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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Umenie strana 498 z 500

Knižné bestsellery nesmú v našej ponuke rozhodne chýbať. Najpredávanejšie a najobľúbenejšie knihy slávnych spisovateľov vás vtiahnu do deja a ponúknu vám množstvo skvelých príbehov. Vyberte si žáner, ktorý je vám najbližší alebo darujte najnovšie knižné bestsellery ako darček svojim blízkym.

Design Elements Typography Fundamentals

Explore the fundamentals of typography with this practical new guide. An instructional reader rather than historical survey, "Design Elements: Typography Fundamentals" uses well-founded, guiding principles to teach the language of type and how to use it capably. Designers are left with a solid ground on which to design with type. Limitless potential for meaningful and creative communication exists--this is the field guide for the journey!
21,84 € 22,99 €

500 Bowls

What makes the ceramic bowl such an enduring art form? It has everything: form, volume, surface, texture and colour, plus 10,000 years of history! It can be both useful and decorative, yet it is one of the simplest and most basic forms that potters make. This book provides a visual tour of how ceramists from around the world are interpreting this classic form today. The 500 masterful, inspired works presented in this book prove there are new things to say: the bowl is still being reinterpreted and reinvented every day! * FASCINATING compilation for arts and crafts ceramists and collectors of 500 of the most creative and astounding bowl designs you have ever seen.
21,84 € 22,99 €

500 Knives

This is the latest from the highly successful "500 Series". It presents an amazing on-the-page gallery of an array of contemporary knives. It features everything from daggers and swords to kitchen knives and simple elegance to daring extravagance. Contemporary knife makers are far more daring than their counterparts from as recently as a generation ago: they've become masters of new techniques and technologies, experts in reinterpreting form and function to create sculptural works of art. Readers can flip through this amazing on-the-page gallery and discover a dizzying array of styles, from ones that demonstrate simple elegance to others that feature over-the-top embellishment. The collection includes daggers, kitchen knives, hunting knives, combat and folding knives, switchblades, multi-blades, swords, axes, tomahawks and even a pistol-knife - all honed with fine creative vision. Artists include: Don Hanson, Tim Hancock, Frankie Flood, Johan Gustafsson, Allen Elishewitz and many more!
21,84 € 22,99 €

500 Handmade Books

Interest in bookbinding and the related arts has exploded in the past decade, inspiring artists to explore the unlimited possibilities of the form. This title showcases a beautiful range from the intricacies of an exotic Ethiopian binding with a show-stopping open spine to others that resemble mysterious puzzle boxes. The sublimely talented contributors include Jeanne Germani who displays her own handmade papers, made from such varied materials as recycled denim, thistle and other plant matter, Chris Bivin whose codex-style volume features curious, tiny, found objects and Laura Wait presents a piece with handsome raised-cord binding connecting a pair of stained-cedar covers with abstract aluminum letterforms attached. This new and provocative on-the-page gallery, richly illustrated with hundreds of breathtaking photographs, will appeal to a large and discerning audience.
21,84 € 22,99 €

Masters: Earthenware

This newest entry in the popular "Masters" series presents 38 of the world's most notable potters and sculptors - and dozens of vibrant, functional, sculptural and figurative pieces of earthenware to explore. "Masters: Earthenware" reveals the tremendous imagination, innovation and technical facility that today's artists bring to the oldest ceramic medium. This stunning volume gives each featured artist a mini-retrospective of approximately eight pages that showcase 12-14 of his or her best works, illuminating comments from the creators accompany the images, and outlining their development and artistic philosophy.
21,84 € 22,99 €

Paris Sketchbook

"Paris Sketchbook" is a stunning gift book from leading international fashion illustrator Jason Brooks. Although he is best known for his beautiful fashion imagery, which has regularly graced the pages of Vogue and Elle magazines, travel has been a recurrent theme in his work and his adventures continue to inspire and inform his visual repertoire. During his time on fashion assignments at the Couture shows in Paris, Brooks developed a fascination for the city, drawing and painting beautiful travel journals that demonstrate his passion for all things Parisian. This book is a whimsical take on Paris, part guide book, part illustrated journal, it will appeal to both travellers and fashionistas. Sumptuous production with different stocks and inks will make this a must for anyone who loves fashion illustration and beautiful books.
21,84 € 22,99 €

Umění a gastronomie

Gastronomie se v dějinách lidstva rozvíjela v širokých souvislostech sociálních a kulturních a stala se nedílnou součástí historie lidstva a svědectvím o životě národů a jednotlivých zemí. Kniha vypráví příběh této lidské činnosti, jak se odvíjel v dějinách naší civilizace, počínaje dobou hluboko před naším letopočtem, přes jednotlivé historické etapy až do doby současné. Mnoho zajímavého se dozvíme také o vývoji výroby pokrmů a jejich zpracování v Čechách, o životě našich předků a jejich vztahu ke kulinářskému umění. Autor knihy zdůrazňuje skutečnost, že dějiny gastronomie nacházely od nejstarších dob odraz v umění, zejména v umělecko řemeslných artefaktech, literatuře i hudbě, ale zejména v umění výtvarném. Tyto skutečnosti dokládá širokým výběrem literárních textů, počínaje antikou a zvláště 512 reprodukcemi výtvarných děl od kreseb a grafik až po plakáty a fotografie, přičemž převážná pozornost je věnována malbě. Nástěnné malby a mozaiky v pozdější době obrazy totiž doslova dokumentují dobový život, nejbližší životní prostředí té které doby i úroveň gastronomie. Výmluvnost zvyšuje skutečnost, že v malířském znázornění se uplatňovaly všechny slohy a tendence, které představují gastronomické skutečnosti z různého pohledu a vyjadřují i odlišné společenské a kulturní postoje. Kniha představuje a analyzuje podstatné rysy tohoto souběžného vývoje, zejména v evropském prostoru a jejich odkaz v dějinném vývoji. Je nejen poutavým čtením, ale i uměleckým zážitkem pro všechny, kdo obdivují vysoce kvalitní knihy.
109,39 € 115,15 €

1000x landscape architecture

Landscape architecture covers the entire range of outdoor design: the fascinating scope of this field ranges from open space planning near, on or even inside buildings to self-sufficient creations in residential areas or in the open nature, and Land Art that uses nature as raw material for a work of art. The different geographical and social contexts shape the design of the creative and playful solutions applied to 1000 projects from around the world. While the main focus are parks and gardens, this publication also presents numerous other types of categories such as greened facades, stone gardens, memorials and waterscapes.
110,15 € 115,95 €

Book on Ahae

AHAE (což znamená starokorejsky dítě) je umělec. Toto tvrzení je v jeho případě důležité, poněvadž AHAE se na tuto cestu připravoval celý život, aby v jeho poslední čtvrtině, s vášní hraničící s posedlostí, vychrlil ze sebe dílo, které má v sobě všechnu moudrost, jež během života nasbíral. AHAE je nejen úspěšný podnikatel, ale i neúnavný propagátor zdravého způsobu života, člověk s hlubokým sociálním cítěním, držitel mnoha vynálezů světově oceněných, vyznavač jógy a džuda, léčitel, a především fotograf, který nás znovu učí dívat se kolem sebe na tak prosté věci jako jsou stromy, trávy a neexotická zvířata. AHAE fotografuje jen z okna svého pokoje a z tohoto jediného otvoru vyfotografoval vlastně celý svět. Současná fotografie je spekulativní, manipulovaná a hledající neobvyklosti. AHAE se prostě jen divá, prost uměleckých ambicí a asi právě proto do umění nezpochybnitelně patří. AHAE je také filozofem. Odlesky toho je možné nalézt v jeho basních, ale především v životním názoru jehož kredem je, že “člověk je zodpovědný za své bezprostřední okolí”. To by si měli uvědomit ti, kteří demonstrují proti kácení jihoamerických pralesů, tání ledovců na pólech, ale neumí žít s lidmi kolem sebe. Být zodpovědný za své bezprostřední okolí je jedno z nejdůležitějších poselství dneška. Book on AHAE patří mezi nejvýznačnější publikace roku. Jde o poselství bez pathosu, ale s hlubokou, jemnou a pokornou opravdovostí.
133,51 € 140,54 €

Mapping Silk Road and Beyond

Today the world is focusing unprecedented attention on Asia and the Middle East - rediscovering a cultural, political, and geographical landscape that has fascinated and frustrated Westerners since the time of Alexander the Great. Mapping the Silk Ro ad and Beyond traces the history of the European age of exploration and its lasting effects on these regions through an extensive series of beautifully rendered and imaginative maps drawn by explorers, merchants, and colonial administrators of the ti me. The book focuses on both maritime exploration and overland discovery via the ancient Silk Road: a network of trading posts that encompassed China, Tibet, Pakistan, India, Kurdistan, Iraq, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and dozens of other places known in anc ient times by fabled names, including Abyssinia, Malacca, Macassar, Siam, and Cathay. The maps provide detailed visual keys to the fascinating history of Asia and the Middle East: altogether they illuminate a cast of historical figures ranging from g reat leaders (the Queen of Sheba, Mohammed the prophet, King Charles V) to legendary explorers (Marco Polo, Columbus, Magellan, Sir Francis Drake, Capt. James Cook) and influential cartographers. Mapping the Silk Road and Beyond depicts over eighty m aps organized in clear chronology - from Alexander the Great's map of the world, first created in 323 BC and reproduced in a sixteenth-century atlas, to maps from the nineteenth century by French and Dutch explorers that detail the growing interactio n between Europeans and Eastern cultures. These maps represent the finest examples in existence in museums, libraries, and archives around the world, chosen because they depict the most important milestones in the mapping of Asia.
67,80 € 71,37 €

Míšeňský porcelán 1710 - 2000

Barevná obrazová publikace představuje zejména tvorbu tří osobností, které se nejvíce zasloužily o slávu a věhlas míšeňské manufaktury obrazem i slovem jsou prezentováni i další vybraní modeléři, kteří v rozmezí téměř tří století s míšeňskou porcelánkou s
45,39 € 47,78 €

AssassinS Creed Iv: Black Flag P

Fusing a richly developed universe with thrilling action and sweeping visuals, the "Assassin's Creed(R)" franchise continues to enthrall video game enthusiasts and critics alike, delivering massive hits in the action-adventure genre. Packed with forty high-quality removable posters, this deluxe collection showcases the iconic imagery and concept art that combine to create the distinctive artistic quality of the games, including images from the latest installment in the series: "Assassin's Creed(R) IV: Black Flag"™. Bold and visually striking, "Assassin's Creed(R) The Poster Collection" is a must-have for fans of the thrilling series.
22,79 € 23,99 €

Golf Courses of the World 365 Days

Half of the courses featured in this second edition of Abrams' hugely successful "Golf Courses of the World: 365 Days" are new. Many of the added courses have opened since the first edition was published in 2005 and the best of them have been carefully selected and affectionately described for this new book. Wonderful new photographs by the best golf photographers - 365 magnificent courses illustrated with more than 500 pictures - bring the world of golf home. The new edition has also been completely redesigned with larger type and a two-column format for greater readability. As before, an index of courses includes information for golfers wishing to play the courses.
22,79 € 23,99 €

Life 75 Years

In this deluxe commemorative edition, "LIFE's" editors focus on the publication's achievements more tightly than they ever have before: This is truly the best of everything "LIFE" has accomplished. In these pages are the ten best war photos ever taken for "LIFE"; the ten best photo essays ever to grace our pages (including the works of Capa and Parks and Smith); the ten loveliest pictures from Hollywood (in fact, the ten best pictures of Marilyn Monroe ever taken by such as Halsmann, Eisenstaedt and her dear friend Milton Greene), the ten best sports pictures, and, the ten funniest pictures we ever ran. The ten best pictures from the space race, and the ten most significant pictures to the human race, including Lennart Nilsson's "Life Before Birth." And, here, also, are our mistakes: Ten photographs the editors never ran. The photographs (including the sailor kissing the nurse!) that everyone thinks made the cover, but didn't. "LIFE" is renowned for its photography, of course, but we will excerpt, as well, great words that appeared in our pages: the ten best contributions from Ernest Hemingway, Jacqueline Kennedy, John Steinbeck, Theodore H. White, John Updike, Elmore Leonard and others. This is a premium volume of "LIFE", and beyond its 200-plus pages, which include a review of every "LIFE" cover ever published, there is, included here, the ultimate premium: The first-ever "LIFE" issue, with the Margaret Bourke-White photograph of the Fort Peck Dam on the cover, reprinted in its entirety, at actual size (which was really big 10 1/2" X 14") and able to be detached. We've come a long way: We, you, those places, "LIFE" itself. This book tells, and celebrates, that voyage
22,79 € 23,99 €

Flea Market Style

Full of creative and affordable ideas for interior design and decoration.
22,79 € 23,99 €

Women in Ancient World

From the faithful wife to the powerful queen, the untouchable priestess to the high-living prostitute, the daily lives and roles of women in the ancient world of Greece and Rome, Egypt and the Near East were fascinating and varied, often going beyond the traditional view of a woman's place. Through themes such as domestic life, religion, work, mothers and mourners, stereotypes, costume and the body, this lively book explores the traditions and trends of different cultures, using intriguing juxtapositions of images to compare and contrast the attitudes of each society. The author takes a fresh and thought-provoking look at new ways of viewing these images, pointing out the signs that reveal how a woman is to be viewed, whether as an example of perfect femininity or the object of scorn. Beautifully designed and packed with a wide range of illustrations, from public art to domestic artefacts, many specially photographed, this book reveals compelling details about the everyday lives of women in the ancient world that will delight, inform and entertain all readers, often with surprising resonances for our own time.
22,79 € 23,99 €

Yuko Shimazu

The exceptional illustrator Yuko Shimizu creates her work at the intersection of traditional Japanese graphic prints with surreal comic art. Yuko Shimizu's work deftly melds traditional Japanese graphics with surrealism and comic culture. The New York-based artist and illustrator initiates each project with classic illustration methods. She draws her basic forms and figures with Japanese calligraphy brushes and later digitally supplements them with additional colors and backgrounds. This technique gives her elegant and harmoniously composed images the look of graphic prints. Her science-fiction fantasies and personal creative visions, which are often erotically charged, combine the best of American pop and Japanese comic culture. Yuko Shimizu has won numerous international awards and has done commissioned work for the New Yorker, Rolling Stone, SPIN, Playboy, GQ, Entertainment Weekly, Microsoft, Pepsi, VISA, MTV, and the New York Times.
22,79 € 23,99 €

New Retro

An overview of graphic design with an astute selection of contemporary work that makes great use of past inspiration. Reinterpreting the pastthe greatest form of creative flatterynever goes out of fashion. In the midst of todays technologically dr iven design, there has been a return to the comfort of familiar imagery and typography, particularly from the twentieth century. Drawing on classic examples, New Retro shows how past designs can be updated to suit the needs of today. It features a po rtfolio of the best international designs produced in recent years, presented by application: editorial, packaging, identity, promotional, and type design; and it also includes an historical survey of graphic design, with timelines of key figures and pieces.
22,79 € 23,99 €

Game Of Thrones Poster Collection

Relive the epic drama of HBO's award-winning saga with this stunning poster collection, featuring 40 iconic images from the show. Bringing together incredible stills from "Game of Thrones" depicting unforgettable characters, including Ned Stark, Tyrion Lannister, and Daenerys Targaryen, this collection also showcases HBO's promotional posters for the series. Each poster is easy to remove and perfect for displaying. As it approaches its third season, "Game of Thrones" has become the network's most popular international series. Broadcast in prime time on major channels in more than thirty markets worldwide, the series has a global audience that grows each week. Based on the bestselling book series from George R.R. Martin, "Game of Thrones" features universal themes of power, love, honor, and betrayal, creating an epic story with widespread appeal.
22,79 € 23,99 €

Milujete kvalitné filmy, architektúru, krásne fotografie, výtvarné umenie a dizajn? Chcete vedieť, ako vyzerala Obchodná ulica? Tu nájdete viac o histórii divadla, príručky o hudbe, noty, slovníky, filmové encyklopédie a ročenky.

Toto je priestor, kde sa stretnú tvorivosť, inovácia a estetika. Kategória umenia nám otvára dvere do sveta výrazových médií, ktoré nám umožňujú hĺbkový pohľad na ľudské myšlienky, emócie a skúsenosti.

Tu nájdete pestrú škálu umenia vrátane vizuálneho umenia ako maľba, sochárstvo, fotografie, a tiež literárneho umenia. Kategória umenie vám ponúka príležitosť objaviť diela od umelcov z rôznych časových období a kultúrnych kontextov, čím sa otvára pohľad na rôzne estetické perspektívy.

Sledujeme vývoj umenia od historických majstrov až po súčasných tvorcov, ktorí používajú nové technológie a prístupy na vyjadrenie svojej kreativity. Bez ohľadu na to, či sa zaujímate o tradičné umenie alebo experimentálnu tvorbu, táto kategória vám umožní objaviť rôznorodé prejavy ľudského ducha a predstavivosť.

Zaostrite na krásu v módmej fotografii s Karolom Kállayom. Objavte dokonalú renesančnú osobnosť Leonarda da Vinciho. Zaujímate sa o to, ako vyzerá archív Adidas, alebo skôr o spevník obľúbeneho pesničkára Tomáša Klusa. Toto všetko a mnoho ďalšieho objavíte v tejto sekcii. 

Kategória umenie ponúka literatúru o Architektúre,Dizajne a úžitkovom umení a móde , Fotografii, Výtvarnom umení , Dejinách a teórii umenia, Divadle, Filme a Hudbe - noty, spevníky, príručky.