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Living with Wood

Architects and designers use wood for construction because of its infinite applications for interior and exterior design. At present, new planning criteria for housing means that distinctive and ethical buildings can be constructed using a great variety of woods, including recycled. Considered one of the best building materials due to its versatility and thermo-acoustic insulating properties, wood also has many other advantages like strong ecological characteristics and a warm, bright appearance. This book is a compilation of different construction types: second homes; prefabricated houses; cabins; shelters; child care centres; cafes, and more, which combine traditional design with various contemporary styles. Examples from Canada, Central Europe, the Mediterranean and Northern Europe and Asia are shown in large format images and drawings, along with explanatory texts focussed on the use of wood.
18,95 € 19,95 €

Mini Homes

The lack of available surface area, budget restraints or solely seasonal use is the main criteria for the construction of these small scale dwellings. This book showcases the expertise of architects in tackling a project despite the determining factors that may limit them. Small urban homes, holiday chalets, studio apartments, lofts, duplexes, prefab houses and even tree houses illustrate the pages of this book.
18,95 € 19,95 €

Wood Houses

Wood has been a traditional construction material for centuries all over the world, as it still is in many places today. Now there is a growing interest in using wood in modern residential architecture. Architects today are drawn to it for a variety of reasons including its sustainability, versatility, economy, and natural beauty. As a result, this environmentally sustainable material is becoming increasingly significant in today’s domestic architecture. Wood, intrinsically beautiful in all of its forms, can be used in practically any part of the construction from a heavy structural frame to finely detailed cabinetry, and from flooring to roof shingles. These volumes document wood used in different buildings and constructions. Each house profile is illustrated with the architect’s own plans and elevations and also numerous full color interior and exterior photographs that highlight the natural appeal of wood.
18,95 € 19,95 €

100 Ways to Create a Great Ad

100 Ways to Create a Great Ad is an accessible introduction to creative advertising techniques. Featuring 100 spreads detailing concepts such as the 'Reveal' and the 'Mash-Up', it presents the key methods of devising print, television, radio, direct and online ideas. The process of creating an ad can be divided into three steps: planning, concept creation and crafting. This book provides a straightforward guide to concept creation, including methods that are applicable across media, and it offers wide-ranging examples from international campaigns. Aimed at agency creatives, planners and account handlers, as well as graphic designers, marketing professionals and students, 100 Ways to Create a Great Ad has wide-ranging appeal.
29,40 € 30,95 €

Secret Garden: 12 Notecards

Tumble down the rabbit hole and find yourself in an inky black-and-white wonderland. Following on from the success of the best-selling colouring book Secret Garden by Johanna Basford, this set of notecards is packaged in a gorgeous decorative box that you'll want to keep. There are 12 notecards with four different designs decorated with gold foil to suit a variety of occasions, left blank inside for your message, and 12 illustrated envelopes. Appealing to all ages, the intricately realised world of the secret garden is both beautiful and inspirational.
11,88 € 12,50 €


A fotográfia alapjai című könyvsorozat első kötete, a Kompozíció, a fényképezés egyik legfontosabb témakörébe vezeti be az olvasókat. A könyv hasznos ismeretekkel szolgál a technikai és esztétikai kérdésekben eligazodni kívánó amatőr fotósoknak csakúgy, mint a fotográfia, a design és a vizuális művészetek iránt érdeklődőknek. A sikeres kép mindig jól megkomponált. Nyugodtan kijelenthetjük, hogy a jó képek készítésének kulcsa - a megvilágítás mellett - a tökéletes kompozíció. Alkalmazhatunk bármilyen technikai bravúrt, nem lesz érdekes a kép, ha a rajta lévő formák elrendezése kívánnivalót hagy maga után. De mi teszi érdekessé a kompozíciót? Be kell tartanunk a szabályokat, vagy éppen meg kell őket szegnünk? A kötet hat fejezete sorra veszi mindazokat a témákat, amelyeket egy fotósnak ismernie kell kompozíciós érzékének továbbfejlesztéséhez: a kompozíció alapvető kérdéseit, a formai elemeket, a térbeliség és az idő érzékeltetését, a gyakorlatban alkalmazható "szabályokat". Emellett kitér arra is, hogy a könyvben bemutatott ötletek hogyan segíthetnek eredeti és figyelemfelkeltő képek készítésében. A kötetet természetesen számos kép illusztrálja, amelyek nemcsak bemutatják a szóban forgó témákat, hanem inspirációt is meríthet belőlük az olvasó. Jó kísérletezést! Második, átdolgozott kiadás.
21,90 € 23,05 €

Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb on Street Photography and the Poetic Image

Photography deepens our connections to the world around us, to ourselves, and to one another. In this new and innovative series, Aperture works with the world's top photographers, many of whom also teach, to publish their core thinking on photography making their experience, insight, and knowledge accessible to a wider audience, including students. Each title in the series will provide an essential primer on the photographers area of expertise and creative process. The key points of their practi ce are presented in the photographers own words, and will answer the questions they are asked most frequently. The commentary will accompany a selection of fifty photographs, iconic images by each featured photographer, as well as key images by others that have influenced their thinking and work.
28,45 € 29,95 €

Hudec László

A sorozatban eddig bemutatott mesterek között korban hozzánk legközelebb álló, Magyarországon mégis a legkevésbé ismert, munkásságával nem szülőföldjét, hanem a Távol-Kelet világvárosát, Sanghajt gazdagító Hudec László (1893 Besztercebánya, - 1893 Berkeley, 1958) a huszadik századi építészet történetének legjelentősebb alkotói közé tartozik. Miután a 19. században Kína és Japán is megnyílt az európai piacok és kultúra előtt, s elindult egy hihetetlen iramú technológiai átalakulás útján, hagyományos építészeti kultúrája is gyökeresen átalakult. Ennek a folyamatnak, a Távol-Kelet építészeti arculata modernizálódásának, a hagyomány és az európai hatások ötvözésének, a kortárs kínai és japán építészet alapjai megteremtésének két kelet-európai hőse van, a nemzetközileg nagy elismertségnek örvendő cseh Antonín Raymond és az utolsó néhány évben újrafelfedezésére váró Hudec László.
26,97 € 28,39 €

History of the Blues: The Roots, the Music, the People

In honor of the Year of the Blues, the long-awaited reissue of a myth-shattering examination of a most enduring form of American music. Francis Davis's The History of the Blues is a groundbreaking rethinking of the blues that fearlessly examines how race relations have altered perceptions of the music. Tracing its origins from the Mississippi Delta to its amplification in Chicago right after World War II, Davis argues for an examination of the blues in its own right, not just as a precursor to jazz and rock 'n' roll. The lives of major figures such as Robert Johnson, Charlie Patton, and Leadbelly, in addition to contemporary artists such as Stevie Ray Vaughan and Robert Cray, are examined and skillfully woven into a riveting, provocative narrative.
15,77 € 16,60 €

Lost Photographs of Captain Scott (HB)

Captain Scott perished with four of his fellow explorers on their return from the South Pole in March 1912. Almost immediately the myth was founded, based on Scott's diaries, turning him into an icon of courage in the face of impossible circumstances. But during the final months of that journey Scott also took a series of breathtaking photographs: panoramas of the continent, superb depictions of mountains and formations of ice and snow, and photographs of the explorers on the polar trail. But these photos have never been seen - initially fought over, neglected, then lost - until now, that is. For the first time, they are resurrected and are a humbling testament to the men whose graves still lie unmarked in the vastness of the Great Alone.
41,80 € 44,00 €

Millie Marottas Animal Kingdom

Millie Marotta is a hugely popular illustrator and her idiosyncratic drawings of the world's strange, cute, weird and lovely creatures will draw you in. Millie's Animal Kingdom offers a range of beautiful illustration to personalise and make your own. The artist's intricate style of illustration will get you itching for a pen, whether it's to add to the fine line hatching on the birds, the flowing tendrils of a jellyfish, or the composite of flowers that make up a grizzly bear. The work will inspire you to appreciate the detail of line drawing and its huge potential. You can colour her work or add your own line drawings to make it special to you. Add your own patterns to the lively forest scene, choose your own birds to add to the branches, or make a pattern with your colour choices. Each picture offers scope to improve your artistic skills while giving you a finished picture to show for your endeavours. The images and imaginative scenarios can be completed in colours of your choosing and are guaranteed to get your creative juices flowing. It is a book to be enjoyed by illustrators and designers but also by anyone who wants to enjoy the creative process.
15,68 € 16,50 €

Lou Reed

Rock 'n' roll was Lou Reed's life. From recording one of the most critically acclaimed albums of all time with THE VELVET UNDERGROUND & NICO (1967), to heavy drug abuse and performing in front of the Pope, Lou Reed's story is one of great peaks and deep lows. Forever dedicated to his art, he became one of modern music's most legendary and seismic figures. Although a controversial, outspoken and undoubtedly misunderstood musician, Lou Reed's influence on popular culture cannot be overstated. He brought avant-garde to the mainstream with the Velvet Underground and his solo work was pronounced a revelation. Hit albums such as TRANSFORMER, SALLY CAN'T DANCE and BERLIN have cemented his name in the rock pantheon. A testament to his strength of character and true spirit, he was a creative and performer until the end, playing benefit gigs, featuring on new releases and, most poignantly, declaring that he was looking forward to 'being on stage performing, and writing more songs to connect with your hearts and spirits and the universe well into the future.' A true icon of rock 'n' roll - his legacy will live on in this book.
11,88 € 12,50 €

Lacná kniha Lost Photographs of Captain Scott (HB) (-90%)

Captain Scott perished with four of his fellow explorers on their return from the South Pole in March 1912. Almost immediately the myth was founded, based on Scott's diaries, turning him into an icon of courage in the face of impossible circumstances. But during the final months of that journey Scott also took a series of breathtaking photographs: panoramas of the continent, superb depictions of mountains and formations of ice and snow, and photographs of the explorers on the polar trail. But these photos have never been seen - initially fought over, neglected, then lost - until now, that is. For the first time, they are resurrected and are a humbling testament to the men whose graves still lie unmarked in the vastness of the Great Alone.
4,40 € 44,00 €

dostupné aj ako:

Magma Sketchbook: Idea Generation

Artists have always relied on their sketchbooks. This was true for artists working within a fine art tradition and is just as true today in the age of Macs, digital cameras and computer-generated imagery. This new line of sketchbooks addresses the needs of contemporary practitioners: illustrators, designers, art directors, fashion designers, filmmakers and anyone within the creative industries. Helpful and user-friendly, these sketchbooks tread that fine line between giving users practical tools and information while not interfering with their creative freedom. They are also made entirely out of eco-friendly materials. This Idea Generation sketchbook includes 136 blank pages with idea prompts for creative thinking, plus 16 pages of exercises and useful information on: how to get from a problem to a solution; the four stages of the creative process; mind mapping and free association; reframing your proposition; and, using random stimulus.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Magma Sketchbook: Film & Anima

Artists have always relied on their sketchbooks. This was true for artists working within a fine art tradition and is just as true today in the age of Macs, digital cameras and computer-generated imagery. This new line of sketchbooks addresses the needs of contemporary practitioners: illustrators, designers, art directors, fashion designers, filmmakers and anyone within the creative industries. Helpful and user-friendly, these sketchbooks tread that fine line between giving users practical tools and information while not interfering with their creative freedom. They are also made entirely out of eco-friendly materials. This Film & Animation sketchbook includes 136 blank pages, storyboard grids and project management tools, plus 16 pages of useful information on shot sizes and aspect ratios, digital video basics, animation, screenplays, planning your shots, sound, lighting and editing.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Casual Sweet Clothes

Casual Sweet Clothes offers you gorgeous tops, dresses, jackets and skirts with a designer edge. Simple step-by-step instructions and diagrams guide you through the process of sewing each garment, and the full-size patterns included at the back of the book guarantee perfectly fitting results every time. The 18 simple but stylish casual pieces in this book make the foundation of a hand-made wardrobe that will last for years.
19,90 € 20,95 €

Andy Warhol: The Complete Commissioned Posters

Published for the first time in a single volume, this definitive collection of original posters produced by Andy Warhol reveals the artist's remarkable contribution to the art of poster design. Throughout his career, Andy Warhol easily crossed the boundaries between fine art and graphic design; in fact, he made no distinction between art and advertising. Posters were a natural medium for this talented artist, and he was much in demand to promote some of the most renowned celebrities, causes, and brands of his time. This richly illustrated catalogue raisonné surveys every Warhol poster commissioned for a specific purpose and featuring original artwork. Arranged chronologically, they present a fascinating array of subjects, including cultural events, musicians, politics, and iconic brands. Each of the posters is exquisitely reproduced, including some with multiple variations, and accompanied by informative texts and comparative illustrations. The author's introductory essay offers a brief history of poster art and contextualizes Warhol's output against masters of the form such as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Keith Haring. Seen in their entirety, these posters--bearing all the hallmarks of the artist's finest work--both reflect and reveal the cultural zeitgeist that drove Warhol's innovative practice.
49,40 € 52,00 €


A hatvanas évek szexforradalma és a hetvenes évek pornóhulláma letörölt minden szabályt és tiltást az ún. jó erkölcsök táblájáról. Milyen folyamat zajlott? A filmművészet szabadságharca vagy az ízléstelenség ellenforradalma? Erre a kérdésre keresi a választ Kelecsényi László ... Folytatás ›› filmtörténész közel kétszáz, művészi szándékú mozgókép tanulságait elemezve. Elemi ösztöneinkről szólva kalandozik az érzékek birodalmában, áttekintve az elmúlt fél évszázad során forgatott erkölcstelen meséket, melyekben olykor eladó a szerelem, amikor már nincsenek késői találkozások, és szinte senki sincs szerelemre hangolva, mikor majdhogynem tilos a szerelem, s a férfiak és nők nyíltan vállalják az új kor jelszavát, csak szexre kellesz, vagy még durvábban szólva, dugj meg! Mire senki sem süti le a szemét, még a moziban sem. Nem kell végignézni az összes emlegetett filmet. Elég, ha végigolvassák ezt a könyvet. A(z) FilmSZEXtétika (Könyv) szerzője Kelecsényi László.
8,95 € 9,42 €

Masterpieces: Courtyard Architecture + Design

Courtyards are among the most versatile elements of architectural design. With their wide range of sizes and shapes, they are integral components of every conceivable type of constructional project. Some are reserved for private use while others serve the general public. Basically, their main function consists of structuring a building and to provide illumination and ventilation to dense spatial depths. Beyond that, they provide an defined and protected outdoor space that in itself is part of the architectural or landscape design. Based on selected case studies, this volume presents the design diversity of courtyards, focusing in particular on their expedient multifaceted use.
51,30 € 54,00 €

Milujete kvalitné filmy, architektúru, krásne fotografie, výtvarné umenie a dizajn? Chcete vedieť, ako vyzerala Obchodná ulica? Tu nájdete viac o histórii divadla, príručky o hudbe, noty, slovníky, filmové encyklopédie a ročenky.

Toto je priestor, kde sa stretnú tvorivosť, inovácia a estetika. Kategória umenia nám otvára dvere do sveta výrazových médií, ktoré nám umožňujú hĺbkový pohľad na ľudské myšlienky, emócie a skúsenosti.

Tu nájdete pestrú škálu umenia vrátane vizuálneho umenia ako maľba, sochárstvo, fotografie, a tiež literárneho umenia. Kategória umenie vám ponúka príležitosť objaviť diela od umelcov z rôznych časových období a kultúrnych kontextov, čím sa otvára pohľad na rôzne estetické perspektívy.

Sledujeme vývoj umenia od historických majstrov až po súčasných tvorcov, ktorí používajú nové technológie a prístupy na vyjadrenie svojej kreativity. Bez ohľadu na to, či sa zaujímate o tradičné umenie alebo experimentálnu tvorbu, táto kategória vám umožní objaviť rôznorodé prejavy ľudského ducha a predstavivosť.

Zaostrite na krásu v módmej fotografii s Karolom Kállayom. Objavte dokonalú renesančnú osobnosť Leonarda da Vinciho. Zaujímate sa o to, ako vyzerá archív Adidas, alebo skôr o spevník obľúbeneho pesničkára Tomáša Klusa. Toto všetko a mnoho ďalšieho objavíte v tejto sekcii. 

Kategória umenie ponúka literatúru o Architektúre,Dizajne a úžitkovom umení a móde , Fotografii, Výtvarnom umení , Dejinách a teórii umenia, Divadle, Filme a Hudbe - noty, spevníky, príručky.