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Annie Leibovitz, Portraits 2005-2016

Influential photographer Annie Leibovitz presents her remarkable portraits in this re-issue of her acclaimed and bestselling collection. With an essay by Alexandra Fuller and an afterword by Annie Leibovitz Annie Leibovitz: Portraits 2005-2016 is the photographer's follow-up to her two landmark compilations, Annie Leibovitz: Photographs, 1970-1990 and A Photographer's Life, 1990-2005. For this collection, Leibovitz has selected the best and most representative portraits from her work between 2005 and 2016. The pictures document contemporary culture with an artist's eye, wit, and an uncanny ability to personalize even the most recognizable and distinguished figures. There are over 150 subjects in Portraits 2005-2016, including Venus and Serena Williams, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, LeBron James, Sheryl Sandberg, Anna Wintour, Leonard Cohen, Jasper Johns, Caitlyn Jenner, Gloria Steinem, Joan Didion, Barack Obama, and Queen Elizabeth II.
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90,20 € 94,95 €

1000 Years of Joys and Sorrows

Here, through the sweeping lens of his own and his father's life, Ai Weiwei tells an epic tale of China over the last 100 years, from the Cultural Revolution to the modern-day Chinese Communist Party. Here is the story of a childhood spent in desolate exile after his father, Ai Qing, once China's most celebrated poet, fell foul of the authorities. Here is his move to America as a young man and his return to China, his rise from unknown to art-world superstar and international rights activist. Here is his extraordinary account of how his work has been shaped by living under a totalitarian regime. It's the story of a father and a son, of exceptional creativity and passionate belief, and of how two indomitable spirits enabled the world to understand their country.
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13,78 € 14,50 €

Frida Kahlo: The Painter and Her Work

This definitive appreciation of Kahlo's career features gorgeous full-page reproductions and insightful commentary to illuminate connections between the artist's life and work. Few painters have been as celebrated and adopted into popular culture as Frida Kahlo-often to the detriment of her amazing achievements as a painter. In this striking volume, one of the world's foremost scholars on Kahlo's art looks past the hype to focus on the artist's technique and motifs. Reproductions of Kahlo's paintings, along with selected details, are accompanied by illuminating observations about the role of physical and mental suffering in the creative process, Kahlo's mastery and reinvention of European traditions, and the wealth of coded and metaphorical elements hidden in so much of her work. A rich and rewarding exploration of an artist all too easily reduced to a single narrative, this nuanced study is also an exquisitely produced celebration of Kahlo's genius.
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43,65 € 45,95 €
  • 5 /5


Monografická publikácia venovaná tvorbe slovenského výtvarníka, ilustrátora, maliara, grafika a tvorcu poštových známok Igora Piačku. Výpravná, bohato ilustrovaná publikácia mapuje tvorbu a život slovenského výtvarníka Igora Piačku (1962), pričom dôraz je na poslednej dekáde. Knižná ilustrácia, maľba, grafika, kresba, známková tvorba – to všetko sú záujmové oblasti autora, ktorý sa svojou tvorbou presadil aj v medzinárodnom kontexte a získal viacero ocenení. „Kresba je stále skeletom mojej tvorby, ale maľba je zase telom a farba krvou v cievach,“ hovorí v rozhovore Igor Piačka, čím vystihol podstatu svojej tvorby. Tento rozhovor, ale aj ďalšie texty známych osobností čitateľom približujú ústrednú ambíciu tvorby Igora Piačku – divácky zrozumiteľne a na vysokej výtvarnej úrovni predstaviť neutíchajúcu túžbu po tom, čo nám tak často chýba v súčasnom svete: estetiku ľudskej, najmä ženskej krásy. Autorská estetika je zdôraznená vysokým remeselným majstrovstvom, ktorá je umelcovi ako absolventovi legendárneho oddelenia prof. Albína Brunovského na VŠVU v Bratislave vlastná. Monografia má potenciál okrem obdivovateľov slovenského výtvarného umenia a tvorby Igora Piačku osloviť všetkých milovníkov krásy. Publikácia je dvojjazyčná – slovensko-anglická. *** A monograph devoted to the creative work of Slovak artist, illustrator, painter, printmaker and postage stamp designer Igor Piačka. This narrative and richly illustrated book maps the art and life of Igor Piačka (born 1962), with the stress on what he has done in the last decade. Illustrating books, painting, graphic prints, drawing, and designing stamps all interest a man whose work has brought him an international reputation and several major awards. “Drawing is still the skeleton, the framework of my art, while painting is again the body and colour of the blood flowing through the veins,” captures Piačka in an interview the essence of his work. This conversation, and also other texts of well-known personalities in Slovakia’s art scene, provide readers with a closer look at the central ambition behind his art, presenting in a friendly and comprehendible way and yet at a high artistic level an unrelenting desire for what is so often lacking in the contemporary world – the aesthetics of human and especially feminine beauty. They are embodied in his own craftsmanship, developed in the crucible of Prof Albín Brunovský’s legendary department at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, from where Piačka graduated. The monograph has the potential to appeal to those who enjoy beauty in art and additionally anybody that admires the fine art produced in Slovakia and from Igor Piačka. Published in two languages: Slovak and English
Na sklade 2Ks
66,41 € 69,90 €

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Lacná kniha Piačka (-25%)

Monografická publikácia venovaná tvorbe slovenského výtvarníka, ilustrátora, maliara, grafika a tvorcu poštových známok Igora Piačku. Výpravná, bohato ilustrovaná publikácia mapuje tvorbu a život slovenského výtvarníka Igora Piačku (1962), pričom dôraz je na poslednej dekáde. Knižná ilustrácia, maľba, grafika, kresba, známková tvorba – to všetko sú záujmové oblasti autora, ktorý sa svojou tvorbou presadil aj v medzinárodnom kontexte a získal viacero ocenení. „Kresba je stále skeletom mojej tvorby, ale maľba je zase telom a farba krvou v cievach,“ hovorí v rozhovore Igor Piačka, čím vystihol podstatu svojej tvorby. Tento rozhovor, ale aj ďalšie texty známych osobností čitateľom približujú ústrednú ambíciu tvorby Igora Piačku – divácky zrozumiteľne a na vysokej výtvarnej úrovni predstaviť neutíchajúcu túžbu po tom, čo nám tak často chýba v súčasnom svete: estetiku ľudskej, najmä ženskej krásy. Autorská estetika je zdôraznená vysokým remeselným majstrovstvom, ktorá je umelcovi ako absolventovi legendárneho oddelenia prof. Albína Brunovského na VŠVU v Bratislave vlastná. Monografia má potenciál okrem obdivovateľov slovenského výtvarného umenia a tvorby Igora Piačku osloviť všetkých milovníkov krásy. Publikácia je dvojjazyčná – slovensko-anglická. *** A monograph devoted to the creative work of Slovak artist, illustrator, painter, printmaker and postage stamp designer Igor Piačka. This narrative and richly illustrated book maps the art and life of Igor Piačka (born 1962), with the stress on what he has done in the last decade. Illustrating books, painting, graphic prints, drawing, and designing stamps all interest a man whose work has brought him an international reputation and several major awards. “Drawing is still the skeleton, the framework of my art, while painting is again the body and colour of the blood flowing through the veins,” captures Piačka in an interview the essence of his work. This conversation, and also other texts of well-known personalities in Slovakia’s art scene, provide readers with a closer look at the central ambition behind his art, presenting in a friendly and comprehendible way and yet at a high artistic level an unrelenting desire for what is so often lacking in the contemporary world – the aesthetics of human and especially feminine beauty. They are embodied in his own craftsmanship, developed in the crucible of Prof Albín Brunovský’s legendary department at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, from where Piačka graduated. The monograph has the potential to appeal to those who enjoy beauty in art and additionally anybody that admires the fine art produced in Slovakia and from Igor Piačka. Published in two languages: Slovak and English
Na sklade 1Ks
52,43 € 69,90 €

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Sociální fotografie

Fotografie, které neustále pořizujeme a sdílíme, utvářejí naše sociální vazby, reflektují a proměňují společenské hierarchie i to, kým jsme, jak sami sebe vnímáme, po čem toužíme a na co chceme vzpomínat. Nathan Jurgenson se přes analýzu fenoménu selfie nebo oblibu vintage filtrů a fungování sociálních médií jako novodobých archivů dostává k tomu, co lze nazvat nevědomými habity uživatelů kyberprostoru: ty uspokojují potřebu sledované, ale především kontrolované sebeprezentace, byť stále mají formát touhy po zachycení toho nejkrásnějšího okamžiku.
U dodávateľa
11,16 € 11,75 €

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Umění dřeva

Další dřevěná kniha pana Patřičného – cesta dovnitř stromu i pod kůru člověka. Kniha popisuje jak využít obrazy ze dřeva a kresby ve dřevě ve výtvarné práci a jaký bonus mají sochy ze dřeva proti těm z jiných materiálů. Kromě uměleckých objektů na cca 150 barevných fotografiich, tu čtenář najde i kapitolu o autorské knize – ze dřeva, nic takového nikdo jiný nedělá. A poslední kapitola? To je úsměv a vtip ve dřevě, všichni to v téhle době potřebujeme jako sůl.
U dodávateľa
17,41 € 18,33 €

Hlavu vzhůru! Furt se de!

Projekt seznamuje veřejnost s mnohovrstevnatou osobností malířky, ilustrátorky a designérky textilu Marie Fischerové-Kvěchové, která byla odvážnou a emancipovanou ženou, ale také milující matkou a duší vily Sakrabonie v Černošicích, kde se koncentrovalo společenství jedné z mnoha větví rodiny Fischerových. Ti vlastnili prosperující cihelnu v Libčicích nad Vltavou a byli v českých zemích prvními, kteří se na konci 19. století začali s velkým úspěchem věnovat výstavbě zděných továrních komínů a komínů s vodojemy. Masarykův citát Hlavu vzhůru! Furt se de! se stal nejen mottem této části projektu Průmysl a umění, ale zejména heslem rodiny v době, kdy po více než půlstoletí usilovné práce na poli stavebního průmyslu přišel únor 1948 a znárodnění podniků Fischerových. Vedle firem propadly státu i pozemky a mnohé obytné stavby a členové rozvětvené rodiny se museli s tímto převratem vypořádat, najít si jiné uplatnění a nové místo k životu. Marie Fischerová-Kvěchová se prosadila v prostředí do té doby převážně maskulinním jako aktivní žena a tvůrkyně národních hodnot. Multidisciplinární myšlení umělkyně propojovalo volné umění, ilustraci, knižní tvorbu a užité umění. Svoji tvorbu zasvětila třem hlavním tématům, k nimž se neustále vracela: přírodě, lidové kultuře a dětem. Její popularita jako ilustrátorky knih pro děti kulminovala na konci třicátých let a během druhé světové války. Po komunistickém puči v únoru 1948 nemohla veřejně prezentovat své dílo. Jako umělkyně spjatá s masarykovskou demokracií byla označena za vládní malířku z první republiky. Její knihy musely zmizet i z veřejných knihoven a antikvariátů. Přestože bylo vydávání knih s jejími ilustracemi s nástupem komunismu na dlouhá desetiletí přerušeno, její nesmírně bohatá ilustrátorská činnost měla velký ohlas a vliv na utváření estetického cítění dětí několika generací. V její osobnosti se zároveň zrcadlí principy otevřené Evropy a duchovní a demokratické hodnoty první republiky.
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36,53 € 38,45 €

Paintings 1982 - 2022

Paintings 1982 - 2022
Na sklade 1Ks
53,20 € 56,00 €

Chaplintől Pókemberig

"A műfajiság fogalma egyidős a film születésével. Már a filmgyártás hajnalán felmerült az elkészült alkotások kategorizálási igénye, egy olyan szempontrendszer, amely révén a nézők könnyebben tájékozódhatnak a filmek sokasága között, és segítséget kaphatnak az ízlésükhöz legközelebb álló alkotás kiválasztásában. Műfajon (más néven zsáneren) a filmek azon csoportjárt értjük, amelyeket összekötnek az azonos műfaji jegyeik. Az egy zsánerbe tartozó filmeknek ismétlődnek a történeteik, konfliktusaik, visszatérő helyszíneken játszódnak, gyakran formanyelvi hasonlóság is jellemzi őket. A műfaj nem egy kötött fogalom, ha túl sok és sokféle film tartozik egy zsánerbe, az gyakran műfajcsaláddá növi ki magát, s benne szuverén, egymástól független, ámbátor egymással rokonságot mutató műfajok jelennek meg. A műfajokon belül alműfajok is megkülönböztethetők, amelyeken belül tematikák is kialakulhatnak. Ennek megfelelően a műfaji univerzum nem állandó, hanem változó, és a folyamatokban meghatározó szerepet töltenek be a nézői elvárások és a filmet körülvevő társadalmi hatások. Jelen kötet a filmműfajok társadalomtörténeti áttekintésével foglalkozik. Olyan népszerű zsánerek ismertetésére kerül sor, mint a vígjáték, a sci-fi, a fantasy, az akciófilm, a katasztrófafilm, a kalandfilm, a képregényfilm és a háborús film. Valamennyi műfajnak több évtizedes történetisége van, nagyszámú filmpéldával a múltból és jelenből egyaránt. A kötet átfogó képet kíván nyújtani a tárgyalt műfajok társadalomtörténetéről a kezdetektől napjainkig. A Chaplintől Pókemberig - Filmműfajok társadalomtörténete a Filmanatómia-sorozat korábbi könyveihez hasonlóan ezúttal is értő közönség és a műkedvelő laikus számára egyaránt olvasmányos és szórakoztató formában, számtalan ismert film segítségével kívánja bemutatni és a nézőhöz/olvasóhoz közelebb hozni a manapság legnépszerűbb, legismertebb filmműfajokat."
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12,23 € 12,87 €

Experience of Architecture and Art

This book neatly depicts the tension between two different artistic media in the work of Le Corbusier. It is said he used to paint in the morning before spending the afternoon in his design studio. In the 1920s when he co-founded the "purist" movement, the forms in his paintings found their way into his buildings, and vice versa. But his later works show a different sort of synthesis - the remarkable Ronchamp pilgrimage chapel, with its shadows and coloured light, achieved an almost painterly effect - but without paint. This book explores this theme in six French locations where the work of Le Corbusier is to be found - Notre Dame du Haut at Ronchamp, Firminy, Saint-Marie-de-la-tourette at Lyon, E 1027 at Roquebrune-Cap-Martin (which features the architect's figurative murals as interior decoration) and the nearby Le Cabanon.
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14,20 € 14,95 €

Fifth Avenue

Fifth Avenue: From Washington Square to Marcus Garvey Park presents an in-depth exploration of architecture along one of the world's most iconic streets: New York City's fabled Fifth Avenue. Through six fact-filled walking tours, this accessible illustrated guide takes readers along the entire length of Fifth Avenue, studying its architecture block by block, building by building, offering the chance to discover exceptional and unusual structures across Greenwich Village, Midtown, the Upper East Side, and Harlem. Heavily illustrated with more than 300 images and practical graphic maps that mark the stops along each route, Fifth Avenue spotlights hundreds of buildings, from familiar tourist destinations to lesser-known gems. Featured are, of course, major monuments including the Empire State Building, New York Public Library, Rockefeller Center, and Saint Patrick's Cathedral; luxurious shops such as Tiffany's, Cartier, and Bulgari; elegant hotels like the St. Regis and the Plaza; and the art treasures of Museum Mile on view at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim, the Jewish Museum, and the Museum of the City of New York. Each of the walks offers a fascinating glimpse into the evolution of architectural styles, from the Beaux-Arts mansions of the turn of the twentieth century to the striking contemporary structures such as the glass flagship stores of Nike, Armani, and the towering One Vanderbilt. Highlights also include works by distinguished architects such as Richard Morris Hunt, Stanford White, and Frank Lloyd Wright and contemporary leaders like Rem Koolhaas and Bjarke Ingels. Written as both a fireside and curbside read, this new book is essential for the curious architecture lover touring the New York streets, as well as anyone looking to gain a comprehensive understanding of the historic, social, and economic forces that shaped Fifth Avenue's growth and character.
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31,30 € 32,95 €

The Blue Pearl: Ibiza

As an innovator in the construction and real estate market in Ibiza for more than twenty-five years, The Blue Pearl is most people's first and only port of call when it comes to turning their dreams of an island home into a reality. The Blue Pearl covers all aspects of construction, remodelling and renovation, from a minor refurbishment to a complete new build. With a profound understanding of the local housing market and an extensive portfolio of properties and clients, the team at The Blue Pearl is equipped to find anyone with their dream home or the right buyer. With a combination of white and natural stone blended seamlessly with wooden beams, the Blue Pearl houses embrace the simplicity and tranquility of the traditional vernacular architecture of the Ballearic islands.
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33,20 € 34,95 €

The Story of Art without Men

How many women artists do you know? Who makes art history? Did women even work as artists before the twentieth century? And what is the Baroque anyway? Have your sense of art history overturned, and your eyes opened to many art forms often overlooked or dismissed. From the Cornish coast to Manhattan, Nigeria to Japan, this is the story of art for our times - one with women at its heart, brought together for the first time by the creator of @thegreatwomenartists.
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37,00 € 38,95 €

Roger Ballen: Boyhood

This new and expanded edition of Roger Ballen's widely acclaimed 1979 photobook Boyhood features new and unpublished images taken by the photographer in the '70. Quoted by Andre Kertesz, Bruce Davidson and Elliott Erwitt as a rare and intimate view of the spirit of youth, these images are able to bring back the childhood of everyone. In photographs and stories, Ballen leads us across the continents of Europe, Asia, and North America in search of boyhood: boyhood as it is lived in the Himalayas of Nepal, the islands of Indonesia, the provinces of China, the streets of America. Each stunning black and white photograph (culled from 15,000 boy photos shot during Ballen's four-year quest of his subject) depicts the magic of boys revealed in their games, their adventures, their dreams, their mischief. Boyhood is able to connect boys all around the world across the borders of nationality and culture. More of an ode or a memory than a literal document, Ballen's first book is as powerful and current today as it was 43 years ago presenting a stunning series of timeless images that transcend social and cultural particularities.
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55,05 € 57,95 €

Science Illustration

Science and illustration have always walked hand in hand, and not only the scientific community but the general public as well have used images since early history to understand natural phenomena. Moreover, from Galileo to Einstein, our modern history has been written with the key support of art and with all the insights it contributes. This XL-sized book collects more than 300 graphic works that range from original sketches to technical drawings, and from meticulous hand illustrations to computer-generated images. The Western scientific revolution that started in the 14th century catapulted humankind into a completely new way of understanding how nature and the world around us behaved. Whether it was diseases caused by viruses or the vast galaxies of the cosmos, a new army of professionals turned their minds to unlocking and reshaping the universe of our experience with a dialectic positioned between theory and evidence. The field of illustration and the development of knowledge became inseparably intertwined, as can be seen by the majestic works shown in this book that were produced by the scientists and artists who specialized in this combined field. Explore here the work of more than 700 scientists and over 300 discoveries in anatomy, physics, chemistry, astronomy, mechanics, and many other scientific fields, through the visual works that bring them to life. Combined with detailed texts explaining their scientific significance, the illustrations in this book introduce the work of such pionieering scientists as Andreas Vesalius, Isaac Newton, Marie Curie, and Rosalind Franklin. The visualizations themselves present game-changing ideas and discoveries from the 15th century to the present day, notably including Galileo's watercolors of the moon, Bourgery's unparalleled Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery, Florence Nightingale's statistical diagrams to indicate war casualties, and Einstein's quickly scribbled ideas for his general theory of relativity. Many discoveries in science take place as the result of counterintuitive thinking, and in order to visualize their work scientists have to connect with the resources of collective knowledge and in turn convey new information back to people. This book is for everyone who is continually amazed by the wonders of our world and who wants to find out more about it through the remarkable illustrations used to present advances in scientific understanding.
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62,65 € 65,95 €

Interiors - The Greatest Rooms of the Century (Black Edition)

The acclaimed and stunning collection of the best living spaces created and commissioned by the most influential people in interior design Phaidon's much-lauded Interiors: The Greatest Rooms of the Century is the ultimate global celebration of residential interior design and decorating. With 400 rooms organized by designer from A-Z, the book goes beyond decorators, designers, and architects to highlight exquisite interiors designed by fashion designers, artists, style icons, and film stars, each of whom has made a unique contribution to the world of interior design. Ranging from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day, the book features everything from chateaux, town houses, and penthouses to desert ranches, beach houses, and tiny apartments in more than 25 countries. This is the essential inspirational source book for design aficionados, anyone who is interested in beautiful rooms, and for everyone who cares about the spaces in which they live. Features the 'greats' of interior design, such as Elsie de Wolfe, Billy Baldwin, and Colefax & Fowler, alongside contemporary stars such as Anouska Hempel, Kelly Hoppen, and Karim Rashid. Fashion designer's homes featured include those of Giorgio Armani, Gianni Versace, Yves Saint Laurent, Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, and Calvin Klein. Artists' and art collectors' homes include those of Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Donald Judd, Georgia O'Keeffe, Cy Twombly, and Peggy Guggenheim. Includes stunning rooms designed or commissioned by Jennifer Aniston, Meg Ryan, Anjelica Huston, Madonna, Gloria Vanderbilt, Nelson Rockefeller, and Jacqueline Kennedy.
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74,05 € 77,95 €

Olafur Eliasson, Experience

An updated and expanded edition of the acclaimed in-depth monograph on one of the most influential artists of our time Conceived in close collaboration with the artist, this updated survey tracks Eliasson's artistic practice from the 1990s to the present day, including recent exhibitions at Tate Modern, London (In real life, 2019) and the Beyeler Foundation, Basel (Life, 2021). Through hundreds of illustrations bracketed by writings on and by Eliasson, this book provides an unparalleled overview of his remarkably accessible output, from such large-scale interactive experiences as The weather project at Tate Modern, London (2003) to smaller, more delicate works on paper or made of glass, and includes photography, painting, and film.
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83,55 € 87,95 €

Diane Arbus Documents

Known for her evocative portraits, Diane Arbus is a pivotal figure in American postwar photography. Undeniably striking, Arbus's black-and-white photographs capture a unique gaze. Criticized as well as lauded for her photographs of people deemed "outsiders," Arbus continues to attract a diversity of opinions surrounding her subjects and practice. Critics and writers have described her work as "sinister" and "appalling" as well as "revelatory," "sincere," and "compassionate." In the absence of Arbus's own voice, art criticism and cultural shifts have shaped the language attributed to her work. Organized in eleven sections that focus on major exhibitions and significant events in Arbus's life, as well as on her practice and her subjects, the seventy facsimiles of articles and essays--an archive by all accounts--trace the discourse on Diane Arbus, contextualizing her hugely successful oeuvre. Also with an annotated bibliography of more than six hundred entries and a comprehensive exhibition history, Documents serves as an important resource for photographers, researchers, art historians, and art critics, in addition to students of art criticism and the interested reader alike.
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90,25 € 95,00 €

Milujete kvalitné filmy, architektúru, krásne fotografie, výtvarné umenie a dizajn? Chcete vedieť, ako vyzerala Obchodná ulica? Tu nájdete viac o histórii divadla, príručky o hudbe, noty, slovníky, filmové encyklopédie a ročenky.

Toto je priestor, kde sa stretnú tvorivosť, inovácia a estetika. Kategória umenia nám otvára dvere do sveta výrazových médií, ktoré nám umožňujú hĺbkový pohľad na ľudské myšlienky, emócie a skúsenosti.

Tu nájdete pestrú škálu umenia vrátane vizuálneho umenia ako maľba, sochárstvo, fotografie, a tiež literárneho umenia. Kategória umenie vám ponúka príležitosť objaviť diela od umelcov z rôznych časových období a kultúrnych kontextov, čím sa otvára pohľad na rôzne estetické perspektívy.

Sledujeme vývoj umenia od historických majstrov až po súčasných tvorcov, ktorí používajú nové technológie a prístupy na vyjadrenie svojej kreativity. Bez ohľadu na to, či sa zaujímate o tradičné umenie alebo experimentálnu tvorbu, táto kategória vám umožní objaviť rôznorodé prejavy ľudského ducha a predstavivosť.

Zaostrite na krásu v módmej fotografii s Karolom Kállayom. Objavte dokonalú renesančnú osobnosť Leonarda da Vinciho. Zaujímate sa o to, ako vyzerá archív Adidas, alebo skôr o spevník obľúbeneho pesničkára Tomáša Klusa. Toto všetko a mnoho ďalšieho objavíte v tejto sekcii. 

Kategória umenie ponúka literatúru o Architektúre,Dizajne a úžitkovom umení a móde , Fotografii, Výtvarnom umení , Dejinách a teórii umenia, Divadle, Filme a Hudbe - noty, spevníky, príručky.