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Anselm Kiefer

Anselm Kiefer (b. 1945) is one of the most important and controversial artists at work in the world today. Through such diverse mediums as painting, photography, artists books, installations and sculpture, he has interpreted the great political and cultural issues at the heart of the modern European sensibility: the connections among memory, history and mythology; war; the Holocaust; and ethnic and national identity. In this extensively illustrated volume, available again in a new, compact format, Arasse analyses Kiefer's education, influences, philosophy and art, while demonstrating the unity and continuity of his work. Arasse takes as his starting point the 1980 Venice Biennale, a key moment in the artists career that marked the birth of both his international reputation and the controversy over the Germanness of his work. Organized both chronologically and according to the artists recurrent motifs, the books approximately 250 full-colour images trace Kiefer's creative evolution, and present his great themes in their full scope and power.
32,78 € 34,50 €

Tři oříšky pro Popelku

Romantický příběh udělal z křehké a krásné Libuše Šafránkové už navždy Popelku a z charismatického Pavla Trávníčka prince. Jak nesmrtelný film, který je dodnes populární skoro po celé Evropě a své fanoušky má i mimo kontinent, vznikal? Kdo ho měl původně režírovat, proč se nakonec nenatáčel v létě, a která herečka měla hrát Popelku? O tom všem je tato výpravná kniha, která přináší příběh kouzelného filmu i jeho herců. Exkluzivní rozhovory do knihy poskytl nejen režisér Václav Vorlíček a Popelka Libuše Šafránková s princem Pavlem Trávníčkem, ale i herci Rolf Hoppe (král), Dana Hlaváčová (Dora), Vítězslav Jandák (Kamil) a Ilona Jirotková (děvečka). Nechybí ani životopisné profilky všech herců a tvůrců a stovka exkluzivních a mnohdy dosud nepublikovaných fotografií Jaromíra Komárka, který byl oficiálním fotografem filmu.
15,63 € 16,45 €

Lacná kniha Living with stone (-70%)

Its presence in architectural history proves that few materials provide as much security and warmth as stone. This book contains a selection of stone built houses, an optimal choice for those looking to retreat from the noise, pollution and stress of big city living and who long to live in a more natural environment. In addition to being a source of inspiration, this volume serves as a visual guide to the different types of stone and their applications in structures, finishes and decoration.
5,99 € 19,95 €

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Lacná kniha Nude Photography (-70%)

Kompilace 500 stran krásných estetických černobílých erotických snímků. Potěšte se čistými a okouzlujícími fotografiemi.
5,99 € 19,95 €

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Lacná kniha Codices Illustres (-90%)

Famous Manuscripts. This is the fascinating world of medieval miniature painting and illumination. From The Book of Kells to Boccaccio's Decameron and from the Vienna Genesis to Dante's Divine Comedy - see the breathtaking originals of 167 of the greatest classics of all time. This lavishly produced book introduces the reader to the fascinating world of medieval miniature painting and illumination. 167 of the most beautiful and important medieval scripts from the 4th century to 1600 are presented in chronological order and described in full. Each sample of script is headed by highly informative synopses which serves to orient the reader at a glance. These synopses-together with the abundance of brilliant, large-format reproductions-make this book unparalleled in its field. Although the focus is on European manuscripts (French, Dutch, German, Italian, English and Spanish), examples have also been selected to illustrate the refinement and intricacy of manuscript illumination from non-European cultures (Mexican, Persian, Indian, Ottoman etc.). A 36-page appendix contains biographies of the artists as well as an extensive bibliography, an index and, most importantly, a glossary in which the technical terms used in the book can quickly be found. This is a rare opportunity to come face-to-face with incredibly precious treasures that one would otherwise never see, treasures once belonging to emperors and kings, and now worth many millions. This edition by TASCHEN author editor Ingo F. Walther, is now available in a new format.
3,40 € 33,95 €

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The sites depicted in LaChapelle's LAND SCAPE represent the globally networked industrial infrastructure of oil production and distribution. The gas stations and refineries that populate iconic locations are staged as architectural avatars of a planet coping with the stresses of peak-oil - even as the buildings' dazzling spectacle and retro-future aesthetic distracts from the dangers of their function. Both bodies of work use handcrafted scale models, constructed of cardboard and a vast array of recycled materials from egg cartons to tea canisters, hair curlers, and other by-products of our petroleum-based, disposability-obsessed culture.
39,85 € 41,95 €

Photography Vol.4

This fourth and final volume in the Photography series addresses the major themes of contemporary photography and the issues regarding the production and use of photographs in present-day society. With the advent of digital technology and the Internet, the late twentieth and early twenty-first century have marked a crucial milestone in the evolution of the photographic language and technique affecting professionals, amateurs, scholars, and enthusiasts alike, thus leading to the creation of an incredible number of images, often shared amongst millions. Through over 200 photographs from 1981 to 2013, this book closes the great Skira series dedicated to the history of photography. Providing an absolutely and truly international overview, the volume sheds light on modern historical figures like Robert Mapplethorpe, Luigi Ghirri, Martin Parr, Boris Mikhailov, Nan Goldin, Jeff Wall, and Cindy Sherman as well as their younger heirs.
52,20 € 54,95 €

Plains Indians

Accompanying a ground-breaking exhibition, this is the first comprehensive survey of the magnificent artistic traditions of the Plains Indians. The Plains Indians: Artists of Earth and Sky celebrates the extraordinary beauty, power, and spiritual resonance of Plains Indian art throughout time. Richly illustrated, this monumental volume includes a wealth of masterworks from European and North American collections, ranging from a 2,000-year-old Human Effigy stone pipe to a 2011 beaded adaptation of designer shoes. Works of art collected centuries ago by French traders and travellers are presented together with those acquired by Lewis and Clark on their famous expedition of 1804-6, along with objects from the early reservation era and contemporary works based in traditional forms and ideas. The distinct Plains aesthetic-intertwined with the natural world, ephemeral, and materially rich-is revealed through an array of forms and mediums: painting and drawing; sculptural works in stone, wood, antler, and shell; porcupine quill and glass bead embroidery; feather work; painted robes depicting figures and geometric shapes; and richly ornamented clothing and ceremonial objects. Many nations are represented-Osage, Quapaw, Omaha, Crow, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Lakota, Blackfeet, Pawnee, Kiowa, Comanche, Mesquakie, Kansa, and others. With newly researched texts by leading scholars, this important book charts the continuum of centuries of artistic tradition and reflects the significant place that Plains Indian culture holds in European history and in the heritage of North America.
54,63 € 57,50 €

Tajemství umění

Proč některá umělecká díla tolik vynikají nad jinými? Výjimečné umění přináší hlubší uspokojení než ostatní. Kniha Tajemství umění představuje výběr osmdesáti výjimečných obrazů a soch z celého světa napříč staletími a snaží se určit, proč a čím tato díla tolik uchvacují. Některá vděčí za svou velikost dokonalé kompozici nebo barvě, jiná nabízejí hluboký pohled do nitra zobrazených postav a další mimořádně účinně sdělují své poselství. Stručný a hodnotící komentář Andyho Parkhursta a Lucindy Hawksley vám otevře oči a nabídne srozumitelné vysvětlení podstaty působení těchto klíčových děl, abyste se mohli těšit genialitou mistrů výtvarného umění.
11,12 € 11,70 €

New York Mid-Century

New York Mid Century is the story of how the Big Apple emerged as the cultural capital of the postwar world in all fields of creative endeavour art, architecture, design, music, theatre and dance. It was a period of intense cross-fertilization, as poets and critics mixed with artists, dealers, musicians, designers, architects, dancers, and choreographers. Richly illustrated with hundreds of paintings, drawings, photographs, elevations, plans, posters, programmes and ephemera, this is a stirring evocation of a remarkably fertile period in the city's history, the styles and aesthetics of which are now very much back in vogue.
37,00 € 38,95 €

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Haute Couture Ateliers: The Artisans of Fashion

More than 150,000 people work in haute couture. Many of them labour behind the scenes, applying their talents in ateliers devoted to creativity and meticulous attention to detail. This beautiful book takes the reader behind the fashion scenes, allowing the best haute couture designers, embroiderers, leather craftsmen, lacemakers, perfumiers and jewelers to share their work. The books specially taken photographs show step-by-step the complex processes behind the creation of each piece of clothing or jewelry, while many other stunning pictures capture the beauty of the fabrics, materials, dresses and ornaments.
42,28 € 44,50 €


Since his emergence in the early seventies, Martin Scorsese has become one of the most respected names in cinema. Classics such as Taxi Driver, Raging Bull and Goodfellas are regularly cited as being among the finest films ever made. This lavish retrospective is a fitting tribute to a remarkable director, now into his sixth decade in cinema and showing no signs of slowing up. Leading film writer Tom Shone draws on his in-depth knowledge and distinctive viewpoint to present refreshing commentaries on all twenty- three main features, from the rarely shown Whos That Knocking at My Door? (1967) to the latest release, The Wolf of Wall Street (2013), as well as covering Scorseses notable parallel career as a documentary maker. Impeccably designed, and copiously illustrated with more than two hundred stills and behind-the-scenes images, this is the definitive celebration of one of cinemas most enduring talents.
39,43 € 41,50 €

Řeči do prázdna

Kniha uvádí Loosovy články a referáty otištěné ve vídeňských listech v letech 1897-1900 a bylo do ní zařazeno šest teoretických a kritických statí z Loosova časopisu Das Andere (To druhé), ve kterých Loos uplatňuje své etické principy a zásady úsporných a funkčích řešení. Soubor Loosových statí z období 1897-1900 obsahuje komentáře a hodnocení nejrůznějších témat týkajících se "životního stylu"
8,84 € 9,31 €

Beatles Lyrics

Never before has anyone attempted to track down and publish the original versions of the classic songs, many of which have never yet been published. These documents have ended up in the hands of collectors and friends of the Beatles, scattered across the world at museums and universities. Hunter Davies knew and worked with the Beatles during their heyday, and wrote their first and only authorized biography. In this collection, he has tracked down and reproduced over 100 original handwritten manuscripts of their songs, reproduced here - and, in almost every case, for the very first time. For the Beatles, writing songs was a process that could happen anytime and anywhere - songs might begin as a scribble on the back of an envelope, a napkin or on hotel stationery. From them we gain a unique insight into the remarkable creative process of the greatest songwriters of all time; what they were thinking, how they changed their minds, and then came up with the words which are now known the world over - complete with all the scribbles and crossings out. Each song is given its context: what the Beatles were doing at the time, how and when they came to write and record it, how the original version differs from the final one. Almost every Beatles song has a great story behind it, whether it is 'Yesterday', 'Eleanor Rigby' or 'Yellow Submarine'. Many books have appeared about the Beatles, but in the end what really matters - and will always matter most - is their music. Their music comes out of their lives, just as their lives and emotions are reflected in their music. The Beatles Lyrics is the definitive story of their lives, as uniquely told through their music.
28,45 € 29,95 €

21st-Century Art Book

An accessible A-Z guide to best contemporary art made since 2000
36,05 € 37,95 €


Kitchenalia showcases the vast creative potential of vintage kitchenware, reclaimed furniture and upcycled accessories. Here is everything you need for furnishing and styling a kitchen with personality, panache and unique retro charm. Kitchenalia is an inspiring guide to putting together a unique and creative kitchen using vintage pots and pans, family treasures such as your grandmother's old scales, classic designs that have stood the test of time, retro-inspired and second-hand china and glass and reclaimed and reinvented surfaces and furniture. This book demonstrates that period pieces, whether retro utensils and gadgets, farmhouse furniture or salvaged surfaces, are the antithesis of the mass-produced modern alternatives and have a timeless integrity. Sourcing such items from flea markets and antiques fairs is a unique and rewarding way to kit out a kitchen. Vinny Lee first shows how three designers transform a modern fitted kitchen in very different ways, to demonstrate how easy it is to add a personal sense of style. The Kitchenalia Kitchen then showcases the key styles and themes that characterize this approach, including the Retro Kitchen, the Collector's Kitchen, the Reclaimed Kitchen and the Painted Kitchen. Kitchenalia Elements presents everything that can be used to get the look you want, from pans, crockery, storage tins and containers to furniture, surfaces and lighting. Packed with advice on sourcing, reinventing, repurposing and displaying, Kitchenalia is an inspiring and informative guide to creating a kitchen with heart and soul.
40,80 € 42,95 €


TM offers graphic designers and those interested in the history of design and branding a uniquely detailed look at a select group of the very best visual identities. The book takes 29 internationally-recognised logos and explains their development, design, usage and purpose. Based upon interviews with the designers responsible for these totems, and encompassing the marks from a range of corporate, artistic and cultural institutions from across the globe, TM reveals the stories behind such icons as the Coca-Cola logotype, the Penguin Books colophon and the Michelin Man. Based upon comprehensive research, authoritatively written and including a wealth of archival and previously unpublished images, TM is an opportunity to discover how designers are able to squeeze entire identities into 29 simple logos.
36,58 € 38,50 €

Simpsons Family History

In 2014, The Simpsons will have been on the air for 25 years. It is the longest running American sitcom, the longest running animated series and the longest running primetime, scripted television series. In any list of the world's leading families, the Simpsons would stand out. The Simpson family is often described as being "dysfunctional," but it would be more accurate to say that in their quarter century of existence they have proven to be multifunctional, capable of Shakespearean wit, possessors of numerous and impressive talents and skills, paragons of emotional intelligence and vastly knowledgeable about virtually everything. The Simpsons Family History tells the story of this typical, but also completely remarkable, family--rites of passage, milestones, achievements, travels (in space and time), genealogy and more. This large-format, richly illustrated book is the ultimate family album. It is also the first Simpsons book to pay tribute to the extraordinary visual artistry that has made The Simpsons the most consistently entertaining, enlightening and inventive show in the history of television.
31,83 € 33,50 €

Draw, Paint and Print Like Great Artists

In this imaginative new activity book, Marion Deuchars makes learning about art fun. Young readers are introduced to 18 great artists, then encouraged to try out the techniques that lie behind their greatest works. Short and accessible facts about ea
18,53 € 19,50 €

Milujete kvalitné filmy, architektúru, krásne fotografie, výtvarné umenie a dizajn? Chcete vedieť, ako vyzerala Obchodná ulica? Tu nájdete viac o histórii divadla, príručky o hudbe, noty, slovníky, filmové encyklopédie a ročenky.

Toto je priestor, kde sa stretnú tvorivosť, inovácia a estetika. Kategória umenia nám otvára dvere do sveta výrazových médií, ktoré nám umožňujú hĺbkový pohľad na ľudské myšlienky, emócie a skúsenosti.

Tu nájdete pestrú škálu umenia vrátane vizuálneho umenia ako maľba, sochárstvo, fotografie, a tiež literárneho umenia. Kategória umenie vám ponúka príležitosť objaviť diela od umelcov z rôznych časových období a kultúrnych kontextov, čím sa otvára pohľad na rôzne estetické perspektívy.

Sledujeme vývoj umenia od historických majstrov až po súčasných tvorcov, ktorí používajú nové technológie a prístupy na vyjadrenie svojej kreativity. Bez ohľadu na to, či sa zaujímate o tradičné umenie alebo experimentálnu tvorbu, táto kategória vám umožní objaviť rôznorodé prejavy ľudského ducha a predstavivosť.

Zaostrite na krásu v módmej fotografii s Karolom Kállayom. Objavte dokonalú renesančnú osobnosť Leonarda da Vinciho. Zaujímate sa o to, ako vyzerá archív Adidas, alebo skôr o spevník obľúbeneho pesničkára Tomáša Klusa. Toto všetko a mnoho ďalšieho objavíte v tejto sekcii. 

Kategória umenie ponúka literatúru o Architektúre,Dizajne a úžitkovom umení a móde , Fotografii, Výtvarnom umení , Dejinách a teórii umenia, Divadle, Filme a Hudbe - noty, spevníky, príručky.