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Lacná kniha Lost Photographs of Captain Scott (HB) (-90%)

Captain Scott perished with four of his fellow explorers on their return from the South Pole in March 1912. Almost immediately the myth was founded, based on Scott's diaries, turning him into an icon of courage in the face of impossible circumstances. But during the final months of that journey Scott also took a series of breathtaking photographs: panoramas of the continent, superb depictions of mountains and formations of ice and snow, and photographs of the explorers on the polar trail. But these photos have never been seen - initially fought over, neglected, then lost - until now, that is. For the first time, they are resurrected and are a humbling testament to the men whose graves still lie unmarked in the vastness of the Great Alone.
4,40 € 44,00 €

dostupné aj ako:

Magma Sketchbook: Idea Generation

Artists have always relied on their sketchbooks. This was true for artists working within a fine art tradition and is just as true today in the age of Macs, digital cameras and computer-generated imagery. This new line of sketchbooks addresses the needs of contemporary practitioners: illustrators, designers, art directors, fashion designers, filmmakers and anyone within the creative industries. Helpful and user-friendly, these sketchbooks tread that fine line between giving users practical tools and information while not interfering with their creative freedom. They are also made entirely out of eco-friendly materials. This Idea Generation sketchbook includes 136 blank pages with idea prompts for creative thinking, plus 16 pages of exercises and useful information on: how to get from a problem to a solution; the four stages of the creative process; mind mapping and free association; reframing your proposition; and, using random stimulus.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Magma Sketchbook: Film & Anima

Artists have always relied on their sketchbooks. This was true for artists working within a fine art tradition and is just as true today in the age of Macs, digital cameras and computer-generated imagery. This new line of sketchbooks addresses the needs of contemporary practitioners: illustrators, designers, art directors, fashion designers, filmmakers and anyone within the creative industries. Helpful and user-friendly, these sketchbooks tread that fine line between giving users practical tools and information while not interfering with their creative freedom. They are also made entirely out of eco-friendly materials. This Film & Animation sketchbook includes 136 blank pages, storyboard grids and project management tools, plus 16 pages of useful information on shot sizes and aspect ratios, digital video basics, animation, screenplays, planning your shots, sound, lighting and editing.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Casual Sweet Clothes

Casual Sweet Clothes offers you gorgeous tops, dresses, jackets and skirts with a designer edge. Simple step-by-step instructions and diagrams guide you through the process of sewing each garment, and the full-size patterns included at the back of the book guarantee perfectly fitting results every time. The 18 simple but stylish casual pieces in this book make the foundation of a hand-made wardrobe that will last for years.
19,90 € 20,95 €

Andy Warhol: The Complete Commissioned Posters

Published for the first time in a single volume, this definitive collection of original posters produced by Andy Warhol reveals the artist's remarkable contribution to the art of poster design. Throughout his career, Andy Warhol easily crossed the boundaries between fine art and graphic design; in fact, he made no distinction between art and advertising. Posters were a natural medium for this talented artist, and he was much in demand to promote some of the most renowned celebrities, causes, and brands of his time. This richly illustrated catalogue raisonné surveys every Warhol poster commissioned for a specific purpose and featuring original artwork. Arranged chronologically, they present a fascinating array of subjects, including cultural events, musicians, politics, and iconic brands. Each of the posters is exquisitely reproduced, including some with multiple variations, and accompanied by informative texts and comparative illustrations. The author's introductory essay offers a brief history of poster art and contextualizes Warhol's output against masters of the form such as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Keith Haring. Seen in their entirety, these posters--bearing all the hallmarks of the artist's finest work--both reflect and reveal the cultural zeitgeist that drove Warhol's innovative practice.
49,40 € 52,00 €


A hatvanas évek szexforradalma és a hetvenes évek pornóhulláma letörölt minden szabályt és tiltást az ún. jó erkölcsök táblájáról. Milyen folyamat zajlott? A filmművészet szabadságharca vagy az ízléstelenség ellenforradalma? Erre a kérdésre keresi a választ Kelecsényi László ... Folytatás ›› filmtörténész közel kétszáz, művészi szándékú mozgókép tanulságait elemezve. Elemi ösztöneinkről szólva kalandozik az érzékek birodalmában, áttekintve az elmúlt fél évszázad során forgatott erkölcstelen meséket, melyekben olykor eladó a szerelem, amikor már nincsenek késői találkozások, és szinte senki sincs szerelemre hangolva, mikor majdhogynem tilos a szerelem, s a férfiak és nők nyíltan vállalják az új kor jelszavát, csak szexre kellesz, vagy még durvábban szólva, dugj meg! Mire senki sem süti le a szemét, még a moziban sem. Nem kell végignézni az összes emlegetett filmet. Elég, ha végigolvassák ezt a könyvet. A(z) FilmSZEXtétika (Könyv) szerzője Kelecsényi László.
8,95 € 9,42 €

Masterpieces: Courtyard Architecture + Design

Courtyards are among the most versatile elements of architectural design. With their wide range of sizes and shapes, they are integral components of every conceivable type of constructional project. Some are reserved for private use while others serve the general public. Basically, their main function consists of structuring a building and to provide illumination and ventilation to dense spatial depths. Beyond that, they provide an defined and protected outdoor space that in itself is part of the architectural or landscape design. Based on selected case studies, this volume presents the design diversity of courtyards, focusing in particular on their expedient multifaceted use.
51,30 € 54,00 €

Age of Innocence Football 1970s

It was Pelé who coined the phrase “the beautiful game”, and in the 1970s the gamewas at its most beautiful, free-flowing and entertaining. Football became truly international thanks to extraordinarily talented teams and charismatic players who became the first generation of football superstars, long before David Beckham stripped down to his underwear. This book tackles the global and cultural impact of the game, the memorable fashions, the girlfriends, the cars, the politics, the fans, the hooligans, the passion, the thrills and, of course, the sideburns. It’s a joint celebration of the world’s most popular sport and the sizzling 70s – including the 1970 World Cup in Mexico, the first football championship televised in colour, and won by the legendary Brazilian side led by Pelé; the 1974 World Cup, dominated by the intense rivalry between the powerful West German side and the “Total Football” of the Dutch team; the 1978 World Cup, hosted and won by Argentina; and the extraordinary club sides such as Ajax, Liverpool, Bayern Munich, and the New York Cosmos. The Age of Innocence features photography by Neil Leifer, Peter Robinson, Gerry Cranham, Terry O’Neill, Volker Hinz, Jerry Cooke, Harry Benson, Sven Simon, and many others, as well as images sourced from archives all over the world, and essays from award-winning football writers Rob Hughes, David Goldblatt, Brian Glanville and Barney Ronay.
41,75 € 43,95 €

The First World War in Colour

The devastating events of the First World War were captured in myriad photographs on all sides of the front. Since then, thousands of books of black-and-white photographs of the war have been published as all nations endeavour to comprehend the scale and the carnage of the “greatest catastrophe of the 20th century”. Far less familiar are the rare colour images of the First World War, taken at the time by a small group of photographers pioneering recently developed autochrome technology. To mark the centenary of the outbreak of war, this groundbreaking volume brings together all of these remarkable, fully hued pictures of the „war to end war“. Assembled from archives in Europe, the United States and Australia, more than 320 colour photos provide unprecedented access to the most important developments of the period – from the mobilization of 1914 to the victory celebrations in Paris, London and New York in 1919. The volume represents the work of each of the major autochrome pioneers of the period, including Paul Castelnau, Fernand Cuville, Jules Gervais-Courtellemont, Léon Gimpel, Hans Hildenbrand, Frank Hurley, Jean-Baptiste Tournassoud andCharles C. Zoller. Since the autochrome process required a relatively long exposure time, almost all of the photos depict carefully composed scenes, behind the rapid front-line action. We see poignant group portraits, soldiers preparing for battle, cities ravaged by military bombardment – daily human existence and the devastating consequences on the front. A century on, this unprecedented publication brings a startling human reality to one of the most momentous upheavals in history. The author: Peter Walther has edited various publications on literary, photographic, and contemporary historical themes, including books on Goethe, Fontane, Thomas Mann, and writers in the First World War, as well as several illustrated books with historical colour photographs. He has also curated several exhibitions. He is particularly interested in early colour photography techniques.
41,75 € 43,95 €

Lacná kniha Age of Innocence Football 1970s (-70%)

It was Pelé who coined the phrase “the beautiful game”, and in the 1970s the gamewas at its most beautiful, free-flowing and entertaining. Football became truly international thanks to extraordinarily talented teams and charismatic players who became the first generation of football superstars, long before David Beckham stripped down to his underwear. This book tackles the global and cultural impact of the game, the memorable fashions, the girlfriends, the cars, the politics, the fans, the hooligans, the passion, the thrills and, of course, the sideburns. It’s a joint celebration of the world’s most popular sport and the sizzling 70s – including the 1970 World Cup in Mexico, the first football championship televised in colour, and won by the legendary Brazilian side led by Pelé; the 1974 World Cup, dominated by the intense rivalry between the powerful West German side and the “Total Football” of the Dutch team; the 1978 World Cup, hosted and won by Argentina; and the extraordinary club sides such as Ajax, Liverpool, Bayern Munich, and the New York Cosmos. The Age of Innocence features photography by Neil Leifer, Peter Robinson, Gerry Cranham, Terry O’Neill, Volker Hinz, Jerry Cooke, Harry Benson, Sven Simon, and many others, as well as images sourced from archives all over the world, and essays from award-winning football writers Rob Hughes, David Goldblatt, Brian Glanville and Barney Ronay.
13,19 € 43,95 €

dostupné aj ako:

index A to Z

Beginning as a low-budget, oversized fanzine in 1996, index magazine quickly became one of the most influential small publications in the United States. index had a smart and irreverent voice that epitomized the late '90s indie ethos. Featuring conversations between architects, artists, celebrities, designers, filmmakers, musicians and writers, the magazine brought together some of the most relevant cultural figures who were at that time young and often unknown, yet have since become cultural icons or celebrities. Some of these names include Bjork, Scarlett Johansson, Alexander McQueen, Rem Koolhaas, and David Sedaris, and photographs by cutting-edge photographers such as Leeta Harding, Terry Richardson, Juergen Teller, Wolfgang Tillmans, and Ryan McGinley. Paying homage to Generation X's it glossy, index A to Z features the best interviews and photographs by the most celebrated artists and celebrities that were featured in the iconic index magazine. This A to Z index captures the spirit of an era, with F for Fashion, featuring designers Kate Spade and Marc Jacobs, and I for Indie with Harmony Korine and John Waters, and other sections including Royalty,Vanished, and X-Rated, this volume is packed with index's most memorable interviews and greatest photos of the time, including previously unpublished outtakes and party pictures. A new interview with Halley and Nickas, a reminisence by Bruce LaBruce, and a historical overview by Wendy Vogel offer further looks behind the scenes. Index A to Z celebrates the uncompromising personalities, humor, and DIY brilliance of the indie generation.
41,33 € 43,50 €

Explore & Draw Patterns

This fun drawing book will inspire you to spot, learn about, design and most of all draw all kinds of cool, colourful and amazing patterns. Its packed with quirky activities, from drawing an abstract pattern with your toes and designing a mystical mandala to creating the most beautiful pattern you can imagine.
11,88 € 12,50 €

Mozart utolsó áriája

1791 októberében Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart azt mondta a feleségének, hogy megmérgezték. Másfél hónap múlva már nem volt az élők sorában. Nővére, a szintén zongoravirtuózként indult Nannerl sógornőjétől értesül a fájdalmas hírről, és nyomban Bécsbe indul, de nem csak a temetésre. Eltökéli, hogy kideríti az igazságot, és megtudja, valóban gyilkosság áldozata lett-e Mozart, és vajon kinek állt útjában. Bécs veszélyes városnak bizonyul: Nannerl sötét titkokkal, összeesküvésekkel, a császári udvarban zajló intrikákkal szembesül, a szabadkőművesek rejtélyes összejövetelein találja magát, miközben életében először átéli az igaz szerelmet. És mindennek központjában Mozart utolsó operája, "A varázsfuvola" áll. Az olvasó a korabeli Bécs arisztokrata szalonjainak és hangversenytermeinek nyüzsgő világát láthatja mintegy függöny mögül, miközben fel-felcsendül Mozart halhatatlan zenéje, és fény derül a szörnyű titokra.
13,04 € 13,73 €

Michelangelo Complete Works

Il divino. This is a glorious exploration of Michelangelo's works. Before reaching the tender age of thirty, Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) had already sculpted "David" and "Pieta", two of the most famous sculptures in the entire history of art. His achievements as a sculptor, painter, draughtsman, and architect are unique - no artist before or after him has ever produced such a vast, multi-faceted, and wide-ranging oeuvre. This is demonstrated not only by the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel but also by Michelangelo's monumental sculptures and his unconventional architectural designs, whose forms went far beyond the accepted vocabulary of his day. Such was his renown that Michelangelo was the subject of two biographics during his lifetime. TASCHEN brings you this comprehensive two-volume edition that explores Michelangelo's life and work in more depth and detail than ever before. The first volume concentrates on the life of Michelangelo via an extensive and copiously illustrated biographical essay; the main body of the book presents his work in four parts providing a complete analytical inventory of Michelangelo's paintings, sculptures, buildings and drawings. Gorgeous, full page reproductions and enlarged details bring readers up close to the works. This sumptuous book also takes account, to a previously unseen extent, of Michelangelo's more personal traits and circumstances, such as his solitary nature, his thirst for money and commissions, his miserliness, his immense wealth, and his skill as a property investor. In addition, the book tackles the controversial issue of the attribution of Michelangelo drawings, an area in which decisions continue to be steered by the interests of the art market and the major collections. This is the definitive work about Michelangelo for generations to come.
52,20 € 54,95 €

My Fashion Label

Design Your Own Collection
11,88 € 12,50 €

Matisse - Cut-Outs

A perfect synthesis of color and line. The trailblazing paper cut-outs of Henri Matisse. When Henri Matisse (1869 1954) was forced to give up painting in the mid-1940s due to a serious illness, he began to work with painted paper and a pair of scissors, "carving into color" to create bright, bold patterns and forms. Though many critics at the time were unstinting in their cruel remarks about the supposed foolishness of an old man, the work, termed gouaches découpées ( gouache cut-outs ), in fact represented a milestone in modern art. Matisse had not only defied frailty to pursue his artistic impetus, he had also created a whole new medium for exploring the age-old conflict between color and line. This 96-page, hardcover edition includes rich image reproductions from many of Matisse's most celebrated cut-outs,and a detailed biography for context of the artist's life and work.
10,93 € 11,50 €

In Montmartre

In Montmartre, Sue Roe vividly brings to life the bohemian world of art in Paris between 1900-1910. When young Pablo Picasso arrived in Paris in October 1900 he made his way up the hillside of Montmartre...The real revolution in the arts first took place not, as is commonly supposed, in the 1920s to the accompaniment of the Charleston, black jazz and mint juleps but more quietly and intimately, in the shadow of the windmills - artificial and real - and in the cafes and cabarets of Montmartre during the first decade of the century. The cross-fertilization of painting, writing, music and dance produced a panorama of activity characterized by the early works of Picasso, Braque, Matisse, Derain, Vlaminck and Modigliani, the appearance of the Ballet Russe and the salons of Gertrude Stein. Sue Roe is the author of several books, including the New York Times bestselling collective biography The Private Lives of the Impressionists, and Gwen John: A Life. She lives in Brighton.
21,38 € 22,50 €

Ján Vasilko

Obsahuje príspevok o tvorbe umelca, rozhovor s umelcom, popisky k reprodukciám diel, biografické údaje, zoznam výstav. Text paralelne slovensky a anglicky.
15,20 € 16,00 €

Milujete kvalitné filmy, architektúru, krásne fotografie, výtvarné umenie a dizajn? Chcete vedieť, ako vyzerala Obchodná ulica? Tu nájdete viac o histórii divadla, príručky o hudbe, noty, slovníky, filmové encyklopédie a ročenky.

Toto je priestor, kde sa stretnú tvorivosť, inovácia a estetika. Kategória umenia nám otvára dvere do sveta výrazových médií, ktoré nám umožňujú hĺbkový pohľad na ľudské myšlienky, emócie a skúsenosti.

Tu nájdete pestrú škálu umenia vrátane vizuálneho umenia ako maľba, sochárstvo, fotografie, a tiež literárneho umenia. Kategória umenie vám ponúka príležitosť objaviť diela od umelcov z rôznych časových období a kultúrnych kontextov, čím sa otvára pohľad na rôzne estetické perspektívy.

Sledujeme vývoj umenia od historických majstrov až po súčasných tvorcov, ktorí používajú nové technológie a prístupy na vyjadrenie svojej kreativity. Bez ohľadu na to, či sa zaujímate o tradičné umenie alebo experimentálnu tvorbu, táto kategória vám umožní objaviť rôznorodé prejavy ľudského ducha a predstavivosť.

Zaostrite na krásu v módmej fotografii s Karolom Kállayom. Objavte dokonalú renesančnú osobnosť Leonarda da Vinciho. Zaujímate sa o to, ako vyzerá archív Adidas, alebo skôr o spevník obľúbeneho pesničkára Tomáša Klusa. Toto všetko a mnoho ďalšieho objavíte v tejto sekcii. 

Kategória umenie ponúka literatúru o Architektúre,Dizajne a úžitkovom umení a móde , Fotografii, Výtvarnom umení , Dejinách a teórii umenia, Divadle, Filme a Hudbe - noty, spevníky, príručky.