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Csak vállfákat hozzatok!

"Király Tamás meglehetősen forradalmi művész volt, a stílus, ami ő volt, nemcsak az életében, nemcsak a művészetében, de az alkotói munkamenetében is uralkodó volt. Másképp alkotott, mint a divatművészek zöme. Másképp is élt. Amit Király Tamás létrehozott, azok nem a ruhái - azok csak olyan hátramaradt tárgyak, mint Heléna fátyla, amelyet a szomorú Faust gyászában markol. Nem is a show-i, a demonstrációi - hanem az, amit a show-i bemutattak, demonstráltak. Egy látásmód, egy attitűd, egy hozzáállás, egy viszony a valósághoz, szépséghez, az >>öltözködéshez
14,43 € 15,19 €

Jesličky - Staré nové písničky

Kritická edice zpřístupňuje zpěvníček adventních a vánočních písní Jesličky. Staré nové písničky (1658), který sestavil jeden z nejvýznamnějších českých básníků Fridrich Bridelius SJ. Knižní publikace je první edicí prezentující tento barokní kancionál v úplnosti a ve všech třech základních dimenzích, tj. literární, hudební a jazykové. Písňové texty jsou editovány společně s notací, každá píseň je doprovázena textově a hudebně kritickými poznámkami, vysvětlivkami a diferenčním slovníkem. Kniha obsahuje také Katalog písní kancionálu Jesličky, v němž je vyložen původ a proměny jak textové, tak hudební složky všech písní Jesliček, a trojici doprovodných studií, které interpretují tento zpěvník a písně v něm shromážděné v několika vybraných dobových kontextech. Součástí publikace je zvukové CD s nahrávkou kompletního repertoáru Jesliček.Edici připravili Pavel Kosek, Marie Škarpová a Tomáš Slavický.
17,37 € 18,28 €

Lacná kniha Csak vállfákat hozzatok!

"Király Tamás meglehetősen forradalmi művész volt, a stílus, ami ő volt, nemcsak az életében, nemcsak a művészetében, de az alkotói munkamenetében is uralkodó volt. Másképp alkotott, mint a divatművészek zöme. Másképp is élt. Amit Király Tamás létrehozott, azok nem a ruhái - azok csak olyan hátramaradt tárgyak, mint Heléna fátyla, amelyet a szomorú Faust gyászában markol. Nem is a show-i, a demonstrációi - hanem az, amit a show-i bemutattak, demonstráltak. Egy látásmód, egy attitűd, egy hozzáállás, egy viszony a valósághoz, szépséghez, az >>öltözködéshez
0,76 € 15,19 €

dostupné aj ako:


From wedding announcements to IOUs, there are hundreds perhaps thousands of scripts, some classic, others eccentric. Derived from handwriting, these are typefaces that are stylized to suggest, imply or symbolize certain traits linked to writing. Drawn from the Golden Age of scripts, from the 19th to the mid-20th century, this is the first compilation of popular, rare and forgotten scripts from Britain, Italy, France, Germany and the USA. This title is filled with examples from a broad spectrum of sources advertising, street signs, invitations, type-specimen books and personal letters. This collection is a delightful trove of long-overlooked material, and will be an invaluable sourcebook for anyone with an interest in graphic design.
24,65 € 25,95 €

5000 Flower and Plant Motifs

The most comprehensive motif design resource for all kinds of creative work. Whether you're a graphic designer, a stitcher, woodworker, ceramicist or tattooist, this book has over 5000 floral and plant motifs, providing a range of designs for use or inspiration. A huge number of the motifs come in historical styles, including Ancient Greek and Roman, Egyptian, Gothic, Islamic, Chinese, Japanese, Art Nouveau, and Art Deco. It includes border motifs, simple plant motifs plus elaborate plant compositions. All hand-drawn by accomplished artist Graham McCallum, these motifs provide the best creative resource today.
27,50 € 28,95 €

Art of Chinese Calligraphy

The 192 pieces of Chinese calligraphy featured in this book are the most famous representatives, carefully selected and chronologically arranged from the Zhou (c.1046 u 221 BC) and Qin (221u206 BC) dynasties to the modern time.
36,05 € 37,95 €

Art Deco

The Art Deco style is so recognisable and widespread that its original influence on the culture in which it emerged has been all but lost in the clutter of imitation. This book draws our attention back to the birth of Art Deco - a period between two devastating world wars when industrialization was flourishing, interest in archaeology was peaking, and movements such as Cubism, Constructivism, Futurism, and Modernism were turning the art world on its head. Brilliantly designed to reflect the style it celebrates, Art Deco is filled with hundreds of examples of painting, architecture, interiors, jewellery, crafts, furniture, and fashion. Author Norbert Wolf traces the chronology of the Art Deco style by looking at the politics and culture of Europe in the 1920s and early 30s, and the artistic movements that paralleled its popularity. He follows Art Deco's influence in Europe, and its immigration to the Americas and Asia. Most importantly, this wide-ranging volume looks beyond the era of Art Deco's origination to the present day. Pointing to the numerous revivals and contemporary echoes in painting and even literature, this beautiful volume demonstrates that Art Deco is alive and well today - often in forms where we least expect it.
82,60 € 86,95 €

500 Paper Objects

Paper craft is a dynamic medium that's in the midst of a renaissance. This entry in the very popular 500 Series reveals the creative work of today's most gifted and original artists and the limitless potential of the craft. Juried by Gene McHugh, an award-winning arts writer and well-established expert in the field, the book presents a broad range of techniques, forms and aesthetic approaches, with magnificent examples of origami, kirigami, cutting, quilling, papier-mache and casting.
23,28 € 24,50 €

Mini Houses

The last few decades have seen a boom in the development of small houses in response to the reduced size of families, the density of cities, the demands of today's citizens and the rise in price per square meter of property. These small homes present the perfect solution for busy professionals, married couples without children and adults who want to live alone or with their partner. Far from the concept of the last century, where importance and power were reflected by the size of a home, small houses (also known as mini houses) have staked their claim in current architectural development. In response to the increase in this type of small property, numerous companies and brands have created and developed products specifically for these compact spaces, marking a trend based on economy of resources and minimalist ideas. ILLUSTRATIONS Colour thorughout
9,45 € 9,95 €

Modern Interior Design

Interior design today is guided more than ever by the need to be stylish and functional. In modern design excessive decoration has been replaced by the well thought-out arrangement of spaces, and furniture with pure lines, which meets specific needs. Whatever the size of the room, the prevailing concepts are balance and harmony - characteristics which, given the hectic pace of life today, make the home a place where people will feel comfortable. This generous volume will inspire and delight.
9,45 € 9,95 €


House design is evolving fast following trends and the needs of our society. There is always a myriad of design schemes to meet diverse requirements; in other words, there is never a single solution to make the most of a living space. In the collection Essential Tips each book offers over 200 tips on different ways to create an environment that is functional and aesthetically pleasing. This book series explores contemporary design with exemplary case studies of homes with display innovative and practical design solutions.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Compact Houses

House design is evolving fast following trends and the needs of our society. There is always a myriad of design schemes to meet diverse requirements; in other words, there is never a single solution to make the most of a living space. In the collection Essential Tips each book offers over 200 tips on different ways to create an environment that is functional and aesthetically pleasing. This book series explores contemporary design with exemplary case studies of homes with display innovative and practical design solutions.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Minimalist Ideas for Your Home

In the collection Essential Tips each book offers over 200 tips on different ways to create an environment that is functional and aesthetically pleasing. This book series explores contemporary design with exemplary case studies of homes with display innovative and practical design solutions.
9,45 € 9,95 €

City Apartments

There are thousands of ways to change the decor of your apartment and breathe new life into your home, so it is not surprising that furniture, wall colour and decorative details become an extension of our lifestyle. Amongst the pages of this book, you will find examples of contemporary designs that stylishly maximize available space by using versatile furniture and multipurpose structural elements.
9,45 € 9,95 €


House design is evolving fast following trends and the needs of our society. There is always a myriad of design schemes to meet diverse requirements; in other words, there is never a single solution to make the most of a living space. In the collection Essential Tips each book offers over 200 tips on different ways to create an environment that is functional and aesthetically pleasing. This book series explores contemporary design with exemplary case studies of homes with display innovative and practical design solutions.
9,45 € 9,95 €


The Loft, which originally constituted a type of clandestine life, has become a concept applicable to large, renovated spaces, where the existing structure has been incorporated into everyday architecture. Consequently, old factories, storage areas and warehouses are being transformed to create homes and offices, or commercial studios and shops.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Smart Apartments

This book looks at a selection of apartments which show a wide variety of architectural and design solutions suitable for different kinds of properties - from a small studio loft to a two or three storey home. It looks at the work of international designers and architects, taking the reader on a visual journey to see the latest trends in contemporary international design in private homes in big cities all over the world.
9,45 € 9,95 €

Broken Hallelujah

Why is it that Leonard Cohen receives the sort of reverence we reserve for a precious few living artists? Why are his songs, three or four decades after their original release, suddenly gracing the charts, blockbuster movie sound tracks, and television singing competitions? And why is it that while most of his contemporaries are either long dead or engaged in uninspired nostalgia tours, Cohen is at the peak of his powers and popularity? These are the questions at the heart of A Broken Hallelujah, a meditation on the singer, his music, and the ideas and beliefs at its core. Granted extraordinary access to Cohen s personal papers, Liel Leibovitz examines the intricacies of the man whose performing career began with a crippling bout of stage fright, yet who, only a few years later, tamed a rowdy crowd on the Isle of Wight, preventing further violence; the artist who had gone from a successful world tour and a movie star girlfriend to a long residency in a remote Zen retreat; and the rare spiritual seeker for whom the principles of traditional Judaism, the tenets of Zen Buddhism, and the iconography of Christianity all align. The portrait that emerges is that of an artist attuned to notions of justice, lust, longing, loneliness, and redemption, and possessing the sort of voice and vision commonly reserved only for the prophets. More than just an account of Cohen s life, A Broken Hallelujah is an intimate look at the artist that is as emotionally astute as it is philosophically observant. Delving into the sources and meaning of Cohen s work, Leibovitz beautifully illuminates what Cohen is telling us and why we listen so intensely."
18,95 € 19,95 €

Prefabulous World

Prefabrication offers a simple way to construct incredibly energy-efficient, green homes. Showcasing the unlimited possibilities offered by prefabrication, Prefabulous World includes homes from Auckland, Copenhagen, Tokyo, Toronto, Los Angeles and elsewhere, surveying some of the most extraordinary ecologically sustainable homes in the world. The houses presented in Prefabulous World are sophisticated examples of architecture and design as well as sustainability. The book specifically highlights the energy-saving elements of each home featured, covering a wide range of new technologies. With floor plans, multiple images of the exterior and interior of each home, and an extensive resource section that lists the architects, builders, designers and suppliers that worked on each home.
30,88 € 32,50 €

Milujete kvalitné filmy, architektúru, krásne fotografie, výtvarné umenie a dizajn? Chcete vedieť, ako vyzerala Obchodná ulica? Tu nájdete viac o histórii divadla, príručky o hudbe, noty, slovníky, filmové encyklopédie a ročenky.

Toto je priestor, kde sa stretnú tvorivosť, inovácia a estetika. Kategória umenia nám otvára dvere do sveta výrazových médií, ktoré nám umožňujú hĺbkový pohľad na ľudské myšlienky, emócie a skúsenosti.

Tu nájdete pestrú škálu umenia vrátane vizuálneho umenia ako maľba, sochárstvo, fotografie, a tiež literárneho umenia. Kategória umenie vám ponúka príležitosť objaviť diela od umelcov z rôznych časových období a kultúrnych kontextov, čím sa otvára pohľad na rôzne estetické perspektívy.

Sledujeme vývoj umenia od historických majstrov až po súčasných tvorcov, ktorí používajú nové technológie a prístupy na vyjadrenie svojej kreativity. Bez ohľadu na to, či sa zaujímate o tradičné umenie alebo experimentálnu tvorbu, táto kategória vám umožní objaviť rôznorodé prejavy ľudského ducha a predstavivosť.

Zaostrite na krásu v módmej fotografii s Karolom Kállayom. Objavte dokonalú renesančnú osobnosť Leonarda da Vinciho. Zaujímate sa o to, ako vyzerá archív Adidas, alebo skôr o spevník obľúbeneho pesničkára Tomáša Klusa. Toto všetko a mnoho ďalšieho objavíte v tejto sekcii. 

Kategória umenie ponúka literatúru o Architektúre,Dizajne a úžitkovom umení a móde , Fotografii, Výtvarnom umení , Dejinách a teórii umenia, Divadle, Filme a Hudbe - noty, spevníky, príručky.