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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Umenie strana 84 z 500

Knižné bestsellery nesmú v našej ponuke rozhodne chýbať. Najpredávanejšie a najobľúbenejšie knihy slávnych spisovateľov vás vtiahnu do deja a ponúknu vám množstvo skvelých príbehov. Vyberte si žáner, ktorý je vám najbližší alebo darujte najnovšie knižné bestsellery ako darček svojim blízkym.

Za hranice fotografie. Beyond photography

Eva Heyd je profesionální fotografka, novinářka, spisovatelska a kurátorka. Především je však výtvarnice, která pracuje a experimentuje s fotografickým obrazem. Tato kniha představuje reminiscenci její více než čtyřicetileté tvorby, jež zahrnuje klasické fotografie, fotomontáže, koláže i trojrozměrné objekty. Výtvarné aktivity autorky byly zásadně ovlivněny její emigrací do USA v polovině osmdesátých let. Zatímco její raná česká díla nepřesahují rámec klasické černobílé fotografie, v New Yorku, kde žila dvacet let, začíná experimentovat s daným médiem a překračuje jeho hranice.
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36,05 € 37,95 €

I know Kung Fu

Known for its deft stunt-like movements, ‘kung fu’ is a form of Chinese martial arts that originally referred to any study requiring patience, energy, and time to complete. Over the last few decades, it has exploded in mainstream culture, due to its influence and appearances on Western screens, as well as the proliferation and growing interest in Eastern cinema. In fact, it has been said that the definition of ‘kung fu’ as we know it today can be attributed to mistranslations of subtitles or dubbing! I Know Kung Fu! takes an intriguing look at the stars and shows that have made it what it is through the bold and characterful drawings of Hong Kong cult illustrator Rex Koo, who was inspired by ‘kung fu’ flicks from the 1980s and 1990s. Coupled with bite-sized information on famous techniques/weapons and comic strips, it is a must-have collectors’ item for fans of the martial art and those who wish to see it through a new lens.
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36,05 € 37,95 €

In memoriam Marie Váchalové

Reprint knihy, kterou Josef Váchal vydal v roce 1923 v nákladu 25 výtisků. Kniha obsahuje jedinečnou kolekci 45 barevných a 20 černobílých dřevorytů. Sebezpytný text, který netypicky postrádá ironii, odhaluje – krom jiného – peripetie Váchalova vztahu k zesnulé první ženě a k nové lásce Marii Mackové.
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36,05 € 37,95 €

Theodor Pištěk, Jan Pištěk - Dva světy / Two Worlds

Kniha zachycuje jedinečné setkání Theodora a Jana Pištěka, otce a syna, dvou vynikajících malířů, kteří se představili v roce 2022 na přehlídce Dva světy v pražské Galerii Villa Pellé. Šlo o významnou událost: přes nejužší příbuzenskou vazbu totiž společně nikdy nevystavovali. Theodor je klíčovou osobností hyperrealistického malířství a jeho tvorba kostýmního návrháře mu přinesla světové uznání. Jan zaujímá důležité postavení v postmoderní generaci, jež vstoupila na uměleckou scénu na přelomu osmdesátých a devadesátých 20. století. Každý má svůj nezaměnitelný styl vycházející z osobitého vidění skutečnosti a oba jsou perfekcionisti. Kniha přibližuje úctyhodné rodinné kořeny, ukazuje všechny vystavené obrazy a plastiky a zároveň pro budoucnosti uchovává podobu přehlídky, jež měla mimořádný divácký ohlas.
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36,05 € 37,95 €

Patternmaking for Womenswear: A Reference Guide: Constructing Base Patterns, Vol. 1: Skirts

Developed by fashion designer and teacher Dominique Pellen, the patternmaking method is explained in this book in a simple, clear, precise, highly detailed manner, and covers the information necessary for creating every style of skirt one could imagine. This bookcontains the perfect method for creating skirts, explained in a simple, clear, precise, highly detailed manner. It covers the information necessary for drafting flat patterns for just about every style there is, and can easily be adapted to all skill levels. Flat-pattern drafting is the process of creating volume from a 2-D surface by outlining a pattern on paper, using specific body measurements to which ease is added according to the desired look of thegarment. Developed by fashion designer and teacher Dominique Pellen after countless years of experience in the studio and in the classroom, the method for the creation and adaptation of flat patterns contained here in is suitable for avast audience, including professionals, students and simply anyone who loves to sew. The book has already been used at professional schools and institutes, where Pellen's method has proven to be reliable and foolproof. This expandedand updated volume on skirts, which includes QR codes linking to explanatory videos, is the first in a series of guides that will explore the exciting world of garment-making, a gateway that is designed to help clothiers understand and design patterns on their own. AUTHOR: Passionate aboutthe arts, Dominique Pellen began his career with studies in drawing and painting, focusing his artistic career on fashionillustration, design and patternmaking. He has alternated collaborations with different international couturiers and brands with consulting, teaching and lectures on styling, design and patternmaking at one of the world's most respected fashion institutions, the exclusive Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne (the Haute Couture Trade Association of Paris, France, whose membersinclude most emblematic brands, such as Dior, Lanvin, Balmain, Mandel and Anne Valerie Hash), known today as the Institut Francais de la Mode. SELLING POINTS: . Pellen's method has been developed to explore the fundamentals of how clothing is made by flat pattern drafting, explaining step-by-step and in detail the making of clothing, from the simplest styles to the most complex . From one chapter to the next, readers will learn the fundamental skills necessary to master the essentials of constructing women's skirts . This book includes QR codes for video explanations . The instructions are easy to follow and each step is explained in detail and clearly illustrated 350 illustrations
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36,05 € 37,95 €

Obrazy z dějin českého loutkářství

Kniha Obrazy z dějin českého loutkářství seznamuje čtenáře populárně naučnou formou s významným fenoménem české kultury - loutkářstvím. Bohatě obrazově vybavená kniha se zabývá jednotlivými úseky dějin českého loutkářství: vznikem loutkářské tradice v českých zemích, životem kočovných lidových loutkářů, rodinným a spolkovým loutkovým divadlem i výtvarnou podobou loutek a dekorací. Přední odborníci v oboru loutkářství v jednotlivých kapitolách přibližují srozumitelně a poutavě etapy, kterými české loutkářství ve svém vývoji prošlo. Dosud nepublikované historické obrazové materiály ze sbírky Muzea loutkářských kultur v Chrudimi i brilantní a hravé fotografie loutek z jeho fondů nabízejí odborníkům i milovníkům loutkového divadla ucelený vhled do dějin českého loutkářství a názorně ukazují, jak silně spoluutvářelo naši divadelní kulturu, bez ohledu na to, že nespravedlivě dlouho nebylo chápáno jako "velké umění". Tato kniha je přirozenou součástí jeho rehabilitace. Všechny kapitoly mají resumé v angličtině, popisky k reprodukcím jsou dvoujazyčné.
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36,05 € 37,95 €

The Ultimate Art Museum

Visit the world's greatest museum without leaving your home through this imaginary art museum - a visually spectacular survey of world art for middle-grade readers, curated in collaboration with a global team of experts and educators This imaginary art museum is an educational and inspiring experience without the constraints of space and time. Discover beautiful reproductions from pre-history to the present, arranged in easy-to-navigate, colour-coded wings, galleries, and rooms, each with an informative narrative guide. Marvel at its remarkable range of styles and mediums - from classic to contemporary, and from paintings and sculptures to photographs and textiles. With a fold-out museum map and floor plans to follow, and interactive cross-referencing activities, this museum-in-a-book spotlights the iconic and important works and movements in art history and provides the perfect introduction to the history of human creativity. Curated in collaboration with the team of experts and educators behind Phaidon's groundbreaking global bestseller The Art Museum, which won acclaim from the New York Times, The Times, NPR, Vogue, and more - and a starred Library Journal review. Every single piece in this book was selected to illustrate important historical, cultural, and artistic facts, not only in order to give children a comprehensive foundation in world art history, but to also share with them the idea that art history is a culmination of 40,000 years of people sharing themes, ideas, techniques and incredible creativity across time and space. With its lavish page size and over 300 wonderfully diverse artworks, this book is the ultimate resource for all art-hungry children and their parents.
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36,05 € 37,95 €

Czech Nature Photo - fotografie a jejich příběhy

Kniha Czech Nature Photo obsahuje všechny oceněné fotografie z uplynulých pěti ročníků a jejich příběhy vzniku. Součástí jsou i snímky českých a zahraničních porotců jako je například Ami Vitale, Peter Delaney, Michal Krause, Václav Šilha, Pavel Krásenský, Miroslav Bobek, Petr Bambousek a fotografie z premiérové výstavy při zahájení soutěže. V knize je zastoupeno celkem 95 autorů.
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36,05 € 37,95 €


Minimalist design has grown into a popular and timeless aesthetic due to its emphasis on uncluttered spaces and the exclusion of unnecessary elements, making it the perfect anecdote to the chaos of modern life. However, although it works across a variety of mediums--spanning visual identities and interiors--some may find its rigour and restraint too dull or lacking in character visually.As such, the maximalism movement has been gaining more and more momentum of late. Instead of extolling 'less is more' and paring everything down to a bare minimum, creatives are expressing themselves in bigger, bolder, and brighter ways that brim with personality. Whether it is by mixing clashing colours or matching disparate patterns and elements, 'More is More' is an ode to the fearless few who deftly break design rules and push the boundaries to make eye-catching statements.
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36,05 € 37,95 €

Gravitační pole nevyslovitelného

V publikaci Gravitační pole nevyslovitelného dochází k setkání dialogu jazyka poezie a výtvarného umění. Kniha je záznamem dialogu významného anglického sochaře Antonyho Gormleye a české autorky poezie Pavly Melkové, v němž se postupně vyjevovala příbuznost cíle hledaného a obou jazyků na cestě k němu. Linie slov básně i čáry kresby jsou stopy přibližování k tvaru podstaty - světa, našeho života, vztahů, situací. Jsou stopami jeho obkružování, tahy imaginace. Tahy slov poezie a tahy linií kreseb v této knize obkružují tentýž střed a odvíjí se od stejného horizontu. Křížení stop zpřesňuje obrys. V ponoření do tahů skrze vědomí se objevuje jeden společný jazyk. A v tom je smysl jejich setkání. Kniha vychází dvojjazyčně, tak aby byla plnohodnotným dialogem obou autorů a přístupná v obou jazykových prostředích. Je také důležitým příspěvkem v přiblížení Antonyho Gormleye českému čtenáři, o kterém v českém jazyce doposud nevyšla žádná publikace. Kniha zároveň interpretuje kresby Antonyho Gormleye, které podobným způsobem nebyly zatím knižně uchopeny.
Na sklade 1Ks
36,05 € 37,95 €

Beat Generation

Kniha navazuje na legendární seriál Beat Generation, který vycházel v časopise Muzikus v letech 2001 –2007. Najdete zde to nejlepší z tohoto seriálu a ještě mnoho dalšího: rozsáhlé profily 18 nejvýznamnějších hráčů, krátké profily dalších 70 bubeníků, schémata souprav, historii hry na bicí, popis vývoje bicí soupravy a seznam těch nejdůležitějších hardrockových nahrávek. To vše doplněno jedinečnými snímky Carla Dunna – fotografa, který spolupracoval s The Who, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple a dalšími slavnými kapelami.
14,61 € 15,38 €

Women Street Artists

If street art is, in itself, an act of rebellion, it is tragically ironic that the genre seems dominated by men. This exciting book is an important first step in shedding light on the substantial number of women who are gaining fame in the street art world. It brings together the work of 24 artists, through dazzling photographs of their work and intimate portraits of their lives based on interviews collected by award-winning journalist Alessandra Mattanza. On walls, sidewalks, prison cells, grain silos and other nontraditional canvases, these artists tackle ideas around empowerment, feminism, the pink revolution, body shaming and body imagery, racism, and the climate crisis. From Oklahoma City and Brooklyn, Tatyana Fazlalizadeh makes site specific work that considers how people experience race and gender within their surrounding environments. South African multidisciplinary artist Faith XLVII imbues her narratives with a longing for a deeper connection to nature, and a resurrection of the divine feminine. Italy's Camilla Falsini incorporates joyful, bold colors and simple shapes to deliver serious messages about the environment. Shamsia Hassani, one of Afghanistan's first female street artists, makes vibrant murals and paintings in which women play musical instruments as a vehicle for self-expression. Bursting with colorful photographs of works in situ as well as in detail, this thrilling and incisive book proves that street art is not only female-it's the essence of conceptual rebellion itself.
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37,00 € 38,95 €

The Cure - Pictures of You

WITH A FOREWORD BY ROBERT SMITH The definitive collection of renowned photographer Tom Sheehan's images of The Cure – with photographs seen here for the very first time. Spanning three decades, more than 20 sessions and hundreds of images, Tom Sheehan's photographs of The Cure are a breathtaking visual chronicle of the most important alternative rock band in the world. Encompassing early portraits, epic live shows, studio sessions and snatched moments on tour around the world, Sheehan's photographs capture the band's journey from cult heroes to global rock stars. Many of the images published in this brand new book have never been seen anywhere before now. Beautifully presented in a cloth-bound hardback and featuring a new, original four-part biography by acclaimed author Simon Goddard, this is the ultimate collection of Sheehan's work, indispensable to any fan of The Cure.
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37,00 € 38,95 €

True Russia

A picture can perhaps not change the world, but it can increase our understanding of it. In True Russia, Ukrainian-born photographer Alexander Petrosyan brings us on a journey through the lives of the inhabitants of St Petersburg. His ambition is to stop the beholder in their tracks and wonder what is really happening.
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37,00 € 38,95 €

Flip the Script

Hip hop has long been a vehicle for protest in the United States, used by its primarily African American creators to address issues of prejudice, repression, and exclusion. But the music is now a worldwide phenomenon, and outside the United States it has been taken up by those facing similar struggles. Flip the Script offers a close look at the role of hip hop in Europe, where it has become a politically powerful and commercially successful form of expression for the children and grandchildren of immigrants from former colonies. Through analysis of recorded music and other media, as well as interviews and fieldwork with hip hop communities, J. Griffith Rollefson shows how this music created by black Americans is deployed by Senegalese Parisians, Turkish Berliners, and South Asian Londoners to both differentiate themselves from and relate themselves to the dominant culture. By listening closely to the ways these postcolonial citizens in Europe express their solidarity with African Americans through music, Rollefson shows, we can literally hear the hybrid realities of a global double consciousness.
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37,00 € 38,95 €

Industrial Interiors

Industrial style or "industrial chic" refers to an aesthetic trend in interior design that has been popular since the start of the 21st century and which takes inspiration from old factories and industrial spaces that in recent years have been converted into lofts and other living spaces. Components of industrial style include weathered wood, exposed brick, industrial lighting, fixtures and concrete. Old factory spaces are often characterized by their spaciousness, high ceilings, large windows and special finishes.This guide to interior design sets out to convey the atmosphere of the industrial style and how it influences contemporary interior design in domestic and hospitality settings.
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37,00 € 38,95 €

Face Time

'Comprehensive and groundbreaking' Amateur Photographer From the daguerreotype to the digital age, Face Time is an accessible introduction to one of photography's most popular subjects: ourselves. With over 250 illustrations, it presents rarely seen treasures alongside works by the greatest names in photography, including nineteenth-century pioneers Hippolyte Bayard and Julia Margaret Cameron, twentieth-century masters Edward Weston, Lee Miller and Richard Avedon, and contemporary groundbreakers Newsha Tavakolian, Rineke Dijkstra and Zanele Muholi. It also immortalizes some of photography's most iconic subjects, such as Queen Elizabeth II, Barack Obama, Marilyn Monroe, Frida Kahlo and many others. Transcending time and space, the book adopts a fresh, thematic approach to the history of photographic portraiture in eight chapters, tracing a wide range of applications and influences across the spheres of art, advertising, anthropology, fashion, narrative, documentary and vernacular photography. Informative and insightful introductions to each theme are followed by unexpected and thought-provoking curations of photographs, as well as detailed commentaries on key images. The result is an ambitiously curated and visually entertaining introduction to the history and themes of photographic portraiture, and an inspiring journey through the ever-elusive question of human identity.
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37,00 € 38,95 €

Music: The Definitive Visual History

A complete and harmonious history of music, from prehistory to the present day! Have you ever wondered how blues influenced rock music? Or why jazz went Latin? Classical or rock, everyone has their favourite music style, but how did your top choice come about? If you find yourself asking these musical questions and more, then this may be the book for you! Music is a compelling and richly illustrated history of the most unifying art form in the world. Explore the roots of all genres from chants of the middle ages through the grandeur of the classical period to the modern rhythm of blues, jazz, hip-hop, and pop. Music includes illustrated histories of instruments and listening suggestions for each musical genre. Spectacular galleries display families of instruments from around the world, while special features showcase the evolution of key instruments, such as the piano and the guitar, and profile iconic innovators such as Mozart, Billie Holiday, and David Bowie. Charting every musical revolution, from bone flutes to electronica and from jazz to hip-hop, this visually stunning history of music will hit the right note, whether you are into pop or rock, or disco or rap, classical or opera. Explore the magical world of music like you've never known it before, and discover: -Revolutionary musical developments outlined step by step -Biographies profiling the lives and works of groundbreaking musicians -Collection spreads feature families of instruments, such as the gamelan -"Story of" spreads chart the evolution of individual instruments -Key Works boxes provide listening suggestions for different music styles -Illustrated glossary clearly explains musical terminology and genres This magnificent book about music charts and explains the entire global history of music, whether it's music in the Middle Ages, to the Sounds of Soul, music in the Romance period to Renaissance and so much more. This new edition of Music has been updated with the latest facts and information, including the latest on streaming music, with specially-comissioned photography including a Stradivarus guitar, the earliest cello known to survice and a guitar used personally by Bob Dylan! A must-have volume for musicians, music students or simply those wanting to learn about the history of their favourite music genre or their chosen instrument, Music is sure to delight!
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37,00 € 38,95 €

Milujete kvalitné filmy, architektúru, krásne fotografie, výtvarné umenie a dizajn? Chcete vedieť, ako vyzerala Obchodná ulica? Tu nájdete viac o histórii divadla, príručky o hudbe, noty, slovníky, filmové encyklopédie a ročenky.

Toto je priestor, kde sa stretnú tvorivosť, inovácia a estetika. Kategória umenia nám otvára dvere do sveta výrazových médií, ktoré nám umožňujú hĺbkový pohľad na ľudské myšlienky, emócie a skúsenosti.

Tu nájdete pestrú škálu umenia vrátane vizuálneho umenia ako maľba, sochárstvo, fotografie, a tiež literárneho umenia. Kategória umenie vám ponúka príležitosť objaviť diela od umelcov z rôznych časových období a kultúrnych kontextov, čím sa otvára pohľad na rôzne estetické perspektívy.

Sledujeme vývoj umenia od historických majstrov až po súčasných tvorcov, ktorí používajú nové technológie a prístupy na vyjadrenie svojej kreativity. Bez ohľadu na to, či sa zaujímate o tradičné umenie alebo experimentálnu tvorbu, táto kategória vám umožní objaviť rôznorodé prejavy ľudského ducha a predstavivosť.

Zaostrite na krásu v módmej fotografii s Karolom Kállayom. Objavte dokonalú renesančnú osobnosť Leonarda da Vinciho. Zaujímate sa o to, ako vyzerá archív Adidas, alebo skôr o spevník obľúbeneho pesničkára Tomáša Klusa. Toto všetko a mnoho ďalšieho objavíte v tejto sekcii. 

Kategória umenie ponúka literatúru o Architektúre,Dizajne a úžitkovom umení a móde , Fotografii, Výtvarnom umení , Dejinách a teórii umenia, Divadle, Filme a Hudbe - noty, spevníky, príručky.