 40,000-year story of animals and humans as it has never been captured before, seen eye-to-eye and claw-to-hand through those humans who have stepped into the myriad worlds of our animal relatives. Our relationship with animals has always been paradoxical, but the greatest paradox may yet be this: diversity of life can heal ecosystems. Animals - if given the chance - could save us.
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23,70 € 24,95 €

Ikigai: Simple Secrets to a Long and Happy Life

We all have an ikigai. It's the Japanese word for 'a reason to live' or 'a reason to jump out of bed in the morning'. The place where your needs, ambitions, skills and satisfaction meet. A place of balance. This book will help you unlock what your ikigai is and equip you to change your life. There is a passion inside you - a unique talent that gives you purpose and makes you the perfect candidate for something. All you have to do is discover and live it. Do that, and you can make every single day of your life joyful and meaningful.
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18,53 € 19,50 €


There is no secret formula for success, especially when tackling a new challenge. But what if there were a pattern you could follow? A way of mapping the route and navigating the obstacles that arise? Michael Barber has spent many years advising governments, businesses and major sporting teams around the world on how to achieve ambitious goals on time. Drawing on stories of historic visionaries and modern heroes - from Mary Fischer and Rosa Parks to Paula Radcliffe and Gareth Southgate - Barber presents a unique combination of personal anecdote, historical evidence and interviews from inspirational figures to unpack the route to success.
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13,78 € 14,50 €

Life Time

In the twenty-first century, we increasingly push our daily routines into the night, carrying out work, exercise and our social lives long after dark. But we have forgotten that our bodies are governed by a 24-hour biological clock which guides us towards the best time to sleep, eat and think. In Life Time, Professor Russell Foster shares his life's work, taking us on a fascinating and surprising journey through the science of our body clocks. Using his own studies, as well as insights from an international community of sleep scientists and biologists studying circadian rhythms, he illustrates the surprising effects the time of day can have on our health, including: - how a walk outside at dawn can ensure a better night's sleep - how eating after sundown can affect our weight - the extraordinary effects the time we take our medication can have on our risk of life-threatening conditions, such as strokes In the modern world, we have neglected an essential part of our biology. But with knowledge of this astonishing science, we can get back into the rhythm, and live healthier, sharper lives.
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13,78 € 14,50 €

This Is Vegan Propaganda

Every time we eat, we have the power to radically transform the world we live in. Our choices can help alleviate the most pressing issues we face today: the climate crisis, infectious and chronic diseases, human exploitation and, of course, non-human exploitation. Undeniably, these issues can be uncomfortable to learn about but the benefits of doing so cannot be overstated. It is quite literally a matter of life and death. Through exploring the major ways that our current system of animal farming affects the world around us, as well as the cultural and psychological factors that drive our behaviours, This Is Vegan Propaganda answers the pressing question, is there a better way? Whether you are a vegan already or curious to learn more, this book will show you the other side of the story that has been hidden for far too long. Based on years of research and conversations with slaughterhouse workers and farmers, to animal rights philosophers, environmentalists and everyday consumers, vegan educator and public speaker Ed Winters will give you the knowledge to understand the true scale and enormity of the issues at stake. This Is Vegan Propaganda is the empowering and groundbreaking book on veganism that everyone, vegan and sceptic alike, needs to read.
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13,78 € 14,50 €


We've been told we need to master our emotions and think rationally to succeed. But cutting-edge science shows that feelings are every bit as important to our success as thinking. You make hundreds of decisions every day, from what to eat for breakfast to how to influence people, and not one of them could be made without the essential component of emotion. It has long been held that thinking and feeling are separate and opposing forces in our behaviour. But as best-selling author Leonard Mlodinow tells us, extraordinary advances in psychology and neuroscience have proven that emotions are as critical to our well-being as thinking. How can you connect better with others? How can you improve your relationship to frustration, fear, and anxiety? What can you do to live a happier life? The answers lie in understanding emotions. Taking us on a journey from the labs of pioneering scientists to real-world scenarios that have flirted with disaster, Mlodinow shows us how our emotions help, why they sometimes hurt, and what we can make of the difference. Cutting-edge research and deep insights into our evolution, biology, and neuroscience promise to help us understand our emotions better and maximize their benefits. Told with characteristic clarity and fascinating stories, Mlodinow's exploration of the new science of feelings is an essential guide to making the most of one of nature's greatest gifts to us.
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13,78 € 14,50 €

Rozšírte svoje vedomosti z nových oblastí ako ekonómia, manažment a marketing. Zaujímate sa o vesmír a jeho fungovanie, správanie živočíchov či históriu času? Správny smer do života a pozitívnu psychológiu prinesie motivačná literatúra. Knihy odborné - z oblasti práva, pedagogiky, sociológie či medicíny - ukrýva práve táto sekcia.

Kategória Odborná a populárno-náučná literatúra zahŕňa knihy a texty, ktoré poskytujú informácie a odborné znalosti v rôznych odboroch. Táto kategória sa líši od beletristickej literatúry a zameriava sa na vedomostný prínos.

Odborná literatúra obsahuje podrobné informácie, teórie a výskum v rôznych oblastiach ako veda, medicína, technológia, právo, ekonomika a psychológia. Populárno-náučná literatúra je prístupnejšia verejnosti a zaujímavo prezentuje tématické úseky, históriu, biografie a vedecké objavy.

Odborná a populárno-náučná literatúra je dôležitá pre vzdelávanie, osobnostný rozvoj a celoživotné učenie. Pomáha nám porozumieť svetu, objavovať nové perspektívy a zlepšiť naše schopnosti. Tieto diela od renomovaných autorov sú zdrojom inšpirácie a prínosov pre naše profesionálne a osobné životy.

K najznámejším autorom odbornej literatúry patria Stephen Hawking, Yuval Noah Harari, Malcolm Gladwell, Daniel Kahneman či zo slovenských autorov Roman Králik, či Vojtech Zamarovský.